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中国的教育模式使得许多学生在大学阶段对自己未来的职业缺乏足够的认识,这就使得高校在完成专业教育的同时,要注重学生职业习惯培养.而指导教师处于学生工作的最前沿,其特有的地位,使得其肩负着神圣的使命,尤其是大一新生的指导教师,更要抓住契机,培养学生的职业习惯,做好素质教育工作.  相似文献   

儿童刚入学是习惯养成的黄金时期,所以应该从低年级起,老师就有意识、有计划地对学生进行习惯养成教育。本文就低年级学生良好的学习习惯的培养问题,从六个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Computer aided assessment systems enable the collection of exact time and date information on students’ activity on a course. These activity patterns reflect students’ study habits and these study habits further predict students’ likelihood to pass or fail a course. By identifying such patterns, those who design the courses can enforce positive study habits and to prevent or minimize habits that lead to poor student performance. Hypothetically, by identifying and adjusting the short-term patterns, the teachers might be able to do the same during the course. This publication examines students’ short-term study habits on an introductory level programming course and presents multiple statistically significant connections between students’ assignment submission patterns and their respective final grades. Students who receive the highest grade start and finish their work early, do not work on weekends, and do not work at night, whereas those who fail the course do not show similar behavior but exhibit significant enrichment among those who work large amounts during the night. Course’s mandatory tutorial sessions that act both as assignment release events and as collaborative assignment solving sessions strongly increase assignment submission counts regardless of the students’ final grades and ensure an early start to solving the assignments, possibly preventing those who would otherwise fail the course from starting their work near deadlines.  相似文献   

下浒海滨潮间带藤壶种类经鉴定共有白脊藤壶、白条地藤壶、绿鳞笠藤壶、日本笠藤壶与网纹藤壶等5种,分布从中潮区上层延伸到低潮区.藤壶类是岩相潮间带的优势群落,也是岩相潮间带动物的先驱种群;以密集群聚方式固着生活,这种生活方式与其生殖、觅食相关;垂直分布特征与各潮区生态条件密切相关,迎浪面是主要的固着面.  相似文献   

中学生体育锻炼习惯养成之研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
培养学生运动的兴趣和爱好,形成坚持体育锻炼的习惯,是《体育与健康》课程标准提出的课程目标要求,对古田县玉田中学2000级部分高中学生体育教学试验结果表明,情趣式、引领式、自调式等3种教学方式对增强中学生的体育锻炼意识和养成体育锻炼习惯有积极的作用.  相似文献   

Conclusions Asynchronous Distance Learning courseware offers several advantages to multiple disadvantaged learning populations. While asynchronous Distance Learning Interactive Multimedia Instruction offers financially strapped HBCUs lower operating costs, it also offers HBCUs and non-traditional student populations improved (1) accessibility, (2) user acceptance. Many Distance Learning students chose online sections as an alternative to not taking the course at all rather than to the traditional classroom section. Among technologically savvy populations, user acceptance for Distance Learning is high. Also interesting was how traditional learning populations benefited from some Distance Learning strengths, (1) hypermedia external resources for self-directed learning, and (2) frequently graded assignments improving study habits. In converse, the non-traditional student populations taking the Distance Learning sections reported less studying time, and suffered from slightly lower learning retention on the final examination.  相似文献   

社会角色动机与入党动机辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人们的动机体系中,社会角色动机与入党动机是既有联系又不尽相同的概念。在传统思维中,对两者没有进行认真的辨析,容易造成对动机认识和把握的混乱。社会角色动机是指人们为了充当或者担任某种社会角色并朝着能够胜任这种角色的方向努力的内在动力。入党动机则是申请加入党组织的思想出发点和内在精神动力。在党建工作中,应当认真分析两者的区别和联系,使新党员考察工作更具科学性。  相似文献   

