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公正作为教师的一种重要的职业道德品质,对应着教师在教育、教学过程中分配教育、教学资源的行为态度。一个公正的教师,应根据学生的具体情况,相应地采取三种不同的公正原则,来分配与学生的健康成长密切相关的各种教育、教学资源。这三种公正原则是:首先,教师公正意味着平等地保障每个学生的受教育权利;其次,教师公正意味着按照学生的相关特征给予相应地对待;最后,教师公正意味着要优先关照处于不利地位的学生。  相似文献   

随着西方政治哲学的复兴和繁荣,分配正义几乎成为唯一被信任和推崇的正义方案。在这种背景下,教育正义也一直被分配的范式所垄断,分配范式的教育正义旨在解决教育资源的不平等占有。但在很多情况下,并非是消除不平等,而是避免源于承认期待伤害的羞辱和蔑视代表着教育正义的规范目标;不是分配平等或物品平等,而是对尊严的平等承认构成了教育正义的核心范畴。显然,由羞辱和蔑视所引发的教育不正义是分配正义所不能解决的,而必须通过承认的正义予以矫正。因此,分配的方案并不能单独完成教育的正义规范功能,教育正义的完备方案必须由分配范式和承认范式共同型构,以形成出一种复合的教育正义观。  相似文献   

马克思与哈耶克对分配正义都作出了深刻的批判,但是,马克思在批判分配正义上却与哈耶克存在着一些分歧。这表现在马克思不仅批判了哈耶克所批判的分配正义,而且批判了哈耶克不认为是分配正义的正义。造成这种不同批判的原因主要在于他们不同的立足点、不同的理论依据和阶级立场。  相似文献   

The importance of education and its profound effect on people's life make it a central issue in discussions of distributive justice. However, promoting distributive justice in education comes at a price: prioritising the education of some, as is often entailed by the principles of justice, inevitably has negative effects on the education of others. As a result, all theories of distributive justice in education face the challenge of balancing their requirements with conflicting interests. This article aims to contribute to developing an account of conflicting interests by identifying a category of conflicting interests—non‐positional conflicting interests—the realisation of which does not necessarily disrupt distributive justice. Non‐positional conflicting interests include, for example, the interest in realising one's full potential and parents’ interest in familial relations. The article argues that the core dimensions of non‐positional conflicting interests can usually be realised without upsetting distributive justice, and that actions that do upset distributive justice tend to be peripheral to these interests. Either way, there is no severe friction between distributive justice and non‐positional conflicting interests: in the former cases, both are realised simultaneously. In the latter, tension exists; however, because the infringement on the conflicting interest is of relatively little weight, it is often justified, all things considered, in order to promote distributive justice. The conclusion is that while there are indeed cases in which distributive justice must retreat in the face of other interests, the friction between distributive justice and other interests is actually weaker than meets the eye.  相似文献   

Children's Reasoning about Interpersonal and Moral Conflicts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2 studies were conducted to determine if children make judgments about both justice and interpersonal relations in conflictful situations. In Study 1, 48 subjects (24 males and 24 females) in the third, sixth, and ninth grades (mean ages = 8.40, 11.38, 14.38 years) were administered 2 stories entailing conflicts between justice and interpersonal concerns. Children judged and justified acts in 4 conditions systematically varying interpersonal and justice concerns. Children generally gave priority to justice and rights over friendship, based primarily on considerations of welfare or rights. In Study 2, 76 subjects (39 males and 37 females) in the third, sixth, and ninth grades (mean ages = 9.08, 12.10, 14.92 years) were presented with 3 stories entailing conflicts between justice and interpersonal relations. Subjects gave greater priority to interpersonal considerations in Study 2 than in Study 1, and their evaluations varied according to the salience of the different concerns. In both studies, few gender differences were obtained. The results demonstrate that across development, concerns with justice and interpersonal relationships coexist in judgments of male and female children, and that the ways they are applied depend on the situation.  相似文献   

