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Understanding what factors foster young people's aspirations to work as teachers is critical for designing effective recruitment policies, and for ensuring that enough youngsters enter the teaching profession. We examine what factors explain between-country differences in the percentage of 15-year-old students who expect to work as teachers as adults. We focus on two factors: (1) the salaries teachers can expect to earn compared to professionals in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM); and (2) the skill levels teachers have compared to STEM professionals. Relative salaries indicate if (and to what extent) the financial returns associated with teaching careers are higher or lower than professional STEM careers dominated by men. Relative skills highlight the investment in human capital that teachers are expected to make to be able to enter the profession, as well as the social and cultural status that is associated with teaching. We used data from 29 countries that participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment and the Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies. In countries where teacher salaries and numeracy skills were high compared to those commanded by STEM professionals, gender gaps in teaching career expectations were smaller. High-ability students in science and mathematics were more likely to expect to work as teachers in countries where teachers have comparatively higher numeracy skills. Our findings show that when teacher salaries are competitive in relationship to the salaries of STEM professionals, more students overall expect to work as teachers. However, whilst low- and middle-performing students in science and mathematics were attracted by economic incentives, high-performing students in science and mathematics were not.  相似文献   

Using the conceptual model of reasoned action, one would expect that what teachers do with instructional materials would be influenced by their internal beliefs and their external constraints. In this two-year study with elementary teachers, using a supplemental science instructional resource,Superscience, it was found that teachers' internal beliefs about what will benefit their students are linked to the external constraints of their students' interests and the expected curriculum. Even if the teachers believed that the content of the resource would be helpful, they were not likely to use it if they believed it did not fit the expected curriculum.  相似文献   

小学生的年级因素和性别因素对师生关系中的教学关系、情感关系和地位关系三个维度存在不同程度的影响。小学生最喜欢和最希望教师对自己的各方面表现予以表扬、鼓励和肯定,最害怕因学习退步、表现不好等受到老师的批评。  相似文献   

李艳菊  底卫华 《中学教育》2011,8(1):106-110
本研究分别从山西省成立的三所中等幼儿师范学校随机抽取540名学生和117名教师,分别探讨学生对教师非权力影响力的期望与现状,不同发展阶段教师期望差异,以及师生期望差异的比较。结果表明:(1)学生整体对教师非权力影响力的期望与教师现状差异明显;(2)三个年级的学生对教师非权力影响力的期望表现不同,但差异不显著;(3)不同发展阶段教师对其非权力影响力的期望表现出明显差异;(4)稳定形成阶段教师的期望与学生期望最吻合。  相似文献   

为了解中学教师对中学生未来性别角色发展的期望,本研究采用性别角色期望调查表调查了99名中学教师,结果发现:中学教师对男生的性别角色期望趋近于男性化,对女生的性别角色期望趋近于双性化。教师期望男生在下列特质中高于女生:快乐的、有幽默感的、自立的、有创造力的、喜欢运动的、善交际的、精干的、胆大的、心宽的、不屈不挠的、主动的、奔放的、侠义心肠的、豪放的、外向的、直性子的;教师期望女生在下列特质中高于男生:善良的、爱整洁的、洁身自好的、文雅的、和气的、纯真的、含蓄的、心细的、守本分的、安分的、温柔的、柔情的、温顺的、文静的、贤淑的。  相似文献   

This article describes perspective and imagery thinking strategies taught during Guided Reading lessons. These strategies are designed to enhance comprehension by giving students techniques for manipulating meaning. Social and physical perspective thinking strategies allow students to identify and apply a variety of perspectives, while imagery thinking strategies allow students to re‐view meaning through the application of still, moving and melting images. Comment from teachers and students involved in a project designed to trial these strategies indicate they may be one way of raising standards in English.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法,对乌鲁木齐地区8所高校普招大学生问卷调查、访谈,发现在教学中武术文化忽视人文素质和体育理论知识的学习,提出在武术学习中应重视其文化和教育价值,目标是对当代大学生加强以中国传统文化为内容的人格和民族精神教育,并对武术文化教学提出建设性建议。  相似文献   

