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陈娟 《当代传播》2006,(3):14-16
影像是当代艺术表达和日常生活中应用广泛的传播符号。它特殊的符号性和传达不同意义的无限可能性在大众传播中创造出一个又一个视觉神奇,显示出越来越明显的独立性。过多的不确定因素影响考察影像的传播学特征,因此从大众传播和文化学相结合的角度,能较好地把握住影像相对稳定的特征。  相似文献   

话语分析是近几十年发展起来的一门学科,主要关注语言或是符号在社会语境中的使用过程。话语分析不但是关注话语或是文本中的语言特征,话语生产、流转和消费过程中所体现的权力实践也是话语分析关注的重点。话语分析的中的理论以及话语分析的方法无疑为新闻传播学科的发展提供了更多的选择和思路。  相似文献   

数字时代下的古文书学档案思想和档案后保管思想分别代表了两种不同的档案学发展路径,使得当前以“三位一体”为主要内容的档案学基础理论在司法行政和文化社会两种语境下产生一定的错位。本文主要采用比较理论研究方法,引入组织理论,建立了正式、非正式组织—沟通的四维分析框架,将古文书学档案思想和档案后保管思想的实质放置在上述框架下进行阐释、对比并作一致化理解。论文在此基础上探讨档案学基础理论适应性发展问题,从认知理论和方法理论相统一的角度提出一种可能性,认知理论研究从档案管理经验归纳延伸到档案现象认知构建,方法理论研究从归纳档案管理原则标准延伸到关于档案制度正式化的深入思考。  相似文献   

This study replicated a previous research project addressing connections between family-of-origin communication and organizational dissent expression. We predicted that family communication patterns (FCPs), specifically conversation and conformity orientations, would predict upward, lateral, and displaced dissent. As in the original study, significant findings emerged for upward dissent and conformity orientation. This replication study indicated family type as an inconsistent predictor of expressed dissent. Contrary to the original study, we found no evidence to support a connection between pluralistic family types and upward dissent. Finally, as an extension of the original study we analyzed effects of FCPs on displaced dissent, finding an inverse association with conversation orientation. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

八卦新闻乃至八卦媒体文化的发展是当代媒介环境下的一个重要媒体和社会现象,本文在梳理分析八卦新闻的界定和相关研究的基础上,考察不同媒介语境中的八卦新闻表现形态及特征,关注通俗新闻学的演变脉络,着重分析社交媒体带来的八卦新闻发展新动向及其社会影响。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):255-277
Tension-centered analyses are increasingly popular in organizational communication studies. Hence, how tensions emerge and are dealt with by organizational members in their work activities are key issues of debate in our field. The purpose of this article is to develop a ventriloqual approach for investigating how organizational tensions (whether expressed in the form of contradictions, dilemmas, paradoxes, or situational ironies) are communicatively constituted through the mobilization of figures that contradict or clash with each other. To demonstrate the theoretical and empirical value of this approach, we use it to analyze two fieldwork cases from a seven-year ethnographic study of Médecins sans Frontières, and thus show how tensions shape organizational members' realities by being felt and sensed in interactions.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):379-397
Difference between cultures is one of the foci of cross-cultural and intercultural communication research. Difference is often viewed as a problematic source of misunderstanding and conflict. Dialogic scholarship is extensive in interpersonal, organizational, and public communication. However, in the field of intercultural communication, the dialogic approach has not yet been explicitly explored. Based on the dialogic theories of Buber, Levinas, and Bakhtin, this paper argues that to be intercultural is to be dialogic, to celebrate difference, otherness, and plurality. This paper further proposes a critical dialogic approach to understanding difference in intercultural communication, which values both the grand narratives about intercultural power relations and the local meanings of situated intercultural interaction and competing discourses.  相似文献   

当今媒体系统以无所不在、融合以及网络化为特征,但大众传播和大众媒体仍在其中占据主导地位;同时,新的模式、现象和行为越发重要,而常见的网络传播概念并不适于描述和研究它们。因此,本文尝试提出网众传播、网众和网络化用户的概念,这一组概念脱胎演化自传播学及受众研究理论。本文认为:人们通过积极的媒介使用行为,以跨越各种媒介形态的信息传播技术为中介相互联结,构成了融合信息网络与社会网络的新型网络,成为网络化用户。网络化用户的集合即网众。网众通过社会性媒体生产、发布和接受信息,发动并参与了网众传播。而网众与网众传播,可以成为一种传播与媒介研究的新视角。  相似文献   

