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在<电视纪录片创作>课程中,依据相关教学理念,从课时设置到课程考核进行全面改革,使学生在项目教学中进行团队合作学习,激发学生的创造能力,增强学生的专业技能.  相似文献   

In its original presentation, scores on two of the three subscales of the Classroom Citizenship Behavior scale were highly reliable. Scores on the subscale measuring the third dimension of classroom citizenship behavior, Courtesy, had poor reliability. We inductively derived additional items for the Courtesy subscale and tested structure and reliability of the revised scale. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the scale readily divided into three factors of six items each, consistent with the proposed model. Furthermore, the subscale scores associated with these factors demonstrated high reliability. Next, two additional communication classes completed the revised scale and confirmatory factor analyses were run on the new version of the three-factor scale. Fit indices were good. The revised Classroom Citizenship Behaviors scale provides a stronger tool for investigating student behaviors that contribute to the effective functioning of the classroom environment.  相似文献   

While scholars have reviewed characterizations of photographers in feature films, they have neglected the image of real-world photographers in the documentary genre. This study incorporates visual representation theory to engage with several of the ways in which documentary filmmakers use the visual aspects of motion pictures to glamorize the lives and careers of photographers. As witnessed in four case study films, the analysis of this research highlights film's ability to generate representative character types. Specific aesthetic conventions of filmmaking are found to affect the on-screen projections of the photographer-subjects. The mostly positive depictions of “celebrity” or noteworthy real-world photographers also suggest that the documentaries under study primarily exist as marketing or publicity materials for the professional and his or her body of work.  相似文献   

Political candidates and citizens alike have been turning to nontraditional, "softer" sources of political information such as late-night comedy and daytime talk shows. This is particularly true during presidential elections, when candidates make guest appearances to reach audience members who may or may not be politically engaged, and when discussion of political affairs becomes more prominent. What are the effects of consuming such media content? Using data from the 2000 National Annenberg Election Survey, we examine the effects of watching late-night comedy shows and candidates' appearances on Oprah on various forms of citizenship. Results indicate that watching political infotainment can enhance political engagement, but not for all sectors of the electorate and not all the time. Exposure to late-night comedy and political content on Oprah was associated with increased levels of participation. However, for late-night comedy viewing, the positive association between exposure and 2 criterion variables—intent to vote and interpersonal political discussion—was significantly more pronounced among political sophisticates.  相似文献   

自1980年中共中央作出“开放历史档案”的决定以来,我国的档案文献编纂工作一直在改革中前进,在创新中发展,取得了史无前例的伟大成就。这一成就不仅表现为各级各类档案部门和科研(文化)机构编纂的诸如《中共中央文件选集》、《雍正朝汉文朱批奏折》、《中华民国史档案史料汇编》、《敦煌文献分类录校丛……  相似文献   

纪录片娱乐化现象的传播学解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就纪录片娱乐化现象的传播学解读进行了分析.  相似文献   

《CAJ-CD》在"文献检索"课教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
论述了“文献检索”课机检教学的重要性,简述了《CAJ-CD》的功能特点,介绍了《CAJ-CD》在“文献检索”课中的实际应用及其在教学中所起的作用。  相似文献   

Language is a primary barrier for international students in library instruction classes. This article reviews the literature on classroom communication from both the second language acquisition and library fields, and suggests ways in which second language acquisition research can be applied to communication with international students in library classrooms.  相似文献   

《迷徒》:国内新类型纪录片的一次探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在追溯纪录片发展史的基础上,对国内首部记录剧情片<迷徒>的继承性和创新性进行了分析,旨在促进中国纪录片的发展进步.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(2):100-107
Objectives: To have students identify and explain concepts of communication, self-disclosure and empowerment, and promote engagement of self and others through performing narratives of real-life experiences.

Courses: Interpersonal Communication, Advanced Interpersonal Communication, Cross Cultural Communication, Communication and Performance  相似文献   

教学评估形势下的图书馆文献资源建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘勤 《图书馆学刊》2007,29(5):53-54,62
高校本科教学工作水平评估是近年来我国高等教育的改革措施之一。探讨了教学评估形势下高校图书馆文献资源建设的对策与发展目标。  相似文献   

Course: Any undergraduate interpersonal communication course

Objective: Students will apply interpersonal communication concepts and theories to their readings of short stories; the goal is for students to see the utility of course material for understanding human interaction.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):216-219
Courses: Public Speaking, Performance, or other communication classes, integrating performance and/or cultural studies

Objectives: After completing this activity, students will be able to look critically at an everyday experience, creating a story that re-languages this practice performatively. Additionally, students will develop confidence in presentation skills, further enhancing critical thinking and cultural awareness, by learning to creatively engage voice, gesture, and performance through “making the familiar strange” within the communication classroom  相似文献   

周文骏先生是我国著名的图书馆学家。文章回顾了周先生的《文献交流引论》一书的出版,通过记书、人与事,概述了该书的主要成就,以及周文骏先生对图书馆学的贡献。  相似文献   

The bulk of instructional communication research to date examines communication among teachers and students in conventional classroom contexts. Although past and present research is prolific and informative, it is also somewhat limiting. With a specific unifying focus on affective, cognitive, and behavioral learning as outcome variables, we begin this article with a brief history of instructional communication research, as well as examples of research and practice in conventional classroom settings. We then outline, review, and explain four distinct contexts where we believe future instructional communication research and practice is likely to be fruitful: risk and crisis situations, technology-enhanced environments, digital games, and forensics education.  相似文献   

<正>时隔七十余载,一部片长21分49秒、由16毫米摄影机拍摄、名为《延安之旅》的黑白无声纪录片,经过国内档案工作者多方努力,从欧洲远涉重洋回到诞生地,向人们展示抗战红色根据地的风采。而片中的延安风貌、毛泽东影像,则是目前所知最早期的视频资料之一,极为珍贵,在国内展出后,成为各方关注的焦点。冰雪消融的崎岖山路上,满载货物的军用卡车在泥泞中颠簸,一不小心,汽轮陷入泥泞动弹不得。  相似文献   

This study assessed students’ (N=195) perceptions of instructors’ relevant humor and inappropriate conversations in the classroom and used expectancy violation theory (EVT) as a lens to position instructor relevant humor as a moderator between instructors’ inappropriate conversations and student communication satisfaction. Results showed a positive association between students’ perceptions of instructors’ use of relevant humor and student communication satisfaction, and in contrast, a negative relationship between perceptions of instructors’ inappropriate conversations and student communication satisfaction. Consistent with the tenets of EVT, results also indicated that instructors who use relevant humor in the classroom may overcome students’ negative perceptions of inappropriate conversations and maintain student communication satisfaction.  相似文献   

《文书学》是中央广播电视大学和自考文秘、档案学等专业开设的一门专业课程。它是一门集政治性、科学性、实用性和操作技术性于一体的应用型学科。它是各个历史时期各种类型单位的文书及文书工作实践经验的总结和理论概括。它的理论、原则、技术与方法以及指导文书工作实践的标准、规章和其他规范性文件均应随着实际工作的变化而不断充实、不断升华。……  相似文献   

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