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This discussion paper for this special issue examines co-regulation of learning in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments extending research on self-regulated learning in computerbased environments. The discussion employs a socio-cognitive perspective focusing on social and collective views of learning to examine how students co-regulate and collaborate in computer-supported inquiry. Following the review of the articles, theoretical, methodological and instructional implications are discussed: Future research directions include examining the theoretical nature of collective regulation and social metacognition in building models of co-regulated learning; expanding methodological approaches using trace data and multiple measures for convergence and construct validity; and conducting instructional experiments to test and to foster the development of co-regulated learning in computer-supported collaborative inquiry.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine how the Interrogative Modelof Inquiry (I-Model), developed by Jaakko Hintikka and Matti Sintonenfor the purposes of epistemology and philosophy of science, could be applied to analyze elementary schoolstudents' process of inquiry in computer-supported learning. We review the basic assumptions of I-Model,report results of empirical investigation of the model in the context of computer-supportedcollaborative learning, and discuss pedagogical implications of the model. The results of the studyfurnished evidence that elementary school students were able to transform initially vagueexplanation-seeking question to a series of more specific subordinate questions while pursuing theirknowledge-seeking inquiry. The evidence presented indicates that, in an appropriate environment, it is entirelypossible for young students, with computer-supportfor collaborative learning, to engage in sophisticatedknowledge seeking analogous to scientific inquiry. We argue that the interrogative approach to inquiry canproductively be applied for conceptualizing inquiry in the context of computer-supported learning.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between social interaction patterns and cognitive engagement levels has critical implications on collaborative learning theory, pedagogy, and technology. This study used a multi-method approach to examine the relationship between students' social participatory roles and cognitive engagement levels within asynchronous online discussions. Results showed that students' social participatory role was a critical indicator of cognitive engagement level. Socially active students made more cognitive contributions to knowledge inquiry and knowledge construction. But there were exceptions: after taking leadership roles (i.e., discussion designers and facilitators), some students moved from peripheral participation to active participation. Second, there was a progressive development process: individual students' deep-level knowledge inquiry could trigger peer interaction, which could further advance group knowledge construction. Third, students had a tendency to keeping social-cognitive engagement patterns throughout discussions. Based on the result, this study proposed implications for collaborative learning theory, pedagogy support, and tool development.  相似文献   

Despite emphasis and progress in developing collaborative inquiry in computer-supported collaborative learning research, little attention has been given to examining how collective learning can be assessed in computer-supported collaborative learning classrooms, and how students can have agency in assessing their own collaborative process. We propose that assessments should capture both individual and collective aspects of learning and be designed in ways that foster collaboration. We describe the design of student-directed electronic portfolio assessments to characterize and “scaffold” collaborative inquiry using Knowledge Forum?. Our design involved asking students to identify exemplary notes in the computer discourse depicting knowledge building episodes using four knowledge building principles as criteria. We report three studies that examined the designs and roles of knowledge building portfolios with graduate and Grade 12 students in Hong Kong and Canada. The findings suggest that knowledge building portfolios help to characterize collective knowledge advances and foster domain understanding. We discuss lessons learned regarding how knowledge building may be fostered and provide principles for designing assessments that can be used to evaluate and foster deep inquiry in asynchronous online discussion environments.  相似文献   

When inquiry-based learning is designed for a collaborative context, the interactions that arise in the learning environment can become fairly complex. While the learning effectiveness of such learning environments has been reported in the literature, there have been fewer studies on the students’ learning processes. To address this, the article presents a study of science learning in a computer-supported learning environment called Collaborative Science Inquiry (CSI), which integrates guided inquiry principles for activity design, employs modelling and visualisation tools for promoting conceptual understanding and incorporates key computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) elements for enabling students’ collaboration. With the aim of understanding the process of students’ conceptual changes supported by the CSI learning environment as used in a secondary school, data on students’ test achievements, responses to learning tasks and peer discussions in collaboration were collected, analysed and discussed. The results of the qualitative and quantitative data analysis indicated that guided inquiry coupled with CSCL elements facilitated by the CSI system can engage students in inquiry activities and promote their conceptual understanding in a progressive way.  相似文献   

This research explored how between-group collaboration enhanced the co-construction of knowledge and performance on project-based learning tasks of collaborative learning groups. The findings of 2 case studies, one that focused on between-group mentoring and one that focused on between-group project review, revealed that both strategies were perceived favorably by the students and had a positive impact on the collaborative learning skills, the knowledge revealed through their online dialogue, and the project performance of all students, especially the less effective groups. The results provide some insights into the computer-supported collaborative learning process among students in a higher education context.  相似文献   