生态学马克思主义挖掘借鉴马克思有关正义论说的理论资源:正义观念的社会历史现实性、资本主义制度的非正义性、生态正义的阶级维度、理想社会的生态正义意蕴,主张从强调自然内在价值的生物平等主义走向社会公平正义、从分配性正义走向生产性正义、从正义规范设计走向生态对正义运动实践的倡扬。这种生态正义论关涉当今社会在环境问题上公平正义的现实问题,一定程度上丰富扩展了马克思正义观的生态视域,有一定的理论价值与现实借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses a social justice strategy that may progress inclusion in schools. The framework for this strategy is grounded in the theoretical discussions by Nancy Fraser and Trevor Gale about distributive, redistributive, and recognitive models of social justice. None of these theoretical frameworks, however, in themselves, offer a clear way forward for marginalised and misrecognised groups, such as disabled children, who need both educational resources and recognition in inclusive classrooms. The authors propose, however, that the work of Fraser and Gale combines into a social justice strategy, which consists of three elements (agency, competency, and diversity, or ‘a, c, d’) that can lead to inclusion. When disabled children are provided with the opportunity to exercise their agency, demonstrate their competence, and transform and affirm notions of diversity, then inclusion is more likely to occur in the classroom. Data from two research projects are presented using this framework to illustrate this argument, and the proposed ‘a, c, d’ social justice strategy towards inclusion.  相似文献   

随着全球化的民主与法治的发展,英美法系和大陆法系相互借鉴和愈益趋同,公诉制度也不例外。我国公诉制度改革也愈益迫切。本文结合我国公诉制度的现状,提出了公诉格局一体化的设想,并对公诉格局一体化的含义、理论依据及其具体内容等进行了充分阐述。公诉格局一体化有助于整合公诉资源,促使公诉人正确履行公诉权,提高公诉效率,维护司法公正和进一步保障人权。  相似文献   

教育公平是全民教育中的一个重要问题。综观我国当前国情,要想在短时期内实现教育的绝对公平是不现实的,但有效而充分地利用现代信息技术可以在很大程度上促进教育和社会的公平。为此,本文提出要加大政府对农村教育的投资力度,尽快构建农村现代信息技术教育平台;改革农村办学层次结构和教育内容;加强农村师资队伍建设;改变农民教育观念和高校招生制度;保障农民工子女的受教育权;增加农村人口受教育机会等,尽快缩小城乡教育差距,促进城乡教育公平和社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

Many international scholarships aim for national development outcomes, including reforms in government—an institution central to catalyzing social change on a national level. This paper examines alumni trajectories from one program whose graduates were expected to advance social justice at home. Focusing on Ghana and Nigeria, this research compares (a) alumni perceptions of home country governance and government employment and (b) its influence on alumni pathways. Results emphasize the importance of specific contextual factors identified by alumni, such as perceptions of government efficacy and workplace conditions, that influence their decisions to pursue government employment. Findings inform governments and scholarship funders, especially those aiming for government capacity building or social justice reform.  相似文献   

幼儿园体育课程是幼儿园课程的重要组成部分,是幼儿身心健康发展的保障。由于教师课程理念落后、课程资源开发不足、课程组织不合理,当前我国幼儿园体育课程存在机械、片面、低质、低效等问题。建构园本体育课程,应以幼儿身体发展为基础,指向幼儿身心的全面健康发展。园本体育课程不仅要合理确定课程目标和课程内容,为幼儿创设适宜的体育活动情境,而且要采取适宜的课程实施方式和多元化的课程评价方法,促进幼儿对体育活动的深度参与。  相似文献   

胡萨米主要从三个方面阐述了马克思的分配正义观.首先,他阐述马克思的社会道德观,他认为马克思是基于社会道德观来评价资本主义;接着,他阐述了马克思的分配正义原则;最后,他论述了马克思依据分配正义原则批判资本主义的不正义的观点.胡萨米对马克思的分配正义观的研究构成了当代马克思主义正义研究的重要组织部分.  相似文献   

Distinguishing between equity and equality is essential when making social and moral decisions, yet the related neurodevelopmental processes are unknown. Evaluations of contextually based third‐party distributions incorporating recipient need and resource importance were examined in children and adolescents (N = 82; 8–16 years). Spatiotemporal neurodynamic responses show distinct developmental profiles to viewing such distributions. Event‐related potentials (ERPs) differentially predicted real‐life behaviors based on age, where older children's (8–10 years) evaluations were related to a fairly rapid, automatic ERP component (early posterior negativity), whereas adolescent and preadolescent (11–16 years) evaluations, first‐person allocations, and prosocial behaviors were predicted by later, cognitively controlled ERP components (P3 and late positive potential). Together, these results reveal age‐related changes regarding the neural responses that correspond to distributive justice decisions.  相似文献   

