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美国《中学数学教与学》是初中年级数学教师教育"数学教学法"课程的教材,其特点表现为:单元主题以数学教学理论为线索呈现,单元内容以具体数学知识为载体展开并且以参与式活动的形式组织教学活动.该教材对我国的数学教师教育有如下启示:数学教师教育课程应以数学知识为载体学习数学教育理论;数学教师教育教材应突出教学方式的示范性,体现做中学,在数学教学活动中学习数学教学方法;数学教师教育应注重教师学科专业素质的提升.  相似文献   

韩国的数学教师职前教育体制有如下特点:类型多样的教师职前培养机构、严格的公立学校数学教师聘任制度、定期的教师教育机构评估制度.小学数学教师教育课程具有综合性、多样化特点;中学数学教师教育课程更重视学科知识.韩国数学教师职前教育对中国的数学教师教育有如下启示:建立多元的办学体制,致力于专业化的数学教师培养;以教师聘任制度和教师教育机构评估制度促进数学教师培养质量的提高;在学科课程和教学法课程之间寻求恰当平衡.  相似文献   

This article is written from our perspective as both researchers and mathematics teacher educators, and describes how our knowledge has grown as we engage concurrently in both teaching and research. Reflection-on-action is a means for us of approaching the relationship between theory and practice that comes out of the development of our work as researchers and mathematics teacher educators. The article presents the different steps we have identified in the relationship between theory and practice during our professional development. In the discussion, we examine the whole sequence of steps showing what we have learnt. Afterwards, we use the sequence of activity of the reflective process as a framework in which we can operate and reflect about our own development.  相似文献   

教师学习的内涵是多元的。从学习过程看,教师学习是建构性学习;从学习方式看,教师学习是参与式学习;从学习结果看,教师学习是理解性学习。教师学习内涵的研究为我国的教师教育提供了依据和启示。  相似文献   

This paper reports views of studentteachers on a one year secondary teacherpreparation course about their undergraduateexperiences of learning mathematics. Writtenresponse data were collected from 173 studentteachers (trainees) from several differentinstitutions and their views were collated andthematised. The principal issues that arise arethose of discontinuity of experience fromschool to university, the lack of preparednessfor ``struggle' in the face of challengingmathematics at university and an unresponsivestyle of teaching and assessing. Thesignificance of these views to the students asprospective teachers and the ways in which theycould be used by teacher educators on trainingcourses is discussed.  相似文献   

新加坡中小学数学教师培养的特点是:采用先入职、后培养的公务员学习制度,定向与不定向培养模式相结合,按学段分别培养数学教师.课程设置呈系列化、综合化、专题化发展.内容建构上紧密围绕新加坡中小学数学内容及其认知规律、教育目标与教学要求等来建构教师教育类课程.教学上强化理论与实践的整合,注重合作学习与个人反思的作用.  相似文献   

This paper describes a model for generating andaccumulating knowledge for both teaching andteacher education. The model is applied firstto prepare prospective teachers to learn toteach mathematics when they enter theclassroom. The concept of treating lessons asexperiments is used to explicate theintentional, rigorous, and systematic processof learning to teach through studying one's ownpractice. The concept of planning teachingexperiences so that others can learn fromone's experience is used to put into practicethe notion of contributing to a sharedprofessional knowledge base for teachingmathematics. The same model is then applied tothe work of improving teacher preparationprograms in mathematics. Parallels are drawnbetween the concepts emphasized for prospectiveteachers and those that are employed byinstructors who study and improve teacherpreparation experiences. In this way, parallelsalso are seen in the processes used to generatean accumulating knowledge base for teaching andfor teacher education.  相似文献   

基础教育数学课程改革对数学教师的素质提出了新的要求,作为培养基础教育数学师资的母机高校数学教育,就应采取积极的策略,构建与时俱进的、具有前瞻性数学教育类课程体系,培养高素质的数学教师,以适应新课程改革的需要。  相似文献   

数学教师的教学思维对教学水平的提高起着关键的作用,通过对教学思维的深刻分析,阐明其组成及特性,并由此为提高数学教师的教学思维提出一些有效途径。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论对于现代数学教育产生着十分重要的作用,本文探讨了该理论的由来、建构主义学习观以及在该理论指导下的数学教学所体现的特征。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a study conductedwithin the framework of an in-serviceprofessional development program for junior andsenior high school mathematics teachers. Thefocus of the study is the analysis of processesencountered by the staff members, as members ofa community of practice, which contributed totheir growth as teacher educators. We offer athree-layer model of growth through practice asa conceptual framework to think about becominga mathematics teacher educator, and illustratehow our suggested model can be adapted to thecomplexities and commonalities of theunderlying processes of professionaldevelopment of mathematics teacher educators.  相似文献   

采用半结构式访谈和问卷调查深入探讨了1位专家型数学教师的数学观,数学学习观和数学教学观及其相关影响因素。本研究发现该专家型数学教师主要认为:(1)数学是培养学生思维和数学能力的载体,是源于生活和用于生活的,是学生学习、考试的一个科目;(2)学习数学需一定天赋,学生自主参与、归纳总结是数学学习最佳的方式,数学思维和分析解决问题的能力是学生数学学习的主要部分和应达到的水平之一;(3)数学教学的目标在于培养学生的数学思维、分析解决问题的能力,成功的数学教学应注重学生的参与和课后落实。中国传统文化、数学教育传统、新课程理念以及教师的工作环境等都对其观念系统有一定的影响。  相似文献   