随着数字技术迅速发展,互联网已经成为人类"生活"的重要场域,并且成为了传播学和人类学的重要研究领域。不过,传统以微观观察以及社区研究见长的田野调查是否适用于当前的互联网研究?虚拟民族志是否能够对互联网进行有效研究?这些问题亟待回答。本文通过梳理田野调查的历史演进,对比互联网发展现状,指出了传统田野调查以及虚拟民族志研究方法在互联网研究中的困境。在此基础上引入了"线索民族志",这种研究方法突破了静态的定点观察方式,转向围绕人或者物的行动轨迹及其生发的各类现象进行探究,从而超越了对点的理解,实现对线和面的整体把握。这就要求研究过程中必须将人或物放置在更为宏大的背景中考察,形成一种动态开放的研究新视角。本文结合互联网研究特点,指出了线索民族志在以问题为导向的互联网传播研究、以事件为中心的互联网传播研究、以过程为核心的互联网传播研究中的可能及其策略。  相似文献   

Objective: Upon completion of this activity, students, based upon their personal and professional experiences, should be able to develop abbreviated case studies for use in organizational communication classes

Course: Organizational Communication  相似文献   

组织传播中的"事件驱动"开发   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
舒咏平  周扬 《现代传播》2003,42(1):17-21
信息化管理的背景下 ,着力于对信息敏感反应的“事件驱动”开发 ,是组织高效率传播的新思路。“事件驱动”开发 ,包括利好事件的顺势开发、危机事件的挫折开发、混沌事件的阐释开发等价值 ;而“事件驱动”的效用则体现在形成制度、凝结文化两方面 ;事件驱动中 ,组织传播对媒介的有效选择 ,需遵循媒介丰裕度平衡与细分接受员工两大原则  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):133-136
Objective: To allow students to demonstrate what they have learned in an Organizational Communication class through an engaging and enjoyable final project

Course: Organizational Communication  相似文献   

The sudden rise in the number of games courses in Communication departments necessitates examination about how those courses operate, not only to define best practices but also to describe the phenomenon as grounded in communication. Through a series of interviews with games professors primarily located in Communication departments at various institutions, the study delineates the commonalities between game courses and discusses issues of course design, materials, and classroom facilities. The article examines these courses as game spaces to identify how games courses operate in fundamentally different ways than other courses in Communication. The article then outlines how games classes might improve by capitalizing on the strengths—as well as mitigating the weaknesses—of game spaces.  相似文献   

蔡雯 《新闻大学》2001,(4):9-12
随着媒介市场竞争的加剧,我国各类新闻媒介对“策划”越来越重视和强调,1996至1997年,《新闻大学》、《新闻界》、《新闻记者》、《新闻知识》等一批新闻学术刊物和新闻业务刊物曾先后开设专栏,集  相似文献   

This paper began as a keynote address delivered at the 16th annual Organizational Communication Mini‐Conference hosted by Western Michigan University. In it, I identify topical trends in organizational communication research, noting ways in which these trends are flexible, enduring, diverse, and problem‐centered. I go on to invite current doctoral students to join us in developing these trends further. Specifically, I discuss how we might engage research in ways that sustain the vitality of the discipline as well as our own personal vitality. I conclude by offering a list of key articles that could serve as starting points in the on‐going conversation centered around organizational communication.  相似文献   

This experiment study used a 2 × 3 between-subjects design to assess two factors in crisis communication and reputation management—prior corporate reputation (good and bad) and crisis response strategies (apology, sympathy, and compensation)—on an organization facing high crisis responsibility. Results indicate that stakeholders prefer apology to compensation response strategies. Organizations with a prior good reputation have better postcrisis reviews that those with a prior bad reputation. Crisis managers facing crises that generate high attribution of crisis responsibility and anger are advised to rely on apology rather than compensation strategy. It would also be advantageous for an organization with prior good reputation to highlight its past achievements when responding to a crisis.  相似文献   

广告跨文化传播效果的符号学解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广告跨文化传播效果,从所指角度来看,包括价值认同与价值冲突;从能指角度来看,包括不理解、理解以及误解.因此,成功的广告跨文化传播的效果是,在受传者正常解读能指、理解广告所指,并避免文化误解的前提下,广告所指得到爱传者认同.  相似文献   

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