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苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》:“遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发。”和辛弃疾《水龙吟·登建康赏心亭》:“把吴钩看了,栏杆拍遍。”这两句中的—了”到底读作“le”,还是读作“liao”?  相似文献   

‘La tévé, c'est de l'actualité qui se congèle en histoire’, dit Cidrolin dans les Fleurs bleues de Raymond Queneau. Et, de fait, la télévision apparaît comme notre moyen d'accès à l'histoire qui se fait: ainsi, par exemple, des millions de téléspectateurs ont pu assister, en direct, à l'assassinat du Président Kennedy. Pour reprendre une expression de Michel Tardy, il faut dire que, grâce à la télévision ‘l'histoire est désormais quelque chose qui nous arrive’. En ce sens, la télévision se manifeste à la fois comme véhicule d'une information concurrente de l'information scolaire et comme véhicule d'une information absente de l'espace scolaire.  相似文献   

熟语包括惯用语,成语,谚语,格言和警句,来源于寓言故事、历史故事、古典文学作品、宗教经典、民间谚语、外来语等,具有形式固定,言简意赅,寓意深刻的特点。只有了解了熟语的文化内涵,才能更准确地理解和运用熟语。本文对与le coeur有关的法语熟语和与"心"有关的汉语熟语进行比较,展现两种文化对"心"这一人类共有的器官的相同的和不同的认识。  相似文献   

Written culture has a history. As regards the “Ancien Régime” in Portugal, little scientific research has been done with account taken of the various dimensions of the written culture, the way in which one gains access to it and uses it in practice. Even though historiography may have been renewed as regards its methodology and even though the studies on the present situation abound, the history of the teaching of reading and writing remains a subject that is still hardly known. In the text that follows, we propose to approach the question for Portugal by presenting in turn the evolution of the historiography of the elimination of illiteracy, the problems raised by the scientific construction of the object, a formulation of the problem in function of our own survey, and the research prospects. We will present critical reflections on the fundamental concepts and a summary of the conclusions we have arrived at. Indeed, the history of the teaching of reading and writing and of reading and writing themselves acquires its true agnificanct only within the larger history of the written culture, which is a cultural and social as well as a pedagogical and anthropological history.  相似文献   

Autour du thème de l'éducation aux images, cet article tente d'articuler une approche généraliste et une évaluation de dispositifs d'auto-apprentissage de l'image par les images. La première partie interroge les résistances du système éducatif À l'implantation d'une éducation iconique et médiatique explicite et volontaire. La seconde partie compare et évalue les performances de trois modes d'accès aux images dans des situations proches de l'auto-apprentissage. À cette occasion, l'étude montre les faiblesses d'un dispositif audiovisuel et propose une e remédiation f par les fonctionnalités des multimédias interactifs. Around the topic of visual education, this article tries to describe a generalist approach and an evaluation of schemes of self-training in images by the use of images. The first part questions resistance of the education system to the establishment of an explicit and voluntary iconic and mediated education. The second part compares and evaluates the performance of three access modes to images in situations close to the self-training. On this point, the study shows the weaknesses of an audiovisual scheme and proposes "remédiation" by the management of interactive multimedia. Dieser Artikel versucht eine allgemeine Methode, die die Autodidaktik durch Bilder zum Thema hat, und deren Bewertung zu beschreiben. Der erste Teil analysiert den Widerstand- ausgehend vom Bildungssystems- eine illustrative, explizit mediatische, freiwillige Ausbildungsform einzuführen. Der zweite Teil vergleicht und bewertet die Leistungsfähigkeit von drei Methoden, die nahe der Autodidaktik angesiedelt sind. Zu dieser Gelegenheit zeigt die Studie die Schwächen der audiovisuellen Konzepte auf, und schlägt eine Aufarbeitung mittels der Funktionalität von interaktiven Multimedien vor.  相似文献   

