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社会文化学理论是基于前苏联心理学家和教育家维果斯基的理论而发展出来的一个学术流派。最近二三十年来,这一理论在第二语言教师教育领域得到了广泛重视。本文介绍社会文化学理论在第二语言教师教育领域引起的改变,说明第二语言教师教育领域应用该理论时所采用的具体方法,并指出该理论中值得注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

Understanding imagination as both a cognitive and affective endeavor is crucial in order for educators to promote creative and imaginative thinking in informal and formal learning environments. It is the primary aim of this paper to develop the theoretical discussion of Vygotsky’s writings on young children’s imaginative abilities launched by Gajdamaschko (Teach Educ 16(1):13–22, 2005) and Lindqvist (Res J 15(2&3):245–251, 2003). This paper illustrates Vygotsky’s writings on the cognitive processes involved in children’s imagination and creativity and concludes with a discussion focused on the components of an educational environment that can either support or stifle children’s imaginative abilities. It is through this continuing discussion that, as researchers, we hope to extend and challenge current conceptions of the role of imaginative thinking in early education.  相似文献   

在一阶形式语言L={ ,0}中,用模型理论对交换群进行研究,证明了整数环上的任意基数无扭模,都存在基数非自由模的无扭模,不存在有限交换单群公理,而素数P阶交换单群理论是范畴理论.  相似文献   

杨帆 《海外英语》2013,(15):210-211
Up to now,it has been learned so many theories about second language acquisition (SLA),namely behaviorism theories,innatism theories,psychological theories,and interactionist theories.Among these theories the interactionist theories especially Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory is most in line with the real teaching philosophy.  相似文献   

社会文化理论视角下的外语课堂与语言学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理语言学取向的二语习得研究为我们提供了诸如输入、输出、形式聚焦等一系列十分有用的概念框架,对语言教学实践也产生了积极影响。但课堂二语习得的更多层面还有待探究。源于维果茨基学说的社会文化理论包括中介、内化、活动、最近发展区等核心概念在内的丰富思想,对我们理解二语课堂的活动系统、教师的中介作用和课堂互动与促进发展的关系等,会提供一种更宽阔的视野。  相似文献   

试论江泽民的创新思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江泽民同志关于创新的一系列重要思想,既符合马克思主义的本质要求,是对毛泽东思想,邓小平理论的继承和发展,也与建设有中国特色社会主义的实践紧密相联系,具有丰富的内涵。  相似文献   

维柯通过对神话与原始人类的考察,认为想象力是创造之眼,原初人的创造是由“共同意识”决定的。这种创造观将诗性置于人类文化创造之本,并强调一种实践智慧,从而为西方思想文化的反思提供了重要的理论资源。  相似文献   

文[1]给出了圆锥曲线的一组统一性质,但文中三个定理中涉及的点A是对称轴上的一个特殊定点(A是圆锥曲线的一条准线与对称轴的交点).事实上,对于圆锥曲线对称轴上的任意一定点(不与顶点、中心重合)仍有文[1]中阐述的统一性质,以下我们用一个统一的结论给出圆锥曲线涉及对称.轴的一个较一般的性质及其简捷证明.  相似文献   

维果茨基的社会文化理论采用多维方法,特别关注个体认知、情感、社会和情境方面的变化,对我们理解教师的学习和发展模式提供了新的视角。考察了社会中介的概念,它是维果茨基学习理论与现有教师专业发展模式之间缺失的环节。新教师可以使用各种工具,包括专业期刊、通信工具、在线论坛、互联网、相关软件、实习或实习脚手架的内部或外部来源,促进专业发展并逐步成长为专家教师。讨论了拟议方法对设计和实施教师专业发展的各种影响,将教师专业发展与维果茨基的社会文化理论的核心原则联系起来。  相似文献   

本研究是基于社会文化理论的医护英语教学实证研究,研究结果表明,实验组和对照组学习者在语言综合运用能力方面存在显著差异。基于社会文化理论的医护英语教学模式能给学习者提供真实语境,注重语言的功能使用,使学习者能够更好地习得语言技能,同时发展语言运用能力。  相似文献   

创造力理论研究的新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该将20世纪80年代以来人们提出的创造力理论概括为五个方面,即创造过程的认知理论:创造活动的影响理论;创造力的内隐理论;创造力的元理论:创造力的培养理论,在此基础上,提出了作自己对未来研究方向的看法。  相似文献   

多元智能理论视野下的创造力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加德纳在对传统智力理论进行批评的基础上,提出了多元智能理论。多元智能理论从“解决问题与创造产品”的角度出发对智力进行新的诠释,由此提出了创造力具有多元性的观点,这对素质教育背景下的创造力培养具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

创造性的培养是教育领域的重要论题。人本主义心理学家马斯洛对人的创造性从心理学的角度进行了深入分析,可以概括为创造性的分类、心理实质、心理条件几个方面。根据马斯洛的理论,若要在教育实践中培养人的创造性,需要肯定人的创造性的普遍性和多样性,注重人格的培育,提供安全自由的环境等,方可取得预期的效果。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a model of teacher change based on a study of a science discipline-based professional education program and on an understanding of teacher change in terms of an agency| structure dialectic. Professional education programs should expand teachers' capacity to act in a range of fields. Conducted over one year, this study used socio-cultural theory to examine the role of cultural schema and resources in the enactment of new pedagogical structures by two teachers who demonstrated widely variable responses to their experience of a professional chemistry education program. Hermeneutic and phenomenological methods of study supported the examination of teacher actions and narratives as sources of data. The analyses of these data sources resulted in greater understanding of the relationship between schema, resources and structure and the relationship between structure and teacher agency. Structures are dynamic and if a teacher uses a resource such as an inquiry-based instruction protocol without the attendant cultural schema such as the value of questioning then the structure that is implemented will be different from that the teacher experienced in the professional education program. This understanding supported an explanation of teacher change in terms of teacher agency that constituted our learning from the study and resulted in changes to aspects of the professional education program.  相似文献   

Communicative Language Teaching(CLT)plays a vital role in foreign language teaching.Learners may improve their communicative language profi ciency under CLT mode.Many researches on Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory show that learning as a social and cultural rather than individual phenomenon takes place through meaningful interaction with people,and thus the people in the environment are essential to the development of new knowledge.This paper mainly analyses Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory in CLT mode.The conclusions in this paper may help the readers gain an insight into the relations between the Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory and CLT as well as awaken the awareness of designing the activities for teaching.  相似文献   

试论女性主义文学理论的发展空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性主义文学批评理论从狭隘的男女性别二元对立的哲学思维走向多元差异的性别身份立场,重建审美形态的性属特征,追问两性存在的历史与社会状况,建构健康和谐的性别意识形态和文学性别审美意象,在形式文本和历史文化、社会机制中扩展女性主义文学批评理论的发展空间.  相似文献   

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