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大学生社会实践课程是大学课程设置的重要组成部分,有利于提升大学生的能力和素养,社会实践课程效果直接受大学生社会实践课程参与意愿的影响,文章以管理类专业社会实践课程《合作调查》为例,从个人因素、课程特性、教师因素、学校因素、社会因素、大众传媒等六个方面进行大学生社会实践课程参与意愿影响因素研究。结果表明:个人因素中的数据收集能力、数据分析能力、报告撰写能力、沟通能力、团队合作能力、协调能力、认识社会现状以及吃苦耐劳,课程特性中的课程难度、调研条件,教师因素中的提供培训、关心食宿、老师对项目重视程度,学校对课程项目重视程度和大众传媒对大学生社会实践课程参与意愿有显著影响。根据影响结果提出了建议和改进措施。  相似文献   

体育教师在校本课程开发背景下面临着心理认知层面和参与意愿、课程知识和课程开发能力、时间与资源的合理安排利用、制度与模式等方面的挑战,同时也面临着教师专业发展、提供创新平台、参与学校决策等机遇。  相似文献   

乡村首席教师是乡村基础教育发展的领军人物,也是乡村学校课程改革的主要推进人。乡村首席教师课程领导力即他们在课程开发、课程规划、课程实施、课程评价等方面所发挥的专业影响力。乡村教师传统课程角色的转变、乡村地区乡土课程资源的挖掘及乡村基础教育课程改革都离不开乡村首席教师课程领导力的发挥。然而,由于乡村首席教师岗位计划目前仍处于试点阶段,其领导力的发挥仍面临认知偏差、意愿不强、能力弱化、保障欠缺等问题,阻碍首席教师深度参与课程活动。基于此,各利益相关主体应为首席教师赋权增能,以强化首席教师课程参与意识;通过精准培训,提高首席教师课程领导能力;加强组织保障,激发首席教师课程领导热情;以问题为导向,寻找首席教师课程领导的抓手。  相似文献   

<正>寄宿制学校的校本课程开发,要密切联系寄宿制学校学生生活的需要。教师作为校本课程开发的主体和重要的课程资源,是影响校本课程质量的重要因素。本文以N中学为研究对象,结合调查问卷,对寄宿制学校教师开设校本课程的意愿及能力进行了分析。一、教师参与校本课程的基本能力要求1.课程意识及课程能力校本课程开发需要教师有课程意识和课程开发能力,能在准确评估学生需求的基础上,结合学校环境和自身能力,确定课程目标和课程内容。同时要积极利用  相似文献   

课程能力:教师参与课程发展中的一个迫切问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新课程赋予教师参与课程发展的权利,这对教师提出了课程能力的专业要求。作为教师专业支撑的课程能力的发展已成为一项迫切的任务。因此,在目前,应加快教师教育课程体系的变革,重建学校课程制度以提升教师自主发展的意识和能力,使其在参与课程发展的行动研究中实现课程能力的提高。  相似文献   

教师参与课程决策对自身的专业化发展具有重要的意义。为了进一步促进教师参与课程决策,使教师专业得到发展,学校应采取以下策略:树立和强化教师参与课程决策的理念;提高教师参与课程决策的能力;解决教师参与课程决策的矛盾和问题;创造课程决策的文化;构筑课程决策的支持系统;创设教师参与课程决策的内外环境;加强教师参与课程决策的教育与培训。  相似文献   

教师参与课程决策对自身的专业化发展具有重要的意义。为了进一步促进教师参与课程决策,使教师专业得到发展,学校应采取以下策略:树立和强化教师参与课程决策的理念;提高教师参与课程决策的能力;解决教师参与课程决策的矛盾和问题;创造课程决策的文化;构筑课程决策的支持系统;创设教师参与课程决策的内外环境;加强教师参与课程决策的教育与培训。  相似文献   

