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一、中国文化近代化的起点明清交替,是中国历史的又一次改朝换代,与历代鼎革不同的是,发生在16、17世纪之交的中国大变动,余响不绝,进入20世纪后更成为国人关注的热点,这不仅因为推翻封建王朝的辛亥革命,最初是以反清复明的种族革命为号召,以宗奉明代认同华夏子孙,更重要的是发生在明末的政治、经  相似文献   

赵园 《中国文化》2009,(2):114-116,I0001-I0004,117-131
说"嗜欲"本文首先尝试分析明清之际士人有关"嗜欲"的一些言说。 我注意到,不止一个论者对博弈这种近人看来决无"不良"的嗜好怀有警惕。本文所论的时期,张履祥(1611—1674)批评严颖生的每到一地"辄以围碁留止数日",说其害有三,其一即"耽物丧志",另两害则为"废时隳业"与"比之匪人"。  相似文献   

叶嘉莹 《中国文化》2010,(2):150-164
<正>一序论"词衰于明",这几乎是研究词与词史之人的一个普遍共识。即如刘毓盤之《词史》,就曾写有专章,题曰"论明人词之不振"①。吴梅之《词学通论》亦以为"词至明代可谓中衰之期"②,至于王易之《词曲史》,则直指明词为"入病"③。但是就在这种认明词为衰落的普遍观念中,我们却应注意到在词之发展史中与此恰好相反的另一现象,那就是如果换一个性别角度来看,我们就会发现原来明代却正是女性  相似文献   

趙園 《中国文化》2012,(2):172-185
关於传统社会的男性心理,俗谚有所谓“妻不如妾,妾不如妓,妓不如偷,偷着不如偷不着”。有此诸“不如”,妻处境的尴尬可知,尽管其社会地位非妾、妓所能比,通常也非後者所敢觊觎。  相似文献   

趙園 《中国文化》2012,(2):158-171
本篇所考察的,是见之於士大夫记述的明清之际的婚姻状况。开於这一时期庶民的婚姻状况,小说较之士人文集,更便於取样。而士人的婚姻状况,仍不能不以士人的记述为主要依据。由今天的眼光看,两性关系,士夫未必较庶民“开放”;  相似文献   

中国的瓷器早已扬名国内海外,外国人对中国瓷器的喜爱早在17世纪便已出现,“东方崇拜”与“中国热”即最好证明。在中国瓷器初到欧洲时,其价格堪比黄金,漂洋过海的中国瓷器,当时只有皇室贵族才能使用,  相似文献   

论战国末秦汉之际巴蜀文化转型的机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从战国末叶秦灭巴蜀到秦汉之际,是巴蜀文化的转型时期.在这个时期中,巴蜀文化从先秦独立王国形态和民族性质的文化,向秦汉统一帝国内的地域形态和以秦汉文化为符号的中华文化的亚文化转化.巴蜀文化在转型过程中,发生了极为深刻的文化解构、文化重组和文化整合.其结果,一方面,巴蜀文化经过分化和重组,获得了持续发展的动力和生机;另一方面,通过与秦汉文化的整合,使它在保留其精髓的基础上表现出整体进化的新姿态.创造性适应(变革)与连续性发展(继承),成为巴蜀文化转型的重要内容.  相似文献   

伊尹作为中国历史上第一贤相,不仅杰出于商王朝的成汤时代,而且丰碑于全部中国封建王朝史,其"因贤致圣"之功,不仅受到成汤"聿求元圣,与之戮力"的高看,而且被儒家的偶像孔子以极高的道德推崇,并获亚圣孟子给予圣称的崇高评价。  相似文献   

中华优秀传统文化是在中国历史的长河中孕育生长起来的。我们研究中国优秀传统文化,不仅需要有充足的理论准备,而且还需要将其产生和演变融入到中国历史的深广背景中,努力做到思想与历史的统一。  相似文献   