从事了这么多年的小学音乐教学,最大的感受是,在教学中灵活运用多种教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣,希望每一个学生自信地参与各项音乐活动,让学生在每一个音符中享受快乐,让每一堂课都"yue"与"le"同行。  相似文献   

During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Protestant and Catholic Reformations involved an intense didactic and pastoral activity, and logically a huge catechetical production. Religious catechisms were the only books used as reading textbooks in the French “petites écoles”. The will to publish a secularised catechism progressively spread among the second generation of Enlightenment thinkers who published impious catechisms like Voltaire’s for example. But d’Alembert, among others, asked for the appropriation of sacred and popular form of religious instruction for Enlightenment purposes: scientific vulgarisation for example. Then, during the second half of the eighteenth century there occurred a secularisation of the catechism, often considered didactically as a knowledge summary. For example, in 1771 a Cours d’accouchement en forme de catéchisme by Tulinge, was published for midwives. And in 1773 the bishop Bexon wrote a Catéchisme d’agriculture for peasants. On the eve of the French Revolution, catechism had become a general way to expose knowledge in parallel with its Catholic use. The French revolutionaries used this teaching method to expose the new order and then, after the secularisation, a politicisation of the catechism occurred. During the French Revolution a transfer occurred from the Christian catechesis to the revolutionary education, which widely used political catechisms as official textbooks. Political catechisms – defined as summaries of main political doctrine principles and generally found in the form of questions and answers – were widely used in nineteenth-century France for political education. This article is based on a corpus of 815 political catechisms, published between the eve of the French Revolution and the First World War, mostly in France. This corpus of political books shares a deep formal homogeneity and a strong rhetorical stability. However, political catechisms had various uses: they were widely used for morals and civics teaching during the first half of the nineteenth century, and then turned to electoral catechisms from 1848 to the beginning of the twentieth century. The nineteenth century was the “century of the catechism” because this pedagogy was widely used, and not only for a religious purpose. We will focus on the pedagogic transfer that occurred from the 1750s to the French Revolution. For example, 1791 is the first peak with 47 books published that year. The reason for this production is a wide dissemination of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, subsequently of the Constitution and finally of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, the latter two issued in 1791. Then, the French Clergy was deeply involved in such literature. In fact, a large number of clergymen, especially from the teaching orders (such as Doctrinaires for example) initially agreed with the revolutionary ideas and naturally used the catechism to spread the new underlying texts and ideas widely. The succession of questions and answers was considered the best teaching method to explain the new constitutional texts, especially for the youth. This teaching choice is backed by the will to provide people with a kind of political catechism, in parallel with the religious catechism. With 87 catechisms published during 1794 for 44 different titles, this is the most important peak of political catechism production. The first explanation for the peak is the fact that in 1794, on 28 January (9 pluviôse an II), the Convention Nationale launched a competition to stimulate schoolbook production, in order to replace books published during the Old Regime. This stimulated political catechism production. The transfer is obvious and was followed by a politicisation of the catechism. The political catechism is a major genre of nineteenth-century political literature with material conventions (a short, low-quality and cheap book) and obvious discursive conventions. The authors wished to write an elementary book used as a tool of politicisation and easy to spread among the lower classes. An educational transfer rather than a transfer of sanctity occurred during the French Revolution and political catechisms must be considered as a major political literary genre.  相似文献   

本文通过比较专业法语教学和专业性法语教学之间的特点,表明了两者之间既有交叉,又有分别.同时,还指明两者之间的最大分别在于"供与求"之间的关系.  相似文献   

Preservice teacher education in France consists of:

subject oriented studies in a university,

recruitment by means of a state competitive examination which may be prepared in a university,

professional training in a training centre, including both subject oriented studies and practice periods in classrooms.

Preschool and primary teacher training includes two years at a university to obtain the required degree for competition and then two years in a college of education. Secondary level teacher training includes more years at a university as the level of competition is high. It takes at least three years to become a graduate, four years in the other case. But the preparation of the competition in itself requires more time for most people. When admitted to the competitive examination, the teacher has one year in a training centre.

