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倪延年 《传媒观察》2023,(5):114-120
本文依据“中国近代官报是在中国进入近代社会环境中,由‘官方人员’用‘官方资源’创办并为‘官方利益服务’的新闻媒介”的观点,认为林则徐奉旨到广州禁烟时期主持编译的《澳门新闻纸》具有中国近代官报的主要属性;通过梳理《澳门新闻纸》启迪后人译报活动并在后世中国近代官报留下不同“印记”的发展历程,提出了“中国近代官报起源于《澳门新闻纸》”的基本观点。《澳门新闻纸》编译工作在广州完成,内容围绕“广州禁烟”主题,抄送对象主要是与广东事务相关的朝廷官员,因此具有了近代地方官报的某些特点,因而《澳门新闻纸》也可说是中国近代地方官报“起源”的标志。  相似文献   

王海 《新闻爱好者》2007,(11):23-24
《澳门新闻纸》是中国最早的译报,也是中国人自主办报的先导。中国近代报纸的起源无非从两个路径追根溯源:一是源自唐朝以后的邸报和宋朝的小报;二是19世纪初,外国传教士在华创办的近代报刊。邸报作为唐宋以后历代朝廷发布政令、记录朝廷政事和皇宫事宜的官方报纸,宋朝以后民间兴起的小报、清朝初期的《京报》都没有演绎成为大众化报纸,即  相似文献   

19世纪上半叶,在华外国人阅读、摘译(节译)和研究《京报》文本成为其了解中国政府和社会状况的惯常做法。本文认为,《中国丛报》的《京报》英译译者群体在实践中业已形成了一套行之有效的编译策略与技巧。通过剖析和总结经典的《京报》英译文本及其跨文化传播规律,为深入研究19世纪上半叶在华外国译者之翻译活动和中西文化交流提供了基础。  相似文献   

书刊编译、出版是晚清教会出版机构传播西学的重要途径。广学会作为影响最大的教会出版机构,在编译、出版书刊过程中,将书、刊结合进行连载、续编、摘译、节译、广告等,提倡"孔子加耶稣"的文化适应策略,对原文内容进行增删规避,采用"归化"策略翻译译名和术语。这些编译技巧和策略促成了广学会编译、出版事业的扩大。  相似文献   

五四语境下,翻译文学的经典建构在新文化精英们建设新文化和新道德的过程中扮演了重要角色.在赞助人理论的观照下,本文从译者的译介、编辑部文化精英的介绍与评论、刊登特别启事及译作的再版等方面,探讨了《新青年》编辑部对《娜拉》经典化的赞助路径.对《娜拉》经典化赞助路径的探析,对当前通过翻译文学经典化的赞助,来推动文化建设事业的发展,具有启迪意义和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

目光短浅,急功近利,学术上的实用主义在当前的心理学著作编译界还有一定的市场。倘使没有勇气去面对这些失误,并及时改正,最大的损失者恐怕还是编译者自己。这些草率之作,只能糊一时,不能混一世,最终读者不会买账,市场不会认可,只落得"人""财"两空。  相似文献   

《穹顶之下》自发布以来,短时间内引起舆论广泛的关注与热议,本文通过对《穹顶之下》传播策略及传播路径的分析,认为该片选题把握准确、富有人文关怀精神,通过多种传播技巧的运用、传播渠道的创新,成为其成功营销传播的关键。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》人物王熙凤语言技巧的言语行为理论解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《红楼梦》中的王熙凤是个颇为擅长处理人际关系的人物。本文运用奥斯汀的言语行为理论从言内行为、言外行为和言后行为三个方面解析王熙凤的语言行为及其言语技巧,以期给人们的日常人际交往带来启发。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,我国对百姓日常生活的关注越来越多,促进了民生新闻采访的发展,民生新闻采访过程中要求特殊的语言技巧和采访策略,才能够在采访中取得事半功倍的效果。本文首先介绍了民生新闻采访的选题技巧,然后对民生新闻采访的策略与技巧进行论述。  相似文献   


This paper follows an earlier contribution which described the emergence of popular information networks, the resource centre fora in South Africa in the 1980s and 1990s. This update on the fora sketches their contribution to the National Education Policy Investigation’s Library and Information Services report which put forward national policy options. The resource centre fora’s role in the new Translis (Transforming our Library and Information Services) Coalition is described and their representation at the International Federation of Library Association’s conference in Barcelona in August 1993 noted.

