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The Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations (LPO) at Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, recently replaced the conventional Ed.D. dissertation with a team-produced, client-consultant oriented, culminating report. This article describes the purpose and principles associated with the “capstone” project and describes the “fit” between the curriculum and the capstone experience. The chapter also describes the “lessons learned” from the initial cohort of doctoral students and clients who collaborated in the pilot year of capstone projects.  相似文献   

顶点课程是美国高校为高年级学生,特别是为临近毕业的学生开设的一种综合性课程,具有使学生反思和整合所学知识技能,以及帮助学生成功过渡到职业生涯的功能。本文探讨了美国大学顶点课程的内涵、类型、功能,介绍了顶点课程的设计、实施和评价,试图为我国高校提高大学生的综合素质提供一种实践的途径。  相似文献   

A principal consideration in recent cross-sector educational reforms in Hong Kong is ensuring that undergraduate programmes prepare students for the future workplace, a factor that has made the capstone a central feature of the new four-year curriculum. This paper discusses a study that explored the final-year student experience based on a final-year project (FYP). Both recent graduate and final-year student feedbacks reveal some uncertainty and a lack of confidence over successful transition that graduates attribute to an overtly research focus in the current design of FYPs. Inviting comment from senior academics allows a fuller picture of the rationale behind, and administrative considerations in, conducting a capstone experience. This formative study highlights specific features in designing a capstone experience and the need for academic engagement in order to support the desired outcome of graduate employability.  相似文献   


Capstone projects are common in undergraduate programmes, providing students with a culminating educational experience designed to draw on the knowledge and skills accumulated over the course of their studies. While there are many benefits to capstone projects, they are not without challenges. In particular, when these projects are conducted in groups, forming groups to optimise the learning outcomes and managing group dynamics can be challenging. In this article, we report on the analysis of data collected from 346 undergraduate business students who completed capstone projects at a Hong Kong university. Measures included students’ learning goal (mastery and performance), satisfaction with their supervisor and group diversity in relation to gender, prior academic achievement, self-report nationality and programme of study. Analysis of this data in conjunction with student grades for the project was conducted to inform improvements in design and delivery of the capstone subject to improve students’ learning outcomes. The results showed that for groups consisting of three students, group diversity in respect to prior academic achievement as measured by grade point average (GPA) is positively related to the grade achieved in the capstone project. However, diversity in respect to the nationalities in the group was related to poorer performance. Furthermore, the more teacher-focused the group supervisor’s approach was, the worse the grade achieved for the project. The results suggest that groups made up of students of different nationalities tend to have lower grades compared to homogeneous groups. In contrast, having a group with a mix of GPAs can result in higher grades on the project. While these findings have informed our understanding of group performance on capstone projects, work is needed to fully understand what underlies the diversity effects identified which will be explored with future cohorts.  相似文献   

浅析美国密歇根州立大学ECE系本科课程设置   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了美国密歇根州立大学电气与计算机工程系的本科课程设置,从强化实践环节与引导,从做中学、实施混合学制与鼓励自我负责、开设导论类课程与加速学术转换等方面,分析了其课程设置的特点。在此基础上,阐述了本科生科研项目、顶峰设计课程对培养学生创新能力的重要作用,以及对我国高校课程改革的启示。  相似文献   

顶点课程是美国高校为高年级学生,特别是为临近毕业的学生开设的一种综合性课程,使学生反思和整合所学知识技能,帮助学生成功过渡到职业生涯。通过案例分析探讨了美国大学顶点课程的内涵,介绍顶点课程的设计、实施和评价的效果,试图为我国高等职业教育教学提供一种实践的途径和方法。  相似文献   

美国顶峰体验课程对社会工作专业实践教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顶峰体验课程作为美国高校在高年级开设的一种综合性课程,提升了人才培养质量,受到学生、学校和用人单位的好评.将顶峰体验课程引入社会工作专业实践教学,对学生主体意识的培养、专业认同的建立以及知识技能的整合都有重要意义.社会工作实践教学顶峰体验课程的设计应当以项目为核心,凝练教学目标、改革教学手段,重视学生非专业能力的培养.这一课程的引入,还需要完善在教育理念、项目来源、教学团队和评价体系等方面的配套改革.  相似文献   

The University of Queensland Gatton College, in developing its Agribusiness degree in the late 1980s, responded to the findings of extensive surveys of agribusiness employers, and to the Australian government's policy of increased international competitiveness, based on value‐added exports. This response took the form of a curriculum which integrated core business disciplines with a suite of linked case study‐based subjects so as to strengthen students’ views of management as a holistic process. The centrepiece of the curriculum is an overseas market evaluation project undertaken by final‐year students in small groups contracted to commercial firms. The firms pay most of the research costs, with assistance from the Australian government, the students and the university. This unique capstone experience requires students to apply their agribusiness training under strictly commercial circumstances in a foreign cultural environment. Each firm's significant financial involvement is the catalyst for ensuring quality outcomes, because students must meet the expectations of their commercial clients as well as those of their university.  相似文献   

经济增长模式转型要求工科人才培养的转型升级.毕业设计作为工科人才走向工作岗位或继续深造前最重要的工程实践与综合素质的锻炼平台,是培养创新实践人才的关键环节.如何优化毕业设计过程,充分发挥指导教师的作用从而实现毕业设计的教学目标是本科工科人才培育的改革重点.本研究整合了教师角色的相关理论,聚焦教师角色与作用,从教师专业素...  相似文献   

