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20世纪80年代以后,宗族秩序的回潮成为乡村社会的大事件,对于这一现象,学术界存在不同的看法,存在着宗族秩序的正反向两个维度之争,本文认为虽然宗法秩序相当成分的增长有悖于社会现代化,但村落宗族文化尚有其正面的因素,也有其能为现代化进程所运用的潜能,基层组织应对复兴的宗族秩序进行价值性的开掘,使其成为乡村社会的秩序转型的有利因素。  相似文献   

村治研究,系由"村民自治"的政治学研究发展而来。在"治理"概念于20世纪90年代被引进之时,村治的内涵便由"村民自治"发展到了"村级治理",并进一步扩展到"乡村治理"。随着更多主体(政治、经济及社会组织、个体)  相似文献   

中国乡镇政权治理模式研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,引起了政治转型,而政治转型成了中国大地催生市场的动力。村民自治的悄然兴起,表映了“市场、自由、民主”的定式,并冲击着农村社区原有的治理模式。“市场需要自由、自由需要民主”。乡政村治,乡镇政权在这场“国家与社会”治理模式的演化中成了乡村治理模式变革的主要方面。国内外学者围绕中国乡镇治理模式的变革发表了许多不同的见解,并取得了一定的研究成果。本文在简要阐述经济转型政治转型的定律以及乡政村治的现状后,描述了当前研究的成果,勾勒了理论研究中的一些不足之处,并粗线条地展望了未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,引起了政治转型,而政治转型成了中国大地催生市场的动力。村民自治的悄然兴起,表映了“市场、自由、民主”的定式,并冲击着农村社区原有的治理模式。“市场需要自由、自由需要民主”。乡政村治,乡镇政权在这场“国家与社会”治理模式的演化中成了乡村治理模式变革的主要方面。国内外学者围绕中国乡镇治理模式的变革发表了许多不同的见解,并取得了一定的研究成果。本文在简要阐述经济转型政治转型的定律以及乡政村治的现状后,描述了当前研究的成果,勾勒了理论研究中的一些不足之处,并粗线条地展望了未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

中国传统社会是一个宗法制度社会 ,依照血缘关系组织起来的宗族是社会的最基层单位 ,建立在小农经济之上的大大小小的宗族组织构成了中国封建君主专制统治的基石。在宗法制度下 ,每个社会成员都从属于某个宗族 ,为自己的家庭和宗族尽义务 ,以“光宗耀祖”和“显亲扬名”。而宗族则尽力保护和救助宗族成员 ,使之幼有所学、壮有所娶、老有所养。二千多年来 ,中国的宗法制度在长期的递嬗过程中经历过两次大规模的变动。第一次是西周的封建宗法制度变成士族门阀制度 ,第二次是隋唐以后门阀制度再为宗族制度所取代。在战国到秦时期 ,西周所形成的…  相似文献   

徽州乡村遗存的记事碑刻是徽州众多历史文献当中独特的一种文献形式,它反映了一个地方的政治经济、宗族管理、宗教信仰、民俗习惯等方方面面,是研究徽州乡村历史发展的不可多得的实物资料。从祁门县环砂村古代碑刻的发现,可以从中了解明清时期环砂村程氏在宗族管理、宗教信仰、民俗习惯,特别是禁止棚民开垦山林、乱砍滥伐保护生态环境的做法,这些行之有效的方法不仅在古代起到良好的效果,至今在乡村民主管理中仍然有积极的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,宗族复兴是中国农村社会普遍存在的社会现象。农村宗族复兴活动引起了社会学、人类学、历史学、政治学等学科的广泛关注。从人类学的角度审视重庆市永川区松溉镇罗氏宗族的复兴,可知其性质是中国社会由传统向现代转型过程中农村社会的过渡性组织,是一种"被发明的传统"。罗氏宗族复兴的只是一套家族符号和仪式象征体系,而非纯粹的功能性组织。  相似文献   

实现村规民约与宗族伦理融合发展是农村治理的内涵需要,也是构建美丽乡村的必由之路。应用不迪厄场域理论分析农村治理中村规民俗与宗族伦理的冲突,并创新方法,使村规民俗与宗族伦理更好地耦合。  相似文献   

