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Objective: To enact a model of collaborative communication, demonstrate communication as coordinated management of meaning, to require active listening during the final, and to help students think through a complex social issue

Course: Introduction to Public-Speaking  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(1):22-34
Information literacy is becoming a key component of general education programs nationwide. As a critical part of most general education programs, the basic communication course is on the frontlines of the charge to teach information literacy skills to first-year students. Thus, the information literacy skills of basic course students should be assessed to track the effectiveness of instruction and pedagogical practices. The present study used a pretest/posttest design with experimental and control groups to assess the effectiveness of information literacy instruction in the basic course. As predicted, students in the experimental group outperformed students in the control group on the information literacy measure. Results of the present study have implications for basic course directors and instructors, general education curriculum specialists, and librarians.  相似文献   

Parents play a pivotal role in the gender development and sex-typing of children. It is important to discover whether gender role communication differences exist based on the sex of the child or parent. The present study aimed to discover differences in gender role messages communicated between mother-daughter, mother-son, father-daughter, and father-son dyads. Participants (n = 630) completed a modified version of Bem's Sex Role Inventory. Two key results were discovered: mothers communicate significantly more feminine messages to children, regardless of child sex; and the modified BSRI identifies respondents as weak vs. strong gender identity rather than masculine, feminine, androgynous, or undifferentiated.  相似文献   

This study reports an investigation designed to determine the generalizability of source credibility scales for immediate superiors across organizational contexts. Four meaningful and statistically independent dimensions for the measurement of the source credibility of immediate superiors in an organizational setting are reported.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(1):30-34
Objective: The objective of this activity is to help students evaluate practical advice about communication with theories of communication

Applicable courses: This activity can be adopted by a variety of different communication courses including: persuasion, interpersonal (family, gender, and/or intercultural), organizational or small-group communication, and other communication courses  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):100-104
Goal/Objective: The overall goal is to allow students to discuss their perceptions of sex and sex education, and realize the importance of these issues as a communicative topic within the family; students will identify and articulate their perceptions about, and experiences with, sex education in family communication interactions

Courses: This activity can be used primarily in Family Communication, but may apply in other applicable courses such as Gender Communication  相似文献   

核心业务的迷途与图书馆基础服务弱化走向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
图书馆核心业务的确立对整体工作产生了重要的影响,而被作为核心的参考咨询服务的实际成果已经令人质疑。同时,在许多图书馆,基础服务弱化趋势已经显现,核心论的负面影响也已十分明显。因此,从面向所有读者的需要出发,应该淡化核心业务的理念、正确界定业务外包范围、重新厘清参考咨询服务职能,从而踏实地做好基础服务工作。  相似文献   

Objective: To appreciate different socio-cultural positions within the telling and retelling of a multiplicity of stories by applying communicative theory through performance

Intended courses: Introductory courses of communication theory, interpersonal communication, and introduction to communication  相似文献   

分析知名女性消费杂志《Little Things恋物志》的杂志传播策略,以说明基于互联网时代受众细分的社群生态,小型杂志文本叙事及服务方式的转变:《恋物志》编辑团队首先以商品化的审美之"物"为推介重心,为读者提供与文艺生活相关的知识谱系及消费导引;继而尝试通过从在线到线下的连接迁移,提升专属社群凝聚力和黏性,推动杂志从平面媒体向文艺生活共享社群转变.编辑团队紧紧围绕文艺生活之"物"的文本书写方式,塑造了杂志在亚文化圈内权威意见领袖的印象,其社群化的转变对探索以人为中心的互联网生态普遍连接逻辑具有积极意义.  相似文献   

图书馆公益讲座,作为图书馆延伸服务的重要形式,已经成为图书馆的核心业务之一,卓有成效,深入人心,丰富了社会公众的文化生活,扩大了图书馆的社会影响,拓展了图书馆的教育职能。文化沙龙,作为延伸服务的一种新的形式,正在一些图书馆开展,与讲座业务既有相同之处,也有自身特点,文化沙龙与公益讲座,作为延伸服务的双子星座,相得益彰,交相辉映。  相似文献   

如果说,20世纪企业最有价值的资产是生产设备,那么,21世纪最宝贵的资产将是知识工作和知识工作者的生产率。知识经济时代的新特征必然带来经营管理的相应变革。由于劳动生产力的提高,企业中从事体力劳动的人员大大减少,相反从事脑力劳动的员工人数和比例  相似文献   


HOW TO MAKE BETTER SPEECHES. By William G. Hoffman. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Co., 1948; pp. 266. $3.00.

