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教师职业学习团体:教师职业发展的有效途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师职业学习团体在国外教师职业发展过程中起到重要作用。反思我国当前教育改革背景下的教师职业发展问题,认为在校内、校际建立、维系和发展教师职业学习团体乃是促进我国教师职业发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

教师专业学习共同体:理念、原则与策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师专业学习共同体强调共识与分享,但并不刻意追求同质化。在共同体的实践中,应当克服简单的加法逻辑,以免造成学校组织机构大量增生、功能冲突、效能低下;应当在教师学习、学校深度变革和学生学业成就提升等多重目的之间实现有效聚合,而非离散设计。构建教师专业学习共同体,要求教师建立清晰的专业自觉,重构自我与共同体之间的关系;教师自我和外部支持性环境应致力于保护教师的独立思考,拒绝教学实践的技术化和平庸化;鼓励不同的参与者通过跨界学习促进精彩观念的诞生。  相似文献   

专业学习共同体与教师合作文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为高校教师专业学习共同体三种主要形式的教研组、学科组及课题组,是集教学、科研及日常管理于一体的教师基层组织,是教师专业发展的现实载体,具有自愿性、同一性及发展性的特征,呈现出完善知识建构、实现知识共享、提升教师效能感、改善心智模式、建立共同愿景及生成学习动态环境等诸多价值功能.教师共同体合作文化是教师在教育教学活动中形成与发展起来的职业群体的思维方式、价值取向与行为方式的综合反映.建立完善开放的校本研究制度、建构人文化的发展性评价体系、实施师徒教师教育模式、营造开放的学校环境氛围及确立"共识"的核心价值,对于构建和培育教师专业学习共同体合作文化,促进教师专业发展具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,教师专业学习共同体的出现引起了国内外的共同关注,但是我国在实施和构建中小学专业学习共同体方面还存在着很多的问题,为此我们需要重新回归这一概念的含义、实施的形成过程以及影响因素,进而为我国中小学专业学习共同体的建构带来一定的思考与启示。  相似文献   

构建教师在线专业学习共同体对于完善未来国家在线教师教育体系有着重要意义.在线专业学习共同体借助互联网技术营造的网络学习空间,通过共同学习、资源分享、沟通对话,有力地支持教师学习者获得拓展个人专业学习边界的机会.构建教师在线专业学习共同体将赋能教师合作学习,丰富教师跨界学习路径,提升教师群体归属感,激发教师自我变革动力.应紧密结合网络虚拟空间的特征、教师专业学习的需求以及共同体的核心内涵,从技术性要素、认知性要素和社会性要素三方面着手构建高效的教师在线专业学习共同体.  相似文献   

Through this study we explored a community of practice framework applied to faculty professional development at a mid-size state university in order to examine the issues unique to discipline-specific professional development in higher education. Through content-focused professional development activities conducted by the authors, several key areas were identified that point to challenges in building a faculty community of teaching practice: (a) the need for a culture of professional development, (b) developing old-timers and recruiting newcomers, (c) the need for teaching scholars to coordinate professional development, (d) challenging the “culture of service”, and (e) the need for a language to mediate thinking about practice. Maria Blanton  received a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from North Carolina State University. She is currently a Senior Executive Research Associate in the Kaput Center and an Associate Professor in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Dept at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Her research interests focus on applications of sociocultural theory in understanding teaching and learning mathematics in both elementary grades and higher education. Despina Stylianou  received an Ed.D. in mathematics education from the University of Pittsburgh. She is Associate Professor in the Department of Secondary Education at the City College of New York. Her research interests are in the area of mathematical cognition; her work explores the mathematical skills, sensibilities, and habits of mind and action that are critical to doing, learning, and using mathematics proficiently.  相似文献   

This is a study of schools as professional learning communities, defined by nine characteristics and their relationship with the schools' level of effectiveness. The study was conducted within three schools in Iceland. It was designed as a mixed methods study, conducted in two phases: a correlational study of survey data on schools as professional learning communities and an experimental study, where effort was made to improve the level of the professional learning community and evaluate its effects on pupils' outcomes. In both phases relatively strong evidence was obtained on the relationship between a school's level of effectiveness and its level as a professional learning community. In the experimental school, interventions resulted in higher scores on national tests, especially in mathematics.  相似文献   