This paper will present:

  1. the legal basis, curricula, content, structure and aims of practical studies at the two levels (preschool‐primary/secondary levels);

  2. the difference and convergence of thinking about practical studies at the two levels: the main principle seems to be that pedagogical and practice studies make up for a lack of theoretical knowledge, but that, consequently, they are not considered really useful for those who do have theoretical knowledge;

  3. the difficulties of achieving the official objective concerning an integrated training with links between theoretical studies and practice periods,

  4. an innovative approach to this problem by means of a case study which put into practice the hypothesis brought out in the research I have led at the INRP about primary school teacher training.

The organisational models and the place given to practice periods in the whole teacher education raise the problem of what is a professional teacher training and what is its aim.  相似文献   

比较语法是一门新兴的语言学科。本文试就法语、汉语两种语言的定语作比较,阐明两种语言的共通性和各自特点  相似文献   

The point of this article is to show that schools are cultural institutions in the full sense of the term where teachers are the most important actors. This assertion lies on three main points: (a) culture is not an aggregate of one's knowledge; (b) teachers have the daily mandate of making sure their students receive cultural information; and (c) teachers are scholars, in other words they convey, interpret and analyze culture.

Cet article vise à montrer que l'école est une institution culturelle au plein sens du terme et que les enseignants en sont les principaux acteurs. La démonstration de cette assertion repose sur trois arguments principaux: (a) la culture ne se réduit pas à une somme de connaissances; (b) les enseignants ont le mandat de veiller quotidiennement à l'apprentissage culturel de leurs élèves; et (c) les enseignants sont des intellectuels, c'est‐à‐dire des dépositaires, des interprètes et des critiques de la culture.

Este artículo tiene como objetivo mostrar que la escuela es una institución cultural en el más puro sentido del término, institución cuyos principales actores son los profesores. La demostración de esta afirmación se sostiene en tres argumentos principales: (a) la cultura no se reduce a una suma de conocimientos; (b) los profesores tienen el mandato de velar cotidianamente por el aprendizaje cultural de sus alumnos; y (c) los profesores son intelectuales, es decir, depositarios, intérpretes y críticos de la cultura.

Dieser Artikel will zeigen, dass die Schule eine im vollen Sinne des Wortes kulturelle Institution ist, deren Hauptfiguren die Lehrer sind. Diese Behauptung beruht vor allem auf drei Argumenten: (a) Die Kultur lässt sich nicht auf eine Summe von Kenntnissen reduzieren; (b) Die Lehrer müssen tagtäglich das kulturelle Erlernen der Schüler fördern; und (c) Lehrer sind Intellektuelle, dass heisst Verwahrer, Interpreten und Kritiker der Kultur.  相似文献   

Literacy education through the LIFE Initiative and follow-up of CONFINTEA VI in the Maghreb ?C Illiteracy is seriously compromising the economic and social development of the Maghreb countries. In Morocco and Mauritania, for instance, national strategies and literacy programmes have been implemented. These efforts ought to be assessed so that lessons can be learned from them and the contribution of the national and international initiatives implemented in recent years can be evaluated. The Sixth International Conference on Adult Education provided an opportunity to launch a Maghreb-wide literacy cooperation process. Drawing on the experience of two high-priority countries (Morocco and Mauritania), the countries of the Maghreb created a mechanism for ongoing exchange within the framework of the Forum on Literacy for the Maghreb Region. The second meeting of this Forum, which was held in May 2010 in Nouakchott, was devoted to monitoring the implementation of the Belém Framework for Action and resulted in the creation of a joint cooperation programme in this domain.  相似文献   