Finally, the role of the resource centres and their fora in the shifting paradigms in library and information work leading up to, and shortly after, the April 1994 election is reviewed. Crucial challenges are identified as funding, resisting 'agenda setting' by funders, and serving the rural areas effectively. Practical suggestions are made about reaching women in particular, about training and needs assessment. Finally the importance of the fora’s meeting these challenges and making a contribution to reconstruction and development is noted.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a study of the International Association of School Librarianship with the goal of offering a useful alternative model for studying associations: combining theory with a case-study design. While findings of the study are summarized, discussion centers on the case-study methodology and a multi-faceted theoretical framework. The theory applied is traditional and recently emerged theories of organization and the sociological theories of convergence and global integrity ethics. Aims of the paper are threefold: to present the value (to the associations and to scholars) of applying theory to the study of international associations; to provide insight into such associations; and to inspire further research in this field.  相似文献   

孙婷 《兰台世界》2016,(15):86-87
许渊冲是中国最伟大的翻译理论家和实践家之一,主要从事中国古典文学的翻译。其翻译思想总结起来是:美化之艺术,创优似竞赛。本研究以徐氏的翻译理论为框架,分析评论其中国古典文学的英译几例,旨在说明该译论中本体论、认识论以及方法论在实践中的应用性和操作性,以此推及于指导翻译实践和翻译教学。  相似文献   

一名出色的体育新闻翻译必须是好翻译,但并非好翻译一定能将有关的英文体育新闻素材和资料翻译、组织、串联成一篇优秀的,适合在电视上播出把握体育新闻的个性、特点才行。  相似文献   

蔡天星 《出版科学》2015,23(3):58-60
从萨义德著作在海峡两岸的译本来看,后殖民理论传播的实质是西方对中国单向度倾销其知识产品.后殖民理论违背了去殖民化的初衷,却给挣脱了殖民主义的地区实行新殖民主义经济剥削和后殖民主义文化统治,造成了后殖民现象.这种后殖民现象是殖民主义的历史延续,又是后殖民心态自我内化的显现.中国和东方世界前所未有地为丧失话语权而焦虑.大陆在这个过程中处于“第四世界”,成为台湾、香港为西方代理加工、知识生产的倾销地.大陆要积极参与多声部发言,树立文化自觉和文化自信,在重视“拿来主义”的同时,着重加强“送去主义”,“驶入的航行”和文化的输出是两个具体路径.  相似文献   

This online experiment analyzed the effect of first- versus third-person risk narratives on 235 female college students’ affect, attitudes, risk perceptions and thoughts regarding tanning beds through the lens of the heuristic-systematic model. Participants receiving a third-person narrative reported a greater number of systematic thoughts as compared to those receiving a first-person narrative. Regardless of condition, participants reported significantly more systematic thoughts as compared to heuristic thoughts. Narrative researchers should take note that not all narratives may be processed in a heuristic manner as largely proposed by past research. Future research should delve further into the reasons why third-person messages may be processed higher along the heuristic-systematic continuum.  相似文献   

论文分析了我国目前高校数字图书馆的建设现状以及存在的问题,以此为基础,将经济学中的知识溢出理论引入到我国高校数字图书馆建设中,从知识溢出的构成要素、实现过程等角度提出我国高校数字图书馆的发展模式策略、运行机制策略和管理策略。  相似文献   

Analyzes attitudes and use of archives by post-colonial scholars who find that colonial records offer the voices of the master narrative but do not reflect the voices of the oppressed and voiceless. Argues that framing records within social provenance and a ‘community of records’ offers archival solutions to the dilemmas of locating all voices within the spaces of records. “As for what we were like before we met you, I no longer care. No periods of time over which my ancestor held sway, no documentation of complex civilizations, is any comfort to me. Even if I really came from people who were living like monkeys in trees, it was better to be that than what happened to, me, what I became after I met you.” Jamaica Kincaid, A Small Place  相似文献   

2005年,中国翻译界就是否坚持"忠实"原则展开了一场大讨论.本文拟就下面几点阐述自己的观点1、"忠实"影响中国译界深远;2、"忠实"和"变异"并存是必然,但"信"之大旗不能倒;3、"变异"应有个度,"变异"并不意味着"乱译".  相似文献   

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