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This paper examines the impact of reform policies on the work of Chinese teachers. It explores the policy context in which a fragile teaching profession attempts to develop and discusses the dynamics of interacting societal forces that have created the dilemmas for the teachers. The authors argue that while the continual implementation of reform policies has fostered a new outlook in Chinese schools, calls for profound change in schooling have caused much anxiety among teachers. The teachers' anxiety stems from the incongruence between their professional outlook, which is intimately linked to student academic achievement, and the dictates of state reform measures, which seek to broaden the conception of education to include other areas of human development. Throughout the years of reform, teachers have had to stretch their professional capacity in order to satisfy competing demands engendered by reform measures and educational reality. It is in the tensions caused by the implementation of reform policies that the humanism of teacher professionalism is magnified. In this paper, the authors discuss the educational and social issues that surround the teachers' preference for conventional practices.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着我国研究生教育改革政策的陆续出台,研究生教育政策体系初步形成。借助词频统计方法,发现改革开放以来我国研究生教育改革政策的变迁历经了四个阶段,即:1978—1985年的恢复重建阶段,1986—1998年的调整发展阶段,1999—2012年的深化改革阶段,2013年至今的内涵发展阶段。各个阶段具有较好的连贯性和一致性,同时呈现出独特的阶段性特征。在政策变迁的过程中,政策体系趋于完备,政策主体日渐多元。从政策工具理论的视角来看,供给型、环境型、需求型政策工具均有涉及,但不同阶段发挥的作用不均衡,供给型政策工具比例明显高于其他两类政策工具比例。建议深化教育体制改革,强化教育政策制定与施行办法,优化并综合运用政策工具。  相似文献   

素质教育实施近20年了,已经成为国家重要教育决策和法律意志。素质教育改革历程中表现出两大特点:一是国家自上而下的政策推进,二是教育改革的实践先行。本文以各个层面的素质教育政策及实践为研究切入口,在宏观思考中分析各项政策、改革经验之间的相互关系,对改革的有效性、局限性等进行了较为详实的剖析。  相似文献   

Academic policy initiatives have long been apowerful lever for mission differentiationwithin U.S. public higher education. Althoughthe higher education literature has examinedbasic issues in the design of public systems,the tension between access and differentiationhas not been explored. Drawing uponcomparative case studies of public highereducation in Massachusetts and New York, thisarticle examines recent policy initiatives toterminate academic programs, eliminate remedialeducation, and promote honors colleges withineach state system. The analysis depicts howthese policies contribute to increasedstratification of programs and students withina state system as well as within particularcampuses in a system. The authors argue thatpolicy analysis in higher education shoulddevelop a more refined conceptualization ofaccess that examines the cumulative impact ofcontemporary policies on the stratification ofstudent opportunity.  相似文献   

无论从社会角度还是从农民自身角度来看,农民市民化都已经成为农村人口流动的重要方向.农民工市民化过程中遭遇到文化资本之困:外显性文化资本——制度化文化资本缺失,农民工遭遇就业压力;内隐性文化资本——语言能力和价值观念方面文化资本的弱势,使农民工市民化进程受到严重限制.农村职业教育改革应培育农村文化资本:国家调整相关政策,打通和加宽中高职学校的衔接通道;调整农村职业教育课程体系,适当强化人文教育和通识教育.  相似文献   

The article details a comparative study of higher education policies in the U.S.A. and The Netherlands. The policies are similar in their attempt to centralize the governance of public higher education in state and national systems in an attempt to promote and maintain diversity. The authors examine the policies in the context of previous research on higher education and provide data that shed light on the growth of degree programmes within public universities. Findings show that public higher education systems in several U.S.A. states and The Netherlands have not grown less diverse over time. Other findings provide mixed support for the argument that centralization is an effective means of limiting homogeneous growth in public systems of higher education.  相似文献   

专业化语境下我国教师教育的困境与破解路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,教师专业化已成为世界教师教育改革的核心理念。进行以教师专业化为核心的教师教育的改革,成为世界教师教育发展的趋势与潮流。相比之下,我国教师教育在一体化、制度化、实践性等方面尚有较大问题和差距。要使教师教育获得持续、健康、稳定地发展,就必须寻找教师教育创新的途径。专业化语境下我国教师教育的改革必须在理念、政策、课程和制度等方面做出具有前瞻性的选择。  相似文献   

