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女性情怀辉映男子气概——试论薛涛诗歌中的双重情感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐代女诗人薛涛,一生命运坎坷,但她以诗作在文学史上留下了自己的足迹。薛涛的诗,是其经历的文学记录,更是其心声的表露。一方面,她的诗是其女性情怀的表露,这是她遭受男权世界压迫的曲折表现;另一方面,她的诗又表露出强烈的男子气概,这与她长期与男权世界中的精英人物酬唱有关。全面认识薛涛,应该认识到薛涛诗歌情感世界的双重性。  相似文献   

白薇的悲苦恋情对她的创作产生了深远的影响,在她那富有理想和浪漫精神的笔墨之中,不仅展示了她在情感和理智的漩涡中奋力挣扎而不得解脱的痛苦过程,也写出了人生悲凉的无限遐思,包含着对男权的憎恨,对女性意识的发掘与探寻。  相似文献   

一直以来,学术界对李清照的《论词》的批评集中在她的“协律说”和对苏轼的批评上,这些批评虽然有合理的地方,但是也存在着不同程度的误读。本文从李清照的词学本体论精神出发,注重发掘《论词》对词学的本体论建构的贡献,廓清《论词》的批评维度,还原“协律论”的真实意义,对《论词》的价值进行了多方位的重审。  相似文献   

尤三姐是一个反封建的叛逆者的典型.她出自小巷寒门,虽寄人篱下,而绝不屈从于纨绔子弟的淫威,并主动出击,以其特殊方式进行反抗.她公然背叛"父母之命,媒妁之言"的封建礼教,理直气壮地提出自主择夫的主张,明确把爱情置于权势、金钱和门第之上.当她的爱情理想遭到封建势力的扼杀时,她以死进行抗争,表明了她的纯洁高尚,也表达了她对爱情的炽烈和执著.她的死是对封建礼教的控诉.  相似文献   

The sense of "entitlement" or of being an exception has been noted in people who have suffered from severe childhood deformities or from other forms of severe deprivation. In such cases it constitutes a restitution for earlier suffering. In this vignette from the treatment of a patient who, because of sexual abuse by her mother, did not feel that she owned her own genitals, the sense of entitlement represented a developmental step toward ownership of her own body.  相似文献   

The author describes a project that illustrates the use of critical ethnography as a research methodology in religious education. The article focuses on a facet of critical ethnography known as autoethnography. Autoethnography refers to the researcher's use of portions of her own life story in an ethnographic project. It allows the researcher to interrogate her reasons for engaging in a specific field, in this case, female adolescent voice. In her research with adolescent females, the author weaves memories of her own adolescence, especially those memories of significant adult mentors who helped her come to voice. Through the use of such autobiographical narrative, the researcher acknowledges the situated nature of her observations and reveals the connections between herself and the topic under study. In keeping with significant work in the field of anthropology, the author argues that this turn toward autoethnography allows for research that engages scholarly passion, enabling the researcher to effect change.  相似文献   

森艾米莉·狄金森是美国十九世纪与沃尔特·惠特曼齐名的女诗人,她的死亡主题的诗歌长期以来引起了很多学者的关注,也出现了从多个角度进行的评论和阐释,本文也拟对其死亡诗歌中独特的意象、诗歌中反映出的作者对待上帝的态度、以及作者对永生的认识等角度进行解读,以期对这位神秘的美国女诗人对待死亡的复杂的思想和矛盾的宗教态度有个更为清楚和全面的了解。  相似文献   

A teacher's orientation toward science teaching has been proposed as very influential to a teacher's pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and teaching practice. Experienced teachers' orientation toward science teaching and its connections to their practice has not been well explored. Focusing on a unit about the periodic table, this study provides a case study using a respected, experienced high-school chemistry teacher's orientation toward science teaching to make sense of her observed teaching practice. Aspects of her practice, which aligned and misaligned with current recommendations for science teaching, were explored. Using observations, interviews, and class documents, the study concluded that the teacher's orientation toward science teaching was an appropriate way of understanding her teaching practice. While also being shown to be a useful tool for researchers, this case provides an example how a teacher's orientation toward science teaching could help in the development of professional development, specifically professional development for the recently released Next Generation Science Standards.  相似文献   

池莉小说大多是对芸芸众生的世俗性关怀,努力按生活的本来面目本本分分地写;注重语言的本真色彩,运用世俗性的平易语言;实实在在地将身边的事情写出,使小说具有自然风韵;不如意的悲哀人生的展示,对命运的妥协与认同,使作品呈现出悲婉的审美风格。  相似文献   

武则天故事经历了一个从历史到文学的转移过程,其间经历了一系列变化。人物形象从普通凡人转移成灵异神人,感情色彩上从逐渐贬低到真心褒扬,结构内容上从只言片语到连缀全篇。武则天神秘类故事主要分为两个层面,官方记载和民间传说。立场不同产生不同的褒贬倾向,官方的记载以贬低武则天为主,而民间故事多以颂扬武则天为主。  相似文献   

