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田娟 《海外英语》2012,(12):221-222
Written by the American novelist William Faulkner,his first short story A Rose for Emily is a typical representative of his works.This paper is to analyze the story from its stylistic features.  相似文献   

贾岛“推敲”故事纯系后人创作。但为何选定贾,为何用“推”、“敲”二字作素材,均事出有因。  相似文献   

In 1783 the Montgolfier brothers successfully experimented with lighter-thanair balloon flight. But their remarkable invention eventually turned out to be less useful than expected. Their guiding vision—that one could sail the heavens much like sailing the seas—was wrongheaded. Much like the story of early balloon flight, the telling of any story, such as ours, depends upon having a sensible vision before the facts become intelligible, much less useful. As an illustrative example, it is often argued that the experience of sport is essentially one of leisure and is not of the work world. This vision is challenged by analyzing the possibility that sport is indeed good work. If this is so, then promoting the text or our sport's story as part of the so-called progressive culture of evermore comfort and convenience is a story without much lift. An alternate vision for our field is to cultivate the story that the experience of sport is essentially work, hence inconvenient and difficult, but productive and therefore morally uplifting and personally dignifying.  相似文献   

This is the family-centered cesarean birth story of my twin grandchildren. Because of good prenatal education; a well-chosen, dedicated care provider; and parents with focus, I am able to share a beautiful birth story. I hope relating this story encourages other childbirth educators to present various options for cesarean in their classes, thereby educating the public about this beautiful opportunity if a cesarean birth is necessary.  相似文献   

基于语料库分析《一个干净明亮的地方》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,利用语料库语言学技术和方法对文学作品进行分析越来越受到人们的重视,并以此作为英语教学和学习的一个方法。文章通过语料库检索软件Wordsmith,分析了美国著名作家海明威的短篇小说——《一个干净明亮的地方》,以此揭示小说的情节和作者的写作风格。  相似文献   

缓慢推进故事情节是《红楼梦》的基本写作方法之一。因为元春享年36岁,所以,到元春去世时,《红楼梦》的后半部应该写出6年的事情。《红楼梦》后半部至少要写"十七年",才能写到贾兰为国捐躯。"因麒麟伏白首双星"就是宝玉和史湘云到了老年要成为夫妻。如果要写到史湘云40岁,《红楼梦》后半部要写"二十四年"。如果写到妙玉"青灯古殿人将老",《红楼梦》后半部要写"十七年"。元春去世是《红楼梦》后半部的关键,依"缓慢推进"之法,即平均十回写1年的故事,"到元春去世时",就必须写到一百四十回。综合上述各种因素,全部《红楼梦》可能有一百六十回。  相似文献   

刘娜 《柳州师专学报》2011,26(6):21-23,35
伊塔洛.卡尔维诺的长篇小说《如果在冬夜,一个旅人》充分体现了后现代小说碎片化、互为文本、迷宫体验等叙事特征。小说故事由框架故事和嵌入故事两部分组成,在结构形态上既有对传统小说叙事模式的继承,也有改变小说艺术模式的努力与尝试;小说通过故事情节的不确定性传达了现代人在现代社会中的迷宫感受。  相似文献   

Journal writing is a way to encourage process writing which promotes a sense of story. Written interactions or dialogues between the child and the teacher can support the story as children are involved in the writing process. The article describes one way to support the development of a story through journal writing. Children begin the story on their first page of the journal. The teacher responds in writing and the child subsequently converses with the teacher to produce stories and personal narratives. The written conversation helps children produce a story with a sense of meaning. Suggestions for kindergarten teachers and teacher education students include how to create the journal, what the writing center looks like, the necessity for a long-term commitment to writing, the importance of verbal and written interactions, and directions for beginning the interactive journal writing experience.  相似文献   

崔护故事首见于唐诗《题都城南庄》,后唐人孟棨在《本事诗》中将其本事衍为故事,宋代更是产生了关于崔护戏的杂剧雏形,至金元时期的崔护戏已经有了多个剧种。从崔护戏的缘起讲起,以不同时期崔护戏演变的不同剧本为例,通过具体作品版本的的变化来分析不同时期崔护戏的流变情况,这对崔护戏的研究具有一定价值。  相似文献   