Motivation is one of the most psychological topics of this science. It constitutes the very nature of what psychology is about — namely, how people regulate multiple interactions within the world, including themselves. Motivation was and is interpreted very differently, depending on the various theoretical and methodological positions. In this paper the perspective of the so-called socio-cultural or cultural-historical school which was founded by Vygotsky, Lurya, Leontyev and their co-workers will be described with the aim to reveal a number of ideas that might be useful even for research on motivation in our days. However, it is impossible to give a complete picutre of the theoretical and methodological positions of this rich and ramified tradition line here. Thus, the following explanations will be confined to one central part of it, namely the elaborated activity theory, above all, the work of Alexej Leontyev. In this paper, first the concept of activity and then the concept of motivation will be outlined in its theoretical framework. These will subsequently be made concrete with respect to motives of learning activity. Finally, some current perspectives and open problems will be mentioned.  相似文献   


Of the three aspects of moral development‐‐the development of empathy, moral reasoning and related problem‐solving strategies‐‐we know least about empathy. Possible reasons for this are explored. Some of the relevant literature is reviewed. A new stage‐theory by M. L. Hoffman is described which shows how the development of person permanence, the capacity for role‐taking, and the awareness of personal identity may create the conditions under which the young child moves from a primitive response to the mother's physical distress to sympathetic distress, altruism, and eventually to guilt. The article concludes with implications for socialization, comments relating to future research, and a comprehensive bibliography.  相似文献   


This case study examines a new teacher's beliefs and perceptions about how and why technology can and should be used to support student learning. A middle school science teacher reflected upon her preparation for and applications of technology in her classroom. Data were generated through e-mail exchanges over the course of several months. Qualitative analysis identified themes including a nontechnology focus, expectations, rationale, impact, and beliefs and learned lessons. Findings suggest that for this teacher persistence was critical to learning in absence of pre-service or in-service learning opportunities in the effective application of technology to support learning. It is recommended that technology-oriented staff development incorporate theory, guidelines, models, and illustrations for effective and meaningful applications.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine if the prediction of college success can be improved with the Student Attitude Inventory (SAI). This inventory was developed in Britain and contains 47 items which attempt to identify students in higher education on the basis of: (1) motivation, (2) study methods, (3) examination technique, and (4) lack of distractions toward academic work. Students in six Kentucky community colleges were asked to express their attitudes toward study habits on the Student Attitude Inventory. There were 996 students in the sample population (413 males and 583 females). A measure of ability (composite American College Test score) and academic performance (cumula grade-point average) were obtained for each student sampled. The Student Attitude Inventory did contribute a statistically significant amount of variance beyond an ability measure for males and females.  相似文献   

在中学地理教学中,教师要结合地理学科的特点,从培养学生具有一双“地理眼”,树立一种“人地观”,描绘一幅“脑中图”,以及勤于实践“走四方”等四个方面培养中学生地理学习的习惯。  相似文献   

有机整合动机理论为如何促进幼儿教师工作动机内化、增强工作动机的自主性提供了一个新的视角。促进幼儿教师工作动机内化的策略包括提高教师的能力知觉水平、给教师专业自主权、让教师获得归属感。  相似文献   

使鹿鄂温克是中国最后的狩猎部落,独特的生活方式创造了独特的狩猎文明。本文采用发放问卷和实地调查的方法对使鹿鄂温克人(敖鲁古雅乡)原始居民(126人)进行身体素质的调查和体育习惯调查,并进行相关比较,得到了饮食习惯接近东北地区的汉族,而非接近他们的比邻蒙古族;中年人没有良好的锻炼习惯;传统体育项目和体育文化亟待保护和传承等结论。  相似文献   

蒋琼 《丽水学院学报》2003,25(4):39-41,49
语素是最小的语法单位,但认定起来却十分困难而复杂,语言学界至今尚未找到一个切实可行的方法解决这一问题。通行的同形替代法,谬误百出,不能自圆其说。从汉语词的理据入手,倒是认定汉语语素惟一有效的途径。  相似文献   

贾皓冰 《海外英语》2014,(10):44-45
The thesis,inspired by Gardner and his associates' research on instrumental motivation,mainly discusses what kind of effect it will have on students' performances,with particular reference to Pretco in China.  相似文献   

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