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健康行为改变不同阶段的信息框架效应概念模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]信息框架效应对个体行为改变决策具有普遍影响,然而涉及信息框架对行为改变过程的影响研究较少。为确定信息框架效应在行为改变过程中的应用价值,本研究对该情境下信息框架效应的产生和其对行为改变各阶段的影响机制进行了深入探讨。[方法/过程]以健康行为改变为例,在基于跨理论模型的阶段式行为改变情境下,通过分析框架效应产生的机制,确定框架效应产生的调节因素和中介变量,进而探讨信息框架对处于不同变化阶段的个体决策倾向的影响,以及这种决策倾向如何影响行为改变的进程。[结果/结论]提出健康行为改变不同阶段的信息框架效应概念模型,为提高不良行为改变的信息干预方案水平和个体健康管理水平提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   


The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) has been the standard, eight-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines, and periodicals on all kinds of media—print and electronic—for the past 40 years. Periodically, the standard must be revised to allow it to accommodate new formats, changes in the publishing industry and information supply chain, and other developments in the information field. Regina Romano Reynolds, director of the U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress, describes the issues that the ISSN International Centre perceives as necessitating a revision of the standard and the likely next steps in the International Organization for Standardization standards revision process.  相似文献   

信息资源——面对网格发展的挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网格是把整个因特网整合成一台巨大的超级计算机,实现计算、存储、数据、信息、知识、专家资源的全面共享。它对于信息资源的虚拟化是以服务的形式体现出来的,并按需求服务的方式来支撑各类应用系统。面对即将到来的第三代互联网的应用,发达国家都投入巨资,希望能抓住机遇,掌握未采命运。文章从此视角出发,论述了网格和它对于信息资源未来发展的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

熟悉WTO规则,应对挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对WTO的法律规则中有关知识产权协定和非贷物贸易(服务贸易)协定的作用,主要内容及对我国图书馆事业发展的影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过调查问卷和实验相结合的方法探究处于健康行为改变过程不同阶段的个体接收不同的框架化信息后健康风险认知及相应行为改变决策的变化情况的差异,确定何种信息能更有效提升处于不同变化阶段个体对风险的认知并促进行为改变决策形成,为下一步进行不良行为改变的纵向信息干预提供依据。[方法/过程]基于前期研究提出的综合理论模型,选取按时吃早餐作为研究特例,利用自制问卷对被试者进行横断面考察研究。最终通过对所获得数据的统计分析,对其中具有统计学差异的结果进一步讨论,得出可行的干预意见。[结果/结论]在健康行为改变的初期(前意向阶段、意向阶段),负性框架信息更有助于个体提升风险认知进而促进行为改变决策的形成,而在健康行为改变的中后期(准备阶段、行动转变),信息框架不再对风险认知的提升程度具有差异,但此时正性框架信息能够通过对自我效能的显著提升来促进个体产生行为改变决策,而信息框架对处于健康行为改变终末期(维持阶段)的个体未产生显著影响。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] We adopted experiment and questionnaires to investigate the difference in the change of health risk perception and health behavior change decision of individuals at different stages of the healthy behavior change process after receiving different framed information, in order to determine which information can more effectively improve their awareness of risks and promote the formation of change decisions, and to provide a basis for the longitudinal information intervention of adverse behavior change in the next step.[Method/process] Based on the theoretical model proposed in the previous study, we selected eating breakfast on time as the special case of the study, conducted cross-sectional investigation and study on the subjects by using the self-made questionnaire, and conducted statistical analysis on the data obtained, and analyzed and discussed the results with statistical differences, so as to obtain feasible intervention opinions.[Result/conclusion] In the early stages of the health behavior change (i.e. the precontemplation and the contemplation), negative frame information more helps individuals to increase risk perception and promote the formation of behavior change decision, and positive framework information more helps individuals feel tendency of decision-making of entering to the next stage in the mid-late in health behavior change while there is no difference in the impact of the frame on health risk perception (i.e. the preparation and the action).But the individual is not susceptible to the influence of the framed information at end-stage phase of health behavior change (the maintenance).  相似文献   

