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女性主义视角下的中国女子高等教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在历史长河中,女性处于受歧视的地位,她们的知识与经验未受到尊重,现有的中国高等教育史方面的著作也未能客观地反映女子所受高等教育的情况。事实上,中国古代确有女子高等教育存在,并且有其独特的施教体系和课程内容。近代以来,随着社会的发展和女性的觉醒,中国女子高等教育开始了其新的发展阶段。  相似文献   

刘世润 《海外英语》2012,(5):199-200
简.斯迈利是当代美国著名女作家,素以深入刻画当代美国普通人的喜怒哀乐见长,1991年斯迈利的代表作《一千英亩》问世后好评如潮,接连荣获1992年普利策奖和美国国家书评人奖。小说描写了美国中西部爱荷华州泽布伦县一户农场由弱而兴再由盛而衰的故事,以女主人公吉妮的视角展开叙述,揭示了女性及土地在农业进步,机械化生产过程中所遭受的苦难及灾害。该文试从生态批评的角度浅析男权女权及自然之间的博弈,旨在给人以启发,不再重蹈破坏生态平衡,危害女性以至危害人类的覆辙,认识到三者间的制约和平衡,履行各自的权利和义务,创造一个更加美好的世界。  相似文献   

西方教育理论中的女性主义思潮以其对性别与教育的独特理解,为我们提供了与世界教育对话的新途径,促使我们重新思考女性教育与妇女解放的互动关系。可以说,无论是在西方,还是在中国,妇女解放的思想并不只是要在两性心理、心理、社会差异等基础上强造一个平等的世界,而是要在两性和谐共处的基础上,争取最大限度的共同自由和全面的发展。  相似文献   

为了更好地维护未成年人和高龄老年人的权益,应在《刑法》总则中明确规定:针对未成年人犯罪、教唆或针对高龄老年人犯罪的,应当从重处罚。应将"雇用童工从事危重劳动罪"中"童工"的年龄上限提高至"未满18周岁"。为了避免不必要的争议,还应在《刑法》总则中界定"儿童"的年龄。为了加大对幼女的保护,应同时取消"嫖宿幼女罪"和"引诱幼女卖淫罪",并修正"强奸罪""引诱未成年人聚众淫乱罪""组织卖淫罪"和"强迫卖淫罪"的刑法规定。  相似文献   

佐拉.尼尔.赫斯顿在她的代表作《他们的眼睛望着上帝》中,成功地塑造了一个在白人及男性统治社会中寻求自我身份的黑人女性并运用象征来阐示主人公珍妮摆脱男性和白人的压迫的过程。  相似文献   

女性主义翻译理论构建源于译作地位低下,致力于推翻原作的统治地位,积极找回自己的身份,重新确定译作和原作的关系,以此拓展原文的生命力,促进翻译事业的生存与发展。在《已故上尉的女儿》中,女儿们生活在有着威严父亲的家庭环境中,父亲至上的权威统治抑制了她们的自然成长,她们的处境跟翻译一样,依此所有处于类似境况的女性们只有推翻家长式的压迫,寻求到自己的身份,拥有平等的地位,才能拥有生命力。  相似文献   

文章基于对谭恩美的小说《喜福会》的解读,从跨文化语篇分析的角度挖掘和分析了母亲一代和女儿一代不同的女性角色认同。吴夙愿,钟林东,映映,苏安梅,从中国移民到美国的四位女性在价值观,行为规范,对自己和对女儿女性角色的认同无不受中国传统文化的影响,认为女性应该是顺从,听话,与丈夫和谐相处的。而女儿一代,即吴晶妹,韦弗利,丽娜和罗丝则是在美国出生的一代,行为规范,价值观,对自己的角色认同,深受美国文化的影响,处处与母亲一代的认同相冲突,表现出个性、独立、追求自我价值等。文章从Ron Scollon的语篇系统,其中包括意识观念,社会化,语篇形式和面子体系四个方面,分析和阐释了女性角色认同的差异受中西方语篇系统的影响。  相似文献   

民族是一种具有政治与文化双重属性的共同体。一方面,民族的政治属性突出表现在它与国家的关系上,无论古代民族、近代民族,还是现代民族,它们总是与某个事实上存在的、过去曾经存在的、或人们要求其存在的国家密切相关,另一方面,民族与文化的互动,更令民族本身成为特定文化的象征。  相似文献   

我们把公民教育与认同置于共同体之中,基于政治哲学的视域,思考和审视由于不同共同体的道德原则与价值取向不同,决定其教育实施不同目标和手段,旨在达到公民与共同体要求和谐一致,从而从内心产生认同和归属,接受和忠诚于自己生活的共同体,从政治哲学视域反思公民教育和认同问题,对于构建中国特色社会主义核心价值观念,促进命运共同体发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

在人们的心目中,夏洛克这个放高利贷的犹太人,狡猾、残酷而且心黑手辣。但这种观点忽略了夏洛克这个人物的复杂性。夏洛克有多重性格,他是一个聪明、吝啬的商人,充满了复仇的欲望;同时他又是一个受虐待的犹太人,受尽了基督徒的虐待,他热爱他的家庭。  相似文献   

网络世界具有三重维度,它是由技术世界、社会世界和人文世界这三重不同的维度所构成.网络空间的三重维度中蕴涵着虚拟性与现实性的双重属性.虚拟与现实之间存在四种基本关系,即差异性、同一性、对立性和统一性.在此基础上,我们的现实社会呈现出了"虚拟化"的征候,我们必须想方设法促进虚实之间的良性互动从而实现虚实和谐.虚实和谐是人类在网络时代应该追求的基本价值目标.  相似文献   