The epistemic assumptions of constructive learning are different from those of traditional instruction, so classical methods of needs and task analysis are inappropriate for designing constructivist learning environments (CLEs). This paper argues that activity theory provides an appropriate framework for analyzing needs, tasks, and outcomes for designing CLEs. Activity theory is a socio-cultural, socio-historical lens through which designers can analyze human activity systems. It focuses on the interaction of human activity and consciousness within its relevant environmental context. Since conscious learning emerges from activity (performance), not as a precursor to it, CLEs should attempt to replicate the activity structures, tools and sign systems, socio-cultural rules, and community expectations that performers must accommodate while acting on some object of learning. After explicating assumptions of activity theory and briefly describing the components of CLEs, this paper describes a process for using activity theory as a framework for describing the components of an activity system that can be modeled in CLEs.His current research focuses on designing constructivist learning environments, cognitive tools for learning, knowledge representation methods, problem solving, computer-supported collaborative argumentation, cognitive task analysis, and individual differences and learning.His current research focuses on designing constructivist learning environments, cognitive tools for learning, knowledge representation methods, problem solving, computer-supported collaborative argumentation, cognitive task analysis, and individual differences and learning.Her research interests include activity theory and structural knowledge.  相似文献   

在协作学习中学习投入与学习成效紧密相关,是学生进行有效参与和深度学习的必要条件。但目前的研究大多针对个人学习投入,缺乏在协作学习中小组学习投入的相关研究。在前人研究基础上,本研究从认知投入、行为投入、社会投入、情感投入四个维度构建了在线协作学习中小组学习投入的分析模型,并通过实证研究进一步探索小组投入分析模型各维度与小组学习成绩之间的关系。结果表明,在小组学习投入中行为投入、社交投入与小组成绩呈显著正相关关系,而积极、消极、困惑三类情感投入则与小组成绩呈负相关关系。研究同时发现,高分组在中立情感投入、认知投入的问题和元认知维度中的均值都高于低分组。最后,通过分析在线小组学习投入与成绩之间的关系,为今后优化学习支持服务以及提高小组成员协作质量提供了依据。  相似文献   

The development of new tools for collaboration, such as social software, plays a crucial role in leisure time and work activities. The aim of this article is to summarize the research in the field of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). This is done particularly from the perspective of the blurred line between individual (personal) and group-level (shared) learning that the use of the new tools has forced us to re-think. First, individual and group-level perspectives to learning are discussed to make sense of the major notions of how learning is understood in CSCL research. Second, based on this theoretical grounding, it will be further elaborated what this means to the pedagogical design of educational practices utilizing emerging technological landscapes. And third, two different empirical examples will be presented to illustrate the variety of emerging technological landscapes meeting the needs of future learning.  相似文献   

STEM教育注重通过跨学科的协作学习发展学生的知识和技能。近年来,计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)被广泛应用于STEM教育。然而,其效果如何?其采用的各类技术和教学策略对学习效果有何影响?上述问题的明确有助于完善STEM教育中跨学科的协作学习设计。基于对2009至2019年间发表在国际期刊上的142项相关实验和准实验研究成果的元分析发现:在STEM教育中应用CSCL整体上有助于提升学习效果,且相较于过程类和情感类,其对认知类学习效果的作用最为明显;从学科来看,其对科学、工程学和教育学的影响相对较大;从采用的技术来看,通信技术、动态呈现技术和共享共建技术对学习效果的影响更加显著;从教学策略来看,案例式、游戏化、知识建构和探究式等教学策略更能提升学习效果。因此,在将CSCL应用于STEM教育时,应当加强针对情感类目标的设计以激发高水平的认知活动和认知成果,注重发挥共享共建类技术在知识可视化表征、知识追踪等方面的作用,通过整合多种教学策略推进协作探究学习。  相似文献   

李海峰  王炜 《电化教育研究》2020,(1):99-106,121
协作知识建构是实现知识创新的重要途径,然而,在场无建构、建构无深度和深度难持续的现象是翻转课堂面临的主要挑战,原因在于学习者的经验知识匮乏、概念建构乏力和持续动力不足。为此,研究基于经验之塔理论和认知冲突理论提出了经验认知冲突探究法,它包括经验生成系统、个体认知冲突系统、集体认知冲突系统和知识建构系统。采用基于设计的研究方法,通过三轮迭代实验逐步改进了评价权重、问题设计和学习支架,最终形成了一种翻转课堂模式下的深度协作知识建构策略。研究结果表明,经验认知冲突探究法消解了以微视频为主的经验学习模式的局限性,提供了多元化经验生成方式,建立了以问题嵌入驱动个体、小组和集体认知冲突的基本方法,开发的学习支架能够促进学习者进行深度协作知识建构的连续统发展。  相似文献   