景德镇瓷器自宋代开始大量行销海外,至明清风行世界各洲,成为中国杰出文化的代表之一,成为世界范围的一种跨文化交流。景德镇——地处内地丘陵地带,它面对地理的、政治的、经济的、文化的诸多因素,历史上并无对外文化交流和经济贸易的优势可言。那么,景德镇如何突破障碍,实现其瓷文化的地域性跨越,成功创造国际文化交流奇迹的呢,这的确令人惊异并值得深入研究。  相似文献   

中国现代性文化传统具有三大鲜明特性:后古典而非古典;杂种而非纯种;远缘杂种而非近缘杂种。从鲁迅等对中国现代文化传统的认识可见,我们只能生存在现代远缘杂种文化中。中国现代性需要探索把远缘杂种性与后古典性结合的道路。殷海光和李泽厚的主张在承认中西有别的前提下寻求中西融汇,但却把中西截然分开再合起来,无法为中西融汇提供充足的理由。今天建设后古典远缘杂种文化需要打破中西、古今分别而考虑多维度融汇与建构,即器道互融、法治情润、人权民本、以义活仁、兴辞立诚、散线化乐。  相似文献   

文章以大量的文献和图片资料为基础,运用比较分析的方法,论述了景德镇瓷器在欧洲文明进程中的作用:推动了社会风俗向善、审美理念趋真,改变了人们的价值观念、行为取向、文化心态,提高了人类物质和精神生活的品质。  相似文献   


From Modernity on, there has been continuity for the ‘West’ and interruption for non‐European cultures, histories and languages, for which indeed there is supposed to be only discontinuity with their own antiquity. Their own past counts as ‘premodern’ or ‘traditional’, and thus as belated compared with universalised Modernity. This is so because Modernity itself is normative, and it is normative because it was universalised. The norm of Modernity and the dignity of the modern ‘political’ has been spread through western idioms: through the western normativity of the political, such concepts as democracy, revolution, state, republic and the like will have their patterns in ‘Europe’ and in the ‘West’, while all other political concepts and terms, when contributed to a world dictionary of political terms, will denote merely exceptions. Modernity has been one of the great splits or disjunctions that froze some norms in history, making them become patterns: from that time on, western modernity (first western, then ‘western’ and finally ‘universal’…) has constructed an unbroken genealogical origin for its own concepts and episteme as ‘universal’, and has proposed/imposed them to the planet. The patterns of selection, exception and exclusion of Modernity, which posit the subject as an ‘autonomous’ figure mirrored and complementary of (state) sovereignty – while referring it to the hegemonically dominant model – have not altogether disappeared today. They are merging and mutating into, and coextensive with, configurations of multiple power vectors within non‐transparent networks of blurred and crossed hierarchies with novel, and maybe more volatile, forms of production, of integration and of institution, where again, although in a completely new way, collective action, the sharing and federation of knowledge transcend individual subjectivity while reaching out to both old and new forms of association.  相似文献   

This article argues that the religious history written within the last thirty years has been unduly constrained by the impact of the secularization thesis. Through evaluating the original historiography and sociology that gave birth to it, and aspects of its cultural presence in Western (predominantly British) society and finally through an examination of the most recent scholarship, secularization emerges as a belief in itself. Focusing upon religion as a means of organizing responses to the world the article concludes with some suggestions about the directions the construction of religious history reunited with social and cultural concerns might wish to follow away from a now less than useful theory.  相似文献   

Over the course of the sixth/twelfth century, a new literary genre entered the Eastern Islamic world: the Persian prison poem (?absiyyāt). Far from being an isolated event, the prison poem was forged when punishment came to be reconfigured as incarceration. This development was reflected in literary texts extending across South Asia, Azerbaijan, and continental Europe. Locating the institution of the prison outside European modernity, this study traces the material grounds for this new literary form and situates this archive globally. Concomitantly with studying the medieval literature of incarceration, it evaluates the Indo-Mediterranean as a discursive rubric for the study of pre-modern literary cultures.  相似文献   

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