Instead of focusing on what students lack, higher education should build on what they do well. Laurie Schreiner introduces an assessment tool that measures the complex factors that affect student success and makes practical suggestions for improving students' college experience.  相似文献   

The present situation in which students enter tertiary education with different experiences of online literacy poses challenges for instructors of subjects in which content and online literacy are integrated. It is hard for university teachers to predict what can be expected of incoming students in terms of computer experience, or to plan suitable syllabuses. In this article, the online literacy practices of students in one subject offered at an Australian university are examined. These practices are viewed within the context of the subject itself, and in the wider context of tertiary education. It is suggested that studies of the contexts and practices of online literacy can provide information which will help instructors to have some idea of what to expect concerning their students’ online literacy. In turn, this knowledge may make it easier for instructors to plan subject syllabuses which provide for groups of students with mixed online experiences. Areas for further research are also identified.  相似文献   

教师专业发展是不同层面因素互动的过程。当教师面对这次理念全面更新、教学方式彻底转型的课程改革时,他们需要在教学情境中持续的、专家与教师互动的理论引领。当学生的表现发生所期望的变化时,在他们对教学实践进行深入反思后,教师浅表的课程意识才会内化为深层的信念。教学的复杂性要求教师超越个人狭隘的视域,在全校性的专业社群中,在理论引领下对教学实践进行公共性的辩论。以学习、开放、探究和交往为特征的学校文化是进行专业发展活动不可缺少的生态环境。  相似文献   

良好的师生关系不仅是学生顺利完成学习任务的需要,也有利于教师自身的不断进步。开放教育的学习者多是成人,学习者学习的多元化和主动性使传统的师生关系发生变化,他们期望教师的理解和尊重,渴望对教育过程的积极参与。学校应遵循诺丁斯关心教育理论从树立关心关系的师生观,营造关心型的校园文化氛围,畅通师生之间对话的渠道,以学员的需求为导向开设面授课等方面构建远程开放教育关心型师生关系。  相似文献   

相同年龄的学生在处于相同的学校环境、面对同样的师资的基础上却有着不同的学习效果。究其原因,课后学习发挥着巨大的作用。学生们不同的学习习惯以及家长在学生课后学习中充当的不同角色是两个非常重要的因素。作为教师,我们可以采取加强课后作业管理、家校平台和"与家长联动"等措施帮助学生提高课后学习效果。  相似文献   

刘妍晨 《科教导刊》2020,(2):147-148
新课程标准基于知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个维度构建学习目标。但是在实际教学中,教师依然占据课堂主体,尤其是在高中阶段,高考的压力使得教师将知识结构的完善作为目标的主要甚至唯一目标。针对课程改革中遇到的新难题,崔允漷教授从"教师期望学生掌握什么"出发,提出了"学历案"的教学理念。基于此,本文则以语文教材中《登高》一课为例,探究"学历案"学习目标的确定与叙写,以期对新课程改革的推进提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In the past decade, there has been an increased emphasis on the preparation of teachers who can effectively engage students in meaningful mathematics with technology tools. This study presents a closer look at how three prospective teachers interpreted and developed in their role of facilitating students’ mathematical problem solving with a technology tool. A cycle of planning–experience–reflection was repeated twice during an undergraduate course to allow the prospective teachers to change their strategies when working with two different groups of students. Case study methods were used to identify and analyze critical events that occurred throughout the different phases of the study and how these events may have influenced the prospective teachers’ work with students. Looking across the cases, several themes emerged. The prospective teachers (1) used their problem solving approaches to influence their pedagogical decisions; (2) desired to ask questions that would guide students in their solution strategies; (3) recognized their own struggle in facilitating students’ problem solving and focused on improving their interactions with students; (4) assumed the role of an explainer for some portion of their work with students; (5) used technological representations to promote students’ mathematical thinking or focus their attention; and (6) used the technology tools in ways consistent with the nature of their interactions and perceived role with students. The implications inform the development of an expanded learning trajectory for what we might expect as prospective teachers develop an understanding of how to teach mathematics in technology-rich environments.  相似文献   

