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Road tunnel excavation often traverses coal strata,which is at risk of firedamp explosion that usually results in disaster.Airtight concrete grouting is popularly used in this kind of tunnel project,Based on the essential theory of mechanics of fluids in prous media,the principle of improving concrete airtight property and its influential factors are investigated.The proportioning tests and monitoring method for airtight concrete are introduced,which is illustrated by a case study applied to the project of the Huayinshan Tunnel.It is proved by engineering practices that the achievement of this research work is beneficial to tunneling project across coal strata.  相似文献   

1.Go along Zhongshan Road.and turn right at the second crossing. Go across the bridge.(L65) cross,crossing,across,through这几个词的含义虽然均与“穿过”、“通过”有关,但它们在用法上是有区别的:cross是动词;crossing既可为cross的现在分词,又可为名词,意为“十字路口”;across和through都可用作介词和副词。  相似文献   

王丽娜 《海外英语》2014,(19):188-190
The End of the Road is John Barth’s second novel, and it is the first novel that brought abortion to the focus of public attention, which proves to be a huge success. This paper intends to study the alienation in The End of the Road based on the alienation as a literary style and the alienation embodied in the literary context. Through the analysis of the alienated plot, the paper aims to emphasize the internal cause for the end of the different character’s road.  相似文献   

When his young son was ill,Mr.Davis took him to a clinic. They were the first patients of the day and did not have to wait long. The nurse took the boy into the doctor's room while Mr.Davis waited outside. After a few minutes,the doctor came out of his room and spoke to the nurse.  相似文献   

As in many American classics,the road is a central image in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road(1957)and Comac McCarthy’s The Road(2006).This paper intends to carry out a comparative analysis of this image in these two postmodern masterpieces.The paper starts with an investigation of the image in the two works separately and ends with a more comprehensive and comparative study of this topic.  相似文献   

across表示“横过,穿过,跨过”。例如: When you go to the other side of the road,you should walk across the road.  相似文献   

The study was to investigate the vague words measurement across native and non-native English speakers and gender differences. Ninety-two students from the University of Oklahoma participated in this study by filling out an internet-based questionnaire on the vague words. The researchers put each of the thirty-two vague words in a context, or the same word put into different contexts. The participants were asked to rate the degree or the numerical value that they thought was the most appropriate in the context of the vague word. It was found that ten out of the thirty-two words had a significant difference across the native and non-native English speakers, and two of thirty-two words had a significant difference across genders. The word "fairly" showed the most significant difference interactions of language speaking by gender.  相似文献   

With the appearance of globalization,communication across cultures plays an important role in English learning.However,in the traditional English teaching of China,we have mainly focused on teaching grammar and language skills.In this paper,the author employs collaborative learning model with the author’s teaching practice to illustrate the conflict resolution and the importance of cultures from a dialogue of team work in the process of teaching.And in order to educate the consciousness of students in communication across cultures,the author puts forward some suggestions.  相似文献   

The End of the Road is John Barth’s second novel, and it is the first novel that brought abortion to the focus of public attention, which proves to be a huge success. This paper intends to study the al...  相似文献   

王成珍 《海外英语》2015,(2):185-186
Analyzing familial affection between Sarah and Nullah across race, love between Sarah and Drover across caste, friendship between Sarah and King George across caste and race, this paper attempts to help audience comprehend the theme of the movie Austrlia and construct a new equal harmonious diversified Australia.  相似文献   

刘小枫《重启古典诗学》首先要确立的是文化的“价值尺度”,就我们迄今所拥有的“价值”来说,“古典学问”是最高的“尺度”,其次也提出了“如何读古典”的问题。在后一问题上,伯纳德特与其学生的谈话录《走向古典诗学之路》提供了一个理解“模型”。“不确定的二分组合”是伯纳德特古典解读的一个重要观念,他的人生故事和学术研究之间的关系也可作如是观。“引子”中的两个故事启示我们,阅读古典首先需要面对我们自身的精神困惑。  相似文献   

关于炎帝的历法,宋.罗泌在《路史》中记载:"三朝具于摄提,七曜起于天关,所谓太初历也。"这里,"三朝"指年月日;"摄提"即摄提格,是指地支中的寅,"七曜"为日月五星。这说明炎帝创制的《太初历》起始日那天,为寅年寅月寅日,日月五星会聚在一起,并且是从"天关"星开始。通过天文年代学的计算和分析,可以确定公元前4 951年3月28日为炎帝《太初历》的起始日。  相似文献   

