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Student Engagement and Student Learning: Testing the Linkages*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study examines (1) the extent to which student engagement is associated with experimental and traditional measures of academic performance, (2) whether the relationships between engagement and academic performance are conditional, and (3) whether institutions differ in terms of their ability to convert student engagement into academic performance. The sample consisted of 1058 students at 14 four-year colleges and universities that completed several instruments during 2002. Many measures of student engagement were linked positively with such desirable learning outcomes as critical thinking and grades, although most of the relationships were weak in strength. The results suggest that the lowest-ability students benefit more from engagement than classmates, first-year students and seniors convert different forms of engagement into academic achievement, and certain institutions more effectively convert student engagement into higher performance on critical thinking tests. *A version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April 2004.  相似文献   

After describing the widespread popularity enjoyed by recently established courses in Interpersonal Communication, this article traces the genesis of such courses to “humanistic” trends in education, contemporary theories in psychotherapy developed by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, and the concern for “feelings” expressed by students in the sixties.  相似文献   

Student parents face significant barriers to academic success. Joan Demeules and Beth Hamer describe St. Catherine University's Steps to Success program that provides proactive support for these vulnerable students in order to head off problems before they become insurmountable.  相似文献   

本文在联合国教科文组织、经合组织和美国国际教育协会2018年发布的全球学生流动数据基础上,结合相关文献,探究了全球学生流动的特点、影响因素与趋势。研究发现:全球学生流动呈现出流入流出区域较为集中、硕博层次流动比例高、STEM领域流动性强等特点;全球学生流动受到政策、经济和教育等方面因素的影响;其趋势表现为美英两国的国际学生增速放缓,加澳两国有望成为接收国际学生的新增长极,东亚和东非的学生流动性将有所提高。建议评估影响国际学生选择的可能因素,加快和扩大教育对外开放,建设留学教育强国。  相似文献   

The study of American public address is in the midst of a remarkable renaissance. One aspect of that renaissance is a resurgence of interest in the American oratorical tradition; another is a growing occupation with the close analysis of rhetorical texts. These developments are particularly important given the need to develop a body of critical literature explicating the rhetorical artistry of classic texts from the heritage of American oratory. Like other aspects of study in public address, creating such a body of literature should be regarded as important in its own right, rather than for its potential to fill in the historical record or to enhance the development of rhetorical theory.

AMERICAN ORATORS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. Edited by Bernard K. Duffy and Halford R. Ryan. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1987; pp. 468. $65.00.  相似文献   

课堂教学是落实素质教育的主渠道,因而,针对传统教学中严重忽视人的发展,使培养的人缺乏个性和创造性这一弊端,关注学生主体性发展,提倡并构建“主体性”课堂教学,是在课堂教学中落实素质教育的核心。  相似文献   

班主任要有良好的师德形象,树立起在学生心目中的威信,用正确的人生观、价值观、职业观去积极引导、教育学生,用自己的爱无私地去关心学生的生活和学习,才能成为他们的良师益友.  相似文献   

为打破欧洲各国的高等教育边界,欧洲各国于1999年签署了《博洛尼亚宣言》,由此启动了博洛尼亚进程。目前,欧洲各国教育部长们在推动旨在促进学生流动的学习项目方面达成了共识,一方面,吸引欧洲以外的学生到欧洲国家修读学位项目,另一方面促进欧洲内部的短期学生流动。虽然该政策的效果评估面临各种问题,但有些大体趋势依然可见。首先,博洛尼亚进程有助于促使欧洲以外的学生到欧洲学习,但对促进欧洲内部的学生流动作用不大。其次,到毕业为止,学生频繁向外流动的情形超出了很多学者的预期,但也因国家而异。最后,由于学生流动的排他性式微,其价值逐渐减小。  相似文献   

This study proposes a new model, termed the multiple membership piecewise growth model (MM-PGM), to handle individual mobility across clusters frequently encountered in longitudinal studies, especially in educational research wherein some students could attend multiple schools during the course of the study. A real data set containing some students who switched elementary schools was used to demonstrate and explain the MM-PGM. Parameter and model fit differences were compared between the MM-PGM and two other techniques for handling student mobility: the first school-PGM, which only used school membership at the first measurement occasion, and the delete-PGM, which removed mobile students from the analysis. Results indicated that the three approaches of handling mobile students led to different conclusions about the impact of school-level predictors of growth parameters and the school-level variability in the growth rates. Furthermore, deleting mobile students altered the impact of student-level predictors compared to the other two approaches.  相似文献   

This article presents the case of student mobility through the ERASMUS programme at the University of Patras in Greece. Through research based on official records, questionnaires and interviews with students of the University of Patras who participated in mobility programmes during the period 2000–2005, this article examines the way Greek students perceive their participation in the ERASMUS programme, the problems and difficulties they encounter as well as the benefits they deem they derive from their participation.  相似文献   

教育的公益性与 (准 )产业性并存是当代教育发展的规律 ;私立教育的发展弥补了公立教育的不足 ,世界上很多国家的私立教育中存在营利性的部分 ,所占比例不高 ;在营利性教育中 ,教育的公益性与营利性并行不悖  相似文献   

The authors examined student reactions to an activity in computer science, psychology, women's studies, and education courses. The reciprocal interview involves the instructor gathering information about the students, followed by students collectively asking questions of the instructor. The interview aims to make students more comfortable in interactions with the instructor by soliciting student input. Student responses indicated they enjoyed the activity and recommend faculty use it in various courses. Participants also reported the interview process helped create a more comfortable classroom environment and helped clarify instructors' expectations of students.  相似文献   

道格拉斯·麦克里格的XY理论基于人性假设,认为每个人都有工作的主观能动性,管理者需按照工作者的需求提供相应激励措施,以提升工作者的主观能动性.高校学生干部的需求符合Y理论的人性假设,管理教师可通过充分的授权和信任机制提升学生干部工作内部的成就激励,增强其工作成就感;通过适当的奖惩机制和反馈机制增强学生干部的责任感,约束其行为;通过建立学生干部培养机制,完善学生干部职业生涯的规划.  相似文献   

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