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本文重点讨论性别差异在语言中的表现,性别差异在言语交际风格上的反映.最后提出,随着社会的发展,性别原形的概念也在不断变化,这在两性言语交际中有所反映,同时指出这一研究在人际交往及语言教学中的重要性.  相似文献   

刘晚秋 《文教资料》2008,(22):44-46
语言中的性别差异是一种普遍的现象.本文拟从社会语言学的角度分析日常会话中男女语用差异的主要特征,探讨产生这种性别语言差异的社会根源,从而使两性能更好地认识性别语言差异,培养性别语言差异的敏感性,避免两性交际中的误解,推动两性顺利和谐的交流.  相似文献   

侯香勤 《海外英语》2014,(11):239-241
性别与语言之间的关系是当今社会语言学研究的一个重要议题。语言使用上的性别差异可体现在发音、词汇、句法等层面以及与性别相关的其他方面。两性语言分别表明或突显其性别特征或性别身份。语言上的性别差异又体现了其所属的文化特征。  相似文献   

女性别差异是人类社会的基本差异,针对男女性别差异的所有研究与我们每个人都息息相关。男女两性在语言使用上的诸多差异,是男女性别差异的一种表现,这种差异早在1913年就引起了人们的关注。对语言中性别差异的研究不仅有助于两性语言的研究、社会文化的研究,而且有助于预测语言的发展趋势和了解文化习俗,对构建平等、和谐的语言交际环境有着现实意义。  相似文献   

性别语言为语言研究的重要内容,与语境紧密相联。本文选择婚恋交友电视节目这一具体语境对性别语言进行研究,以《非诚勿扰》中的话语为语料,用定量和定性的方法,从语音、词汇、句法、会话模式、副语言多层面来分析婚恋交友节目中的性别语言。旨在弥补以往关于性别差异研究缺乏具体语境研究的缺憾,证实和补充以往性别语言的研究成果,发现新时代背景下和具体语境中性别语言的创新点,并剖析其存在的深层次原因,预测婚恋交友电视节目新的发展趋势。  相似文献   

在现代社会中,性别语言研究成了一门永恒而重要的话题,并且涉及到很多学科和领域。各领域学者从不同的角度对这一课题进行研究,看法各异。社会由男女组成,男女在生理,心理方面的特点和差异已经为人们所公认。在当今社会中,很多场合下英语的使用是必不可少的,与此同时,英语的性别差异也越来越受到人们的重视。对于语言与性别的研究,人们通常是从两方面着手进行:一是性别的语言差异,即调查两性所使用的语言,寻找语言行为上的能区别性别的特征。二是语言的性别差异,即直接研究语言体系,寻找语言对两性的刻画和体现的差异,再研究其差异的社会蕴涵。本文主要通过与男性英语对比的方法来突出女性英语的特点。  相似文献   

语境历来受到语言学家的重视,时至今日依然是一个难以界定清楚的概念。本文从语言理论演进中透视不同语言观的语境理解。以语言研究为参照点,认为结构语言观视野下表征为内在语境观,功能语言观视野下表征为外在语境观,语言认知转向中语境表现为认知观。  相似文献   

汉语和英语在构词、语义、语用及言语交际行为上都存在明显的性别差异。男女性别语言会随着社会的发展和人们对于男女语言行为的要求发生变化。语体差异是社会因素作用的结果,社会环境和社会地位决定了女性语体特征的形成。社会文化语境会直接影响语言的表达和理解,语用的差异反映了男女两性社会地位的差异。从社会文化语境层面来看,性别词语、闪避词、委婉语及女性规范化语言等句法语用特征均体现着女性语体独特的语用价值。  相似文献   

尽管近年来缩小性别差异取得了一定成绩,但在学科教学、学业成就和教育培训等方面,性别差异和性别不平等依然存在。女大学生是女性中的优秀者,将引领全社会女性的性别观,并对男性性别观的树立产生重大影响。高校应充分认识到女大学生性别教育的意义,制定长远规划,构建实施体系,促进两性共同发展、特色发展。  相似文献   

性别差异研究是一个非常普遍的研究课题,许多研究领域都对它给予了重视。从广义的角度出发对两性在语言交际中的差异与特征进行文献回顾和探究,在此基础上探讨了在狭义的语境——英语课堂中,性别差异对英语课堂话语的影响。  相似文献   

国外语言性别研究在过去的15年间经历了一个显著变化的时期,即从传统的现代主义性别差异研究方法转向后现代多元的、动态的、本土的和微观的社会性别建构模式。这种变化深深地影响着当代国际语言性别研究的发展,并对我国在该领域的研究产生了很大影响。文章从理论和实例的角度分析了国外语言性别研究中的新趋势,有助于建构我国在该领域理论和实践研究的体系。  相似文献   

This study analyzed the spatial distribution of gender differentials in Mathematics and Language Arts on national assessments of educational achievement in the primary school system of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The findings indicate statistically significant medium-sized differences favouring females on Language Arts primarily in the rural regions of east Trinidad and in the island of Tobago and statistically significant, negligible to small differences on Mathematics nationwide. Individual schools reporting medium-sized gender differences were more common in rural, low-performing education districts, where reported poverty was also higher. This pattern of early gendered achievement in language within low-achieving, poor and rural geographic locations points towards the need for placed-based education policies and focused interventions.  相似文献   

