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功能性行为评估是以鉴定儿童问题行为与其所在环境之间的关系为主的行为评估方法之一。20世纪90年代之后,国际上越来越多的行为评估和干预研究都开始探讨功能性行为评估在问题儿童行为干预中的优势和应用,而在我国尚缺少相关研究。在回顾以往研究文献的基础上,该文介绍了功能性行为评估的概念、假设、基本实施过程和常用测评工具,并对功能性行为评估与传统行为评估的区别和问题行为的功能作初步探讨。  相似文献   

研究使用跨行为撤回实验设计,以功能性行为评估为基础,在培智学校自然教学情境下对一名智障儿童严重的课堂问题行为进行积极干预.研究在自然教学情境下对被试课堂问题行为的功能进行分析,并以此为依据制定并实施以积极行为支持导向的干预.视觉分析、简化时间序列的C统计与社会效度分析结果表明,以功能性行为评估为基础的前事控制、后果控制等干预策略在改善智障儿童课堂问题行为中显示出良好效果.  相似文献   

功能性行为评估已得到许多发达国家教育部门的认可与倡导,其被广泛运用于发现儿童问题行为的原因与功能,以促进制定有针对性的教育或干预方案。功能性行为评估的实施方法主要有资料收集法、直接观察法和功能分析法。本文梳理功能性行为评估实施的这些方法,比较其优势与局限。在此基础上,提出了功能性行为评估实施建议。  相似文献   

孤独症学生的课堂干扰行为不仅会影响其自身课堂学习效率,而且会扰乱教师的正常上课秩序。文章通过梳理积极行为支持的实践研究,发现孤独症学生课堂干扰行为主要有离座行为、语言干扰等;课堂干扰行为的功能评估主要有描述性评估和间接性评估两种方法;问题行为功能可分为正强化、负强化和获得自我刺激。在功能评估的基础上,干预策略主要为基于情境和前奏事件的干预策略,基于行为的干预策略和基于行为结果的干预策略。研究发现,积极行为支持能有效减少孤独症学生的课堂干扰行为,由此结果为干预孤独症学生的课堂干扰行为提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本文以一名自闭症儿童为例,运用功能性行为评估方法对其挑战性行为进行了评估,详细分析了挑战性行为的功能及目的,并在此基础上设计了干预措施,进行实施。该儿童的行为变化验证了最初的行为功能假设。研究结果为自闭症儿童的行为干预提供了一种思路。  相似文献   

学生的课堂问题行为不仅影响教师的教学,而且影响学生的课堂学习。本研究采用正向行为支持法对一名智障儿童在课堂中出现的问题行为给予相应的干预措施,以减少课堂中智障儿童的问题行为现象的发生,验证该方法对干预智障儿童的问题行为的有效性。研究者对智障儿童的课堂问题行为进行功能评估,分析其行为产生的功能。通过采用单一被试实验设计中的ABA实验设计,制定有针对性的正向行为支持计划,并进行行为干预。研究结果表示,采用正向行为支持法处理智障儿童问题行为是有效果的。  相似文献   

采用儿童孤独症及相关发育障碍心理教育评定量表对1名高功能自闭症儿童进行评估,并根据评估结果从社会性发展、问题行为矫正两个领域制定和实施干预计划.个案研究结果显示,该儿童在社会性发展和情绪与行为问题两大领域均有了较大的进步,为其接受融合教育提供了有效的帮助.  相似文献   

儿童问题行为的评估及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童问题行为是国内外心理学和教育工作者共同关注的热点问题,其发生率仍在逐年上升.儿童问题行为不仅影响儿童身心的健康发展,而且影响我国素质教育的进程.在教育过程中,教育者只有对儿童的各种行为表现做出合理的评估,才能够有针对性地实施教育计划.本文对儿童问题行为的评估标准、注意问题和对策等方面作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

功能性行为评估是20世纪70年代中期兴起的一种以确定行为功能为核心的评估方法。自1997年美国《残疾人教育法》规定学校必须实施功能性行为评估之后,关于学校中功能性行为评估应用的研究日益增多。本文通过梳理有关文献,从应用范围、使用方法、负责人员、干预策略和教师培训五个方面呈现学校情境下功能性行为评估的实施现状,让读者了解研究动态,并指出今后的研究方向:提高功能性行为评估的效度和效率、增强功能性行为评估的培训以及关注学校的特殊性。  相似文献   

本研究的目的在于探讨自编的儿童认知行为问题调查表的效度和信度以及弱智儿童认知行为问题与其父母生活质量的相关性.研究结果表明自编的儿童认知行为问题调查表具有良好的信度和效度.弱智儿童(MRC)父母对儿童认知行为问题的评价都显著高于正常儿童(NC)的父母,但这种差异的显著性在弱智儿童父亲与母亲之间不存在.弱智儿童父母与正常儿童父母的生活质量差异不显著.多元回归分析表明,弱智儿童父亲的心理功能状态、社会功能状态和生活质量都受儿童交往障碍的显著影响,而弱智儿童的情绪障碍是影响其母亲心理功能状态的主要因素.儿童的认知问题是正常儿童母亲社会功能状态的主要影响因素.  相似文献   


A functional analysis of behavior is of paramount importance in conducting a functional assessment. This paper reviews the historical clinical and empirical research bases of functional analysis of behavior. Specific landmark studies in the development of this assessment methodology are presented. Implications of functional analysis assessment methods for school settings are discussed  相似文献   