海明威<乞力马扎罗的雪>是其意识流小说的经典,曾引来了无数学者的关注,本文对<乞力马扎罗的雪>的种种疑惑进行了梳理,并关注了三个争议较大的评论焦点:首先,很多读者对故事结尾哈里想象中的飞机飞达乞力马扎罗山的情景的描写讨论不一;其次对海明威的斜体使用的用意更是让很多读者捉摸不透;最让人费解的还是故事开局那段引语了.  相似文献   

本文通过对詹姆斯·乔伊斯的短篇小说《阿拉比》进行文本细读,结合小说中作者运用的象征意韵,反讽等手法,以及小说所体现的张力,拟从新批评的角度对这篇小说进行再次解读,以便更好地了解作品的价值,揭示作品的意义,领略作品的魅力。  相似文献   

This article traces the roots of narrative research in the social sciences and education, then centers on ‘story constellations,’ a version of narrative inquiry that uncovers teachers’ knowledge of school reform in context. A fluid form of investigation that unfolds in a three-dimensional inquiry space, story constellations consists of a flexible matrix of paired narratives that are broadened, burrowed, and restoried over time. The adaptability of this narrative inquiry approach is then made visible through introducing four story constellations separately, then laying sketches of the individual story constellations side-by-side. When analyzed in a conjoined fashion, these sketches illustrate how the particularities of place and human agency in the living of school reform played out differently in differing school contexts, despite the fact that the four school sites had one story of reform in common. In the end result, the illustrations demonstrate how the use of the malleable approach drew distinctive story constellations to the surface, spotlighting teachers’ knowledge of school reform as it developed in context over time. In this way, ‘story constellations’ as a method and as a form of inquiry is illuminated.  相似文献   

A Hunger Artist, one of Franz Kafka's favorite works, arouses critics' great attention.Paradox permeates the entire story and is vividly displayed in it.Alienation is the major theme of the story.On the other hand, the short story traces out a tragedy of the hunger artist's struggle, which is also an actual portraiture of author's life.  相似文献   

本文试图描述晚清时期对"短篇小说"的理解,考察当时短篇小说的状况。在翻译小说的影响下,此时的"短篇小说"已经开始与古代短篇小说分离,逐渐向新的方向前进。  相似文献   

浅析《最后一片叶子》的文体特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从叙述视角、修辞手法和会话三个方面对欧.亨利的著名短篇小说《最后一片叶子》进行文体分析,以期对作品的主题思想和美学价值有更深刻的了解。  相似文献   

论文主要是从底层叙事、都市叙事、乡土叙事和历史叙事四个方面,对2007年度中国短篇小说的整体创作状况所做的概括性描述和评价。并据其中存在的主要问题指出,如何坚持以自己的眼睛来看取社会和人生,以及在此基础上又该如何不断地努力拓展自己的思想和艺术能力,对当前的短篇小说家来说既是最重要的事情,也是最基本的态度。  相似文献   

“韩湘子”故事与其他民间传说一样,经历了一个复杂的发展过程,在流变过程中分布渐广,出现了故事版本多出、涉及文体庞杂等现象,这引起了学界的关注和研究。本文主要梳理了学界自20世纪30年代以来与“韩湘子”故事有关的研究方向与研究内容,特别论述了“韩湘子”故事在不同文体、不同社会历史环境中的发展与影响,以及学者在研究过程中不断产生的关联性研究。  相似文献   

介子推故事最早见于《左传》的记载,从行世之日起就备受关注,经过后世的不断演变,尤其在后世民间叙事的介入和传说化的过程中产生了鲜活的生命力而传承沿袭至今。同时介子推故事也为戏曲的创作继续附会缘饰提供了借鉴的意义和发挥的空间,元明清戏曲中的介子推故事在人物形象、结局设计等方面又呈现出不同的形态。  相似文献   

为了促进聋人大学生书面语的发展,研究采用课堂实践的方法,对聋人大学生进行手语故事转写的训练。结果发现手语故事能够有效地提高聋人大学生的手语能力,有效地提高聋人的书面语言的能力。手语故事的转写是训练聋人大学生书面语的一种快乐的和有效的方法。  相似文献   

作为叙述跨文化经历的一篇小说 ,艾米·谭的《女儿愿》中有以下一些互相冲突的对立因素 :过去 现在、西方 东方和男人 女人。从表面看 ,艾米·谭似乎更偏重过去、西方和男人。当从解构主义的角度重新阅读这篇小说 ,便可看出艾米·谭并没有偏向以上对立因素的任何一面 ,它是不同时代的东西方文化之间的对话 ,是文化多元时代的一个缩影。  相似文献   

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