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Legitimate teacher authority is fundamental to effective teaching, but is often a thorny issue that teachers need to grapple with when teaching in cross-cultural teaching contexts. By interviewing 18 pre-service Chinese language teachers on their understanding of legitimate teacher authority throughout teaching practicum at international schools in Hong Kong, this study revealed that the teachers changed their perception about the essentiality and the nature of the pedagogical and interpersonal components of legitimate teacher authority. They developed a more nuanced and balanced understanding about legitimate teacher authority over time. However, their abilities in reaching the balance were constrained by their cultural knowledge and skills in achieving positive interpersonal dynamics when implementing student-centred pedagogies.  相似文献   

This study examines Turkish pre-service science teachers' understanding of science concepts and their confidence in its teaching. A total of 299 senior science education major students participated in the study. Data collection instruments included the Science Concepts Test, and the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument. Although findings of the study indicated that majority of the participants held misconceptions concerning fundamental science concepts, they generally felt confident about teaching it. The relationship that might exist among pre-service science teachers' confidence in their effectiveness in teaching and the number of the science courses completed in university is examined.  相似文献   

探讨如何在中职数学教学中应用"自学辅导法",以提高中职数学教学的质量和效率.  相似文献   

This study was situated in a Primary Teacher Education program in the Netherlands. The participants (N=16) comprised four each of: Pre-Service Teachers (PST); Mentor Teachers; School-Based Teacher Educators; and University-Based Teacher Educators. Video-recordings of four mentoring conversations for each PST which transcribed and translated for analysis. A mixed methodology was applied with analysis based on examining mentoring conversations in relation to the MERID-model through turn-taking analysis and Propositional Discourse Analysis. The study illustrates that mentors tend to use a more directive mentoring approach and that they dominate dialogue suggesting that there is aneed for reconsideration of the mentor-PST learning relationship and how it is understood in teacher education.  相似文献   

数学学习障碍作为众多学习障碍中的类型之一,其成因复杂表现类型多样,而小学阶段又是学生学习数学最基础最重要的黄金时期,所以对此要求教师要针对小学数学学习障碍的不同的形成原因和不同表现形式,对有数学学习障碍的学生采取相应的教学手段和教学方法进行因材施教,从而达到教师的教学效果和学生学习效果达到最优化的目标。  相似文献   

This study examined the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) teaching strategy on pre-service primary science teachers and instinct pre-service teachers to apply RCA teaching strategy to science curriculums. RCA Teaching Strategy is to coordinates 5 Why Method and Fishbone Diagram. The participants included 18 pre-service primary science teachers and the training courses for 4 hours a week and lasted for 18 weeks. The result shows that pre-service primary science teachers are gradually familiar with RCA teaching strategy and can apply it to science curriculums from microteaching classroom observation and teaching-portfolios. For example, in The Influence of Heat on Materials unit, the fifth grade students observed the balloon on the PET bottle soaked in water swelled. Students would brainstorm all causes of balloon swelled with 5-W method, and draw fishbone diagram together. Finally, they found the root cause with Root Cause Analysis.  相似文献   

自主学习是个体终身学习和毕生发展的基础,是国家基础教育课程改革大力倡导的一种学习方式,培养学生的自主学习能力已经成为世界范围内教育的重要目标。在数学教学过程中,教师要积极创造条件引导学生自主学习。  相似文献   

将一题多解、一题多思作为在数学课程中实施研究性学习的切入点 ,有利于培养学生求异思维和创新思维的发展 ,从而在此基础上进一步提升研究性学习的质量与档次  相似文献   

