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闻晖  王晓军 《海外英语》2012,(11):287-289
This paper is a case study on three negative stereotypes that Chinese have about North American culture on the basis of the theory of Kluckhohn’ s Value System,Hofstede’ s Value Dimensions and Edward T.Hall’ s Model.This study is a qualitative study which is mainly based on analyzing.Then some good ways are provided to help Chinese people overcome some negative stereotypes about North American culture so that they can have a more accurate understanding on American people and American culture and communicate with Americans with less obstacles.  相似文献   

以最新的两部电视剧即美剧《蛇蝎女佣》第一季和大陆剧《欢喜冤家》中的道歉对话作为语料,采用定量分析法、定性分析法和比较分析法,对中美道歉策略及其影响因素进行对比研究。研究结果表明,中美道歉策略存在共同点;由于文化和价值观的不同,两者在策略方面也存在明显的差异。这些异同都归结于文化差异、权利差距、性别差异和冒犯程度等影响因素,其中文化差异和权利差距是最主要的影响因素。  相似文献   

道歉是一种生活中常见的行为方式。本文通过一篇讲述父母如何教孩子学习道歉的阅读文章,陈述了中美文化中在道歉方面的一些差异来探讨中国人的道歉,以便帮助中国入学会更好地道歉。  相似文献   

Large numbers of students from the Chinese‐speaking world are nowadays enrolled in Western universities, prompting the need for awareness of their educational beliefs and practices. Although an established literature seeks to characterize ‘the Chinese learner’, much of this research results in stereotypical representations of a ‘reduced Other’: passive, uncritical and over‐reliant on the instructor. This paper, which is based on ethnographic research conducted in universities in the People’s Republic of China, aims to illuminate some of the common misperceptions of Chinese educational cultures.  相似文献   

华侨,是指仍保留我国国籍的具有中国血统的侨居国外的我国公民;华族是指具有中华民族血统和中国文化特征的人,包括保持中国国籍的“华侨”,取得美国国籍的“华人”,以及华侨、华人的后裔——“华裔”,从华族形成的原因入手,来论述华侨到华族的形成及前景。  相似文献   

在媒介领域中,报纸等新闻媒体由于自身内容的限制以及它所具有的真实性和严肃性特征,已成为当今社会获取信息的主要渠道,成为某种权威的象征.对《人民日报》、《新民晚报》和《纽约时报》三家主流报纸的体育新闻中的女性形象采用量化、内容分析和质化研究相结合的方法来分析两国主导报纸中有关女性体育人物报道的现状,可以了解不同社会文化环境下新闻报道的共性与差异,考察其对性别议题的报道广度和深度,发现报道优势与盲点,并从跨文化的角度分析与女性有关的体育新闻报道与传统性别文化、社会发展、相关机制和政策以及大众传媒的不可分割的联系.  相似文献   

世界是一个多元化的大家庭,各个国家因历史文化底蕴的不同,导致国家与国家之间存在着一定的文化差异。因受文化差异的影响,人们对其他国家文学作品的评论也有着不同的理解。中西文化存在一定差异,东方人民在对西方文学进行评论时会有其不同的观点。英美两国的发展历史不同,其相对的文学作品在类型、语言表达上也均有不同,文章讲述中西文化差异及两个文化差异对英美文学作品评论的影响,首先分析了英美文学作品的发展及特点、英美文学评论的概念,然后探究了英美两国文化差异对英美作品的影响以及中西文化差异对英美文学作品评论的影响。  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代,英国陆续向中国政府退还从中国掠夺来的庚款余额。虽然英国民间很早就有向中国退还庚款余额的呼声,但是英国政府退还庚款余额的决定和退还行动却一波三折。这一期间英国所处的国际环境如美国退还庚款的影响、日本退还庚款的压力和中国人民在退还庚款问题上的反抗斗争都对英国施加了巨大的压力,同时英国战后社会思潮和经济形势的变化也对政府的退还行动有影响,并影响着退还庚款的管理和使用权问题。  相似文献   