英租时期,威海卫的乡村治理制度几经演变,大致历经了三个阶段,即传统的宗族、村董和乡绅的联合治理阶段、总董制治理阶段以及地方自治及村董选举改革阶段。这些变迁反映了威英政府在威海卫乡村进行政权建设的过程,归根到底是为了服从殖民统治的现实需要。但由于种种原因,其在乡村社会的政权建设并未取得预想中的实效。  相似文献   

在现代社会的民主革命运动中,传统宗族制度遭遇史无前例的剧烈冲击而不绝如缕。自20世纪80年代以后,有不少地区的乡村宗族得以"复活"。从近30余年来的宗族活动情状,可见其仍具有生命力和社会适应性,但也表现出明显的历史狭隘性。所以,如何对待当代的宗族"复活",既是一个现实的社会问题,也是一个严肃的理论课题。从乡村祠堂这一传统礼仪性建筑角度切入,着重从其"礼制"、人伦和宗教精神方面进行"寻根",有助于认识宗族制度的历史渊源,从而因势利导,扬长弃短。  相似文献   

Many educational theoretical approaches to cosmopolitanism tend towards an unconditional appreciation of mobility, diversity and rootlessness. The recent interest of educational philosophy in the rhizome, de-territorialization and diversity contributes to this understanding of cosmopolitanism as movement across a borderless and imperfect world. Without downplaying such insights (and related political education), this article displaces and de-temporalizes them. It takes the form of a parody of the rhizome to view those insights from a different perspective and make them strike a different pedagogical note.  相似文献   

通过对小学师资队伍现状的分析,提出网络环境下小学教师应具备的基本素质并对小学师资队伍建设的途径进行探讨。  相似文献   

Genotypic and environmental variation in Cd, Cr, As, Ni and Pb concentrations of grains, and the relationships between these heavy metals and Fe, Zn were investigated using 9 rice genotypes grown in 6 locations for two successive years. Significant genotypic variation was detected in the five heavy metal concentrations in grains, indicating the possibility to reduce the concentration of these heavy metals in grains through breeding approach. The environmental effect varied with metal, with Pb and Ni having greater variation than the other three metals. There was significant genotype-environment (location) interaction of the concentrations of all five heavy metals in grains, suggesting the importance of cultivar choice in producing rice with low heavy metal concentrations in grains for a given location. Correlation analysis showed that Cd and As, Cr and Ni, and As and Pb concentrations in rice grains were closely associated, and that Ni concentration in grains was negatively correlated with Zn concentration.  相似文献   

报道了江西婺源地区蓝尾石龙子(Eumeces elegans)头、体大小的两性异形.蓝尾石龙子成体体长存在显著的两性差异(雄性大于雌性),雄性个体有较大的头部(头长和头宽),雄性头部增长速率明显大于雌性,表明成年雄体分配较多的能量用于头部和身体的生长;而成年雌体则相对延缓头部的生长,以维持躯干生长,增大腹腔容纳量,可提高其繁殖输出.  相似文献   

Self-concept, intelligence and academic achievement were examined in students preparing to teach in primary, elementary, secondary, and special education (N = 267). The measures were the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, a group intelligence test, and school grades. Differences in self-concept, but not in intelligence and academic achievement, were found among groups of student teachers. Secondary education majors reported a more positive self-concept than primary or elementary, with special education majors reporting the least positive self-concept of all.  相似文献   


For Kant, we cannot understand how to approach moral education without confronting the radical evil of humanity. But if we start out, as Kant thinks we do, from a morally corrupt state, how can we make moral progress? In response, I explore in this paper Kant’s gradualist and revolutionary accounts of moral progress. These differing accounts of progress raise two key questions in the literature: are these accounts compatible and which type of progress comes first? Against other views in the literature, I argue that gradual progress through a change of mores must come first and can gradually lead toward, as its ideal endpoint, a revolution in our disposition (or a change of heart) and the overthrowing of our radical evil. This has important implications for moral pedagogy.  相似文献   

In this column, the author explores current understandings of risk and safety in pregnancy and childbirth. An emphasis on risk management places the provider and hospital in control of women’s decisions related to pregnancy and birth and may make pregnancy and birth less safe for mothers and babies. Accepting that no life is risk free, women can let go of fear and make choices that take into account real, not imagined, or exaggerated risk and, in doing so, increase safety for themselves and their babies. The focus of maternity care becomes enhancing safety through evidence-based practice rather than managing risk.  相似文献   

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