专业学习共同体作为幼儿教师专业发展的重要载体,对幼儿教师深度学习的生成具有重要的支持功效,具体表现为能够通过专业引领,激发深度学习;情境创建,生成深度学习;协同合作,推动深度学习;问题驱动,达成深度学习。构建基于专业学习共同体的幼儿教师深度学习模型具有重要的价值意蕴,该模型由参与者、共同愿景、赋权、合作共享、实践与反思等要素构成,具体包括提炼愿景、制作计划、营造文化、发展技能、推动变革以及评价反馈。幼儿教师基于专业学习共同体的深度学习运行过程如下:首先,以幼儿教师的专业学习需求为目标,并成为全体成员的共同愿景,引导其持续投入学习,进入深度学习的状态;其次,构建平等互信的人际关系,促进自主深度学习;再次,建立依赖共生的文化氛围,保障深度学习;从次,以问题为驱动,形成创造性的深度学习成果;最后,形成性评价贯穿于幼儿教师深度学习的始终,是深度学习能力形成的助推器。  相似文献   

本文在分析电大系统的教学人员专业发展需要的基础上,结合专业发展的有关理论,提出创建学习型组织对远程教学人员的专业发展有着深远意义。  相似文献   

In this self-study, we look at the contribution made towards our professional learning through an aspect of teacher education work that is not commonly featured in the research literature: exploring the implications of our work as co-editors of an international collection about teacher educators’ journeys of professional becoming. Through this self-study, we argue that this type of work is valuable to individuals and institutions in relation to its impact on the professional learning and career development of teacher educators. Adopting a narrative approach, we examined our experiences of co-editing the book and the associated activities such as conference presentations, to understand how this influenced our professional learning and identity as teacher educators. Findings include having a stronger sense of the evolution of our professional selves over time and greater insight and awareness of our strengths and uncertainties. A clearer perspective on our own career development and professional becoming was evident, and many parallels could be drawn between our experiences of professional becoming and those of the chapter authors in the edited book. We conclude that while activities such as book editing do not usually count in institutional metrics as outputs, they are nonetheless a significant opportunity for professional learning and make a contribution to knowledge and to teacher education practice, and should be recognised as such by institutions and colleagues.  相似文献   

浅谈双语教师的专业化培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,双语教育越来越引起人们的重视,“双语教学的关键是师资。”没有合格的双语教师,是不可能完成双语教学任务的。通过对我国双语师资的综述,分析目前双语教师专业化的培养模式以及可供借鉴的国外经验,以期双语教师专业化的问题能再次引起人们的关注。  相似文献   

相对传统教师发展的范式,即自上而下的发展模式——校本教师发展强调教师为改革的中心,教师发展应立足于教师工作的环境和脉络之中,以课堂和学校为本位。教师专业学习共同体则关注教师发展的脉络化,强调通过在学校中建构专业学习共同体,实现教师学习和实践的共享,从而提升教师质素,并实现学校向学习型组织的转变。校本教师发展与教师专业学习共同体在学校脉络这一平台上实现融合,教师在学校的专业学习共同体之脉络中,借由分享领导、集体学习、共享实践,并最终形成教师发展的学校本位之系统建构。  相似文献   

教师专业学习共同体的实践基模及其本土化培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师专业学习共同体(PLC)是作为专业人员的教师共同构建的事业型共同体、实践型共同体与学习型共同体。在教师专业学习共同体中,教师发展具有双驱动力和双主体特性,其核心机制是差异互动,其学习对象是学习型课程,其目标是创构实践性理论。要培育出本土化的教师专业学习共同体,必须抓住三个重要链环:成长需要的激发、实践问题的关注与良性互动文化的巩固。  相似文献   