发展教师课程能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师参与课程发展已是世界课程改革发展的趋势。在我国新一轮基础教育课程改革中,教师被切实地赋予了一定的专业自主权,获得了参与课程发展的广阔空间。在这样的情况下,教师自身是否具备参与课程发展的专业能力,直接影响着教师参与课程发展的质量,乃至影响着此次课程改革的成败。  相似文献   

论园长课程领导的困境与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
园本课程开发要求园长具备一定的课程领导能力,能基于一定的专业知识,运用各种领导策略,与相关人员一起开发并实施园本课程,提升教师的教育效能及园本课程的品质.在实践层面,园长课程领导能力的发展面临课程开发和课程领导专业知能不足、疏离课程开发和教学工作、其他人员参与园本课程开发的意愿不强等困境,急需获得相应的支持性环境、合作性文化和专业性培训.  相似文献   

教师课程能力——一个不容忽视的问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师课程能力是教师在参与课程活动中所具备的心理特征。它的提出是教师参与课程发展趋势、教师自身发展和课程改革的客观要求,它的内涵主要表现在认知、实践和评价三方面。它具有整体性、动态性和社会性特点。开发和提高教师课程能力对教师自身素质发展、推进课程变革和学生发展有重要意义。开发和提高教师课程能力主要通过教师自我学习、改革教师教育体制、参与校本培训和开展校本教研等途径来实现。  相似文献   

Participation has become so central to adult education for community development that even the World Bank supports participatory programming. This article analyses how participation is conceptualised in Training for Transformation (TfT), a Freirean-inspired curriculum used in international community development settings. TfT seeks to equip learners ‘to understand and take action in their world’, partly by shaping the curriculum itself. Using critical discourse analysis (CDA) of the TfT curriculum, three interviews, and published TfT case studies, the study explores what kinds of involvement and control educators and curriculum developers intend in TfT. CDA elucidates who is included in the training and how practitioners position themselves vis-a-vis learners and other audiences. TfT implementation highlights the dialectic between idealised community participation and decision making in educational programming, and educators’ need and desire to develop curricular content. Specifically, within Freire’s early philosophy and the TfT curriculum, there is a tension between exploratory, participatory learning pedagogy rooted in dialogue, and animators’ intention to teach certain content and relay particular ideologies. This study highlights potential contradictions and complications in adult education for community development participatory discourses, and underscores the need for practitioners to consider what genuine participation entails and how best to cultivate it.  相似文献   

A qualitative case study was conducted to investigate the classroom experiences of three sixth-grade teachers and their mathematics coach as they worked with new instructional materials during the implementation of a new state-mandated curriculum based on performance standards in mathematics. Teachers' collective participation in the exploration of the new standards, selection of materials, participation in a summer professional development workshop specifically tied to the use of the new materials, and the creation of an in-school professional development program were catalysts in the teachers' perception of the need to change their practice. The intended state-level standards were implemented with some success; however, despite their desire to change their practice and in contrast to their belief that considerable change had occurred, the data suggest that the change in the teachers' instructional practice was minimal.  相似文献   

高职教师参与高职课程资源开发对于促进高职教师自身的发展,丰富高职课程资源的内容都具有重要的意义。我国高职教师在课程资源开发中表现出来的主要问题有:课程资源开发意识薄弱,参与课程资源开发的自主性不足,课程资源开发范围窄化以及课程资源开发能力有限。造成这些问题的主要原因有:高职教师对课程资源的内涵缺乏全面而深刻的理解,对自身在课程资源开发中的功能认识不清,缺乏合法的课程资源决策权,等等。  相似文献   

从职业院校教师提出教师不该、不能参与课程开发入手,具体分析教师到底该不该参与,能不能参与的疑问后,提出教师应该参与,也能够参与项目课程开发。最后指出教师发出否定话语的原因是不愿参与项目课程开发,剖析原因后,从理念培养、多元激励、专业发展三个方面提出了激励教师参与课程开发的策略设计。  相似文献   