In the framework of a subject-centred socio-cultural approach, this study investigates creative collaboration and the resources for and obstacles to it in a long-term learning community of ten teacher students. The study focuses on five different learning situations over a 2-year period. The data were taken from teacher students’ evaluations and accounts (on given criteria) of their videotaped group-learning sessions, and their reports of the obstacles to creative collaboration. Using the students’ evaluations of the five videotaped group learning situations, the sessions they assessed as the least and most creative were compared, the aim being to discover the most important situation-specific contextual resources for collaborative creativity in the learning settings addressed. The findings showed that creative collaboration was manifested by the presentation of alternative views, and in most situations also by the production of new ideas. However, it was less evident that group discussion would in every session reveal contradictions or lead to the disclosure of opposing views concerning different meanings; nor would it necessarily create an elaborated understanding of the learning topic. The main obstacles to creative collaboration were related to the emotional atmosphere and power relations of the group. A comparison of the contextual conditions of the least and most creative evaluated situation illustrates that the least creative situation was characterised by participants’ disputational talk, aimed at invalidating opposing opinions. Here, the group atmosphere was emotionally charged in a negative sense, and mutual care taking was lacking. The unsafe atmosphere made group members afraid of being emotionally bruised by other members. The most creative situation was characterised by complementarity in participants’ talk and by inclusive utilisation of each other's views. The shared history of the group was an extremely important resource for group dialogue, allowing alternative future scenarios to be constructed reflectively. The emotional scaffolding between students was rich, and the tutor's resources were utilised. Results are discussed in terms of complementarity, emotions and power relations.  相似文献   

The sustained disadvantages suffered by rural schools place the concept of social justice at the centre of any discussion of rural education. However, too often a one-size-fits-all model is adopted that equates it with distribution of resources. Drawing on Iris Marion Young's work, this paper instead demonstrates the necessity of adopting a plural framework of social justice that includes issues of recognition and participation within the current neoliberal environment. The author draws on findings from a qualitative study with teachers in two rural schools in Victoria, Australia. While the teachers acknowledged the importance of a better distribution of resources, just as significant was their concern for issues of power, respect and participation in their work. The author argues that the distributive dimension offers a useful but limited approach and that a plural framework of social justice better informs teachers' experiences, and contributes to their understanding of the contexts in which they work.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between students’ perceptions of distributive and procedural justice in a college course and student motivation concerning the course, affective learning in the course, and aggression toward the course instructor. Although student perceptions of both distributive and procedural justice were positively correlated with student motivation and affective learning and negatively correlated with student aggression toward the course instructor, multiple regression analyses indicated that only perceptions of procedural justice predicted the three criterion variables at a statistically significant level while distributive justice perceptions did not. Implications and suggestions for future research in classroom justice are offered.  相似文献   

教育公平的原则及其政策含义   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
教育公平包含教育资源配置的三种合理性原则,即平等原则、差异原则和补偿原则。教育资源配置的平等原则包括受教育权平等和教育机会平等两个方面,该原则强调教育起点平等和教育过程平等。教育资源配置的差异原则,是指根据受教育者个人存在的禀赋、兴趣和能力差异,差异性地配置教育资源,以满足其个性充分发展的需要。教育资源配置的补偿原则关注受教育者的社会经济地位的差距,并对社会经济地位处境不利的受教育者在教育资源配置上予以补偿。  相似文献   

我国第一代领导人为改变建国初期畸形的生产力布局状况 ,实施了区域平衡发展战略 ;第二代领导人从我国社会主义初级阶段基本国情和“和平与发展”时代主题出发 ,实施了加快东部沿海地区发展的区域重点发展战略 ;第三代领导人在吸取前两代领导人经济发展战略经验教训基础上 ,根据国际局势和国内发展现状 ,制定实施了具有中国特色的区域协调发展战略 ,这一战略已取得了初步成效并将成为我国长期的战略方针  相似文献   

德性是亚里士多德思想的精髓,也是领会亚里士多德分配公正思想的一个独特维度。对德性生活的共同追求和德性标准的一致认同,为分配公正的实现提供了伦理参照系。分配公正以公物为分配对象,以应得问题为核心要义,在解决应得问题的过程中实现得其所应得的价值诉求,而这一分配公正理想的实现,又必须以德性作为应得的衡量标准,通过几何比例原则将分配公正付诸实践。  相似文献   

分配正义是基于正义的立场和视角对社会利益分配关系的伦理反思和价值追问,其核心内涵也是随着社会生产关系的变化而嬗变的,人们对分配正义的理解也存在着不同的学科视野和价值立场。在当代中国,实践分配正义需遵循三个原则,即满足基本经济需求的"平等原则"、按劳分配的"应得原则"和有利于最少受惠者的"差别原则"。同时要警惕"粗陋的共产主义"、"市场原教旨主义"和"权贵资本主义"的分配价值立场。  相似文献   

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