The task of this article is to carry out a synthetic analysis of the concept of the educational marketplace as it is used in the popular discourse of education reform so as to unpack what has become a commonsensical idea in American politics. It is a conceptual framework that has opened an ever-expanding sovereign space in the American state for the colonization of a public institution by the private sphere by means of public policy. The results of this analysis suggest that the reform policies associated with the concept of the educational marketplace are ineffective in raising average student achievement, have a high probability for generating significant social costs, and are a manifestation of an articulation of power now in ascendancy in the United States.  相似文献   

随着我国教育的不断改革,全国各大高校不断扩招,深化创新创业教育的改革,完成人才培养,实施创新,创业的教育方针和政策已经成为必然,而对创新创业教育进行科学的评价也成为一种需求,建立起创新创业教育的价值导向,质量标准,评价方式.同时,分析高校研究生毕业后的就业问题,人才流动等问题,如何促进研究生的社会就业机会.本文基于推拉理论的视角分析影响研究生进入社会就业的推力和拉力的因素,从而进一步的结合我国研究生进入社会就业的现象,提出了研究生创新创业教育评价机制协同推拉体系建设,进一步提升研究生创新创业教育的水平与质量.  相似文献   

The steering of higher education systems: a public management perspective   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article focuses on the steering of higher education systems in the light of political science and public management approaches. It first recalls that an important part of the existing literature on higher education is focused on public policies in terms of reforms and decision-making, while the other part is dedicated to discovering and understanding the policy network or the policy regimes producing these policies. Both perspectives tend to look at higher education as a specific field. By contrast, the authors state that the transformations experienced in higher education are similar to those experienced by other key public services, an can be understood as a redefinition of the role of the nation state in the public generally. They therefore suggest to look at the steering patterns in higher education by investigating the underlying ‘narratives’ of public management reform and their variation or combination from one European nation state to another. Three main narratives of public services reform are discussed: the New Public Management (NPM), the Network governance and the Neo-Weberian narrative. For each narrative, the authors try to predict some ‘signs and symptoms’ that should be observed in higher education. Drawing on this reflection, the authors finally suggest further research perspectives which could be developed.
Christine MusselinEmail:

国际评估成为近些年国际组织涉足教育领域的主要方式.由OECD发起的PISA项目成为近些年国际学生水平测试的先锋,参与成员从起始年份2000年的43个增长到2015年的72个.与此同时,PISA的覆盖范围已不仅局限于国家,地方参与的热情随之高涨,成为PISA参与的新趋势.由于PISA主要通过评估学生的知识和能力以衡量国家教育体系的质量,所以它成为各国制定教育政策与方针的"知识库".这也标志着OECD对国家教育体系质量评估话语体系的建立.为了使其教育影响深刻而持续,OECD通过多种途径建构自身在全球教育治理过程的行动框架并逐步使其合法化,主要包括:建构教育危机,以经济增长为改革方向;建立高效能参照系统,为改革建立标准;批判其对立观点.  相似文献   

公平而卓越:新世纪美国基础教育改革面临的挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着后工业社会和经济全球化时代的到来,公平而卓越已成为当今世界教育新的发展趋势和追求.各国政府都在从政策法案到具体实践关注并努力迎合这一发展趋势.在这种背景下,布什签署<不让一个孩子掉队>法案.试图通过教育立法和针对性措施使美国教育摆脱"平庸"与"差距".奥巴马新政府出台了<美国全面教育改革计划>,继续追求实现NCLB法案的既定目标,保持政策连续性的同时,对NCLB法案的实施策略进行调整.美国的很多措施对我国基础教育改革具有启发性.  相似文献   