The historic and current case to retain a focused clinical nursing identity within an academic context is explicit; however there is tension between the need for excellence in teaching and research, and obligation to maintain a credible clinical identity. Nursing is politically and vocationally advanced but, arguably, weaker academically. Considered an ‘old vocation’ but a ‘young discipline’, nursing lacks the traditional background found in established academic communities. Nurses still find it difficult to ‘let go’ of the past and new academics will often try to re-create a clinical role because they lack confidence in their ability to fulfil an academic one. Moving forward, the new graduate nursing programmes and the growing number of hybrid or ‘pracademic’ roles spanning education and practice will, through the co-creation of knowledge, challenge discipline boundaries and produce a new generation of leaders for the profession.  相似文献   

关汉卿的杂剧代表着元杂剧辉煌的成就,他的剧本渗透着浓浓的女性关照,凸显着元代女性真实的生存状况:敢于冲破旧樊篱和改变自身命运。《救风尘》《望江亭》和《窦娥冤》三部作品中的主要女性形象赵盼儿、谭记儿和窦娥就是他们中杰出的代表,她们被社会所逼,被政权、族权、父权、夫权所逼,敢于控诉封建社会妇女地位,敢于追求爱情,敢于维护自身的尊严,具有光辉夺目的魅力。本文主要对关汉卿杂剧《救风尘》《望江亭》和《窦娥冤》三部作品中的主要女性形象赵盼儿、谭记儿、窦娥的身份意识的觉醒探析,进而深入剖析女性觉醒带来的社会意义,总结这种意识的进步和局限。  相似文献   

This article is a case study that aimed at understanding the dynamics of two complementary communities involved in a distance education graduate program: one community of practice formed by the instructors and instructional developers, who designed and developed the program, and another created by the students and instructor in one of the online courses. The relationship between both communities and the evolution that occurred within the online course are analyzed. Emergent themes are discussed and recommendations are made for similar contexts and communities.  相似文献   

和谐社区建设是构建和谐社会的基础,和谐文化建设是和谐社区建设的灵魂,在和谐社区建设中发挥着强大的精神支撑作用,是促进社会和谐的重要手段。只有不断完善相关政策法规并加大落实力度,加强文化设施建设,完善其服务功能,培育和谐文化品牌,引领社区居民的文化认同,引导人们树立和谐的思想观念和思维方式,使和谐的理念成为全社会的重要价值取向,才能够打造和谐社区、和睦邻里、和关家庭,促进身心健康与社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

This paper uses a possible selves theoretical framework to examine whether and how adolescent girls' images of themselves as future scientists change during their transition from high school to college. Forty-one female high school graduates from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, who had enrolled in an intensive math and science program while in high school, participated in interviews focused on their perceptions of factors that influenced their career plans over time. Participants suggested that career-related internships and intensive academic programs, especially those that yielded important mentoring relationships, were contexts in which they negotiated career-related possible selves and subsequent career plans.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, there has been a burgeoning of research on teacher identity. While the various bodies of work produced are very valuable, further lines of enquiry need to be pursued in order to take account of the complexities involved. This paper on the conception, construction, and maintenance of the identity of Roman Catholic female religious teachers in Ireland from the mid-1930s to the mid-1960s is offered as one contribution. Being restricted to a particular time and place, it is a response to those who have emphasized the need to investigate teacher identity in different national contexts. Secondly, by focusing on female teaching religious, it highlights the importance of studying different ‘types’ of teachers other than those identified by age group, school subject, or grade level taught. Thirdly, it represents a shift in research framing away from the more usually utilized concepts of ‘personal identity,’ ‘social identity,’ ‘professional identity,’ and ‘the self.’ Documentary evidence and oral testimony indicate that the professional life of the female teaching religious was viewed by them as being integral to their religious vocation. This particular notion of vocation embodied a spiritual belief in being called by God, to work for God. Thus, it meant that the female teaching religious approached teaching, quite literally, with religious zeal. It also meant that their commitment was, first and foremost, to their religious life and that teaching, while deemed to be very important, was always in accord with and, where necessary took second place, to that life.  相似文献   

《时时刻刻》是美国当代作家迈克尔·坎宁安(Michael Cunningham)以伍尔夫的《达洛维夫人》为主要线索而创作的小说,它讲述了20世纪不同时代三位女性一天的生活。本文运用精神分析女性主义理论,分析三个女主人公的精神和心理,从她们的内心深处的压抑到解放自我的灵魂。她们都是父权制下压抑的产物,但是随着事情的变化,她们慢慢的意识自己存在的重要性,从而找回自己的灵魂。  相似文献   

Many authors primarily from industrialised nations discuss human relationships with the natural environment in the context of global environmental issues, and highlight the close relationships that ‘traditional’ societies have with nature. There is a growing trend among indigenous people in North America to restore such a connection with the land through place‐based education. This article reports on progress on such a programme at Russian Mission School in rural Alaska in the period 2002–2007 and its implications for sustainability. The programme actively seeks to integrate the community’s cultural values and activities into their curriculum. This has resulted in raising pupils’ academic skills and confidence, and seems to be bridging a gap of distrust between the school and community. An ethnographical approach was adopted with a mixed research design based primarily on participant observation, supported by semi‐structured interviews, written surveys, and conversations with stakeholders, student writings and secondary sources. The initial fieldwork in 2002 was followed up five years later.  相似文献   

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