小学教师教学效能感与其归因反应模式的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以155名小学教师为被试,探讨了不同教学效能感水平的教师对于不同特点学生学业失败后的反应模式。结果表明,在学生考试失败后,高教学效能的教师对于高努力的学生以及学习困难学生的生气程度较低,给予学生更多的奖励,预期学习困难学生在将来更容易失败;低教学效能教师对于高能力学生和学习困难学生的生气程度较低,给予学生更多的惩罚,预期低能力学生耷将来更容易失败。中教学效能教师的反应模式更接近于低教学效能教师。  相似文献   

高校教学师生互动形式浅论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,我国高校在教学方法上仍大多采用以教师讲授为主的形式,学生对教学的参与不够,积极性、主动性没有能被充分调动起来,从而造成了某种程度上教与学的隔离与脱节。本文试图对造成这种状况的原因进行一些分析,并着重就师生互动的具体形式进行了一些探索,以期建立师生互动的良性机制,在一定程度上提高高校教学的质量与水平。  相似文献   

This study examines how pre-service teachers think about disconnections between what they believe about teaching, what they learn in their university coursework, and what they observe of behaviour management practices in public school classrooms. Based on the reflective writings of teacher education students at an urban Midwestern university in the United States, this narrative research leads to a deeper understanding of how teacher educators can support and challenge future teachers in their ability to think critically and thoughtfully in developing their identities as future educators.  相似文献   

Preadolescent students are interested in learning the structure and function of the human body. However, their teachers are not trained in this content. The purpose of this project was to expand a successful outreach effort in the health sciences for grade 7–12 teachers to include PreK‐3 teachers. A “Healthy Hearts” workshop was offered to train the teachers in relevant content and also to give them a resource kit of supplies and equipment to facilitate the transference of the training into educational opportunities for their students. The workshop included many role‐playing activities and use of all items in the resource kit. A total of 25 workshops were conducted in 14 different community locations with 716 PreK‐3 teachers attending from 169 communities representing 59 (79%) of the state's 75 counties. African American (AA) teacher participation was 35%, twice the state AA population rate and 3.5× the AA public school teacher rate. Pre to Posttest scores increased an average of 15%. The results of the evaluation measures regarding the workshop and the transference of the training and use of resource kit items into learning opportunities for students were excellent. Universities have the capability, perhaps the responsibility, to provide the much‐needed professional development training to PreK‐12 teachers. Anatomists in medical and nonmedical school settings are well positioned to participate in this process and help close the gap between the interest young children have in learning about the human body and the lack of teacher training in this content. Anat Sci Ed 1:119–125, 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

通过对西南地区某高校大学英语课教师和学生的问卷调查及访谈,发现:在传统大学英语教学环境下,书面任务反馈的对象丰富,但方式传统,以教师纠正性反馈为主,评价简单;师生均认为反馈对学生学习提高有一定效果;学生希望得到更多的来自老师的详细反馈,而教师认为当前的反馈方式耗时较多,效率较低,应采用多元化的反馈方式。反馈理论的成果难以引用于实际,建议研究者关注转变学生对教师依赖,以改变大学英语书面任务反馈的方式,提高效率。  相似文献   

对100名非英语专业大二学生进行了问卷调查,对比分析了大学英语自主学习者对教师角色的期待及教师的实际表现,调查结果显示,学生最期待教师在自主学习中扮演心理协调者、顾问及语境营造者的角色;教师在实际教学中所扮演的"参与者"、"心理协调者"及"组织者"这三种角色获得的学生认同感最低;进一步分析发现,除了"评估者"及"资源提供者"这两个角色外,教师在其他角色上的表现均与学生的期待差异显著,尤其是在"心理协调者"、"语境营造者"及"组织者"这三方面。提出了调整教师角色以适应大学英语自主学习者期待的建议。  相似文献   

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