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This study investigated the combined role of instructor communication variables (nonverbal immediacy and self-disclosure), instructor credibility (competence, caring, and trustworthiness), and student personality traits (extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness) in predicting students’ uncivil behaviors in class. A total of 406 students completed online questionnaires regarding the instructor of the class they attended prior to the one in which the study was administered. Personality and instructor behavior variables contributed approximately equally to explaining variance in student incivility. Students’ conscientiousness and agreeableness had direct negative relationships with incivility, whereas instructors’ amount and negativity of self-disclosure had direct positive relationships with incivility.  相似文献   

This article argues that the concept of engagement as it is used in the academic library literature requires greater structure and depth if the librarian community intends to appropriate and advance the usage of a phrase that resonates loudly across higher education. In reviewing the literature around engagement as well as in introducing critical perspectives from outside the library literature, this literature review and investigation demonstrates that engagement is a variously defined and used term that is both difficult to nail down but is essential to the healthy participation of an academic library in its respective community. The external perspectives introduced stem from the behavioral, psychological, and conceptual organizational approach to student engagement, whose application to academic libraries could be strengthened with a more critical grounding in the compelling terms and discourses of engagement as they are understood by those outside libraries. The framework of intellectual capital is introduced as a productive way of capturing the differing definitions and usages of the terms ‘student engagement’ and ‘engagement’.  相似文献   

Recognizing ability in debate, discussion, oratory and extemporaneous speaking, Pi Kappa Delta, national forensics honorary, celebrates its 50th Anniversary on May 29, 1963.  相似文献   

This study examined how emotional contagion may influence student perceptions of rapport with the instructor, emotional support received in the classroom, emotional work performed, and perceived cognitive learning. Participants revealed that emotional contagion was positively related to perceptions of rapport with instructors but unrelated to emotional support from instructors, emotional work performed in the classroom, and valence. Students who were high in emotional contagion reported significantly more rapport, emotional support, and positive valence. When controlling for emotional contagion, only classroom valence predicted students’ perceptions of cognitive learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between perceived teacher power, teacher credibility, and student satisfaction. Respondents were 67 undergraduate students (30 males and 37 females) enrolled in Communication classes at a southwestern university. Students’ perceptions of their teachers’ expert, referent and reward power use were found to be positively related to their perceptions of their teachers’ competence, caring, and trustworthiness. Teacher power use contributed to the prediction of a significant amount of variance in teacher credibility. Additionally, student satisfaction was positively and significantly related to both teacher referent power and expert power. Surprisingly, students’ perceptions of coercive power were not significantly and negatively related to student satisfaction. Implications, limitations and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study reports an investigation designed to determine the generalizability of source credibility scales for immediate superiors across organizational contexts. Four meaningful and statistically independent dimensions for the measurement of the source credibility of immediate superiors in an organizational setting are reported.  相似文献   

The study investigated the relationships between student perceptions of instructor power and classroom justice. Partial correlations controlling for student grade expectations indicated that student perceptions of their instructors’ use of coercive, legitimate, referent, and expert power were related to perceptions of fairness in the classroom. Student perceptions of instructor use of reward power were not related to perceptions of any type of classroom justice.  相似文献   

Although research indicates that speech rate affects perceptions of speaker credibility as well as persuasiveness and information recall, research has failed to address how instructor speech rate affects student perceptions and learning. This study randomly assigned basic communication course students to one of three speech rate conditions (slow, moderate, fast), using a videotaped lesson by an instructor. Findings revealed significant differences for credibility, affective leaning, and nonverbal immediacy, but did not reveal significant differences for recall or clarity. Implications for instructional practice and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

都市区级公共图书馆信息服务定位和战略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张乃清 《图书馆建设》2006,(3):77-78,80
区级图书馆的信息服务。只有定位准确,战略对头,才能真正形成特色,持续发展,担当起公益文化机构的社会职责,成为城市知识服务体系中的重要环节。服务的重心应立足于本土,对象应偏重于市民,手段应充分利用网络,关键是提升知识含量。  相似文献   

This study examined students’ perceptions of instructor interactional justice as a predictor of students’ self-reported likelihood of using teacher-owned resistance strategies. Interactional justice refers to the fairness and quality of interpersonal treatment students receive from their instructors. Results indicate that students’ perceptions of instructor interactional justice negatively predicted the student resistance strategies of Teacher Advice, Teacher Blame, Appeal to Powerful Others, and Modeling Teacher Affect. This study suggests that instructors use interactional justice as a possible means to reduce student resistance.  相似文献   

The present study examined student perceptions of the instructor's relational characteristics, classroom communication experience, and interaction involvement in courses taken face-to-face and in a video conference context. MANCOVA results showed significant differences between these contexts, with more negative student ratings of instructor immediacy and receptivity; classroom communication connectedness/mutuality, satisfaction, and quality; and interaction involvement occurring in the video conference classroom context than in the face-to-face context. A path analysis modeled the relationships among these perceptions of instructor characteristics, classroom communication experience, and interaction involvement. Based on this model, suggestions for improving student perceptions of the instructor, classroom communication, and interaction involvement in video conference courses are offered.  相似文献   