本文通过调查加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)和加州大学戴维斯分校(UCD)学生和教师对以问题为基础的学习(PBL)和以案例为基础的学习(CBL)的认知和感受,结果发现,89%的学生和84%的教师更倾向于CBL教学法,两校教师和学生都认为CBL的引导式探究优于PBL的开放式探究.  相似文献   

"一带一路"建设使我国边疆民族地区成为发展前沿,成为与周边国家对接与交流的中心。广西壮族自治区与东盟陆海相邻,是中国面向东盟开放的前沿窗口,在"一带一路"建设中担负着国家赋予的构建面向东盟的国际大通道、打造西南中南地区开放发展新的战略支点、形成21世纪海上丝绸之路与丝绸之路经济带有机衔接的重要门户"三大定位"的历史使命。要推动广西"三大定位"历史使命的实现,培养大批中国-东盟跨文化人才是关键,这也成为广西高校的时代新使命。本文以"一带一路"建设为时代背景,考察和分析广西高校跨文化人才培养现状,发现高校在中国-东盟跨文化人才培养方面存在着人才培养体系不健全、地域失衡和东盟留学生生源不均衡与结构不合理等问题,进而提出广西高校跨文化人才培养的优化策略与路径:(1)立足边疆区位优势和学校特色,科学规划跨文化人才培养;(2)跨越各种固有界限与疆界,构建灵活开放的跨文化人才培养体系;(3)打好东盟牌,改善和优化东盟留学生生源和结构。  相似文献   

针对省道围多公路K27+860-K28+000段山泉水侵害路基,使路基过湿,呈淤泥状,土基失去强度和稳定性,采用修筑地下排水设施和换填碎石对此进行处理并做了介绍。  相似文献   

在中国现代小说中,茶馆、酒肆是作家审视中国近现代公共生活的重要窗口.茶馆、酒肆拥有休闲聚会、是非伦理、信息传递等多样公共性社会功能.同时,受传统等级制度和权力中心意识的影响,这个公共空间实际上被压缩、异化,很大程度上失去了它应有的社会功效.  相似文献   

电梯门系统是整梯系统中动作最频繁的部件,其性能直接影响到整梯的性能,电梯门系统又是电梯的重要安全保护装置,确保门系统安全、可靠的开闭非常必要。一直以来,电梯从业人员不断尝试各种先进的技术应用于门系统,以提高门系统运行的稳定性。介绍一种新型的门机控制系统,即变频器控制的门机系统。  相似文献   

武强门画是专供春节张贴在门上的年画 ,也是武强年画中的一个重要种类。它包括门神神荼与郁垒 ,秦琼与尉迟敬德、钟馗等 ,还有被视为武强三件宝的虎、狮、大花瓶等。门画雕刻精细、色彩鲜明、造型夸张 ,汇集我国民间剪纸、戏曲、石雕等艺术的精华 ,是我国民间艺术中的一颗璀璨明珠。  相似文献   

实用新型专利门阻尼防摔器是利用空气的可压缩性设计的.文中对门阻尼防摔器简化模型建立了数学模型,并用Matlab建立仿真模型进行仿真.仿真结果证明了该实用新型专利的合理性和功能的有效性.防摔器能有效降低门速度,防止门撞击门框.  相似文献   

Two experiments used a behavior systems approach to relate the form of responses during an interfood clock to the temporal distance of the individual clock stimuli to food. Stimuli proximate to food should better control a focal search mode and related responses, whereas stimuli temporally distant from food should better control a general search mode and related responses. Experiment 1 conditioned two groups of rats with a sequence of four equal-length 12-sec clock stimuli that terminated with food and then tested for the conditioning of a general search mode by presenting an unconditioned moving probe stimulus (either a rolling ball bearing or a rotating mechanical door) during each of the clock stimuli. Consistent with a behavior systems view, contact with the ball bearing was markedly greater during a clock stimulus distant from food. The absence of similar differential contact of the door across the clock stimuli showed that the effect was specific to the ball bearing rather than a general response to stimulus dimensions of movement and sound. Experiment 2 showed that the general search mode was controlled by the clock stimulus rather than the passage of time.  相似文献   

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