YOU AND YOUR SPEECHES. By E. C. Buehler. (Revised edition) . Lawrence, Kansas: Allen Press, 1949; pp. 266. $3.00.

ESSENTIALS OF COMMUNICATIVE SPEECH. By Robert T. Oliver, Dallas C. Dickey, and Harold P. Zelko. New York: The Dryden Press, 1949.

FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH. A Text‐Handbook of Principles and Methods. By Roy C. McCall. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. 240. $12.50.

PRACTICAL DEBATING. By Luther W. Courtney and Glenn R. Capp. New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1949; pp. xii: 308.

THE ART OF ACTING. By John Dolman, Jr. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1949; pp. xx + 313. $3.50.

LIVING LITERATURE FOR ORAL INTERPRETATION. By Moiree Compere. New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, Inc., 1949; pp. xii + 451. $3.00.

HANDBOOK OF RADIO PRODUCTION. By Erik Barnouw. Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1949; pp. xii + 324. $3.25.

VOICE AND DICTION. By Victor A. Fields and James F. Bender. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. ix + 368. $4.00.

SPEECH METHODS IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. By Carrie Rasmussen. New York: The Ronald Press, 1949; pp. 340. $3.50.

SPEECH IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. By Lorna Shogren Werner. Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Co., 1947; pp. 222. $2.00.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):153-157
Objectives: Students will: (1) analyze course theories (e.g. family narratives, roles, rules, and systems) in a real world, service-learning context; (2) enhance their group communication skills by working in a positive team setting; and (3) perform basic camera and editing skills.

Course: Family Communication  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):241-255
This assessment explored community partners' perceptions of service learning in a required communication course. Semi-structured interviews revealed that community partners believed that students were providing needed and valuable service, students were learning about the community, and students were learning through their application of course skills in an applied context. However, community partners also felt that students were unaware of or did not care what they should be learning, that faculty contact was rare or nonexistent, and that community feedback opportunities were rare and undervalued by faculty. Results suggest specific improvements necessary in service learning assignment design.  相似文献   

课程服务是高校图书馆开展的以服务学校学科建设、教学改革、教师教学和学生学习为目标的面向教学的学科服务.东北师范大学图书馆主要依托Blackboard课程管理系统,通过学科馆员开展以课程资源服务、课程建设服务、课程教改服务和MOOC课程服务为主要内容的课程服务实践,并通过总结成功经验,分析现存问题,改进工作策略,深化课程服务工作,树立学科服务品牌.  相似文献   

This study is an exploratory qualitative investigation of academic library blogs with the purpose of examining how the technology of blogging is evolving for reference and research purposes at particular academic law libraries. This study uses anthropological archive research methods to study the blogs’ posts and triangulates the study with librarian blogger interviews. It provides a look into possible future directions for blogging in academic law libraries that may serve as a model for other academic libraries.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(3):173-190
The purpose of this study was to revisit Coombs' suggestions for teaching the crisis communication course using service-learning as a framework. The author sought to assess the effectiveness of using this method in terms of the benefits to both students and the partnering organization and students' perceptions of whether they met the learning outcomes for the course. The results of this study demonstrate that a semester-long service-learning assignment can enhance the practical application of course concepts and overcome the limitations identified by Coombs in his original proposal.  相似文献   

近年来,以多媒体计算机为核心的CAI(计算机辅助教学)在我国发展很快,并迅速在高校普及,但是设备的普及不等于教学就能达到良好的效果,本文探讨了作为大学生必备知识的计算机文化基础课,在教学过程中存在的一些问题,并针对这些问题应采取的相应对策发表了个人意见.  相似文献   

特色服务:新形势下提高图书馆服务质量的路径抉择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对图书馆特色服务的内涵和必要性的分析,认为特色服务是一种为适应社会发展需要,以特色馆藏为服务内容,以主动、开放、系统为服务方式,以特定读者为服务对象的服务形式,是图书馆提高服务质量,彰显自身信息价值,增强竞争力的路径抉择。同时还对广东几所高校图书馆开展的特色服务工作中的一些问题进行了必要的探讨。  相似文献   

���ҹ���Ϣ����ҵ�ķ�չ·��   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目前,我国信息服务业的现状与世界信息服务业的发展态势之间的反差较为明显,有鉴于此,我国信息服务业的发展应从制定发展目标、明确发展方向、培育新增长点、理顺管理体制、完善信息市场运行机制和培养信息人才等方面进行规划与设计。  相似文献   

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