雅尼斯·迪米特里亚迪斯(Yannis Dimitriadis)教授任职西班牙巴利亚多利德大学远程信息技术工程系,兼任信息通讯技术与教学研究中心GSIC/EMIC研究团队负责人,主持和参与了五十多项国际国内科研项目,在教育技术顶级期刊发表了八十多篇学术论文,组织了多次学习科学高端国际学术专题研讨会和工作坊。研究方向包括学习设计、计算机支持协作学习、学习分析等。本次访谈着重于介绍学习设计的核心思想,即无论外部学习技术如何变化,“教学法为王”的原则在教育教学情境中的主导地位不能变。因此,人工智能时代的学习技术仍需为创新教学服务。从教师角度看,联结学习设计与学习分析为教师技术创新教学提供了突破口。一方面,学习设计为学习分析提供理论引导,便于教师精准知晓学习者在不同学习活动中的学习情况,另一方面,学习分析为优化学习设计提供基于数据驱动的方法指导,便于教师靶向式更新学习活动设计。践行学习设计与学习分析双向互动的发展路径,需要建立研究者与教师合作设计机制,引导教师参与学习设计;推进隐性设计知识在学习设计中的应用;关注教师探究学习者学习过程。本次访谈对新时代背景下信息技术与教学应用的深度融合提供了新的理念和方法指导。  相似文献   

Distance learning has evolved over many generations into its newest form of what we commonly label as online learning. In this second-order meta-analysis, we analyze 19 first-order meta-analyses to examine the impact of distance learning and the special case of online learning on students’ cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes. We examine to what extent distance learning generation level, and instructional setting moderate the influences of distance learning on cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes. This second-order meta-analyses also analyzes the first-order meta-analyses for methodological quality and robustness. The findings revealed a statistically significant overall average effect size (g = 0.156, p < .001 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.087–0.224) of distance learning impacting cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes in comparison to face-to-face learning. Meta-analyses on higher education had a statistically significant larger effect size than K-12 education. Limitations, implications, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

An experience of collaborative action research to improve teaching practices from an inclusive perspective is discussed. The aim of the project is to promote teaching practices for compulsory secondary education teachers that facilitate all students’ learning and participation. We have used two strategies as catalysts of change. The first is student participation and the second is teacher collaboration in developing what is called the Lesson Study. Different phases in the action research are discussed, as are the dynamics used. The didactic experience focuses particularly on student participation. The results show the potential of the planning process to help student voices to be heard and taken into account as a way to improve teaching practice and reduce marginalization. Finally, we examine some lessons learned, including conditions and barriers that may limit these processes, as well as challenges.  相似文献   

Addressing a drawback in current research on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), this study investigated the influence of motivation on learning activities and knowledge acquisition during CSCL. Participants’ (N = 200 university students) task was to develop a handout for which they had first an individual preparing phase followed by a computer-supported collaborative learning phase immediately afterwards. It was hypothesized that in both phases current motivation (in terms of expectancy and value components) influences both learning activities and knowledge acquisition in a positive way. According to main results, only goal orientations (before learning) were associated with knowledge acquisition respectively observed learning activities during the collaborative phase. Expectancy and value components of current motivation related neither to observed learning activities nor to knowledge acquisition during collaborative learning but were in part associated with learning activities and knowledge acquisition during individual learning. The discussion addresses several possible explanations for these unexpected results.  相似文献   

In this case study, teacher inquiry groups from 3 school districts engaged and transformed various facets of their professional knowledge and practice in the context of science education. To examine the nature of teacher learning, a 3-part teacher knowledge and learning framework, proposed by Cochran-Smith and Lytle in 1999, was adopted (knowledge-for-practice, knowledge-in-practice, and knowledge-of-practice). While 16 school-based inquiry groups participated in the collaborative action research project, one case study involving a primary teacher, Katrina, is highlighted to illustrate outcomes related to the role of collaborative inquiry in supporting teacher learning, contextual issues and concerns that impact teachers’ daily classroom practice, and the types of knowledge generated by teachers within collaborative inquiry communities.  相似文献   

"发展什么"、"如何发展"和"研究什么"是专业发展研究的三个核心问题。当前,西方专业发展研究范式呈现出从"个体认知视角"范式向"基于实践的取向"范式转向的趋势。这两种范式关于实践、知识和学习本质假设的"隐喻"发生了重大转变,即实践本质从"容器观"转向"关系观"、知识本质从"固存物"转向"流动物"、学习本质从"获取"转向"参与"。由于两种范式对于实践、知识和学习本质的假设不同,导致了它们关于专业发展"发展什么"和"如何发展"立场的重大转变,即从关注"知识占有"向聚焦"知晓过程"的转变、从关注"知识迁移"向聚焦"发展实践"的转变,并进而导致了"研究什么"的重新设定。  相似文献   

Educational multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) have been shown to be effective platforms for situated science inquiry curricula. While researchers find MUVEs to be supportive of collaborative scientific inquiry processes, the complex mix of multi-modal messages present in MUVEs can lead to cognitive overload, with learners unable to effectively process the rich information encountered in virtual space. In this study, we investigated the effect of communication modality on cognitive load and science inquiry learning in students completing a science inquiry curriculum in an educational MUVE. Seventy-eight undergraduate education majors from a large southwestern university participated in this control-treatment study. Significant positive results were found for reducing cognitive load for participants communicating through voice-based chat, although this reduction was not found to influence learning outcomes. We conclude that use of voice-based communication can successfully reduce cognitive load in MUVE-based inquiry curricula.  相似文献   

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