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城市教师驻校模式是当前美国教育改革中新出现的一种教师培养模式,是在美国传统的教师教育模式发展无力和美国教师结构短缺现状的背景下应运而生的。这是一种职前职后一体化的教师培养模式,实施过程包括计划的组织和管理、驻校生的招录、教学点和指导教师的选拔、驻校期培养、驻校毕业生的安置以及新教师的入职指导六个部分。它为城市薄弱学校招聘、培养和留住优秀教师提供了一条有效途径。  相似文献   

城市教师驻校模式是当前美国教育改革中新出现的一种教师培养模式.是在美国传统的教师教育模式发展无力和教师结构短缺现状的背景下应运而生。这是一种职前职后一体化的教师培养模式,实施过程包括计划的组织和管理、驻校生的招录、教学点和指导教师的选拔、驻校期培养、驻校毕业生的安置以及新教师的入职指导。结合我国教师培养的现状,在理论与实践上借鉴城市教师驻校模式的经验,这既符合国际教师教育改革的趋势,也是我国教师教育发展的新方向。  相似文献   

教师培养的驻校模式是美国教师教育改革的新方向,芝加哥驻校模式是其主要代表。该模式的培养过程主要包括驻校生的招生选拔、理论与实践相结合的培训计划和进入教学岗位后持续的专业支持。该模式代表美国教师教育发展的新方向,对我国教师教育改革有很大的借鉴意义。我国的教师培养也应重视理论学习结合实践锻炼,提高培养质量;职前职后教育一体化,扩大专业发展空间;服务落后学校,促进教育公平的启示。  相似文献   

"城市教师驻校计划"是美国自2001年新兴的针对城市学区中小学的教师培养模式,"硕师计划"是中国教育部2004年以来推行的旨在加强农村师资队伍建设的一种新型教师培养模式。从服务对象、招聘选拔、教师培养以及师资力量四个方面进行深入的比较分析,分析两国计划的异同,借助美国"城市教师驻校计划"的经验,为中国"硕师计划"提供借鉴。  相似文献   

"教师驻校培养计划"是美国一种新兴的针对城市学区高需求中小学的教师培养模式。它通常由城市学区、高校和非政府机构三方合作,采用住院实习医生的模式,为教师流失率高及教育质量低下的学校培养合格教师。该计划在一年的教师驻校培养期间将教育理论与实践在课堂环境中紧密结合,有机统合了职前培养和在职培训,在培养新任教师专业技能和提高新任教师留职率等方面取得了良好的效果,开创了教师教育的新模式。  相似文献   

美国城市教师驻校计划作为美国教师教育的第三条道路,自诞生以来取得了骄人的进展,并成立了全国城市教师驻校联盟。该计划有效地解决城市学区师资队伍单一和数量紧缺的问题,提高学生学业成绩,提升新任教师留任率,为学区节省不必要的开支,同时促进教师的专业发展,得到了中小学校长的积极反馈。然而,城市教师驻校计划的发展也还面临着招募困难、资金短缺等重重困境,这些都制约着计划能否成为美国学士后教师教育的主流模式。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,美国实践取向的教师教育逐步发展出了一种新的主流模式,涌现了一批以"教师驻校实习"为特征的优质培养项目.为发挥这些项目的引领和示范作用,美国全国"教育科学研究所"下属的"中西部地区教育实验室"遴选了十个优秀"教师驻校实习"项目.虽然它们在机构性质、培养定位、实施路径及支持系统的构建等方面各具特色,但在整体上都体现了注重发挥有实际教学经验的优秀教师的教学指导作用、强调教师驻校实习与新教师入职制度间的衔接、根据紧缺学科和学区高需求定制教师培养计划、突出大学与公立中小学系统间的合作伙伴关系等特点.  相似文献   

中国“特岗计划”和美国“教师驻校计划”通过创新薄弱地区教师补充机制,为解决两国农村地区、落后地区师资劣势做出了重大贡献。本文对二者在招募对象、服务教师的培养与使用、计划的管理与经费来源等方面进行比较研究,以期对我国“特岗计划”的实施得出有益启示。  相似文献   

城市教师驻校培养源起于美国,是一种"临床实践"式的学士后教师教育培养模式。其全程驻校实践、多元合作机制、共同体建设、学术文化与实践文化的平等对话、教师教育一体化制度、精心组织的入职指导等理念与实践,为我国高层次基础教育师资培养提供了启示。构建我国的教师驻校培养模式是教师教育发展的第三条道路。在进行本土化思考的前提下,结合我国的教师教育改革实践,因地制宜、明确目标,实施一系列关键策略,推动驻校模式在我国的铺开。  相似文献   

美国在教师教育方面一直处于领先的地位,其探索出的城市教师驻校模式取得了良好的效果。实用主义哲学、职前教师培养的实践经验以及不同学区所面临的特殊需求共同促成了城市教师驻校模式的产生。城市教师驻校模式非常关注驻校教师实践经验的积累和理论的学习。城市教师驻校模式对我国职前教师的培养提供了丰富的借鉴经验。实行"双导师制"、将中小学校纳入教师培训机构、欢迎和鼓励其他机构参与职前教师的培养是我国职前教师教育调整的方向。  相似文献   

