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高等学校的学风滑坡现象令人忧虑。主要表现在缺乏基本的学习动力、严谨的学习态度、刻苦的学习精神、良好的学习道德四个方面。其矫正对策为:强化教学过程管理,培养学生严谨的学习态度;强化学分学籍管理,培养学生严明的纪律观念;强化学习诚信教育,培养学生优良的学习品德;强化基础素质教育,提高高校招生生源质量;强化社会综合治理,优化高校的办学环境。  相似文献   

发现与研究问题:研究生学习方式的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本从确立“问题意识”,学习从问题开始;立足“自主学习”,学会“起承转合”;提出疑难问题,解决疑难问题;培养研究素质,学会论写作四个方面讨论了研究生学习方式。  相似文献   

初探高中生对生物学不同学习方式的兴趣   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对高中生在生物学学习中对不同学习方式的兴趣的调查研究,发现学生们对不同学习方式的兴趣水平差异显,最感兴趣的学习方式是体验式学习;其次是接受式学习;再次是讨论式学习;兴趣水平最低的学习方式是读写式学习。对这四种学习方式的兴趣,男女生之间以及选修不同科目的学生之间的差异均不显;对体验式学习和接受式学习的兴趣,不同年级学生之间的差异均不显,而对读写式学习和讨论式学习的兴趣却是高三年级显低于低年级学生。  相似文献   

民法是一门博大精深绵应用法律学科,它既给人们以丰富的知识,也为人们学习和掌握它增加了难度。教学中应帮助学生弄清学科体例和重点;教会学生原理学习和案例学习的方法。其中原理学习,一要学好概念;二要分清特点;三要掌握构成要件;四要重视但书。  相似文献   

“探究性”学习作为一种教学方法,正受着广大教育工作者的青睐;探究性学习作为一种学习方式,正改变着千千万万学生学习的行为、态度和学习方式。中学物理教学中,通过“四步”探究模式教学,可以有效的改善师生的教和学的行为,促进学生探究能力的形成、发展和提高;为培养学生的创新精神和创新能力打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

探究学习在中学历史教学中的局限   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为新课程改革所推出的探究式学习方式更适合于科学学科的学习,而历史学科作为一门人文学科,受到了四种因素的局限,其一、历史学本身的特点带来的局限;其二、学生研究历史思维的局限;三、政治需要对探究命题的束缚;四、客观学习条件的约束。课程改革更需要实事求是的态度,理论要与实际相结合,才能真正提高中学历史教学效率。  相似文献   

体验、感悟与认知,共同构成了学生课堂生活的基本形式,体悟式学习是一种倡导自主学习精神,创设自主学习情境,提供自主学习支持,培养自主学习能力气的学习方式。体悟式学习始终追求这样一种理念:让学生真正从心灵深入发出对新认识、新事物的可求性和可知性,并在尊重的体验中学会尊重;在真诚的人验中学会真诚;在爱的体验中学会爱;在探求的体验中学会探求;在成功的体验中学会成功……思想品德体悟式学习包括动机激发、活动体验、自主建构、反馈外显等四个环节。  相似文献   

合作学习是现代教育的重要特点,它是相对于个体学习和竞争学习提出的一种新型的、开放的教学模式,是提高课堂主体参与效率,提高学习效率,拓宽学生情感交流渠道的重要方法。具体而言,合作学习是学生在小组或团队中为了完成共同的任务,有明确的责任分工的互助性学习。它包含几方面的要素:一是积极承担在完成共同任务中个人的责任;二是积极的相互支持、配合,特别是面对面的促进性的互动;三是期望所有学生能进行有效的沟通,建立并维护小组成员之间的相互信任,有效地解决组内冲突;四是对于多人完成的任务进行小组分工;五是对共同活动的成效进行评估,寻求提高其有效性的途径。  相似文献   

“四心相连”寄语卡是以孩子们喜欢的折叠式贺卡形式设计的,封面:上方用美术字(汉字和拼音)书写着“四心相连寄语卡”;中间是解放小学校徽图案“一帆风顺”;校微下面是学校名称“通辽市解放小学”。打开卡片,映入眼帘的是四颗相连的心,心内分别书写:“老师对我说”“父母的期望”“朋友的鼓励”“我眼中的自己”;四心环绕处书写“自主学习,合作学习,探究学习,  相似文献   

一、语文学习习惯培养的意义 (一)对语文学习习惯的一般认识 语文学习习惯,是学习者在语文学习活动特征和方式上表现出的模式化和固定化的行为倾向。对语文学习习惯的认识,我们可以归结为如下几点:一是语文学习习惯是一个大系统,可以按识字写字、阅读、写作、口语交际等不同学习内容分为若干子系统;二是良好语文学习习惯要从小培养,如果从小养成不良的语文学习习惯会影响学习者的一生;三是学生语文学习习惯的养成,要和学习认识指导、学习方法指导、学习能力培养等结合起来;四是学生语文学习习惯的培养,要有循序渐进的培养计划和科学有效的培养方法。  相似文献   