As the number of adjunct faculty in academia grows, libraries must be increasingly cognizant of their important role. Adjuncts often teach a large number of first-year students, and, as a result, they can have a significant impact on whether or not students persist in their education. Working with adjunct faculty presents unique challenges to libraries. Discovering who adjunct faculty are and understanding their working conditions are a first step in building awareness of this population. This article examines the wide spectrum of adjunct faculty and provides suggestions to encourage libraries to broaden their services to meet the needs of all faculty.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to investigate the information-seeking behaviors of police officers who work in police stations in the context of conducting tasks. In this study, Leckie et al.'s model of the information-seeking behavior of professionals is tested. The findings indicated that police officers initially consulted their personal knowledge and experience. However, contrary to the expectation, they rarely consulted informants. In addition to this, police officers rarely consulted printed journals, libraries, books, and conferences as information sources. Surprisingly, there were no significant differences in the information sources used by police officers based on their educational level. While bivariate relationships show significant difference for age, service years in police stations, and service years in policing, the same variables do not hold as significant when introduced into multiple regressions. Possible implications of the study were discussed in the conclusion section.  相似文献   

健康信息行为研究:溯源、范畴与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息行为是图书情报学科的研究热点之一,随着人们对健康信息的日益关注,健康信息行为研究也已经发展成为具有成熟话语体系和价值认同的交叉研究领域。本文通过对国内外健康信息行为研究文献的梳理,追本溯源,理清“医学信息学—健康信息学—消费者健康信息学—健康信息行为研究”的发展脉络;通过对该领域研究主题的归纳,界定了健康信息行为研究的范畴,指出健康信息行为研究重点聚焦于健康信息发现、健康信息采纳、健康信息评价和健康信息共享四个主题;通过对健康信息行为研究范式的总结,论述了该领域研究的共同价值与实践规范;结合研究实践,提出未来健康信息行为研究的发展趋势,为该领域进一步开展研究提供理论参考。图1。表1。参考文献83。  相似文献   

技术环境变革中国外图书馆员角色转变特点初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
[目的/意义]随着图书馆技术环境变革和职能拓展,图书馆员角色和形象被赋予许多新的期望。分析图书馆员的角色转变既能了解环境变化对职业发展的要求,也能为馆员素质提升和更好应对技术变革压力提供建议。[方法/过程]利用从数据库中搜集到的关于图书馆员角色的外文期刊文献题录信息,利用标题词分析方法对已有研究中的图书馆员角色进行分类,并根据角色定位描述图书馆员的岗位职责内容。[结果/结论]已有研究对学科馆员、教学馆员、医学馆员等关注度最高,技术变革也催生了数据馆员、社交媒体馆员等新岗位,图书馆员角色呈现分类细化、专业化和交互性增强、角色重叠明显等特点,技术对图书馆员角色的影响逐渐加强。  相似文献   

This article explains and implements a network analytic approach to the study of cross-platform audience behavior. It begins by conceptualizing large-scale patterns of media use in network terms, treating media outlets as nodes and the levels of audience duplication among them as links. Following that, it explains 2 common measures of audience duplication, Absolute Duplication and Primary Duplication, and offers a new measure, Deviation-from-Random Duplication. In doing so, techniques for converting duplication data into network data are discussed. This approach is then applied to analyze patterns of audience fragmentation, media publics, and audience polarization using data from Nielsen's TV/Internet Convergence Panel. The findings show the value of using a network approach, by contributing to an alternative understanding of these patterns. Economic and policy implications are discussed, as well as broader reflections on the use of network analysis in the study of audience behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract To evaluate visitors' use of the exhibitions and the communication strategy of the Milan Natural History Museum, we compared results gathered with two methods, based respectively on the timing of visitors and on the unobtrusive observation of exhibit‐use behaviors. We collected data from a sample of 100 groups of visitors (not guided), randomly selected at the museum entrance. We recorded the following data for each group: halls visited, length of stay in each hall, any kind of behavior showing visitor/exhibition interaction and the displays where interactions occurred. The study shows that visiting time does not give enough information about the actual use of exhibits by the audience. The investigation of visitor/exhibition interactions revealed itself to be the most usual method to describe the visitors' use of the exhibitions. The most important factor influencing visits to the Milan Natural History Museum is the communication technique used in the exhibition areas.  相似文献   