In this article, the researchers report findings from a recent national study of teacher education in China, in comparison to similar data from national and case studies in the United States. The study aims at understanding and comparing the profiles and entry perspectives of Chinese versus American teacher candidates. The researchers demonstrate that there are both similarities and differences in the demographic characteristics of the Chinese and American teacher candidates. The Chinese education students come from less privileged backgrounds in socioeconomic status and academic preparation. Although they share some of the noble ideas about becoming teachers, the overwhelming majority of the Chinese students do not intend to commit to teaching as a lifelong career. They cite the low status of the teaching profession and the poor benefits for teachers as primary reasons for leaving teaching. The researchers urge Chinese and American policy makers and teacher educators to revise their policies and practices in light of the study findings in order to recruit qualified young people into teacher education programs and more importantly to retain good teachers in the profession.  相似文献   

In this article, the researchers report findings from a recent national study of teacher education in China, in comparison to similar data from national and case studies in the United States. The study aims at understanding and comparing the profiles and entry perspectives of Chinese versus American teacher candidates. The researchers demonstrate that there are both similarities and differences in the demographic characteristics of the Chinese and American teacher candidates. The Chinese education students come from less privileged backgrounds in socioeconomic status and academic preparation. Although they share some of the noble ideas about becoming teachers, the overwhelming majority of the Chinese students do not intend to commit to teaching as a lifelong career. They cite the low status of the teaching profession and the poor benefits for teachers as primary reasons for leaving teaching. The researchers urge Chinese and American policy makers and teacher educators to revise their policies and practices in light of the study findings in order to recruit qualified young people into teacher education programs and more importantly to retain good teachers in the profession.  相似文献   

幽默带给人们欢笑,是人类生活不可缺的一部分。来自不同文化背景,操不同语言的人们互相之间分享幽默,既要克服语言上的障碍,还要逾越文化上的障碍。以两部美国情景喜剧为素材,阐述中国观众在欣赏美国幽默过程中出现的文化障碍,从文化差异方面分析导致文化障碍的因素及表现形式。  相似文献   

美国迪斯尼版《花木兰》上映后在美国和中国的反响大不相同,是由于两国的文化价值观不同。中关两国文化价值观念在人性、人与自然的关系、时间取向、活动类型和人与社会的关系等方面都存在很大差异,美国版《花木兰》和中国古代文学作品《木兰诗》在两种文化体系中产生的解读结果正好在同一题材上体现了中关文化中价值取向的差异。  相似文献   

In the 21 st century, film, is an important carrier of modern art. American blockbusters have exerted far-reaching infl uence on the development of Chinese fi lm. Some people think that the import of American blockbusters is a kind of cultural invasion against Chinese culture. In this paper, it is concluded that American culture exerts influence on Chinese culture by analyzing how the cultural invasion is processing and the countermeasures taken by Chinese Government.  相似文献   

美国华裔戏剧的历史发展与华裔在美国的社会地位密切相关。华裔在不同历史时期的舞台形象,从一个方面反映了华裔的社会地位。从19世纪中期华人移民美国开始到20世纪中期的近一百年期间,在美国的华裔舞台形象经历了智力上被幼儿化、外貌上被妖魔化、文化上被另类化的负面化的过程。这些形象广泛见诸于美国社会。匡正华裔刻板形象的努力是促成美国华裔戏剧产生与发展的重要因素。因此,对这些负面形象进行研究是十分必要的,有助于从历史的视角了解美国华裔戏剧的产生和发展。文章通过对不同历史阶段的华裔舞台形象进行梳理和阐释,说明华裔舞台形象的负面化与20世纪70年代崛起的华裔戏剧的相关性,并说明戏剧舞台不仅是华裔的表演平台,也是他们实现自己政治和文化诉求的重要平台。  相似文献   

