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The researchers examined how suicide‐response training received before practicum related to degrees of anxiety and confidence for practicum students regarding the treatment of suicidal clients. Results of 113 surveyed practicum students are discussed, along with implications and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

本次调查旨在了解、分析MBA学生这个特殊的群体对英语学习策略的使用情况,调查对象为中国科学技术大学分布在三个不同地域的103名MBA学生。结果显示,MBA学生较多地使用补偿策略和元认知策略,对情感策略和记忆策略的使用相对不够。本文指出了MBA学生使用英语学习策略的特点并分析了它们的成因,最后对MBA商务英语教学提出了一些启示。  相似文献   

企业家精神是高校创业教育的核心培养内容,对促进大学生创业和提升就业竞争能力具有重要意义。针对当前创业教育中存在的主要问题,为有效提升大学生企业家精神教育水平及效果,高校应将企业家精神教育全面融入校园文化建设中,积极推进企业家精神教育进课堂,坚持请进来与走出去措施的有效结合,突出教育教学活动的阶段性设计,以及建立与企业家精神教育相配套的保障制度。  相似文献   

创业自我效能感的维度划分及其与创业之关系探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先对自我效能感和创业自我效能感做了简要阐述,随后对创业自我效能感的维度划分进行了剖析,并对创业自我效能感与创业意向、创业绩效关系做了探讨,最后指出创业自我效能感研究存在的不足以及进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

Gold-Plated MBA     
With the increased frequency of sunspots, many things on the earth are getting hotter and hotter, including the weather, oil prices, the Internet, and the MBA.  相似文献   

大学生创业及创业教育简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对大学生创业及创业教育的现状分析,得出创业教育是影响当代中国大学生创业成功与否的主要因素,并进一步分析创业教育存在的问题,尝试提出适合我国大学生创业教育的建议。  相似文献   


Across multiple external customer groups, agreement exists about what signals the presence of MBA academic quality. MBA quality signals were selected from an original list of 45 and a refined list of 35 in a two-stage study. Important signals were “Positive Course Evaluations By Current MBAs,” “Nationally-Prominent Firms Recruit To Hire MBAs,” “MBA Faculty Spend Time With MBAs Outside Class,” “Extensive Library Resources For MBA Students,” “MBA Faculty Consult To Major Corporations,” “Full-Time Faculty With Prior Business Experience,” “Coursework Projects With Real-World Organizations,” “Many Organizations Recruit On-Campus For MBAs,” and “MBA Graduates Who Are Leaders In Their Fields.” Traditional scholarly-oriented academic quality signals are not apparently valued as quality signals by external customer groups. MBA academic quality appears to be a multidimensional construct with sub-dimensions REAL-WORLDNESS, PLACEMENT, STUDENT SATISFACTION, and PROGRAM SCOPE. MBA program design, staffing, resource deployment, and communications issues arise from these quality signals findings.  相似文献   

适应现代农业发展需要积极面向农业开展MBA教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简述了农业领域MBA的特殊性、国外农业领域MBA的设置情况和我国农业部门筹备MBA的历程,分析了我国开展农业领域MBA教育的重要性、迫切性和可行性,提出了开展农业领域MBA教育的建议。  相似文献   


Using the Canfield Learning Styles Inventory (CLSI), the learning preferences of 1 252 vocational education and training (VET) learners were tested. Results indicate that VET learners are characterised by a preference for dependent learning, rather than self‐directed learning; and a preference for learning through observation and direct experience rather than through verbal presentations. These findings are discussed in terms of the preparedness of VET learners for flexible delivery in the workplace.

Kember's (1995) two‐dimensional model of open learning is suggested as a theoretical framework for the development of strategies to increase the preparedness of learners and workplaces for flexible delivery.  相似文献   

许民利 《高教论坛》2007,(2):175-176,F0003
根据在英国Cardiff大学商学院的访问学习,分析了英国MBA教育在招生、课程设置、教学方法等方面的特点,提出我国MBA教育应该在招生方面尽可能地多元化,在课程设置上应该更细更有针对性,在教学上应该多方法结合,强调实践教学和团队合作训练,加大学生的学习压力,而学校还应多收集实际企业的资料,为MBA学员提供学习企业经验的机会。  相似文献   

In 1992, the writer presented a core MBA subject about strategic management which used experiential learning as the major educational strategy, at an Australian university. At the start and end of the subject, students were surveyed about their preferences for the applied/theoretical orientation and the lecturer/student locus for the subject. This paper's aim is to explore how those preferences changed and why, using quantitative and qualitative information provided by the students. Generally speaking, the subject was well received and matched students’ expectations and ideals on the two dimensions. Moreover, their preferences for experiential learning grew as their experience of it increased through the semester. The experiential methods of case analyses and role plays were especially useful in explaining these preferences. However, the students apparently consider their management development to be more multi‐faceted than the two dimensions would indicate, involving various structures and forms of involvement within a context that is realistic to them. Implications for team learning and learning about experiential learning are developed.  相似文献   

MBA,中文全称“工商管理硕士”。MBA教育1908年首创于哈佛商学院,但在中国的发展始于80年代初。自1984年起,由原国家经委与美国、欧共体、英国等陆续举办国际工商管理培训和MBA教育项目。1986年,38名中国学生在纽约州立大学荣膺MBA学位,成为中国MBA黄埔一期生。此后MBA教育在中国呈燎原之势,MBA也被人誉为通往工商界最高殿堂的“金色护照”,使无数莘莘学子竞相折腰。 无庸置疑,经过十几年的发展,MBA教育在中国越办越火,已经成为培养优秀职业经理人的重要渠道。在巨大的需求面前,开放的中国,焦灼地期盼更多的MBA驰骋商场。本期特别策划如能引起更多的人注目中国的MBA教育,便是实现我们的初衷了。  相似文献   

(一) 小象林旺从小被主人用铁链拴在一个木桩上。面对咫尺之外的绿草繁枝,小象林旺一次次企图冲断羁绊去品尝美味,享受自由,但是一次次被脚下的铁链无情拉回到木桩前。一次,二次,三次……小象林旺的腿被铁链磨得鲜血淋淋……徒劳终于使小象林旺对铁链外的世界产生绝望,开始安心铁链内的生活。 月转星移,小象林旺长成了大象林旺,已经腐  相似文献   

每年此时。众多毕业生将走出校园.开始在事业道路上的寻找、探索与追求。为此.本刊编辑部推出国外有关MBA毕业生的专题文章,希望能给中国的读者。尤其是即将走上工作岗位的读者一些借鉴。  相似文献   

Emergency preparedness is a fast developing field of education driven by the numerous disasters worldwide with more recent notable examples including the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in the US in 2001, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the London bombings in 2005, the earthquake in China in 2008, the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and more recently the Paris terror attacks in 2015. Whilst there is a growing literature focusing on the psychological implications of such disasters on children, there remains a lack of focus on disability, particularly neurodevelopmental disabilities such as autism. Due to the nature of autism, it is likely that this group will have specific needs during disasters and emergency situations and may find such situations more stressful than their typically developing peers, as such they can be considered a more at risk group in such events. In this article, I consider the need for an intervention for a nearly wholly neglected group in the field of education for emergency preparedness, children with autism, and report on phase one of a project aimed at designing resources for this group.  相似文献   

The following article sums up a typical experience of the army operating industry from this standpoint: Work solidly to get prepared against war and operate the plant for preparedness against war; wholeheartedly serve the vast masses of commanders and fighters; and, in close coordination with the practice of industrial work in the army, use Mao Tsetung thought to educate and transform people.  相似文献   

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