School choice policies and the movement to privatize education have become the currently preferred school reform methods on both the state and federal levels under the guise they will provide equal educational opportunities and access for all students. The 1954 school desegregation decision in Brown v. Board of Education arguably paved the way for equal educational opportunities, including school choice; however, we contend that the present-day school choice and privatization movements may be a part of a larger social, political, and legal cycle of inequality that has established residence in the American educational system for more than a century. We conduct a critical race theory policy analysis using a framework that has been effective in previous work with examining cyclical inequalities, the convergence-divergence-reclamation cycle (or C-D-R cycle). In this article, we are focusing our analysis on the state of North Carolina due to its complex legal and political history with school desegregation and its recent support for various school choice options and privatizing public education. We assert that the push for school choice and privatizing public education in North Carolina demonstrates a broader, recurring problem in American public schools-–creating progressive education laws and policies appearing to promote educational equity and opportunity and then regressing to policies supporting White privilege while maintaining the status quo of inequitable educational opportunities for historically underserved and minoritized students.  相似文献   

在20世纪最后20年里,由于对本国教育现状的不满并受课程全球化压力驱使,英美两国进行了课程改革,在课程内容、课程管理与课程评价上做出了重大调整,主要表现在内容标准化、管理集权化和评估统一性,并将其发展成鲜明课程政策的明显特色。这些课程政策纳入文化异质国家课程传统,其文化假设与英美两国课程传统的文化假设不同,因此,课程政策文化抵制成为课程研究关注的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

我国高等教育的经费投入模式伴随着改革开放走过了三十多年历程,其间既积累了成功的经验,也存在着一些弊端,如国家对教育尤其是高等教育的财政性资金投入不足、高等教育收费立法亟待强化、高校生均培养成本模糊、助学贷款体系不够健全和完善、高等教育多元化投资渠道尚未形成、高校信息对外公开不够透明等,都制约着我国高等教育的发展,亟须通过高等教育投入机制改革以及相应对策加以调整、推动和解决。  相似文献   

高等教育大众化背景下的教育公平   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过几年的扩招,我国高等教育于2002年进入大众化阶段,与此同时,高等教育的教育公平问题也日益突出,成为社会各界广泛关注的热点问题。当前应主要通过相关制度来保障教育公平,如制定合理的高校收费制度、消除教育政策的城市取向、改革录取制度、建立完善的资助体系等。  相似文献   


This paper adopts an inductive analytical approach to reviewing the major state policies to reform teacher education in China. Based on the perceived impact on teachers and teacher education, 21 policy documents have been selected for this review. Five themes emerge in the analysis, which include: Expansion of teacher education by institutional diversification; structural changes through upgrading, merging and eliminating institutions and school; innovations on modes of teacher preparation, curricula and teaching practicum; certification and examinations; and strengthening teacher supply for the rural schools. The paper also analyses the contextual and systemic factors that affect the formulation and implementation of reform policies in teacher education and critically reflect the effect of these policies on Chinese teacher education.  相似文献   

职教政策的变化对个体教育选择起到了引导作用。改革开放初期,国家出台优惠政策赋予职业教育"生计取向"和"地位取向"双重价值,使其进入了"基础不牢的繁荣期";步入上世纪90年代,政策的转变引导个体形成"偏普倾向",职业教育走向衰落;2002年以来,职业教育逐步实现规模性复苏,但与其真正的复兴还有相当的距离。努力满足人们的"生计需求"和"发展需要",使职业学校成为大多数人的"理想选择",应当成为今后职业教育改革的重要方向。  相似文献   

在英国基础教育改革政策的制定与实施过程中,可以清楚地看到时代发展需要、国际教育潮流、优质教育提供、市场理论应用、两党政治参与等诸因素的影响。其中,既有社会和政治方面的因素,也有经济和教育方面的因素。在战后英国基础教育改革政策上,这些因素的影响无疑得到了具体的反映,而且它们也凸现出英国基础教育改革政采的特点。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,随着西方一些国家教育改革的不断深入,教育改革与政治之间的关系日渐密切,教育政治学走出发展的低谷期,取得了一系列丰硕的成果,尤其是在国家与教育不平等、课程与政治、文化政治与教育等方面的研究体现了西方教育政治学的最新进展,这些进展无论就研究方法、理论深度,还是研究内容都对我国教育政治学研究有独特的启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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