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This paper describes mutual links between educational attainment and social inequality from a life course perspective. Analytically we distinguish between aspects of inequality with regard to access to education, consequences of education, and social reproduction through education. A special emphasis is put on the role institutions play in these processes. The paper presents selected empirical findings, discusses theoretical mechanisms, and draws some conclusions for the conceptualisation of education systems.  相似文献   

“Transfer of innovation” is understood in education science as concerned with the dissemination of scientifically based innovations in educational systems. This contribution will begin with a more precise definition of the term transfer, an overview of the current state of research and on which factors influence the successful dissemination of innovations in educational systems. In the second part, four strategies will be presented which enable the dissemination of scientific evidence into practical settings. Here we will compare strategies which have been used within the context of pilot programmes in Germany with internationally established approaches. These international approaches are more output-orientated and, therefore, look to the effects of innovations on pupils—especially with respect to performance development. The comparison contrasts classic top-down with evidence-based strategies and participative strategies with design-research approaches. Finally, we discuss the role given to educational research within these strategies.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nach einer langen Phase, in der die Theorie der Langen Wellen keine Beachtung fand, wurde sie in den 1970-er Jahren von Wirtschaftshistorikern wieder belebt, um sie neuen, dynamischen Anwendungen in der makro?konomischen Analyse zuzuführen. Im gleichen Zeitraum erh?hte sich in den gro?en Volkswirtschaften die Variabilit?t der Wachstumsraten der Realeinkommen. Hierdurch wurde das Ende der Phase fast ununterbrochenen Wachstums markiert, die die meisten industrialisierten Volkswirtschaften nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg durchlaufen hatten. Das erneuerte Interesse an der Theorie der Langen Wellen, das mit der Krise der Keynesianischen Wirtschaftstheorie einher ging, wurde zunehmend als grundlegender Neuansatz innerhalb der makro?konomischen Theorie angesehen. Dieser Artikel stellt einen Beitrag zu diesem Prozess dar; es wird postuliert, dass zwischen den Ausgaben für Humankapital (Bildung und Ausbildung, L?hne, Gesundheitsvorsorge etc.) und den Ausgaben, die für das materielle Wachstum get?tigt werden, ein Zusammenhang besteht.
Summary A Method of Recording Educational Investment in the 19th and 20th Century — Germany, France, Great Britain and Spain compared After a long period of hibernation, long wave theory was brought out and dusted off again by economic historians in the 1970s for new, vigorous applications in macroeconomic analysis. During the same period, the major market economies experienced greater variability in real income growth rates, thus marking the end of a period of an almost uninterrupted growth enjoyed by most industrialized economies since World War II. This renewed interest in long wave theory, which coincided with the crisis in Keynesian economics, became increasingly identified with a profound rethinking of macroeconomic theory. This paper is a contribution to the process, and postulates a link between expenditure on human development (education, wages, health care, etc.) and that devoted to material growth.

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