研究性学习在小学数学中的应用着重点在于小学生对于知识的再创造过程,本文从小学数学学科特点出发,提出了几种研究性学习的教学策略,希望促使小学数学与研究性学习紧密结合,并试图为小学数学教师培养小学生创造性提供可借鉴的操作策略。  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest and importance of pre-service teachers’ cross-cultural experiences, a review of the literature shows that few studies have discussed the international teaching practicum experiences of pre-service teachers from Asian countries. Bridging this gap, this qualitative case study examined the perceptions and experiences of 15 Korean social studies pre-service teachers who participated in an international teaching practicum in the United States. The findings of the study demonstrated that although participants encountered difficulties in speaking a foreign language and adjusting to a different culture, they also gained confidence and self-efficacy by negotiating and actively participating in the teaching and learning process. This international teaching practicum also helped participants promote their own understanding of multiculturalism and their different perspectives of the teachers’ roles, teaching pedagogies, and local education systems. This study offers implications for future multicultural professional development in teacher education and contributes to developing a body of research and scholarship on international teaching practicums from Asian contexts that have, to date, been largely underexplored.  相似文献   

符合学生专业学习需要的教学效果,是高职数学教育教学追求的目标。本文针对数学教学过程中有关有效教学时间、简单理解、有针对性处理教学内容,以及师生关系等与教学效果相关的教学思想与观念,阐述了数学教学效率意识的作用和意义,认为在高职数学教育教学中强调数学教学效率意识,对于高职数学教育教学的改革与发展有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

在数学学习中,数学概念不清,学生在进行计算,证明,交流、推理时都会出现极大困难,然而,由于不少学生在以抽象思维能力为主的数学能力等诸多因素上的差异,导致了数学概念这个重点同时又成了数学教学的难点,本文从探讨数学概念教学困难的原因,数学概念的学习机制入手,为的是找出更加有效的教学策略,以促进数学课堂教学改革,实现高效教学。  相似文献   

加强数学实验教学,培养学生应用数学的能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前实践教学已经越来越受到高校重视,数学实验是培养学生的数学应用意识和能力的有益尝试,该文介绍了数学实验课的特点、教学方法和手段,以及探讨了数学实验的教学内容。  相似文献   

数学新课程的教学设计尤其注重充分发挥学生的主体作用,这就要求教师要在教学中设计合适的教学情境和教学条件,充分调动学生的学习热情和动力,引导学生主动参与到教学之中。本文以情境教学在小学数学教学中作用、实现情境教学的方法和应注意事项为重点,对情境教学在小学数学教育中的应用开展了较为详细的研究。  相似文献   

传统的大学数学专业课程的教与学模式比较单一,存在理论脱离实践的现象。本文主要对大学数学专业课程教育学模式改革的意义、存在的问题及其具体实施进行了阐述。  相似文献   

运用创造性教学理论,阐述了高等数学课程中实施创造性教学的必要性,介绍了高等数学教学中实施创造性教学的一些基本做法。  相似文献   

This article derives from a case study of 10 secondary school teaching assistants (TAs) who did not have conventional pre-qualifications in mathematics but who undertook an honours degree in mathematics education studies at a Higher Education Institution in England whilst continuing to work as TAs in school. Work-based learning was thus undertaken in parallel with advancement through the hierarchical undergraduate mathematics curriculum. Lave and Wenger’s work on communities of practice is used as a framework to explore the TAs’ learning of mathematics alongside their professional work in schools. This case illustrates how and where institution-based undergraduate teaching relates to work in school, and where it does not, thus signalling the importance of the TAs’ informal learning strategies in bringing together these experiences.  相似文献   

学具操作对小学数学课堂教学非常重要。近几年的教学实践证明,在小学数学课堂教学中,适当地引导学生动手操作,让学生通过学具操作参与知识的形成过程,对唤起学生的求知欲、帮助学生理解算理和掌握数学概念、培养学生的探索能力都起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

探究性学习是一种积极的学习过程,新课程倡导学生进行探究性学习活动.课堂上教师和学生双方都积极参与活动,教师通过以现行教材为基本探究内容,以学生周围世界和生活实际为参照对象,创设问题情境,让学生自主学习、合作探究、培养能力,学会学习和掌握科学方法,为终身学习奠定基础.  相似文献   

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