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孟阳 《东南传播》2013,(6):78-80
媒体市场竞争促使广播向专业化、类型化方向发展,故事广播是典型的类型化广播,经历几年同质化发展后,各地故事广播经过改版后推出各自特色的节目,用不同风格形式的故事节目为故事广播立台,本文从节目题材、品牌活动、入驻微电台、读书节目创新等方面谈故事广播频率的新特点,并通过分析其出现的问题来讨论如何实现故事广播的可持续发展。  相似文献   

徐明鸣 《视听纵横》2002,(4):106-107
近年来互联网方兴未艾,传统媒体纷纷与网络“联姻”,国内各级广播电台也陆续涉足网络,欲借网络之翼与报纸、电视等强势媒体站在多媒体传播的同一起跑线上。1999年初宁波电台尝试传统广播与新兴网络的结合,开通了《音乐之声》节目的网上广播,使宁波电台的节目第一次超越时空的局限。2001年5月,宁波电台为延伸广播宣传,拓展广播发展空间,正式建立综合网站“宁波广播在线”。一年来,网站实现了全台3套节目的实时广播  相似文献   

刘卫星 《中国广播》2005,(11):23-24
改革开放之后,广播媒体逐步走向市场,广播广告也逐渐成为电台主要的收入来源。近几年,广播广告年增长一直保持在20%以上。2004年度全国共有十几家电台广告收入超1亿或接近1亿,全国各广播电台的广告收入更是以平均18%左右的速度增长。但相对发达国家而言,中国的广播广告在广告市场所占的份额还相差甚远,距离世界平均水平,还有较大的增长空间。(参见下表)  相似文献   

中国广播杂志社联合地方电台近六年每年举办一次城市电台发展研讨暨协作会议、2006年的会议选择了7月在世界屋脊西藏举行,适逢青藏铁路二期工程通车的喜庆时节。这次广播业界登高望远的会议,以时下最为热门的广播新媒体的自身发展及与其他产业双赢模式的构建为主题,同时涉及广播业内普遍探讨的广播产业化、跨台联盟合作等多个尖端问题,可谓试登广播发展的绝顶,指点广播前方之路。本期“特别策划”,让我们一同来品味本次会议上的‘珠玑碎玉”,试着理出广播进一步发展的脉络。  相似文献   

王掌 《中国广播》2012,(11):37-39
网络广播一方面展现了网络平台的自由性,另一方面又使传统广播媒介得以延伸。本文从三个方面介绍了网络广播,即网络广播的概念及历史背景;网络广播的类型以及它的优势,包括传播技术的优越性。接受方式的便捷性,广播资源的无限性,传播载体的多媒体性等;网络广播的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

品质是一家电台、一家媒体追求的高境界。本文提出打造品质电台的理念,指出打造品质电台是广播发展的历史选择,是广播市场竞争的要求,是科学发展观在广播新闻实践中的具体运用。同时,提出了品质电台的定义、内涵结构、打造途径以及需要处理的关系等。  相似文献   

解婧 《新闻世界》2010,(6):73-74
随着我国电视频道专业化的如火如荼,现今的广播事业涌现出了许多为特定受众服务的专业电台。广播功能专业化是广播媒体基于内容的专业化形式。其听众的特点是,喜爱某种内容,有选择地进行收听。对广播而言,最大限度地发挥自己的优势,结合国外的经验和自己的实际情况实施专业化策略是广播与其他媒体竞争的趋势。  相似文献   

李荣 《中国广播》2013,(3):62-63
本文对网络广播的概念进行了解析,并分析了其传播的优势:覆盖面广、用户多元化、互动性强、收听便捷。作为网络广播代表的微电台将成为延伸广播产业链条、加强广播节目互动交流的利器。在未来,网络广播将成为一个巨大的多媒体媒资库。  相似文献   

类型化广播是当前世界上许多发达国家广播发展的一大趋势,在我国,近年来中央及部分省级电台进行了有益尝试,但在地方电台却少有涉及。随着广播改革和创新的进一步深入,广播在经历了大而全和频率专业化的发展过程后,分众化特点日益明显,借鉴国外以及中央和部分省级台的经验,类型化广播是在传统电台基础上更加符合听众收听习惯而又尊重传播规律的一种播出模式的改革,更是地市电台再次快速发展的契机和必由之路。本文介绍了类型化广播的定义及特征,分析了当前我国地方电台发展类型化广播的困难,提出了解决困难的对策。  相似文献   

社区广播不仅是当前建设和谐社会的重要手段,更能为广播媒体在城区培养更多的听众群。社区广播具有服务范围明确、易于细分听众群体、易于吸引听众参与等优势,城市电台发展社区广播,其可以利用和发挥的优势是显而易见的。北京电台积极探索社区广播发展路径,在栏目设置、节目编排、品牌推广等方面做了诸多努力,并取得了显著成效。研究社区广播对城市电台发展的重大意义,实施社区广播的发展战略,是城市广播人目前和将来面临的重大课题。  相似文献   