The management and utilization of collected data is crucial in evaluating programs and functional area effectiveness. Various assessment instruments may address similar functional areas of the college, yet we often fail to compile these data for comprehensive evaluation. The data collection matrix makes possible the integration of functional area data from numerous assessment sources and presentation of the information in a unified composite report. The matrix model will be discussed in relation to the various assessment instruments and the evaluation of functional areas and programs. This paper is directed toward institutional researchers who may wish to adapt the model to their own institution.Presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Louisville, KY, May 13–16, 1990.  相似文献   

This study examines whether teachers find a treatment clearly linked to a functional assessment more acceptable than treatments based on arbitrarily selected reinforcers. We randomly assigned 111 elementary school teachers to 3 experimental conditions. In all conditions, a problem vignette was read that included the same functional assessment summary but varied according to whether the treatment recommendation was linked to the assessment results. A one-way analysis of variance revealed significantly higher pretreatment acceptability ratings and likelihood of use for the treatment linked to assessment. Implications of these results for school-based consultation are discussed.  相似文献   

Teaching geriatric principles to medical students is important because of the increasing geriatric population. Family physicians are in a strategic position to provide this teaching because they provide much of the care for the elderly. The challenge in developing a geriatric curriculum is to determine the content, implement it efficiently, and evaluate its impact. We developed a geriatric assessment experience for third-year medical students. The students were introduced to a geriatric assessment tool and asked to identify a patient, complete the assessment, and record key elements of functional assessment. Student attitudes were measured before and after completing the assessment. The students rated their knowledge, comfort, and experience with a comprehensive geriatric assessment. Students listed approximately seven problems and four recommendations per patient. On average, students identified one functional problem for each patient. There were significant increases in knowledge, comfort, and experience with a comprehensive geriatric assessment. This educational tool met all of our goals. The students identified elderly patients' functional problems, created care plans focused on function and prevention, and reported an increase in positive attitudes about their knowledge, comfort, and experience with geriatric assessment. No outside expertise was needed and faculty time demands were limited.  相似文献   

The study reports on a set of questions added to the 1997-98 Annual Survey of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children and Youth designed to take into consideration the functioning of children in their classroom in nine functional areas. Basing information on 30,198 students, the study describes prevalence rates of reported limitations in these functional areas for deaf and hard of hearing students, compares these to rates resulting from the reporting of categorically defined additional disabilities, and examines interrelationships among the items. Results of school estimates of students' functional hearing abilities are presented. The study's findings suggest a broader range and higher prevalence of functional limitations than would be assumed by analyzing categories of additional disabilities alone. The study's findings support the viability of functional assessment through large surveys. The discussion emphasizes the importance of functional assessment for the provision of appropriate educational services to deaf and hard of hearing children.  相似文献   


A functional behavioral assessment was conducted to identify the maintaining function(s) of aberrant behaviors displayed by a 6-year-old diagnosed with multiple disabilities. The assessment included indirect measures such as interviews, rating scales, and direct observations such as antecedent, behavior, consequence (A‐B‐C) charting. These assessments allowed the teacher to develop a hypothesis about the maintaining function of the aberrant behaviors. A functional assessment was not conducted. Instead, treatment was initiated quickly based on an abbreviated analysis. The results showed decreased rates of aberrant behavior following the implementation of the functional assessment based intervention; however, occurrences of aberrant behavior were not eliminated. Additional analyses suggested that changes in routine may be analogous to high demand situations that act as setting events for aberrant behavior. The results are discussed in terms of developing strategies for identifying events at home and in the community that may influence the occurrence of aberrant behavior.  相似文献   

以司显柱的功能语言学视角的翻译质量评估模式为理论基础,在对鲁迅先生《螃蟹》原文的语域进行分析的基础上,分析张培基《螃蟹》英译本在概念意义和人际意义上对原文的偏离程度,最后给此译文的翻译质量做出总体评价。  相似文献   

文章通过对专业学位研究生教育评估信息概念的界定及其功能作用的分析,指出目前评估信息采集中存在的弊端,探讨和确立评估信息采集的基本原则,并提出包括“云计算”技术等若干有利于开展评估信息采集与处理的方式方法及途径,以期对提高专业学位研究生教育评估信息采集信度和培养质量保障有所裨益.  相似文献   

形成性评价在教学过程中的作用不可忽视。在我们一直强调英语教学方法的时候,形成性评价可以作为一个很好的补充来提高课堂教学的有效性。特别是在要求知识和技能并重的商务英语口语课堂中,环节相关性很强的外贸交易靠一次终结性评价无法让学生扎实掌握所有的知识,因而形成性评价的运用对学习的成功会有很大的帮助。  相似文献   

基于能力本位的高职教育考核模式改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高职教育考核多以闭卷笔试为主,不能全面反映学生能力状况,也必然导致考核内容重知识轻能力,考核成绩重结果轻过程,考核功能失位等弊端。改革高职教育考核模式,应以能力为导向,实施"岗位模块化"方式:将考核内容划分为若干能力模块,并针对每一项能力建立考核模块;考核方式突出多样性、针对性、生动性,全面考查和评价学生能力;建立健全考核结果评价和反馈机制;建立基于"岗位能力"要求的命题体系。  相似文献   

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