Research tells us that academic preparation is key to deaf students' success at college. Yet, that is not the whole story. Many academically prepared students drop out during their first year. This study identified entering deaf college students' personal factors as assessed by their individual responses to both the Noel-Levitz College Student Inventory Form B and the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, second edition (LASSI). Entering students in 3 successive cohorts (total n =437) participated in this study. Results show that in addition to entry measurements of reading and mathematic skills, personal factors contributed to the academic performance of students in their first quarter in college. The Noel-Levitz provided the comparatively better predictive value of academic performance: Motivation for Academic Study Scale (e.g., desire to finish college). The LASSI also showed statistically significant predictors, the Self-Regulation Component (e.g., time management) and Will Component (e.g., self-discipline), but accounted for relatively less variability in the students' initial grade point averages. For this group of underprepared students, results show that personal factors can play a significant role in academic success. Deaf students' personal factors are discussed as they relate to other first-year college students and to their subsequent academic performance and persistence.  相似文献   

研究大学生学术诚信有助于净化学术环境,提高学术质量。对美国大学生学术不诚信问题的研究发现,美国大学生学术不诚信较为严重,表现形式多样,其中有主观无知而陷入学术不诚信,更有为达到自己的目的而明知故犯的学术不诚信。美国高校为此采取了一系列措施:从大学新生开始进行学术诚信教育,开展多种形式的宣传教育活动,制定学术荣誉制度,建立打击学术不诚信网站,应用网络新技术加强监管,建立专门的学术诚信委员会。  相似文献   

This study sought to determine the extent to which students' development of internal locus of attribution for academic success during the first year of college was influenced by institutional characteristics, students' academic experiences, and their social/nonacademic experiences. The sample was 2,392 first-year students attending 23 diverse two- and four-year institutions Iocated in 16 states throughout the country. Controlling for precollege internal attribution, academic ability, and other potentially confounding influences, a number of variables had significant, net, positive associations with end-of-first-year internal attribution. These included attending a two-year (versus a four-year) college, level of exposure to postsecondary education, work responsibilities, the extent of course organization, instructional clarity, and instructor support in the teaching received, and participation in intercollegiate athletics. Additional analyses indicated that many of the associations with internal attribution were conditional rather than general, differing in magnitude for different kinds of students.  相似文献   

采用未来时间洞察力问卷与修订后的大学生学业延迟满足问卷,分别测量了691名大学生的未来时间洞察力与学业延迟满足的水平。结果表明:大学生未来时间洞察力与学业延迟满足水平呈显著正相关,未来时间洞察力中的四个因子(行为承诺、未来效能、目的意识、未来意象)对大学生学业延迟满足有较好的预测作用。  相似文献   

根据IT专业大学生就业的紧迫性以及国内外的学业规划开展状况,阐述IT大专学生学业规划的意义,提出IT大专学生学业规划的相关步骤以及有效实施学业规划的措施。  相似文献   

This study examined cognitive, academic, and attitudinal predictors of college grade point average (GPA) among college students with learning disabilities (LD). The study population included 84 youth who attended a large private university in the midwestern United States. Measures of cognitive and academic functioning, along with a self-report measure of study habits and study attitudes, were used to predict college GPA. The results indicated that Full Scale IQ and one factor on the self-reported study habits scale accounted for a significant amount of variance in students' college GPA. These findings suggest that variables other than traditional cognitive and academic skills are important for determining the performance of youth with LD during college. The implications of these findings for future research efforts and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The problem of predicting who will succeed in college is currently of critical importance during an era of spiraling costs and declining enrollments and resources. Previous research has focused on academic factors such as high school grades and/or college entrance exam scores. There is a dearth of studies, however, examining psychological processes as predictors of students' participation and satisfaction, which are both indices of college success. One hundred twenty-five college freshmen at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University participated in a study designed to examine psychological processes underlying college academic success. The results indicated that students' rules of reasoning about effort and ability, their motivational goals, and their confidence in their intelligence and strongly related to students' types of participation in the college experience and their level of satisfaction. These relationships and their implications are examined carefully and suggestions for adminstrators and academicians in higher education are offered.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that disabled and nondisabled persons experience communication strained by high levels of uncertainty for both communicators. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of being disabled on the academic progress of disabled college students. It was felt that academic success will be contingent upon positive communication with faculty, fellow students, and university personnel. A questionnaire assessing the campus' social climate, the quality of its programs and instruction, and the students' academic and career expectations was administered to 100 disabled students. Analyses of the data revealed that the disabled students' motivation was significantly related to their level of social alienation, while the students' perceived competence was most related to their level of social adjustment. The theoretical implications of these findings and avenues for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

论大学生心理素质结构   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
大学生心理素质是与大学生的学习、学术研究和生活实践密切联系的心理品质的综合表现。心理素质与能力、人格特质、心理健康及创造力既有密切的关系 ,也存在着差别。大学生心理素质建构应以人的大脑发育规律为基础 ,以大学生心理发展规律为依据 ,将理论思考与实证研究结合起来  相似文献   

采用EFT和LASSI对205名大学生进行实验研究,探讨当前大学生认知风格特点与学习策略及学业成绩的关系。结果表明:大学生认知风格不存在性别差异,但学科差异显著;认知风格与学业成绩之间不存在相关;文理科不同认知风格大学生在时间管理、焦虑、专心和信息加工策略量表上得分有差异;文理科大学生高学业成绩组与低学业成绩组在学习策略分量表上得分差异显著,高学业成绩组得分显著高于低学业成绩组。  相似文献   

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