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Educational researchers are concerned about the ways in which researcher identity can influence practice and findings for better or worse effect. However, writings which offer narratives, intended to instruct others in the ways in which the positioning and reflexivity of the researcher operates for better or worse, often present a view of identity as singular, fixed and stable. In this paper we trouble this view of identity as represented in the notion of inside/outside researchers. We reconsider a project in which we worked with a group of pupil researchers to investigate bullying in their school. We show how our identities multiplied and shifted throughout the project in ways that we can see more clearly in hindsight. We mobilize Zygmunt Bauman’s notion of ‘fluid identities’ and argue that the inside/outside binary may be politically helpful but also limiting of understandings of the real politic and experience of messy research practice in and with schools.  相似文献   

Westminster College is currently undertaking a research project into the language development of children of school age in conjunction with the Department of Linguistic Science, University of Reading. The collaboration represents an attempt to apply Linguistic Science to the work of classroom teachers within the mother‐tongue. The following papers indicate the nature of the project and its possible uses to the teaching profession and students of language acquisition.  相似文献   

叙事以传述事件为主,经验成为传述的内容。叙事作为人类研究生活的基本手段,随着时代发展而不断获得新的功能。并应用于不同领域。在“范式转换”中叙事应用于教育研究领域,形成叙事探究这一新的研究方法。叙事探究将参与者与研究者结合,把生活性质的理论思想引入到教育经验中,促进人们对于教育及其意义的理解。  相似文献   

叙事以传述事件为主,经验成为传述的内容。叙事作为人类研究生活的基本手段,随着时代发展而不断获得新的功能,并应用于不同领域。在“范式转换”中叙事应用于教育研究领域,形成叙事探究这一新的研究方法。叙事探究将参与者与研究者结合,把生活性质的理论思想引入到教育经验中,促进人们对于教育及其意义的理解。  相似文献   

This article reports a follow‐up study of students who had failed or had not completed the first year of an Advanced General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ‐‐an academic qualification with a vocational focus intended mainly for 16‐18 year‐olds) in Business Studies in 1995‐96. Failure is usually attributed to student deficiency or deficient course‐related factors. Yet student accountability assumes capability, understanding and lack of coercion in making choices. In the present research these assumptions were critically examined and found misleading. The students’ career histories since the end of the course first year are sketched and the way in which the subjects made sense of their decisions and experience is reported. It is argued that simple ideas of choice, while supporting assignment of blame to failing students and exonerating their institutions, do not illuminate factors involved in making poor choices, or the way in which students who are ‘at risk’ can be supported.  相似文献   

教育叙事研究:批判与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为教育研究的教育叙事,不同于文学和史学表现手法的叙事,它是作为质性研究的一种研究方式,它不可虚构教育事件,并且还有作为研究方式所必然具有的规范、程序和要求。运用者必须要掌握这些规范、程序和要求,这是能否运用教育叙事研究的基础。教育叙事研究,是量的研究的补充,它不应该也不可能替代量的研究。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
This paper is about teaching and learning across the so‐called quantitative–qualitative divide in light of current debates in the US about the definition and quality of educational research. It draws on the author’s research and teaching experiences, her role in the redesign of qualitative methods coursework and participation in a school‐wide effort to improve doctoral training at Harvard Graduate School of Education. The paper explores institutional, cultural and psychological reasons for why the quantitative–qualitative divide persists, including researchers’ own anxieties. It is argued that epistemological tensions in educational research should be sustained and embraced rather than resolved in favor of one side over the other, as is too often the case. The author identifies how qualitative research departs from the quantitative model, placing distinct demands upon students who are learning the craft, and offers suggestions for what might help the process.  相似文献   

西方社会学研究方法出现了实证化趋向。越来越多的社会学家对此进行了反思,提出了叙事立场在社会学研究中的价值以及如何书写社会学的问题。  相似文献   

运用叙事学理论,从叙事结构和方式、叙事视角、叙事话语和叙事伦理四个方面对奈保尔小说《米格尔街》的叙事艺术进行分析,表明除新颖的内容之外,别具特色的叙事手法使《米格尔街》更加真实地呈现了“被压抑历史的真实存在”。  相似文献   

文化心理学有三个主要学派:符号取向、个人取向、活动理论。它们的交汇点是“文化符号活动”。自我是通过文化符号活动而社会地发生的个人建构。作为文化符号活动的叙事和认同相互构成,不可分离。它们通过人造物、情感、自我反思、活动、时间5个维度而发生作用。叙事既可作为干预变量考虑,也可以作为搜集分析资料的方法而成为文化心理研究的重要方式。  相似文献   

教育叙事研究:是什么与怎么做   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙事研究是质的研究的一种形式。关注教育叙事研究的意义在于:它提醒研究者面向实事本身或从实事本身中寻找内在的"结构",而不过多地用外在的框架有意无意地歪曲实事或滥用实事。教育叙事研究既可以显示为真实的叙事,也可以显示为虚构的叙事;教育叙事研究既可以叙述故事,不对故事做评论或解释,也可以对自己讲述的或他人讲述的故事进行再评论和解释。叙事研究无论采用历史研究的方式,还是采用调查研究的方式,其基本路径都是收集资料—解释资料—形成扎根理论,其重点是分析资料并形成扎根理论。  相似文献   

人类心理有一种基本的叙事结构,它是揭示、表现人的存在意义的重要方式。自然科学的心理学仅仅是我们了解世界的一个方式。在我们的心理自我以及对世界的理解中,故事或叙事是第一位的。生活叙事应该是心理学研究的一个重要课题。基于现象学的叙事治疗着重于人们从生活经验中构建故事的方式;治疗是治疗师和当事人合作创作故事的一个过程。  相似文献   

