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演说与修辞素有渊源。排比是演说中英语最常用的修辞格之一。在演说中,演说者为了使演说具有强烈的说服力,表现力和感召力,往往不是只使用排比这种单一的修辞格,而是将排比与其他修辞格混合使用,可以起到相得益彰的作用。笔者通过实例分析,研究了英语排比与“首语反复”、“结语反复”和“首语结语反复”,以及“对照”、“层递”和“回环”等修辞格混合使用时在演说中所产生的效果和作用。  相似文献   

In this essay, Sarah Stitzlein addresses a key current crisis in public education: accountability. Rather than centrally being about poor performance of teachers or inefficiency of schools, as we most often hear in media outlets and in education reform speeches, Stitzlein argues the crisis is at heart one about citizen responsibility and political legitimacy. She claims that the recent accountability movement has shifted the onus of curing society's problems almost exclusively onto schools, but contends that these burdens should not just be unidirectional. There is, Stitzlein maintains, a corresponding obligation on the part of citizens to public schools. This includes all citizens, not just those closely tied to schools through their children or employment. Moreover, this obligation entails a robust commitment that extends beyond merely supporting public schools through taxes, voting for levies, and choosing to send one's children to them. The responsibility of citizens includes upholding a commitment to schools as a central institution of democracy — something that sustains democracy but also, in its best forms, is democracy in action.  相似文献   

动态主机配置协议(DHCP)主要用来动态提供配置参数给因特网上的主机,一方面从DHCP服务器传送主机特定的协议配置参数到主机,另一方面自动分配网络地址给主机。目前本地局域网大多使用高速公共因特网接入技术和高速调制器,并使用动态主机配置协议分配用户的主机地址。然而,随着数字电视等业务的发展,用户家庭需要分配IP地址的设备越来越多,如何将用户不同设备的DHCP请求分流至特定的服务器就成为日益迫切需要解决的问题。本文针对目前在局域网普遍使用的DHCP及其为解决分流问题而引进的Option60机制进行简单的描述,并具体阐述其实现方式。  相似文献   

动态主机配置协议(DHCP)主要用来动态提供配置参数给因特网上的主机,一方面从DHCP服务器传送主机特定的协议配置参数到主机,另一方面自动分配网络地址给主机。目前本地局域网大多使用高速公共因特网接入技术和高速调制器,并使用动态主机配置协议分配用户的主机地址。然而,随着数字电视等业务的发展,用户家庭需要分配IP地址的设备越来越多,如何将用户不同设备的DHCP请求分流至特定的服务器就成为日益迫切需要解决的问题。本文针对目前在局域网普遍使用的DHCP及其为解决分流问题而引进的Option60机制进行简单的描述,并具体阐述其实现方式。  相似文献   

In Sweden, working with young children in institutions outside the home dates back to the late nineteenth century when public child care provision developed in a context of industrialization, urbanization and democratization. Out of the charitable work of unmarried women in these early institutions, pre‐schools and teacher education programmes developed. Over the years, pre‐school teacher education has undergone major changes, the most recent reform being the move into a system within which the previous eight distinctive teacher education programmes, pre‐school teacher education being one of them, have been replaced by one integrated teaching degree. This article addresses some major features of the development of pre‐school teacher education and concludes with a discussion of the most recent reform and its consequences for the early childhood teaching profession.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a growing literature on global public goods theory, in particular the use of this framework to promote the equitable provision of goods and social services, such as basic education, on an international scale. Due to a lack of research into this theory’s applicability to education, the author aims to discern how such a framework might be applied, and its possible policy implications, focusing on universal access initiatives and the debate on private provision of schooling. The paper further questions the appropriateness of using global public goods theory given certain critiques.  相似文献   


Policy elites use rhetoric in speeches and press releases to provide framing that is intended to influence public opinion. These rhetorical events can be treated as instances in which speech usefully promotes particular discourses. Indeed, elected officials are able to influence how individuals think about problems and solutions through speeches and press releases. Two important rhetorical events in which political elites advance frames for social issues are annual state of the state addresses (SoSA) given by U.S. governors and gubernatorial press releases that inform media reporting about state policy. This study employed policy discourse and rhetorical analyses to examine SoSAs and press releases as rhetorical events within the context of educational policy. Our findings show that governors framed the roles of state government, governors, and educational stakeholders within a discourse that perpetuates a neoliberal version of education. In this framing, governors situated education’s purpose as being workforce and economic development, ignoring its role in addressing social issues and preparing informed, engaged participants for democratic society. Given that individuals make decisions about how to address social issues and understand public institutions based on framing provided by political elites, these findings raise implications for state educational policies and the public purposes of education.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the theme of ‘insiders and outsiders in the history of education’ in two ways. First, it is an exploration of the journey of one woman from being an educational outsider to her influential position on the inside as a local and national educational policymaker. Ellen Pinsent’s life is illustrative of the transition of middle class women from a private to a public sphere, from lady philanthropist to professional policymaker. Second, it examines her influence on policy decisions in the emerging field of special education in the period 1900–1913.  相似文献   

The issue of unfairness arises in high-stakes public examinations when students choose questions from alternatives that are offered and marks on the alternatives turn out to be discrepant. This paper addresses and defines unfairness and discrepancy in the context of alternative questions in Physics Tertiary Entrance Examinations (TEE) in Western Australia. As well, I present an analysis of question characteristics that explain observed marks-differences. The characteristics mainly relate to the construction of the text of questions, the detail on diagrams, and requirements for calculation. The list of characteristics could inform the setting of compulsory as well as alternative examination questions. The paper includes a brief exploration of results by gender on the alternative Physics TEE questions.  相似文献   