This study describes an elementary school teacher's implementation of authentic assessment strategies in her science classes. After completing a graduate elementary science methods course, this teacher decided to make changes that would align her assessment strategies with her hands-on approach to teaching science. She experimented with a variety of assessment strategies and was successful in the use of science logs, performance assessment, creative drama, scrapbooks, and interviews, while rejecting the use of portfolios. Factors that contributed to the successful implementation included administrative support, close contact with parents, collaboration with university faculty, teacher's ownership, and the teacher's flexibility to try a variety of strategies. The teacher's perception of assessment shifted toward an integrated model wherein instruction and assessment occur simultaneously. Her typical reaction after assessing her students changed from disappointment in how they performed on a test to surprise at how much they knew. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

从文化学意义的层面分析,薛宝琴的独特气质与道家文化相关,具体表现在:逍遥自在的人生体验、真纯真率的人生理念、无视礼法的人生境界。而邢岫烟的淡泊人格与儒家文化相关,体现在:理性克制的处世态度、朴素淡然的君子之风、推己及人的为士之道。从小说对这两个形象与其他女性的描写中,可以看到曹雪芹进步的妇女观:赞颂女性的美好品德和出众才干;深切同情她们的不幸命运;反对男尊女卑,呼唤自由平等。  相似文献   

中国现代文学史上 ,张爱玲是个奇特的现象 ,人们对她可以从多种角度产生不同的理解。张爱玲早年的身世及特殊生活经历影响了她的人格心理的发展 ,影响到她对外部世界的感受和体验 ,“失落感”是她基本的心理状态 ,并进而影响到她的创作。从作家心理 ,即从创作主体心态的角度去理解、分析张爱玲 ,较之以往社会学及历史学的单纯外部分析 ,这也许是评价张爱玲的另一种途径和起点  相似文献   

本文重点介绍和阐述了著名诗人文学家评论员“哈里斯”的生平革命事迹以及她对推动和发展维吾尔文艺事业的超前意识和先进观点。  相似文献   

1900年,义和团运动在直隶兴起,慈禧对义和团的态度由“剿”改“抚”,终至引发八国联军侵华。慈禧态度改变的原因何在?历来存有争议。慈禧招抚义和团的主要原因有三个方面:其一是慈禧对光绪和洋人的仇视;其二是慈禧对义和团力量的过高估计;其三是慈禧被所谓“归政”消息刺激。慈禧利用义和团来打击西方国家,不是基于对国家前途的负责,也不是基于对满清政权巩固的考虑。慈禧招抚义和团只是为了泄私愤而已。  相似文献   

This paper uses Frank Lloyd Wright's (1867‐1959) organic architecture as a metaphor to define the relationship between a part and the whole, whether the focus is on a building and its surroundings or information delivered via hypertext. It reviews and discusses effective strategies for designing text information via hypertext and incorporates three levels of information design: the foundation, the room, and the roof level. In the foundation level, the nature of hypertext and issues concerning the use of hypertext as an appropriate information delivery technology are presented. In the room level, specifics on effective typography and content design that enhance information processing and comprehension are reviewed. In the roof level, the learner's experience performing a task and his or her identified information needs are discussed. Finally, recommendations for future research are provided  相似文献   

Cooperative learning: A successful college teaching strategy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on a review of the literature, cooperative learning strategies seem to be effective in raising the level of university student achievement and attitude. The few studies on commitment and retention show positive anecdotal evidence of the importance of small group structures with those undergraduates surveyed. Six features were found to be present in effective cooperative learning methodology: positive interdependence, individual accountability, a rationale for grouping, structured student interaction, instructor facilitation, and attention to social skills. Further study and review of the attitudinal and achievement potential of cooperative learning structures compared to traditional teaching methodologies seems indicated.She received her Ed.D. in 1989 from Pepperdine University, and her B.S. in 1963 from the University of Utah. Dr. Cook's research and writing focus on cooperative learning, the promotion of positive attitudes toward reading, and creating literate communities by infusing multicultural literature into secondary English courses.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of authoritarianism and teachers' attitude toward their pupils of graduate students in the Middle East. It was found that those individuals scoring high on authoritarianism had less positive attitudes toward pupils. Further, Moslems were more authoritarian and had less positive attitudes toward pupils than Christians. The sex of the respondent was not related to his or her attitude.  相似文献   

李亮 《安顺学院学报》2010,(2):13-14,65
斯佳丽是玛格丽特.米切尔的名作《飘》中的女主人公,她虽历经磨难却毫不气馁,凭借着智慧和勇敢最终走出困境,把握了自己的命运,表现出具有一定程度的觉醒了的女性自我意识。文章试图从斯佳丽对待生活和爱情的态度上来探究她的女性自我意识及其形成的原因。  相似文献   

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