Nadine Kozak 《Media History》2013,19(2):163-182
Early Canadian radio broadcasting policy privileged private, commercial broadcasting enterprises above alternative broadcasting formats, including amateur and community radio. One station, 10AB, operated by the Moose Jaw Radio Association (MJRA) and owned by community members took exception to this policy and engaged in a decade-long dispute with radio authorities, first the Radio Branch of the Department of Marine and Fisheries and later the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC). The MJRA ignored regulations with which it disagreed and challenged the radio authorities whilst requesting a private commercial broadcasting license. Absorbed by perceived discrimination, the MJRA failed to understand the complex situation the CRBC faced. I argue that considering transnational radio history can deepen our understanding of the dispute between the local station and national regulators in Canada.  相似文献   

Offshore broadcasting pirates, transmitting radio shows from international waters back into the borders of nation-states, have been largely examined from a media-communications perspective. Drawing on pirate stations broadcasting into Britain I argue that new insights into the regulation of this phenomenon can be formed if it is considered not only as a media-communications venture, but likewise a maritime one. Following the Marine &c. Broadcasting (Offences) Act 1967, Section 42 of the Broadcasting Act 1990, and the surveillance missions which ensued, I contend that these were not only aerial strategies designed to deal with an aerial problem (that of broadcasting), but also sea-based strategies, designed to deal with a maritime problem (that of broadcasting from ships and forts at sea). I thus propose re-thinking the ways in which successive British administrations regulated the radio pirates, paving the way for an alternative understanding of this phenomenon in media history.  相似文献   

本文以全球化、数字化、产业化的新语境分析我国广播业的发展趋势:加强各地广播电台间的合作与联盟,加强广播与电视、报刊、互联网等媒体的合作,加强传媒业与其他行业的合作发展及广播载体的多样化发展。  相似文献   

Derek Allen 《Media History》2013,19(4):496-513
This essay presents the comparative analysis of two Independent Local Radio (ILR) stations in the West Midlands during the 1970s. ILR was a public, community-based, radio service funded by the sale of spot advertising, and the success or the failure of an ILR station depended on the outlook and experience of its management team. BRMB represented the appropriate balance of experience and expertise. It was headed by a managing director with a commercial background and a programme controller experienced in regulated public service broadcasting. Beacon was a station with a management from a commercial broadcasting background, and their approach brought the station into conflict with the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), ILR's regulator. The profit motive took precedence over the fulfilment of its public service obligations, and it was this which caused the IBA to remove the Beacon licence. This essay will, therefore, address two principal questions: why were the experiences of the two West Midlands ILR stations in the 1970s so different and why were they treated so differently by the regulator?  相似文献   

Comrades at War     
Peter Busch 《Media History》2019,25(4):479-492

Marconi proposes     

This article explores the methodological challenges and possibilities of writing a cultural history of broadcasting in French colonial Algeria during the tumultuous decades between the two world wars. In a diverse, multi-ethnic colonial society, how can historians and media scholars evaluate audience reception? What meanings did radio broadcasting acquire in the colonial context? To answer these questions, this article considers the controversies surrounding two culturally hybrid broadcasts produced by Radio-Algiers during the 1930s. A careful examination of the remaining historical record concerning these broadcasts, from newspaper accounts to archival sources, exposes the cultural fluidity that typified everyday colonial life and reveals how radio broadcasting politicized music and oral language in novel ways. Broadcasting—as a purely sonic medium—challenged the classificatory mechanisms of the French colonial state and the racial and ethnic boundaries that undergirded colonial society. In consequence, historical memories of Radio-Algiers and its role during the waning years of the French empire deny the sonic cultural hybridity that flourished over the interwar airwaves.  相似文献   

In the early twentieth century, American newspapers enjoyed high circulations while presenting readers with diverse and plentiful content. After 1920, radio broadcasting made even more information available for public consumption, giving audience members an abundant range of media choices. During a time of plenty for readers and listeners, companies in the business of media struggled with the opposite problem: scarcity. As the amount of media content proliferated, the practical ability to disseminate it was determined by the access to scarce resources, and this was true for both radio broadcasting and newspaper publishing. In many respects, the history of the American mass media in the early twentieth century might best be told as a tale of two scarcities, one—the electromagnetic spectrum—defined by absolute limits and the other—the newsprint—defined by access to markets for a particular material, the supply of which often fluctuated in availability and price.  相似文献   

从公共广播运行层面来看,公共广播系统发展的历史及其生存的大环境对其价值实现具有相对独特的诉求。本文因对美国公共广播系统的考察访问而受启发,从美国公共广播系统内、外部治理两个角度来审视公共广播系统的治理特点。总体来看,公共广播系统具有相对独立(非集权化)与长期有效率运行(非官僚化)两个重要特征。这两个特征显然需要一个良好的治理结构。本文拟从其宏、微观等层面来考量分权架构与市场取向的制度安排对于公共广播发展的意义。  相似文献   

尚明 《新闻界》2007,(5):177
本文探讨了广播在与其他媒体竞争当中,如何扬长避短,发挥优势的问题.  相似文献   

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