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At Michigan State University, long-range planning has existed for many years. Its current planning effort, Refocusing, Rebalancing, and Refining (R3) has been implemented effectively within the University Libraries with significant benefits. First, the staff became better informed about library funding which resulted in better and more realistic program proposals. Second, the staff are moving more effectively into the strategic planning process being implemented by the new director. Third, R3 has provided the Libraries with an effective platform from which to emphasize with University administrators the important role played by the Libraries in all academic enterprises. And finally, staff participation in the process provided them with a real sense of empowerment.  相似文献   

Copper(II) hydroxide (as the rarely occurring mineral spertiniite) is formed under alkaline, oxidising conditions. It has been observed as a naturally occurring corrosion product of brass in sea water. But most occurrences on copper alloys are due to conservation treatments using basic solutions (sodium hydroxide or ammonia) or to intentional patination. Classical brass centrepieces (c. 1800), ‘cleaned’ with ammonia solution, developed a blue spertiniite patina in gaps, where evaporation was hindered. Additional to the danger of stress corrosion cracking this is another reason now outlawing this treatment. Copper pigment layers will transform to copper hydroxide when exposed to bases. The treatment of basic copper salts with bases has been used intentionally in the production of Bremen blue and similar pigments which can be composed of copper hydroxide as well.  相似文献   

在混合现实(MR)中交往的人,因面对多重的感知、身份、行动和交往律而具有复杂的分身性;这种分身性,形成了数字交往与认知哲学的思想对话。1.数字传播建构了主体-介体融合的传播人,而虚拟交往则定义了人-物-实践融合的交往人,这是虚拟交往时代的认识论基础。2.在跨体系、变维、多分身的生存模式(MDSs)中,交往人的属性不止是技术具身:他有自我想象、又虚实相间,且其身份之间是可联结、可接替的。此即数字交往的分身性。3.分身性的认识论意义在于:交往人对世界的认识,是一与多、虚拟与现实、先验与后验的统一,也因此成为一种调谐与演化的生成。4.分身认知试图丰富演化主义的元认知,为数字交往提供更具解释力的后现象学结论。  相似文献   

In this article, I develop the notion of precarious privilege to investigate dialectics of cultural (re)production, in relation to both specific discursive practices and broader discursive formations. Using the Indignad@s social movement as an example, I locate, interpret, and critique a series of disidentification dynamics shaping the movement as a whole, as well as the rhetoric of specific participants. Regarding the rise and development of Indignad@s, precarious privilege illuminates a conflicted social position enabled by disidentification from the current crisis of neoliberalism in Western Europe—a conjuncture that the movement strives to both expose and exploit. As for the views expressed by specific activists, precarious privilege helps explain the discursively enacted disidentification from the imagined aspects of their and others’ (supra)national cultural identities. Grounded in this analysis, I emphasize the potentiality but also the limitations of this generalized tension between residual and emergent dynamics shaping Indignad@s’ political practices.  相似文献   

LISR considers for review reference works, dissertations, research methods texts, computer software, and professional literature covering the research process and applications of research. Views expressed are those of the reviewers and do not necessarily reflect views of the Editorial Board or publisher. Anyone wishing to write reviews or suggest titles should contact Debora Shaw at the School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405 〈shawd@ indiana.edu or shawd@iubacs.bitnet〉. Publishers, likewise, are requested to forward announcements of new and forthcoming titles that may interest LISR readers.  相似文献   

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