雷霆超的《吃碗茶》是重现上世纪40年代美国华裔单身汉生活的经典之作。小说描写了唐人街单身汉面对家庭和社会所流露出的不安与躁动以及中国封建文化中的男权主义在美国主流社会的冲击下渐生扭曲,乃至蜕变。文章研究目的在于关注小说中唐人街中的男权主义对人性的摧残,揭露出唐人街的人们一定程度上都是封建主义影响下的产物,他们各自的悲惨经历也都源于男权主义这一孽根。在新的历史语境中,这些根深蒂固的中国传统思想对人性的摧残值得深思。  相似文献   

中美创新教育的价值取向各具特征,立足社会本位和立足个人本位分别是中美创新教育价值取向的基本特征,其价值取向对基础教育的培养目标、教育理念、课程设置、思维训练和教学效果等教育实践都产生了深刻的影响。我国的创新教育应学习借鉴美国创新教育的有益经验,以培养出千百万富有创新精神和实践能力的创造性人才。  相似文献   

周谷平  张雁 《教育研究》2006,27(11):29-34
在大学发展史上,德国经典大学理念向美国现代大学理念转化是一个延续的、互动的过程,这两类理念共同架构了现代大学人的创新思想取向和行为模式。我国大学存在着经典与现代理念的双重缺失,因此,我国创新型大学建设中面临两大张力:经典大学理念与现代大学理念的张力以及经典大学理念与中国传统文化间的张力。经典大学理念的守望与超越共存,是我国建设创新型大学中应一以贯之的原则。  相似文献   

Using Kuhn and McPartland’s approach, 116 Chinese college students were recruited and asked to write as many sentences as possible beginning with “Chinese…,” “Americans…,” and “Japanese….” The population of sentences consisted of 258 adjectives, of which 96 described Chinese, 53 described Americans, and 109 described Japanese. Next, the first ten adjectives with the highest frequencies describing Chinese, Americans, and Japanese, respectively were selected for the second step of data collection in that students were asked if they would accept these adjectives describing Chinese, Americans, and Japanese. If they did, they were further asked to provide examples or illustrations to support their agreement. Based on the top 30 adjectives and the qualitative data collected at the second step, students’ perceptions of Chinese, American, and Japanese were analyzed. The results of the data analysis discovered that Chinese students are, to some extent, stereotyped toward American and Japanese, and their understanding of Chinese people is not accurate, either. The results confirm that media to certain extent are responsible for the shaping of some of the students’ stereotypes. Evidently, the results of this study suggest that the Chinese students’ stereotypes will affect their intercultural communication with Americans and Japanese. Although this study does not provide tactics on the reduction or elimination of stereotypes in the process of intercultural communication, it provides meaningful clues for future research in how stereotypes may be reduced by way of intercultural contact or training. This research has two major limitations. First, all the subjects are Chinese. Had American and Japanese samples been selected for a comparative investigation, more meaningful and insightful results could have been obtained. Second, because of the space constraints, verbs and nouns were not analyzed.  相似文献   

中国灿烂的阳鸟文化滥觞于上古时期,先民们把昼伏夜出的乌鸦幻想成载日的神鸟,又衍生出家喻户晓的射日故事。而极其相似的神话故事也在大洋彼端的美洲印第安原住民中广泛流布,太阳、火与乌鸦神仿佛被习惯性地捆绑成特定类型。古代中国与印第安人都将乌鸦视为载日神鸟,分别从乌鸟载日与衔日的想象衍生出射日与盗日神话。研究两种古老文明中相似的神话故事,或可为人种迁移说提供新证。  相似文献   

金融海啸的发生使人们对美国资本主义的新自由经济发展模式产生质疑,有识之士纷纷将目光投向中国传统文化,以又好义快地促进中国特色社会主义发展。中国传统文化发展脉络经历了“缘起-成熟-衰落-复兴”的过程,当下以儒家为代表的传统文化的复兴要考虑尊重历史,以主流的马克思主义意识形态为依托及在青少年中普及儒学。  相似文献   

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