书店与图书馆对服务大众阅读、传播文化起到了重要作用。随着信息化、网络化带来的人们阅读习惯的改变,书店和图书馆都面临着吸引人气、提高进店(馆)率的问题。近年来新型书店在城市崛起,公共图书馆开始走向民众,两者都在不断探索新的服务方式和更好的阅读体验。文章指出了当前城市新型书店和公共图书馆“功能错位”的现状,并分析了在城市人文空间和文化生态环境的范畴下,二者如何实现和谐共生。  相似文献   

医疗保健信息体量巨大、增长迅速,且用户需求多样,是医学信息资源和用户行为研究的热点领域。文章 采用文本分析等内容分析方法对1980—2015年的101篇主要相关研究文献进行梳理,论述医疗保健信息搜寻行为在需 求类型和寻求障碍的表现,并且发现搜寻者个人、情境、信息资源等因素对职业信息搜寻皆有影响,指出医疗保健信 息搜寻行为研究主要集中在基本情况的研究方面,而在改善信息质量、信息寻求困难问题方面研究不足,这将对于我 国医疗保健信息领域的理论研究维度和实践解决方案有所启示。  相似文献   

张坤 《图书馆论坛》2020,(3):156-166
文章梳理国外电子健康领域用户行为研究,揭示其研究热点,寻找研究薄弱点。研究发现,国外电子健康领域用户行为研究热点集中在远程医疗、电子健康档案、健康信息服务工具、用户健康信息学、电子健康素养、移动健康和用户健康行为变化7个主题。对未来研究的启示包括:差异化研究用户电子健康素养;探索电子健康线上线下服务结合新模式;准确掌握新信息技术在电子健康领域中的应用;多维度研究电子健康领域用户行为,避免研究的低质量重复。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 结合网络健康信息搜索情境,从健康知识素养和健康信息检索素养两个视角出发,对用户健康信息搜索行为的过程变量和结果变量进行影响分析,探究健康素养对用户健康信息检索行为的影响机理。[方法/过程] 采用情境模拟实验和问卷调查相结合的方法,选取在校大学生为实验对象,利用SPSS多变量方差分析和独立样本T检验归纳出用户健康信息检索过程呈现的规律特点,并探究用户健康素养及搜索经验与网络健康信息搜索行为过程变量和结果变量的影响关系。[结果/结论] 结果表明,用户的健康知识素养和健康信息检索素养对搜索过程变量分别有较大影响,对搜索结果变量有交互影响。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 基于智能可穿戴健康产品,研究个人健康信息管理技术促进用户健康行为的心理机制。[方法/过程] 基于刺激-机体-反应理论框架,建立智能可穿戴健康产品的技术要素通过用户心理变量影响健康行为的路径模型。以智能手环用户为调查对象,通过问卷法收集数据,运用偏最小二乘法结构方程验证本研究提出的理论模型。[结果/结论] 智能可穿戴健康产品的数据管理和社交互动功能通过启发和赋能促进用户健康行为。此外,行为控制功能通过赋能促进用户健康行为。文章基于上述发现讨论了对个人健康信息管理领域,尤其是智能可穿戴健康产品研究的理论贡献和实践启示。  相似文献   

在线健康社区用户个人健康信息管理行为特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
[目的/意义]旨在对在线健康社区用户的个人健康信息管理行为特征进行分析,并在此基础上,对"平台-PHIM-健康目标"这一模式中的元素之间的关系进行探讨。[方法/过程]选择患有红斑狼疮的在线健康社区用户作为调查对象。采用聚类方法对个人健康信息管理行为的总体测度水平不同的群体进行识别;利用单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA)对不同群组进行比较研究。[结果/结论]将依托在线健康社区进行的个人健康信息管理行为界定为健康信息发现、健康信息互动和健康信息分享。从数据分析结果来看,首先,在线健康社区的红斑狼疮患者在个人健康信息管理行为水平上存在显著的高低差异。第二,用户所感知到的社会支持与其个人健康信息管理水平存在正相关关系。第三,个人健康信息管理与用户健康目标之间存在正相关关系。本研究为在线健康社区完善其服务方式,促进慢性病人个人健康信息管理水平提高提供合理建议。  相似文献   

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