胡浩志  耿卓  邓菁 《出版科学》2016,24(1):45-48
专家审稿制是一种保障学术期刊质量、促进学术繁荣的重要机制。专家审稿与编辑审稿之间不是替代关系而是互补关系。职业校对也无法取代编辑校对,相反,学术编辑将取代职业校对人员,完成校对工作。在专家审稿制度背景下,学术期刊编辑需要重新进行职业定位,做一名杰出的初审者、优秀的学术研究者、卓越的校对者、出色的学术联络者以及干练的学术信息推送者,才能提升自我价值。  相似文献   

学术图书、学术著作、学术专著概念辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术图书、学术著作、学术专著是学术活动和研究成果的重要呈现载体,是社会发展所需要的重要信息资源,然而目前学界、出版界、管理界对这些概念理解不一,在实际使用中也存在歧义和混淆,进而使统计数据不一致。本文通过概念分析法,对当前中国各种形态的学术出版物实体进行分析和辨别,认为将这三个术语看成同义词、同位词是不合适的,应将学术图书作为上位概念,将学术著作、学术专著作为下位、再下位概念,进而概括出学术图书、学术著作与学术专著的简明、操作性强的定义。概念清晰、术语规范将有助于统计我国每年出版的学术图书、学术著作和学术专著品种数量,获取较准确的数据,有助于学术研究和实务管理。建议我国人文社会科学的研究,务必重视常用术语的规范研究和基本数据的准确统计,国家有关部门或学术评价机构应增加对学术图书、学术著作、学术专著的专项统计,以夯实研究和管理的基础。参考文献13。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 研究学科交叉融合环境下高校图书馆的应对策略,为高校图书馆抢抓历史机遇、应对现实挑战提供思路和参考。[方法/过程] 探讨学科交叉融合对高校图书馆的影响,阐述高校图书馆支持跨学科研究和教育的必要性及可行性,分析高校图书馆在学科交叉融合环境下的角色定位和服务策略。[结果/结论] 学科交叉融合影响着高校图书馆馆藏资源、信息组织与检索以及学科服务的质量,支持跨学科研究和教育是图书馆生存发展的必然选择和提升地位的有效途径。凭借跨学科服务基础和中立性质,高校图书馆应作为孕育者、连接者及主导者,做好系统谋划、推动资源建设、促进信息获取、发挥空间优势、深化学科服务,推动高校的跨学科研究和教育健康发展。  相似文献   

高霏霏 《图书馆》2021,(2):43-48,62
在数字学术环境下,信息素养教育与科研学术过程的结合更为紧密,为使信息素养教育在数字学术环境中获得可持续性发展,教育内容取向与教育策略选择成为关键因素。利用内容分析法明晰数字学术所表征的数字学术环境,在分析此环境对信息素养教育主体与教育对象影响的基础上,梳理并探究数字学术环境中信息素养教育的内容与策略,内容取向以沉淀式累积与动态式提升的角度来探究教育过程中的知识与技能,策略选择以意识—技能—情境教育的相互融合支撑来保障数字学术活动的开展。  相似文献   

数字学术成果评价机制的不完善使人文学者面临学术贡献不被承认的风险,阻碍创新活力的激发和人文学科发展。文章依托网络调查搜集20世纪末以来美国学院艺术协会等6个人文协会制定的6份数字学术评价指南,梳理文本内容,从评价内容与范围、相关部门/机构职责、对人文学者的要求等3方面归纳评价的要素与关键。研究发现:多种非传统的学术成果形态和研究过程均可纳入评价范围,同行评议是重要评价形式;相关部门/机构应明确传达有关数字人文的招聘和评价要求,聘请数字专家、人文学者和数字学术研究经验丰富人员开展评价,在评价中尊重数字人文的媒介多样性,考虑跨学科团队合作带来的额外工作量;人文学者需要了解部门/机构对数字人文工作的支持,清楚阐述自身数字工作的价值和复杂性,制定并说明其数字学术成果的可持续发展计划。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the information behavior of Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) distance learning students in the Quinn School of Business, University College Dublin (UCD). In order to gain a better understanding of the information behaviors of distance-learning students, the study sought to answer the following research questions:
  • What are the main sources of information for the BBS distance learning students?

  • What are student perceptions of the virtual learning environment (VLE), Blackboard employed by the Quinn School of Business?

  • To what extent, if any, is there evidence of collaborative information behaviors and practices?

The full cohort of BBS distance-learning students was surveyed. A total of 55 out of 136 (40.4%) responded to the survey. Data were collected by means of a self-completion online questionnaire. The paper presents the findings of the study and considers implications for academic librarianship. The chief sources used by the students to assist them with study are web search engines (primarily Google) and content from the VLE (Blackboard). Search engines and the university elibrary are the main sources used by the students when conducting an information search for their course, however the students also rely significantly on their lecturers with regard to acquiring information for their coursework. The study also found that collaboration with regard to information sharing is a major facet of the information world of this cohort of students.  相似文献   

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