Female education is an indispensable part of educational practice and research. In recent years, along with the development of both the women’s liberation movement and the expansion of the practice of female education, Chinese academic circles have become increasingly concerned with female education. Of these concerns, methodological innovation can be said to have achieved a great breakthrough in recent years. With the rise and development of “narrative research” in the field of education in China, new vitality has been breathed into the sphere of female educational research. Starting from the perspective of either historical studies or reality, researchers have made profound discoveries about the female educational experience, revealing Chinese women’s experiences in education, their stories of development, and the problems they have faced. Moreover, researchers have reviewed not only the freedom and restrictions that education brings to women, but also the influence exerted by Chinese education, cultural conventions, and social economic conditions on female progress and living circumstances. This article is mainly a comprehensive literary review of research by Chinese scholars who have used narrative research in their studies of female education.  相似文献   

This article contributes to theorising the value of collage as a methodological approach. It begins with a discussion of the methodological difficulties of exploring hidden meanings and individual experience through the research process. The illuminative potential of arts‐based methodologies in qualitative research is then investigated. The article makes the case for the specific advantages of using collage to explore the experience of leadership, through a discussion of two collage‐based studies. It proposes a variant of the ‘think aloud’ process, used in conjunction with collage, as a route to producing deep understandings of the multiple ways in which leadership is experienced and understood as a social process. The argument is made that collage enables the accessing and sharing of profound levels of experience not accessible through words alone, and considers the impact of the physicality of collage on its potential to release these profound insights. A five‐stage process for the analysis of collage is then set out. The article concludes by offering a theory of the value of collage as a methodological approach to exploring experiences of leadership, through use of the concepts of physicality, wholeness and participant agency.  相似文献   

“熔事”与叙事:论绝句艺术的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的诗歌鉴赏,习惯于从"情景"概念出发,但这一概念只是一味地强调情景之间的"交融",从而或多或少在无形中遮蔽了诗歌中"叙事"艺术的重要作用.事实上,诗歌中的"事",对于"情"来说是一个重要的前提和基础.因此,把"熔事"艺术作为一种鉴赏角度来关照唐人绝句,将产生新的审美体验和艺术发现.所谓"绝句熔事"之论,则是意在通过"绝句"之体,来揭示中国古典诗歌在叙事方面所具有的独特艺术方式和不容忽视的艺术成就,这也为绝句的艺术鉴赏开辟一条新的思路.  相似文献   

现代历史小说处于文体的草创与转型期,它以诗意为旨归的叙事突围使之突破旧历史演义的格局,呈现了新的现代性文体特质。叙事突围融铸了现代历史小说的历史审美品格,也构成了自身叙事演进的线索: 1920年代鲁迅的文化反思型、郁达夫的主体感受型历史小说在1930年代继续演进为主题丰富、意象纷呈的社会阶级型、文化批判型、主观诗化型历史小说。1940年代,急切的现实关怀使现代历史小说格外关注历史的现实讽喻作用。叙事突围更进一步落实在具体叙事手法上,以时间的现时化,视角的个人化,文本的镜像化三种叙事手法营构出奇幻相生的历史诗学意境。  相似文献   

“文学”与“历史”作为两种叙事形式,其联系与区别一直引起人文学者的争议。通过梳理学术史上有关文学叙事与历史叙事的不同表述,将能够确立二者比较的理论基点。本文在分析“历史”概念的二重性及“历史哲学”演进过程的基础上,借助于对西方思想史上不同流派尤其是新历史主义学者观点的回顾,探讨历史与文学在叙事趣味、虚构方式上的类同及叙事特征、言说内容上的差异。文学叙事与历史叙事的重合与分野,为文学研究提供了新的更为开阔的方法论视界。  相似文献   

This paper examines the transition that classroom teachers experience moving into the academy as teacher educators, considering the change in professional identity and the subsequent alignment of situational and substantial selves. We outline the findings of a qualitative case study that utilised self-study and teacher narrative to explore the road travelled by a group of new teacher educators in a regional university in rural Australia. To frame our work we drew from theories related to teacher professional identity and career transition. The research explored patterns of experience between ourselves and the other participants that helped to explain the transition process for new teacher educators and allowed us to see our own experiences in new ways. The significance of the study resides in the fact that new teacher educators, as a group, have not been thoroughly researched and consequently are not well understood. The academic role is complex and the road from classroom teacher to teacher educator can be described as rocky. We conclude that it is important to recognise both the context and process of the transition in order to retain teacher educators in higher education.  相似文献   

Presenting research well with regard to persons with disabilities is as important as conducting research well. Disembodied, technical writing does not accurately represent the dramas of athletes, fans, and people who are trying to exist in damaged or violated bodies. Our stories are left incomplete if we omit the metaphoric and symbolic codes we use in narrating our subjective and personal realities. We invite kinesiology scholars to present the fragmented stories that abound in sport and physical activity through narrative research: realist tales, autoethnographies, poetry, fictional representations, and ethnodrama. We present examples and explanations of a variety of narratives that attempt to draw the reader into the subjective experience of others. They conclude that professionals in the sub-disciplines can learn lessons from disabilities researchers. They also posit that narratives provide avenues for multiple realities to be shared, people who would most likely never read social or behavioral research in kinesiology can be introduced to other ways of being in the world, and students who are interested in sport and physical activity can become better professionals.  相似文献   

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