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Though, in theory, black students may have access to equal educational opportunity by occupying the same classroom space as their peers, they do not necessarily enjoy the same quality of experience. This inequality results from the race-related beliefs and norms and white privilege embedded in United States society. This study deconstructed one white teacher's practices with respect to the literature on effective teachers of black students and caring. The idea of culturally relevant caring emerged and was explored in relation to the teacher's actions that enabled black students to access the quality of experience enjoyed by their white counterparts.  相似文献   


Multicultural education in teacher preparation programs can emphasize the study of whiteness so as to make whiteness visible, analyze white privilege, and offer ways that white privilege can be used to combat racism. While white race consciousness has been seen as part of the multicultural education agenda for some educators, recently the efficacy of such an approach has been questioned. White race consciousness or antiracist pedagogy has not been shown to bring about teacher competence in diverse classrooms or to raise the academic performance of students of color and poverty. I suggest here that the social relations in the larger society, deeply embedded with notions of deficit thinking, are mapped onto the reality of a largely white professorate preparing a largely white public school teaching force, thereby ensuring the academic failure of certain children. To play fair, then, requires that white teachers recognize when their classroom practices assume assimilation into the dominant culture and their actions exclude the contributions of diverse individuals and groups. I argue for a multicultural education discourse that includes a recognitive view of social justice for guiding white educators in the practice of fair play in diverse classrooms.  相似文献   


This paper describes a classroom‐based research study designed to determine how students in an undergraduate multicultural education course experience difficult and emotional content about racism. Samples of students’ reflective writing were used as sources of data, and Janet Helms’ theory of racial identity development served as the framework for analysis. Findings suggest that coursework in multicultural education can influence white students’ racial identities. In addition, the experiences of one white student are highlighted as she grappled with issues of white privilege and multicultural teaching. This study illustrates how reflective writing in combination with teaching practices informed by psychological theory helped to expand students’ understanding of racism while facilitating the development of their racial identities.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of reading Huckleberry Finn through the lens of critical race theory for both teacher and students in a racially diverse urban high school environment. The teacher/researcher used narrative inquiry and creative non-fiction to examine student language usage, white privilege (including her own), and student reaction to the novel in a collaborative qualitative study. Major findings include distinct differences between students of color and white students in their level of teacher trust and their views on reclamation.  相似文献   

High school students who participate in social justice education have a greater awareness of inequities that impact their school, community, and society, and learn tools for taking action to address these inequities. Also, a classroom that consist of students with a diverse set of identities creates an ideal circumstance in which a teacher can build upon student differences in order to facilitate meaningful discussions about social justice, especially issues of race. Therefore, in this article we use qualitative case study approaches to examine a high school course on social justice education, paying specific attention to the classroom pedagogy and dialogue on issues of race, power, and privilege. The course was purposefully diverse in enrollment, which brought students together who might not have had interactions with each other prior to the class. We employ Hackman's (2005) five components of social justice education (SJE) as a framework for the analysis of the pedagogy and discussions constructed in the classroom, as well as a common language for what constitutes as social justice education in our research inquiry. Students in the course developed a facility for defining and identifying various forms of oppression and injustice. However, we questioned to what extent these very same issues played out in the class dialogue. Due to the level of student diversity, the course was a unique space to learn about racism and intersecting issues of social justice. However, there was still some student resistance to acknowledging certain aspects of racism. In conclusion, we discuss how social justice education is not absolved from, but rife with complex racial politics.  相似文献   

This article reports on students' decision making processes and sources of knowledge in an integrated teaching and learning setting. The study was conducted in a Year 9 classroom as students undertook a 10-week solar-powered boat project and were exposed to related concepts from science, technology and mathematics. Data collection involved detailed case studies of three pairs of students, interviews, classroom observation and analysis of the artefacts and portfolios produced by the students. Students were found to access knowledge from a variety of sources, including teacher's notes from formal instruction, informal interactions with the teacher, observation of and interaction with other students, as well as sources outside the classroom. However, the utility of the knowledge sources was influenced by the nature of the task. When students were performing open-ended tasks, they drew on a wider variety of knowledge sources than when they were performing less open tasks. Moreover, subject discipline-based sources often were not as helpful in solving open tasks. The study leads to several important implications for designing teaching and learning in integrated curriculum settings.  相似文献   