Using case studies, we describe what happens from novice to apprentice when preservice teachers learn to teach in an urban teacher-residency (UTR) program with a focus on inquiry. Our UTR operates within a “third space” in teacher education, seeking to realign traditional power relationships and to create an alternate arena where the roles of the university, school, teacher candidate, and community can be reimagined. This third space encourages preservice teachers to be inquirers themselves in order for them to support their students as inquirers.  相似文献   

The positive impact of family–school relationships is well documented in the literature, as is the need for teacher education to prepare teachers to work positively with diverse families. This article reports the experiences and perspectives of candidates in an elementary urban teacher preparation program in the United States as they engaged in authentic experiences with the families of their students. Findings provide evidence that authentic experiences within constructivist teacher education can help candidates regard families as a valuable resource for teachers in urban schools. The results highlight the need to provide candidates with authentic and relevant community- and family-based experiences within carefully designed teacher preparation programs as we strive to prepare the teachers all children deserve.  相似文献   

视频资料在英语教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
视频以其丰富的语言信息承载优势,成为英语教学中普遍使用的教学资料和手段。教师如何在课堂上系统、合理、有效地运用视频资料,激发学生的学习兴趣,组织教学活动,成为值得思考的问题。视频资料在英语教学中的成败,从视频资料的选择,设计观影任务和活动以促进有效的语言学习,组织学生进行观看前、观看中、观看后各阶段的教学活动,激发学生语言意识,到将视频资料与英语教学有机结合起来,教师的作用至关重要。  相似文献   

课前备课是上好每一节课的重要要求。在英语教学过程中,如何备好课是广大英语教师始终关注和探索的一个重大问题。高质、高效地备好每一节英语课,是改变部分英语教师旧的教学备课观念,促进英语教学改革,最终提高英语教学质量。文章主要论述备课的类型、内容和方式。  相似文献   


In the United States, how to provide a high-quality education to all students has been a focal discussion, especially in urban settings. One potential solution that has emerged to confront this issue involves urban teacher residency (UTR) programs that provide innovations concerning the recruitment, preparation, and retention of teachers in high-need urban schools. In this study, we conducted a content analysis and compared steering documents of a UTR program in California with materials from a teacher-training program in Finland. Despite differences in both the legislative and local contexts under which the two programs operate, we found many similarities in both the steering documents and course offerings of these two teacher-training programs. For example, both promote aspects of social justice and are research-based. Furthermore, both offer a variety of types of courses, such as those emphasizing the pedagogical bases of education and research studies in education.


In this paper, I offer my own counterstory of matriculating through a teacher education program as an African American student on a predominately White campus as a reference point for thinking through how racism operates through teacher education’s dominant discourse and practice of teacher reflection. It is an important story to tell primarily because it touches on a largely unexplored dimension of teacher reflection. While the large majority of the literature has focused on how to prepare White preservice teachers to teach in a culturally and racially complex world, little qualitative attention has been given to the preparation of nonwhite students. While there are a few select and important articles that touch on some of the challenges African American students face in predominately White teacher education programs, including covert and overt racism, none focus on how teacher reflection might reproduce these dynamics. Thus what the literature on teacher reflection often suggests is that it is a racially neutral practice. In this essay, however, I suggests otherwise, by providing an intimate and critical look at my process of learning to be a reflective practitioner. The question I seek to grapple with is quite simply, “What does teacher reflection work to repress?”  相似文献   

An urgent goal for science teacher educators is to prepare teachers to teach science in meaningful ways to youth from nondominant backgrounds. This preparation is challenging, for it asks teachers to critically examine how their pedagogical practices might adaptively respond to students and to science. It asks, essentially, for new teachers to become researchers of their own beginning practice. This study explores the story of Ben as he coauthored a transformative action research project in an urban middle school as part of a teacher education program and, later, over his first year of teaching at that same school. We describe how Ben and his partner teacher created innovative spaces for science learning. This offered Ben an opportunity to make some of his deeply engrained pedagogical beliefs come alive within a context of distributed expertise, which provided for him a space of moderate risk where he could afford the chances of failure without undermining how he felt about his own capacity as a teacher. Our study highlights the importance of creating reform opportunities within the context of teacher education programs that may help beginner teachers construct positive images of teaching that they can hold on to in their future practice.  相似文献   

In line with the principles of the Bologna Process, teacher education systems across Europe are converging along a common path. Taking the Republic of Ireland (Ireland) as a case study, this paper examines the European agenda in relation to teacher education and asks how individual nation states are coping with the demands of greater comparability and compatibility. It suggests that while structurally, teacher education in Ireland has undergone significant reform in order to conform to a wider European agenda, significant gaps remain in existing teacher education policy particularly in relation to continuous professional development which will, if not addressed, impede Ireland’s capacity to adequately prepare teachers for the challenges of the twentieth‐first century.  相似文献   

非英语专业研究生英语口语教学探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了研究生英语口语能力的现状,阐述了英语口语教学的一些实践,包括教材的选用及教案编写应遵循的原则,介绍了几种课堂活动模式,并提出了开展课堂英语口语活动应注意的问题,强调了教师在英语口语教学过程中至关重要的作用,从而也对教师提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

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