In order to explore ways to integrate new pedagogical practices, five faculty members created an informal faculty learning community focused on writing-to-learn practices, an inquiry and process-based writing pedagogy. The faculty members learned the writing-to-learn practices together, periodically met to discuss how they implemented the practices, and reflected on each other’s instructional methods in the contexts of their own experiences. The faculty members engaged in a self-study in order to understand how the collaborative nature of the learning community helped them to learn and use the new teaching practices. After participating in a series of workshops together, they shared written reflections about their experiences of employing the practices in their own classrooms. The findings of this study reveal that participation in a faculty learning community provided an engaging and effective way to learn and make use of new pedagogical practices. Participants gained practical adaptive strategies from each other, felt supported in their experimentation with the new practices, and analyzed more deeply the ways in which the new practices could be integrated into their teaching. The authors describe how an informal faculty learning community can be an effective tool for faculty to research, learn, and analyze the learning of specific pedagogical practices.  相似文献   

印度NIIT课堂教学与实训教学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对印度国家信息技术学院的教学方法、实训安排进行了介绍,分析了印度国家信息技术学院如何将课堂教学与实训环节有机地结合起来,以及对高职院校的适用性。  相似文献   

近几十年,世界范围内教育改革研究关注的焦点,从教学与课程等局部层面的改革,转向关注学校整体的革新.在这个大背景下,专业学习共同体不仅仅被当作教师发展的一种途径,而且成为一种崭新的学校变革方式,它将教师发展、领导角色、学校改善统整为一体,形成以学生学习提高为中心的整体学校发展模式.走向专业学习共同体的学校变革历程是一场深刻的革命,制度与文化的完善是一个不断磨合的过程.  相似文献   

专业课程双语教学是高等教育的重点项目。高职教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,由于其自身的特点,在实施双语教学过程中还存在诸多棘手问题。本文从教师和学生两个层面出发,在深入分析目前高职院校专业课程双语教学中存在的问题的基础上对高职专业课程双语教学改革提出一些可行的建议。  相似文献   

This essay raises questions about how language educators might construct and further develop their epistemology of practice in and through the situations in which they work from day to day. The occasion for this paper is our work as guest editors of a special issue of L-1: Educational Studies in Language and Literature, when we invited L1 teachers to reflect on the role that language plays in their professional learning, whether it be in the form of conversations with peers, reflective writing, or by other means. We begin this essay by locating our reflections within our current policy context, namely the standards-based reforms that have come to dominate educational thinking around the world, offering a brief critique of the values and attitudes embedded within them. We then outline a philosophical framework as an alternative to the world-view reflected by such reforms, focusing specifically on the work of Walter Benjamin. In the final sections, we review our work as guest editors of the special issue of L-1, reflecting on what we have learned from the papers we have assembled for this issue, and locating our learning within the philosophical framework that we have drawn from Benjamin. We argue that it is timely for language educators to articulate the assumptions that inhere within their work, in contradistinction to the common sense embedded in standards. Thus we might begin to reconceptualise the relation between language, experience and professional learning in opposition to the hegemony of standards.  相似文献   

高校教师专业发展必须从外部驱动的"目标—结果"范式转向教师的专业自觉行为,使教师成为教学的行动研究者和反思者。教师在线学习共同体的出现,为教师专业发展开辟了一条新的途径。依据在线教师发展的内涵,高校教师专业发展的在线学习共同体机制的结构体系有交互层、媒介层和资源层三层,其具有共同的文化认同,共同的学习氛围、共同的学习机制、共同的学习资源、共同的行动研究及共同的愿景等特征。  相似文献   

为满足农业现代化发展、新农村建设、新型城镇化进程的人才需要,推进乡村振兴战略实施,必须加快新型职业农民培育进程,激发农民自主学习,培育不同类型的新型职业农民。在分析我国农民学习现状及其问题的基础上,提出构建不同类型的农民学习共同体,整合资源,运用网络技术创建网络学习协同平台,完善运行机制,创新农民培育形式,满足不同类型农民的学习需求,提高学习共同体效率,进而提升新型职业农民培育质量。  相似文献   

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