Multiculturalism currently aims for the political accommodation of difference instead of the subversion of the resulting privileges of difference. In the South African context such a distinction is especially important since the economic and symbolic subjugation of the majority of Black South Africans continues despite political transformation, and is exacerbated by an unwillingness to reflect on privilege and inequality. Drawing on Biko and Soudien’s critique of multiculturalism and vision for anti-racist education, this paper describes a classroom activity set for 164 nationally and culturally diverse second year sociology students at a university in Cape Town, South Africa. The activity tasked students to reflect on texts by Peggy McIntosh and Khaya Dlanga (one canonical, the other contextual) and reports on these students’ nuanced understandings of personal biography, experiences of privilege and self-reflexivity that connects personal experience to social structure and historical contexts. It concludes by offering modest implications for moral education in a multicultural university classroom.  相似文献   

Universal Instructional Design (UID), an approach to curriculum and pedagogy that promotes multiple means of access and expression in the classroom, allows instructors to better prepare diverse learners with twenty-first-century skill sets through nontraditional assignments. However, these nontraditional approaches can be difficult to assess. Videotaped, written, and visual documentation in a UID classroom allows higher education instructors to both formatively and summatively assess students. The authors explore four examples of various modes of documentation that allow them to capture snapshots of student learning as well as promote deeper reflection for themselves and their students on the learning process.  相似文献   

通过分析TALIS2018关于教师教学实践的数据,从教学时间、教学方式、评价反馈三大方面可勾勒出全球和上海教师教学实践的四大特点:用于实际教学时间多,但新教师与经验教师有差距;近2/3的课堂上教师经常采用讲授策略;不到1/2的教师经常采用促进学生"自主学习"的策略;近八成的教师会为学生提供建设性反馈,而形成性评价运用频率不高。在分析上海教师的课堂教学实践与其他国家的异同后,讨论了五个问题:课堂管理的本质是管理,还是教师的沟通、组织与激发学生的能力?激发学生认知,对教师专业能力的挑战是技能,还是学科教学知识抑或学科教学经验?怎样使用信息通信技术真正让课堂中的教与学发生改变?教师的反馈与让学生评估自己的进步一样吗?提高教师命题研究能力的意义何在?作为教育专家的教师如何在工作中运用专业知识和技能以及如何进一步发展和改进。  相似文献   

It is commonly observed that during classroom or group discussions some students have greater influence than may be justified by the normative quality of those students’ contributions. We propose a 5-component theoretical framework in order to explain how undue influence unfolds. We build on literatures on persuasion, argumentation, discourse, and classroom discussions to develop a framework that models how each participant’s level of influence in a discussion emerges out of the social negotiation of influence itself and the following 4 components that interact with it: (a) the negotiated merit of each participant’s contributions; and each participant’s (b) degree of intellectual authority, (c) access to the conversational floor, and (d) degree of spatial privilege. We then illustrate how the framework works by explaining how 1 student became unduly influential during a heated, student-led scientific debate. Finally, we close by outlining how our framework can be further developed to better understand and address differences in influence in classrooms and other learning contexts.  相似文献   

This study examined the level of instructional use of Internet among science teachers involved with an in-service professional development project. An instrument on Level of Use of innovation was modified for the study. A criterion sample of teachers to be interviewed via telephone was randomly selected from a pool of 347 K–12 teachers. Somers' d and contingency coefficients were determined to see whether any relationship exists between a teacher's Level of Use and the following categories: (a) amount of experience with the Internet; (b) availability of resources support and access to the Internet in classroom and at home; (c) number of teacher and student users at school, (d) gender; and (e) type of school. Results of step-wise multiple regression indicate that classroom access, instructional experience of using Internet with students, availability of resource support and number of teacher users at school are the best predictors of teacher's Level of Use. Chi square test for comparisons between groups of completers and noncompleters of On-Line West Virginia K–12 RuralNet courses also revealed that a lack of classroom access to Internet and lack of resource/technical support at school contributed significantly to lower level of use among noncompleters.  相似文献   

Co-teaching is one approach for providing instruction in the general education classroom for students with and without disabilities. In this approach, two licensed teachers (usually one general educator and one special educator) teach a diverse group of students. Researchers have confirmed that often co-teachers do not experience parity; that is, they do not share, distribute, and implement tasks equally. Often, the special educator assumes the role of a paraprofessional rather than an equal. This article presents reasons for this lack of parity and provides specific ideas for honoring the expertise of both co-teachers.  相似文献   

论教师的课堂创新素养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课堂上培养学生的创新意识与能力,教师的课堂创新素养是关键。从教师情意倾向与思维品质、主体取向与策略意识、价值提升与实践张力等方面可以发现,教师课堂创新素养和三维一体与持续创生性特点。以实际出发,可以探索在课堂情意、课堂信念和实践智慧等方面建构教师创新素养的评价标准,提出创新培养策略。  相似文献   