在蒙古语族语言中 ,联合格、工具格、集合数、复数之间存在着采用一种词缀形式的现象 ,透过这种现象看到这些语法范畴之间存在着一种内在的意义联系 ,这种内在联系就是对有关事物的“总括”的意义。依据这种内在联系通过分析蒙古语族语言中存在的 -la和 -Gッ la或 -Gッ lッ ,-Gala,-Gul 等词缀之间的关系以及比较了 -Gッ la或 -Gッ lッ ,-Gala,-Gul 与蒙古语集合数词缀 -γula,-güle,认为它们具有同源关系。它们都是由早期“二”的集合数词经过长期的语义虚化和语音演变发展来的 ,具体到蒙古语集合数词缀 ,它经过了如下几个阶段的演变 :早期 qoyar“二”+ -la( <-lan)“集合数词缀”的集合数词 * qoyarlan“两个一起”经历了 * qoyar+ -lan→ * qoyilan→ * qoilan→ * qulan→qula〉 -γula~ -güle的演变。  相似文献   

由作家匪我思存同名短篇小说改编而来的微电影《乐俊凯》成为2013年度的热门电影,但剧中人物把乐(yue)俊凯读作乐(1e)俊凯也遭到了很多观众的吐槽,到底是读乐(1e)俊凯还是乐(yue)俊凯呢?  相似文献   

Le but principal de cet article est de comparer à partir des textes législatifs, des enquêtes ministérielles et européennes, et des revues spécialisées en France et en Espagne les propriétés de deux organisations scolaires singulières nommées «éducation prioritaire» ainsi que les mises en ?uvre de l'éducation physique. En nous appuyant sur l'approche de la construction sociale, nous présentons comment ces deux pays européens organisent cet enseignement dans les milieux défavorisés. Une analyse des aspects visibles du système éducatif à l'aide d'indicateurs généralistes (organisation des études, formation des enseignants, dépenses publiques) aurait laissé envisager d'importantes différences. Cependant, la comparaison à l'aide d'indicateurs «plus fins» des mises en ?uvre de l'éducation physique dans les écoles traditionnelles (poids de l'éducation physique, préoccupations gouvernementales et celles des enseignants, programmes d'enseignement) puis dans les milieux difficiles ZEP et CAEP (choix didactiques et pédagogiques) indique de fortes similitudes. Ces différences de résultats soulignent l'intérêt des analyses comparatives secondaires et la nécessité de considérer des analyses détaillées.

The main aim of this study is to compare two particular school organisations labelled ‘priority education’ in France and Spain, in relation to physical education using laws, ministerial and European surveys, and specialised journals. The social constructivist approach has been used to describe how both these European countries organise the teaching of physical education in under‐privileged environments. The analysis of the visible aspects of these educational systems with general indicators (organisation of studies, teacher education, public expenses) seems to imply differences. However, the comparison using more detailed data in the implementation of physical education in traditional schools (weight of the physical education in the system, governmental and teachers concerns, teaching programmes) indicates strong similarities. In addition, didactic and pedagogic choices in physical education in under‐privileged schools appear to be quite similar. These results underline the interest of secondary comparative studies and the necessity of taking into account detailed analyses.  相似文献   

The islands of Mauritius and Réunion have contrasting educational policies. This article examines, from a comparative perspective, not only the impact of political decisions on education but also the way in which the different educational systems in the two islands affect the democratisation of learning. In order to do this, the authors compare the educational trajectories of different pupils from a range of schools in Mauritius and Réunion. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, it is possible to show that the expected social effects are moderated in the course of teaching. While the adoption of mass education is a prerequisite for democratisation, it must be recognised that systems also operate selectively with regard to variables such as sex, age or social origin, depending on what transpires in schools on a daily basis.  相似文献   

朱群 《教师》2010,(18)
如果生活中没有音乐,就像天空中没有太阳一样."音乐用理想的纽带把人类结合在一起",世界上不能没有音乐.童年的孩子们最富有诗情画意,最喜欢幻想,他们对于音乐更为敏感,可以说没有一个同学不喜欢歌唱.正如古希腊哲学家柏拉图所说:"节奏与乐调有最强烈的力量浸入心灵的最深处,如果教育的方式适合,它就会拿美来浸入心灵,使它因而美化,如果没有这种适合的教育,心灵也就因而丑化."  相似文献   

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