网上语言学习作为一种时新学习趋势正在悄然兴起。在影响语言学习的各种因素中,性别差异毋庸置疑将被给予特别的重视。此研究从生理与认知差异的不同角度,分析了两性差别,并以分析这种差别对于网上语言学习所带来的对学习成果的影响为目的。此研究主要通过问卷调查的形式,样本来自50位大学在校学生和来自不同背景的社会在职人员。研究的结果表明性别差异的确在网上语言学习的质量方面起着重要的作用,并且对网上语言学习者和基于网上学习的研究者都有着重要的指导作用。  Keywords:languagelearning;genderdiffer ence;web-basedlearning  相似文献   

网上语言学习作为一种时新学习趋势正在悄然兴起。在影响语言学习的各种因素中,性别差异毋庸置疑将被给予特别的重视。此研究从生理与认知差异的不同角度,分析了两性差别,并以分析这种差别对于网上语言学习所带来的对学习成果的影响为目的。此研究主要通过问卷调查的形式,样本来自50位大学在校学生和不同背景的社会在职人员。研究的结果表明性别差异的确在网上语言学习的质量方面起着重要的作用,并且对网上语言学习者和基于网上学习的研究者都有着重要的指导作用。  Keywords:languagelearning;genderdiffer ence;web-basedlearning  相似文献   

Despite explicit focus on addressing gender inequality in educational settings in Australia, without challenging gender binarism, inequality will persist. This article demonstrates the everyday and implicit means through which hierarchical gender binaries continue to be perpetuated. Observational fieldwork undertaken in three Australian early childhood settings with 13 members of staff and 53 children (ages 2–6) demonstrates how bi-gendered language, as well as wider discourses and practices, are being engaged in these settings. The data indicate that gender binarism continues to be (re)constructed and reinforced through subtle, but omnirelevant, invocations of gender. This happens in the constant categorisation and addressing of children by attributed gender alongside the hierarchisation of gendered attributes, and the sanctioned performativity of bi-gendered heteronormativity in play situations. This demonstrates how children continue to be encouraged into binary gendered practices in their most formative years and that this will, in turn, perpetuate gender inequalities.  相似文献   


In Australia, the number of female graduates in some science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines is as low as 15%. Previous reviews exploring the issues affecting female undergraduate STEM students are primarily based in North America and there is yet to be an Australian focused review. This review identifies the factors contributing to the gendered experience of Australian undergraduate STEM students. A systematic review was conducted in November – December 2018 using ERIC, PsycInfo, ProQuest and Scopus databases. From this review, 36 papers that focus on gender differences and university STEM students in Australia were identified. The Australian research suggests the most prominent issue for female STEM students is their lower self-efficacy. Gendered preferences for learning, gendered motivations to pursue STEM degrees, the masculine culture of these fields and gender differences in science identity were also themes identified through the review. This review indicates some gaps in the Australian literature, namely that identity, and other emotional factors, are understudied in the Australian context and an avenue for future research. The findings suggest that science educators should be aware of the gendered experiences of their students to ensure female persistence in university STEM degrees.  相似文献   

How do children experience gender? What are the roles of schools, adults and allies in supporting gender inclusion in a world of gendered categories? Despite a growing public discourse on gender and shifts toward fluid understandings of gender in US popular culture and educational institutions, the voices of transgender and gender expansive children remain on the margins. In Spring 2017, fourteen elementary school children in a school in Northern California, USA, who are gender expansive, transgender and in LGBTQ parented families and their allies documented their understandings and experiences of gender in their lives and in the school using Photovoice methodology. Visual and narrative findings traced three related themes of gendered meanings, gendered spaces and gendered allies. This paper asks how we can build more inclusive school environments in which children can come into their fully gendered selves. By documenting meanings and experiences of gender, children illustrate the infinite possibilities of gender and create pathways to institutional and social change for inclusive educational environments. The paper addresses the role of gender justice in light of persistent injustices rendered in and through gendered states to support movements for educational and social change.  相似文献   

One in four upper secondary school students in Norway experience nearly single-sex classrooms, an unintended consequence of choosing certain vocational study programmes, such as Health care, childhood and youth development or Building and construction. This raises a question about how female students describe their experiences of social relationships and classroom culture within the context of a gender-segregated vocational education setting. Analyses of educational biography interviews reveal that stories of conflict, competition and cultural differences dominate and are often described using derogative or gendered language, such as ‘bitching’, ‘gossip’ and ‘drama’. These stories demonstrate a break with gender stereotypes but, at the same time, accentuate femininity by aligning the behaviour to stereotypical discourses of ‘girl’ behaviour. In their stories, gender loses its importance as a basis for solidarity and commonality when students share the same gender; instead, hierarchies and other differences become highlighted.  相似文献   

培养中小学生双性化人格,可以激发男生语言学习潜能,消除女生语言学习上的精神负累。要培养学生的双性化人格,消除其语言学习及表达能力上的性别差异,就需要教育部门和教育机构、教育工作者、家庭教育者和媒体各自承担起相应使命,营造性别公平教育的社会氛围,只有全社会共同关注和努力,才能真正实现性别公平教育。  相似文献   

This study charted the development of gendered personality qualities, activity interests, and attitudes across adolescence (approximately ages 9–18) among 319 African‐American youth from 166 families. The relations between daily time spent with father, mother, and male and female peers—the gendered contexts of youth's daily activities—and (changes in) these gender role orientations were also assessed. Boys and girls differed in their gender role orientations in stereotypical ways: interest in masculine and feminine activities, and attitude traditionality generally declined, but instrumentality increased across adolescence and expressivity first increased and later decreased. Some gender differences and variations in change were conditioned by time spent with same‐ and other‐sex gender parents and peers. The most consistent pattern was time with male peers predicting boys' stereotypical characteristics.  相似文献   

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