家长能够为儿童的发展构建和谐一致的教育环境。深度参与课程具有以下特征:确立基于家长特定生态关注的课程参与意图、拓展基于幼儿发展需要的课程参与方式、建构基于幼儿学习表现的参与性课程评价。可提供的教师促进策略有情感性支架、信息性支架和方法性支架。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the field of teacher professional learning has coalesced around core characteristics of high quality professional development experiences (e.g. Borko, Jacobs, & Koellner, 2010. Contemporary approaches to teacher professional development. In P. L. Peterson, E. Baker, & B. McGaw (Eds.), International encyclopedia of education (Vol. 7, pp. 548–556). Oxford: Elsevier.; Darling-Hammond, Hyler, & Gardner, 2017. Effective teacher professional development. Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute). Many countries have found these advances of great interest because of a desire to build teacher capacity in science education and across the full curriculum. This paper continues this progress by examining the role and impact of an online professional development community within the top-down, large-scale curriculum and assessment revision of Advanced Placement (AP) Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. This paper is part of a five-year, longitudinal, U.S. National Science Foundation–funded project to study the relative effectiveness of various types of professional development in enabling teachers to adapt to the revised AP course goals and exams. Of the many forms of professional development our research has examined, preliminary analyses indicated that participation in the College Board's online AP Teacher Community (APTC) – where teachers can discuss teaching strategies, share resources, and connect with each other – had positive, direct, and statistically significant association with teacher self-reported shifts in practice and with gains in student AP scores (Fishman et al., 2014). This study explored how usage of the online APTC might be useful to teachers and examined a more robust estimate of these effects. Findings from the experience of AP teachers may be valuable in supporting other large-scale curriculum changes, such as the U.S. Next Generation Science Standards or Common Core Standards, as well as parallel curricular shifts in other countries.  相似文献   

The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) has been active now for more than 30 years. In that time the IEA has planned and co-ordinated several international surveys of pupil performance, particularly in mathematics, science and language. Pupil test data have in every case been supplemented with information regarding pupil, school, curriculum and system features, gathered through questionnaire enquiries and other means. Despite the relatively high costs of participation, and the complex logistics associated with pupil testing on the scale required, a number of developing countries have collaborated in one or other of the surveys, most particularly in those in mathematics and science. Some of the motivations for survey participation are equally relevant for both developed and developing countries, principal among them the desire to evaluate national educational system effectiveness through international comparison. A particular motivation driving some developing countries into this form of international collaboration is the opportunity it offers for skills transfer in the general areas of curriculum development and test construction. The paper overviews the IEA's three international science surveys, notes levels of developing country involvement in these, highlights some selected survey findings, and reflects on the potential value of survey participation to developing countries in particular.  相似文献   

课程评价:教师专业发展的又一实践平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师积极参与课程评价,可以打破传统课程评价的管理主义倾向和主体单一化倾向,同时也可为教师的专业发展开辟新路径。教师可以从理解的角度评价课程标准;从对话的角度评价课程内容;从发展的角度评价课程实施;从反思的角度评价课程绩效。教师一般经历从独自的缄默式评价到个人的表达式评价,然后到集体的对话式评价,最后走向内化评价阶段,最终实现教师在评价中成就自我的理想目标。  相似文献   

幼儿园体育课程是幼儿园课程的重要组成部分,是幼儿身心健康发展的保障。由于教师课程理念落后、课程资源开发不足、课程组织不合理,当前我国幼儿园体育课程存在机械、片面、低质、低效等问题。建构园本体育课程,应以幼儿身体发展为基础,指向幼儿身心的全面健康发展。园本体育课程不仅要合理确定课程目标和课程内容,为幼儿创设适宜的体育活动情境,而且要采取适宜的课程实施方式和多元化的课程评价方法,促进幼儿对体育活动的深度参与。  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革的新理念使教师参与课程发展有了新的变化,本文论述了在课程发展中教师权力享的有必然性,分析了教师参与整个课程发展过程使权力的途径:即参与课程设计和决策、课程实施以及课程评价,从而指出教师参与课程发展权力与职责的一致性。  相似文献   

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