This study investigated the conflict occurring during teamwork among college seniors in project‐based collaborative learning in a capstone course. It found that conflict emerged with poor communication, task management, and work allocation; unequal treatments among classmates; egocentricity; a clash of values; and lack of responsibility and initiative. To prepare graduating students for the workforce, teachers should equip them with essential skills and foster students' appropriate work attitude to improve performance.  相似文献   

The School of Engineering at Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM) implemented, starting in the 2012–2013 period, a unified academic model based on project-based learning as the methodology used throughout the entire School. This model expects that every year, in each grade, all the students should participate in a capstone project integrating the contents and competencies of several courses. This paper presents the academic context under which this experience has been implemented, and a summary of the work done to design and implement the Project-Based Engineering School at the UEM. The steps followed, the structure used, some sample projects, as well as the difficulties and benefits of implementing the programme are discussed in this paper. The results are encouraging as students are more motivated and the initial set objectives were accomplished.  相似文献   

In this paper, we question how we might disrupt positivist research paradigms that preclude students from engaging and experiencing ownership in the research process. We question what we, as professors, could do to facilitate the transition from traditional research reporting to a disposition of inquiry that allows for ambiguity and discovery in the research process.

Evidence presented was gathered over the course of a two-year qualitative research project completed in a capstone education course. Like most capstone courses, we required a summative research paper, but student work suggested they had minimal interest or enthusiasm for the project. However, by redirecting our students' research interest from traditional research reporting to the generation of authentic research questions drawn from their student teaching experience, a solution emerged. The students' questions provided the basis for the ensuing qualitative inquiry project that afforded them a new and authentic type of inquiry.

This paper describes the process our students engaged in to complete this qualitative inquiry, including the identification of the research question and analysis of field notes and documents. It concludes by sharing samples of the students' research questions and findings that illustrate the authentic inquiry and ownership they experienced as a result of the project.  相似文献   

This article was motivated by the authors’ work on a project with a group of 2nd-grade students in a computer lab of a rural school in upstate New York. From this project, one goal of which was to provide a capstone experience for a teacher candidate in teaching application-oriented mathematics with technology, the ideas about parallel structures of two universes—the teacher's and the students’—that echo Shulman's structures of signature pedagogy have been developed. In the article the authors introduce the notion of computer-assisted signature pedagogy and explore its features through the combined lens of teaching and learning using the concept of Type I/Type II technology integration.  相似文献   

Through a comprehensive exhibition and study project, a group of high school students and women artists worked together to document the artists’ work, explore the values and issues of women’s art, envision careers, and create an exhibition and permanent teaching resources. The project’s purpose was to test a model curriculum designed to promote gender equity and positive identification among young women in art, and to make the students’ discoveries available for other students in the community. Research confirmed needs for curriculum reform: the need to present art as an appropriate and desirable career choice, to present curriculum content that relates positively to the experiences of female students, and to raise awareness of values and assumptions about women’s art-making.  相似文献   

高职高专"项目课程"的开发设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
程凌 《职业技术教育》2007,(20):23-24,26
构建以能力为本位、以职业实践为主线、以项目课程为主体的模块化专业课程体系正成为职业教育课程改革的基本取向。项目课程与工作任务、工作过程、工作成果密切相关。开发和设计项目课程,要以完成工作任务为中心,按工作过程编排内容,以学生获得一个具有实际价值的产品为结果。  相似文献   

颜正恕 《成人教育》2013,(11):46-49
高等职业教育的课程体系改革主要涉及课程的目标和内容设计、课程实施和评价等方面的研究。能力本位课程论成为高职课程体系改革的重要理论基础,同时"工学结合、校企合作"的人才培养模式成为课程改革的方向,课程与行业企业结合,打破了传统的知识、技能教学相分离的模式,建立基于工作过程项目化的课程体系成为科学的改革方向。新的课程体系解构传统的学科体系,重构基于工作过程的行动体系,学生在动态实践中获得知识、技能和素质的整体体验。通过构建真实的教学情境引入基于工作流程的教学活动,不但形成显性的知识能力体系,而且还激发学生隐性、个性化的、新的、序化的经验和能力,培养学生成为能学习、能工作、能思考、能创新的具有较强社会服务能力的准员工。  相似文献   

以创业为导向食用菌课程教学模式的研究与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从食用菌课程教学的现状出发,探讨了食用菌课程中引入学科导向型教学模式,以课程建设来促进大学生创业教育的开展,培养创新创业型人才,采用项目驱动教学法,为高职课程的施教者在整合专业技能训练与创新能力培养的教学方面提供新的视角。  相似文献   

The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and the American Statistical Association (ASA) have both updated and revised their curriculum guidelines. The guidelines of both associations recommend that students engage in a “capstone” experience, be exposed to applications, and have opportunities to communicate mathematical and statistical analysis, among other recommendations. In this article, we describe a mathematics and statistics capstone course, implemented at a small liberal arts college. We provide evidence that this course accomplishes the goals set forth by the MAA and ASA. We include guidance for other institutions on implementing a similar course.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated the efficacy of mentoring at-risk students in a number of fields from physical education to math and science. While separate research has found that many at-risk students lack effective communication skills, little research has explored the potential of communication mentoring in improving at-risk students’ communication efficacy. In our study, we examined the effectiveness of communication majors in a senior capstone course mentoring at-risk middle school students. Mentors were assigned a protégé and were required to design a curriculum targeting specific communication apprehension concerns identified in each student and implement the curriculum over a 10-week period. Analysis of self-reported communication apprehension scores showed at-risk students prior to mentoring reported higher than average levels of communication apprehension. After mentoring, they reported statistically significantly lower levels of communication apprehension. The implications for mentoring, at-risk students, and improved middle school communication education are considered.  相似文献   

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