广告用语作为一种最为流行和普遍的公共话语,在当代社会中扮演的角色越来越重要。化妆品广告用语的目的是为了宣传产品从而刺激消费者购买,然而生活中也有很多关于化妆品广告用语的讨论,如真诚性,逻辑性……从批判话语分析的角度来揭示化妆品广告在哪些方面怎样误导消费者是具有现实意义的。以“批评话语分析”理论为依据,从体裁分析和意识形态两大方面进行分析,使消费者在欣赏此类广告时,能采取更加明智的消费行为并提高他们的批判意识。  相似文献   

社会公共利益是指以社会公众为利益主体,涉及整个社会最根本的法律原则、道德的一般原则及隐藏于它们之后的与时代相适应的公平正义观念。法律从根本上说是调整利益关系的工具,是构建和谐社会的基石和重要手段。经济法是维护社会公共利益、实现社会公平、和谐的重要法律制度之一,经济法立法必须以维护和实现社会公共利益为重要内容,经济法中的公益诉讼应是社会公共利益实现的最佳途径。  相似文献   


The issues surrounding the diffusion of technology within our public schools are wide‐ranging and as diverse as the student populations which we seek to influence. Designing efficient and effective teacher training for classroom technology applications is, consequently, an important consideration for ‘school reformers.’ This paper addresses, in significant detail, the instructional design process which was utilized for the development and delivery of one successful teacher technology training effort for a medium‐sized school district. Special emphasis was placed on the results of extensive learner analyses throughout the design effort.  相似文献   

公共服务是当今从政府到社会组织以及新闻媒体工作的一个核心理念,是构建和谐社会,实现社会公平正义的重要方式。公共服务的主体是多元的,政府是公共服务的最主要的供给者,而作为"公共资源"的新闻媒体也是社会公共服务的主体之一,因而新闻人具有公共服务意识十分重要。高校的新闻教育是培养新闻人公共服务意识的最重要的途径,必须从理念的培养、知识的教育、情怀的养成和技能的训练等方面强化新闻人的公共服务意识。  相似文献   

社会监理制在我省已推行多年,但实际实行的监理制并非国家倡导的社会监理制而是一种混合型的监理模式,即业主或建设单位与社会监理单位共同监理的模式.社会监理从属于建设方,监理方不具有规定的独立性,公正性,不能充分发挥社会监理的作用.  相似文献   

通过对新会县地下水水质进行的统计、分类、分析,探讨了地下水水质形成的机制.研究结果表明,地下水水质主要由地形、含水层的岩性等决定;水中Fe、Mn、SO_4~(2-)、NO_3~-和Cl~-的变化最为重要.其中前三者的变化由地下水流动系统中的氧化还原反应所引起。  相似文献   

The Black-White achievement gap presents perhaps the most important issue in education. Legal actions play a role in the efforts to reduce and eliminate the gap. School finance adequacy litigation offers the most widely used legal strategy to seek fairer outcomes for children. However, the literature is sparse with regard to the impact such litigation has on student outcomes. This article addresses the extent to which adequacy litigation functions as a means of narrowing the achievement gap. It sets forth evidence showing that successful adequacy cases relate positively to African American achievement on the 2003 National Assessment of Educational Progress assessments. However, the results also show that factors normally outside the purview of adequacy litigation, such as the racial composition of the school, also contribute to student outcomes. Therefore, it is argued that adequacy litigation offers a means for reducing the achievement gap, but that it would be more effective if combined with nonmonetary remedies, such as integrating public schools.  相似文献   

修辞与演讲素有渊源,演讲者会使用一些修辞手段使得演讲有强烈说服力、表现力、感染力。马丁.路德.金的著名演说《我有一个梦想》使用了比喻、平行结构、反复、对比等修辞手法,显示出其杰出的语言驾驭能力,多种修辞的灵活运用,使文章形象生动,富有极强的感染力。  相似文献   

民事公诉制度是指通常以公诉机关身份出现的检察院,为了维护特定情形下的国家利益、社会公共利益或者公民重要权利,以原告的身份提起民事诉讼的一种制度。我国建立民事公诉制度有其必要性与合理性,是对支持起诉原则的扩展,是民事诉讼检察监督的表现形式之一,也是民事诉讼主体与民事实体主体分离的结果。  相似文献   

我国“十一五”规划将建设社会主义新农村作为重中之重,而农村公共事业建设在整个新农村建设中处于基础性的地位.然而,我国农村公共服务一直严重供给不足,其中最主要的原因在于现行财政制度造成的政府间财权与事权的不对称.由于我国的公共事业责任基本在地方政府,因此必须进行新一轮的财政体制改革:首先界定市场与政府责任的界限,然后明晰各级政府的事权范围,最后调整财权,建立起"以属地分税制为基础、财权事权相统一、财政收支相对等"的彻底的分税制管理体制.  相似文献   

This paper addresses public concern over the extent to which the school has supplanted parental responsibilities for the sex education of their children. This concern is investigated through a series of interviews with parents of adolescent children. I argue that rather than focus on an opposition between the intrusive school and the private domestic unit, the problem with sex education is located within the domestic unit as parents had difficulties in initiating discussion on sexual matters. Far from being intrusive, most parents saw the school as a crucial source of information and support. Parents operated confidently at a more informal level of sex talk within the home. Findings suggest that although parents admit to a degree of anxiety, through the family routine parents were able to ‘normalise’ sex talk within the home and gain insights into their children's sexual awareness.  相似文献   

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