Proof and reasoning are fundamental aspects of mathematics. Yet, how to help students develop the skills they need to engage in this type of higher-order thinking remains elusive. In order to contribute to the dialogue on this subject, we share results from a classroom-based interpretive study of teaching and learning proof in geometry. The goal of this research was to identify factors that may be related to the development of proof understanding. In this paper, we identify and interpret students' actions, teacher's actions, and social aspects that are evident in a classroom in which students discuss mathematical conjectures, justification processes and student-generated proofs. We conclude that pedagogical choices made by the teacher, as manifested in the teacher's actions, are key to the type of classroom environment that is established and, hence, to students' opportunities to hone their proof and reasoning skills. More specifically, the teacher's choice to pose open-ended tasks (tasks which are not limited to one specific solution or solution strategy), engage in dialogue that places responsibility for reasoning on the students, analyze student arguments, and coach students as they reason, creates an environment in which participating students make conjectures, provide justifications, and build chains of reasoning. In this environment, students who actively participate in the classroom discourse are supported as they engage in proof development activities. By examining connections between teacher and student actions within a social context, we offer a first step in linking teachers' practice to students' understanding of proof.  相似文献   

单元课堂讨论式教学是指在专业课授课过程中采用讨论式和启发式的教学方法,目的是培养学生自主学习与合作学习、用教学活动中学生主动参与过程替代传统的老师“满堂灌”的教学法。为学生营造探究、体验、创造的开放式学习平台。使学生成为知识的主动探索者,促进学生学习能力的全面提高。  相似文献   

This study examines how the Early Years Educators at Play (EYEPlay) professional development (PD) programme supported inclusive learning settings for all children, including English language learners and students with disabilities. The EYEPlay PD model is a year‐long programme that integrates drama strategies into literacy practices within real‐classroom contexts. Inclusive education refers to ensuring equal opportunities to access and participation in learning activities for all students. Cultural‐historical activity theory was used to understand and unpack the drama practices. Twelve semi‐structured focus group interviews were conducted with 19 preschool teachers. The data were analysed via constant‐comparative and interpretive methods. The study findings showed that EYEPlay PD practices enhanced inclusive learning settings for diverse groups of students by increasing access and expanding opportunities to learn, and supporting a positive learning environment.  相似文献   

A ‘hot moment’ is an emotion-laden moment of conflict or tension that threatens to derail teaching and learning. In this study, an educational development workshop used interactive theater depicting a hot moment to prepare university instructors for diverse classrooms. Participants in three workshops wrote short reflections, both before and after the theater-based experience, about whether instructors should consider differences among students. After the workshop, many participants took new dimensions of difference into consideration. Surprisingly, after the interactive theater experience, almost all participants reflected exclusively on instrumental issues in teaching (e.g. classroom management strategies), but not structural issues of difference, power, and privilege that underlie hot moments. The empirical findings and the author's reflections on a personal hot moment are theorized in terms of concepts from and critiques of critical and feminist pedagogy.  相似文献   

The diverse and heterogeneous classroom is considered one of the best vehicles for providing both effective education and equal opportunity to students of diverse sociocultural backgrounds and academic abilities. This study explores the impact of the social and academic diversity of the class on teachers' perspectives about their schools as a workplace. Data gathered from an anonymous questionnaire administered to all secondary-school teachers in a medium-size industrial city in lsrael indicate that classroom diversity is correlated negatively with the average academic ability of the classroom, and positively with class size and frequent disciplinary problems. Findings also show that less experienced teachers are more likely to be assigned to diverse classrooms. The study suggests that the effects of classroom diversity on teachers' perspectives of their workplaces are strong and significant. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council of Educational Administration, Minneapolis, 1992. The authors acknowledge the comments and assistance of Audrey Addi. This research was supported by the Department of Education, City of Petach Tikvah, Israel.  相似文献   

This article explores how students who are deaf and their instructors experience mainstream college classes. Both quantitative and qualitative procedures were used to examine student access to information and their sense of belonging and engagement in learning. Instructors were asked to discuss their approach to teaching and any instructional modifications made to address the needs of deaf learners. Results indicate that deaf students viewed classroom communication and engagement in a similar manner as their hearing peers. Deaf students were more concerned about the pace of instruction and did not feel as much a part of the 'university family' as did their hearing peers. Faculty generally indicated that they made few if any modifications for deaf students and saw support service faculty as responsible for the success or failure of these students. We discuss results of these and additional findings with regard to barriers to equal access and strategies for overcoming these barriers.  相似文献   

大学非英语专业学生英语学习风格调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采取问卷调查与访谈的方式,就学生学习的感知模式和课堂学习模式对某大学非英语专业本科生进行了探析,发现了不同学生的多种学习风格。分析学生学习风格倾向的原因后,提出了不同的对策,教师可以据此调整教学方法,提高课堂教学效率,帮助学生提高成绩。  相似文献   

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