In some forms of practice-based teacher education, one important task for the teacher educator is to undertake in-the-moment coaching during rehearsals of practice. However, being such a coach is a new role for many teacher educators and requires a different skill set to other forms of teacher educator practice. In addition, there is little literature to which teacher educators can turn when seeking to address the problem of enactment in this context. This article seeks to address this gap in the literature. It reports a self-study undertaken by one mathematics teacher educator as he learned to coach pre-service teachers on the fly, while in turn they learned to orchestrate whole-class mathematical discussions. It seeks to illustrate how the process of journaling can support the journey of discovery that is the development of new practice. Through consulting the literature and story-telling, a picture is painted of how the educator addressed early concerns such as “what is a coach supposed to do?” and “what should a coach pause a rehearsal to talk about?” and began to master coaching – work that was never routine, but rather situated, adaptive, and responsive. The stories draw from a personal journal of field notes and reflections from such events as student rehearsals, lesson conferences, team meetings, reading student work, and professional reading. Journal entries from 12 rehearsal cycles over four years were consulted.  相似文献   

Technology-enhanced mathematics tasks were introduced to elementary pre-service candidates (n = 84) and in-service teachers (n = 38), who then, either in partners or small groups, created and taught inquiry-based lessons incorporating technology, with individual reflections. The lessons were coded using the following criteria: (a) The students themselves used the technology for inquiry learning, (b) technology was integral to the learning task, (c) the lesson focused on mathematics concepts—not the technology, and (d) the task would have been more difficult to accomplish without the technology. The lesson analysis revealed that, after instruction on inquiry learning and technology integration, each group achieved a high level of proficiency using these criteria. Further, the analysis assisted the instructors in identifying issues and concerns regarding implementation of technology in elementary mathematics instruction.  相似文献   

In this cross-case study we focus on school-based teacher education in Sweden and Finland. Through the use of focus-group interviews with mathematics teacher educators in Finland and Sweden, the study shows that there are substantial differences in how school-based teacher education is introduced and portrayed in the discourse about teacher education and prospective teachers' learning. The school-based teacher education among the Finnish groups is made relevant in relation to several aspects of prospective teachers' learning. In the Swedish groups, school-based teacher education is portrayed as an organizational problem and few aspects of prospective teachers' learning are brought into the discourse. The results cannot be generalized to the two countries but show interesting conceptualizations of school-based education potentially useful for teacher educators and scholars.  相似文献   

数学教师的数学观和数学教育观   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
作为数学教师素质结构的先导性成分,数学观由数学知识观、数学本质观和数学价值观构成.数学教育观包括数学教育目的观、数学教育过程观和数学教育价值观3个主要部分.数学教师的数学观对其数学教育观有重要影响.数学教育文化观、数学教育哲学观和数学教育价值观之间有着复杂的互动关系.  相似文献   

新课程理念下中学数学学习过程评价的探究   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
数学学习过程评价,是数学新课程评价的核心内容.它是将评价与教师的教学与学生的学习活动有机地结合起来,把评价纳入学习活动过程之中,并将评价作为学生主动学习的一部分,以评价促进学生的学习和学生的发展.数学学习过程评价的目的是为了及时反馈调节学生数学学习活动,促进学生的发展,而不是为了检查.正确建构数学学习过程评价必须明确过程评价的意义、类型、内容、评价方法和呈现方式.  相似文献   

“教师学习”研究的发展及其对职前教师教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪70年代以来,人们对教师学习、教师专业发展、教师在教育改革中的角色的理解有了很大的转变。教师学习与职前教师教育密不可分,是教师个人专业成长的过程。近年来,有学者对国际上有关教师学习的研究领域的相关重要概念进行了梳理和分析,并探讨了其对职前教师教育课程的设计与实施的启示,他们的研究既能丰富教师教育中的实践元素,也能适时地补充当前我国教师教育课程改革的理论空隙。  相似文献   

教师专业化已形成国际共识,促进教师专业发展也成为诸多国家教师教育体制及其课程体系改革的重要目标.借鉴国外发达国家的教育实习做法,针对国内现状,通过以下4点可以促进我国数学教育教师专业化发展:进一步制定和完善政策;加强高师院校与中小学的合作;延长教育实习时间;建立注重反思的全程化数学教育实习模式.  相似文献   

教师作为教育现代化“人”的要素,其现代化同样是一个缓慢的渐进性过程。借鉴哲学本体论层面的研究,可以从工具性存在、关系性存在、精神性存在等三个角度理解教师职业存在的本质。教师教育观经历了第一代以“教师培训”为核心、第二代以“教师专业发展”为核心,正在向第三代以“教师学习”为核心逐步转变的过程。基于此,在教师学习过程中应当遵循情意原理、强化内隐属性、遵从同构迁移等三个过程性原则,以促进教师及教师教育的现代化。  相似文献   

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