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人们的生活绝大部分时间是在平平淡淡中度过的。因此,我们常常感觉不到自己牢牢抓在手中的幸福,或者说,我们往往产生一种错觉:以为那一切本来就应该是这样 然而一旦失去,蓦然回首,我们才恍然大悟:原来我曾经拥有这么多。记得婚后几年,日子在繁忙、枯燥而单调中慢慢流去,我常不由自主地感叹:就这样过一辈子么?直到有一天,丈夫重病住院,一刹那间,生活完全变了样,展现在我面前的是极其残忍  相似文献   

读了《档案管理》今年第3期上《把握现在》一文,感悟到:档案事业的发展要想得到社会的承认,取得应有的社会地位,关键必须适应社会发展需要.我们要尽快使思想观念、人员素质、馆藏结构、行为方式遵循市场经济发展的规律,要以创新的意识从现在做起,找准档案工作与社会政治经济发展的切入点,打开工作上的突破口,开创新局面,干出辉煌业绩,才能得到社会的认可,才能有为有位.我们现在面对的是改革开放深层次过程中档案工作如何发展的新问题,面对的是各级领导和社会发展对我们提出的希望和要求.如何把握现在,去满足改革开放和现代化建设对档案工作提出的要求,去满足人民群众日益增长的对档案服务的需求,我们认为,在做好日常基础工作的同时,还要在以下几个方面引起重视:  相似文献   

(本刊讯)1999年12月7日,中共中央政治局常委、国家副主席胡锦涛会见了参加全国档案工作暨表彰先进会议代表并即席发表讲话。胡锦涛在讲话中指出,档案是人类活动的真实记录,是人们认识和把握客观规律的重要依据。借助档案,我们能够更好地了解过去、把握现在、预见未来。档案事业是党和国家事业发展的一个不可缺少的方面,是一项崇高的事业。他说,新中国成立以来特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,全国广大档案工作者,以维护党和国家历史真实面貌为己任,默默无闻,勤奋工作,努力为改革开放和现代化建设服务,为各级领导的决策服务,为广大人…  相似文献   

四月的北京春意盎然,虽经历了几次沙尘暴的光顾,但编委们仍感觉到京城的融融暖意。16日上午8点半,各位编委在《新闻三昧》编辑部两位领导的陪同下兴致勃勃地走进会场。随后,工人日报社的领导和企业报协会领导也来到了会场。各位领导与编委们一一握手表达了欢迎之意。这次编委会正是在这种和谐融洽的气氛中  相似文献   


友直 《档案管理》2005,(4):94-94
看到一篇短文,题目叫《我宁愿……》文中说:“我宁愿在我活着的时候,你能多陪我几分钟,也不愿在我死后,你为我守候一整夜;我宁愿在我活着的时候,你能温柔地握住我的手,也不愿在我死后,你伏在我躯体上痛哭;我宁愿在我活着的时候,你能给我打来哪怕是一个电话,也不愿在我死后,你常  相似文献   

讨债有招 德国多特蒙德有一个45岁的赌徒,嗜赌成性,欠了一屁股债。债主为防止他逃债,扣押了他的假牙抵债。  相似文献   

发现新闻取决于通讯员对新闻的敏感度。新闻敏感度是通讯员政治水平、生活阅历、业务能力的集中、综合表现。斯大林在《论工人通讯员》一文中指出:“通讯员在自己的工作进程中学习,并锻炼出新闻记者——社会活动家的敏感,没有这种敏感,通讯员就不能完成自己的使命”,那么,通讯员怎样才能锻炼出较高的新闻敏感度呢?  相似文献   

让历史告诉现在余闻这是有些日子的事了。中央电视台的《东方时空》曾报道过建国后一批英雄人物的近况,如麦贤德、杨育才、草原英雄小姐妹等。他们的今天,虽不象过去那样舍生忘死,轰轰烈烈,但仍然忠贞不渝,本色犹存,宁静淡泊,默默奉献,给人教育很深。对于这些英雄...  相似文献   

Cinema Today     
Joan Mellen's Voices from the Japanese Cinema (New York: Liveright, 1975—$12.50)

The Quarterly Review of Film Studies (Redgrave Publishing Co., P.O. Box 408, Westport, Conn. 06880—$22.00 per year to institutions/14.00 to individuals)

Larry Langman and Milt Fajans' Cinema and the Schools: A Guide to 101 Major American Films (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum/Standard, 1975—$4.95, paper)

William Jinks' The Celluloid Literature: Film in the Humanities (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Glencoe Press, 1974—$4.95, paper)  相似文献   

Cinema Today     
Andrew Sarris Politics and Cinema (New York: Columbia University Press, 1978—$12.95)

Randall M. Miller, ed. Ethnic Images in American Film and Television (Philadelphia: The Balch Institute, 18 South 7th St., 1978—$6.00, paper)

Feature Films on 8mm, 16mm and Videotape: A Directory of Feature Films Available for Rental, Sale, and Lease in the United States and Canada by James L. Limbacher (New York: Bowker, 1979—$24.00)

Guide to Short Films by Jeffrey Schrank (Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden Book Co., 1979—$7.95, paper)  相似文献   

Melissa Milar and William Brohaugh, eds. 1979 Photographer's Market (Cincinnati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Books, 1978--- $12.95)

Harold Evans, Pictures on a Page: Photo-Journalism, Graphics and Picture Editing, (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1978---$25.00)

James Danziger and Barnaby Conrad, Interviews with Master Photographers (New York and London: Paddington Press, 1978---$10.00)  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):789-808
By developing model-based news articles and presenting them to audience focus groups, this research gauges reader response to “test stories” based on four models of science journalism: science literacy, contextual, lay-expertise, and public participation. This approach allows investigation of how to tie journalism theory to practice to audience reception, and back again. The results show how journalists and readers differently engage with various models of science journalism and used them to gain different knowledge and understanding. These differences show the need to articulate more clearly hybrid models of science journalism that make use of the overlapping positive features of the models investigated. Such hybrid science journalism models could provide new educational tools aimed at showing how to better understand who “the audience” is and exemplifying how to position audiences as active members in stories and as stakeholders in the scientific process.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(56):125-146

The increasing utilization of computer technology in the public and private sectors, particularly since the mid-1980s, has brought about significant changes in the way organizations do their business. It has led to improvements in productivity, more timely delivery of services, and more efficient business communication; it has also had significant cultural impact. The technology has transformed our working environments, but there has not been an equivalent transformation in records and archival practice.

If the 1980s was the decade in which the tidal wave of electronic change hit us, the 1990s has seen the gradual realization that the new technology alone, without appropriate information and records management strategies, generates substantial risks. While the technology is promoted as the solution to all information management requirements, this message glosses over some critical issues. These issues go to the heart of the preservation of the corporate memory of our society.

In this article the author introduces us to major issues in electronic records management from an archival perspective. He illustrates these points through reference to policy development at the Australian Archives.  相似文献   

Jam for Today     
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Abstract Art historians can learn a great about art from a close study of museum installations. Knowing how to do installations is implicit practical knowledge, which perhaps doesn’t need to be made explicit. Hanging is a practice mastered by gifted curators who don’t write out the rules. And so, it is unfortunate that there is too little documentation of these installations. Assembling a wide range of examples, this essay shows what art historians can learn from the practice of curators.  相似文献   

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