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Broadcast network newsrooms are powerful gatekeepers, setting cultural standards and attitudes for America at large via the stories they tell and the images they project. In 1968, the federal Kerner Commission chastised American news media for ignoring race, and seeing through the “white man’s eyes” and speaking from “the white perspective.” Grounded in critical and cultural studies and organizational theory, this study analyzes the experiences of 23 post-Civil Rights generation black journalists working in broadcast newsrooms who continue to struggle against anti-black cultural norms and attitudes at great physical, psychological and financial cost.  相似文献   

In late nineteenth-century USA, technological developments in paper production—a shift from a reliance on scarce cotton rag to plentiful wood—drastically reduced the price of newsprint. That decline helped overturn the reigning economics of the daily newspaper and resulted in the rise of new cheap papers with vastly expanded circulation. This novel mass press encompassed almost all Americans in the public sphere as represented by its pages. Focusing on newspapers in Detroit, this study examines the manifold consequences this shift had for the press's economics, its news agenda, and the implicit identity of the audience it addressed. The rise of a mass press in the late nineteenth century, however, was not specific to Detroit or the USA. As comparative historians have highlighted, the emergence of a mass press in Europe and elsewhere was a turning point that deeply marked the historical evolution of press systems around the globe.  相似文献   

The work of the modern police apparatus is highly dependent upon media technologies. This article traces crucial developments in this history, analyzing the central role that media have played in policing practices since the advent of the modern patrol in the late eighteenth century. We trace how the governmentalized police force has used media to govern efficiently what Foucault calls the three great variables: territory, speed, and communication. In conclusion, we consider the possibilities for resistance in a time when digital police media have given rise to alarming strategies for surveilling populations, stifling dissent, and exerting control over public and private space.  相似文献   

李普曼的经典作品Public Opinion近来被再度重译,书名从《公众舆论》变成《舆论》,因为"舆论"被认为天然就来自"公众"。然而,哈贝马斯对于作为历史过程的"公众舆论"早有论证。对此新译书名的理解实际上反映出了长久以来中文学界对核心概念在语境和脉络上的混淆。因此,紧扣原典重读被广泛征引的哈贝马斯似仍有必要。该文立足于当前研究现状,更指出在数字媒介革命与公共生活议题甚嚣尘上的今天,我们还应竭力追求理论概念与观察视角的多样性,广泛汲取诸如言谈公共性、视觉公共性、具身公共性等路径。研究指出,就公众舆论、公共领域、公共性等议题而言,对其历史范畴的丰富性不加辨析当然不可取,而固执守定某一种公共性的倾向同样值得反思。  相似文献   

Rising sales output of broadcasting has depended upon total hours worked more than new dollars for structures and equipment. Regulatory burdens appear to have had little effect upon stagnating productivity.  相似文献   

荣红涛 《图书馆》2012,(1):13-16
信息时代公共图书馆的文化传播应注重科学精神和人文精神的融合,加强公共图书馆在文化传播中的主动性和学术性。信息时代文献信息资源仍然是公共图书馆文化传播的主要内容。公共图书馆文献信息资源匮乏使得公共图书馆不能满足社会公众获取知识信息、更新知识结构的需要。  相似文献   

公共文化服务智慧化涉及的要素很多,对于大多数智慧化系统来讲,数据是基础,技术是关键,效果好坏看应用。为此,本文着重从数据、技术、应用三个内容维度来论述公共文化服务智慧化的形成与发展。公共文化服务智慧化是一个新兴概念,但并非一时兴起,而是经过多年的积累与建设逐步发展起来的。对公共文化服务智慧化形成过程的梳理有助于厘清其与大数据、云计算等相关概念之间的关系。资源数字化、管理信息化以及服务网络化等传统信息技术与大数据、云计算及深度学习等新型信息技术的结合,使得公共文化服务智慧化成为可能。通过分析,本文认为公共文化服务智慧化的发展需要通过泛在互联技术、多源异构融合技术、文本挖掘技术、多维可视化展示技术对公共文化机构的资源数据、用户数据等内外部数据进行采集、存储、分析挖掘与可视化展现,实现资源要素全面化连接、机构之间多渠道打通、场馆设备柔性化管理、个性化精准服务以及数据化管理与决策。图4。参考文献27。  相似文献   

文章试图从理论层面探讨公共领域与公共信息空间的相互关系,一方面阐述公共领域作为公共信息空间的理论及实践母体的派生作用,另一方面阐述公共信息空间对于承载公共领域信息与意义的工具作用,以及作为推动公共领域转型的动力作用.目的是在公共领域理论与实践的基础上,引入公共信息空间这一崭新的概念工具,将其作为实现政府与公民间信息平等关系的一个理想模型.  相似文献   

The currently popular emphasis on democratic discussion in the “public sphere” often is critically viewed by observers commenting on issues of participation, empowerment, and efficacy without input from influentials, whose voices often are the content of public debates. Habermas was critical of the quality of democratic discourse, arguing for an “ideal speech situation” where participants are free to question all proposals; introduce proposals; and express their attitudes, wishes, and needs. This article examines perceptions of the climate of communication in the public sphere by influentials and the general public of a major urban area.  相似文献   

We have promoted a hierarchy of influences model for understanding the complex factors shaping media—particularly news—content: from the individual to social-system level. Meanwhile, technology-enabled changes in the media eco-system have shifted old boundaries and encouraged new, more spatially oriented concepts, such as fields and networks. In this essay we revisit our levels-of-analysis perspective, which in the historical context of communication research was a response to the media effects paradigm, and incorporate within the model examples from recent research. We argue that the hierarchical of influences can still take into account new realignments of media and other forces. Emerging spaces in the network public sphere may not fit as easily into the once familiar professional, organizational, and institutional containers, but the new media configurations supporting these spaces must still be understood with reference to a larger framework of power.  相似文献   

This study examined multiple factors associated with the processof public opinion including relevant predispositions, mediause, interpersonal discussion, and perceptions of communityopinion in order to test a theoretical model of public opinion.We conceptualized these factors as intrapersonal, media, andsocial ‘filters’ within the public opinion process.To test the impact of these filters, we conducted a survey withtwo independent samples—the first sample was collectedduring the introduction phase of a community ballot issue andthe second just a week before the issue vote. Findings indicateall three filters impacted public opinion regarding the ballotissue. Within these filters, important subprocesses were analyzedto better understand each filter's contribution to the formationof public opinion. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression equationsused to test the proposed process model revealed that the intrapersonalfilter accounted for a substantial amount of the overall variancein public opinion, but that media and social filters were alsoimportant predictors. Results highlight the importance of communicationvariables in the formation of public opinion. Received for publication May 4, 2006. Accepted for publication April 19, 2007.  相似文献   

There was a shift in public rationality concerning prostitution in Victorian Britain, marked by the passing of the first Contagious Diseases (C.D.) Act of 1864. While the efforts of statisticians were critical in shifting public perception of prostitutes from “the fallen woman” to the more pedestrian harlot, popular discourse also had a part in generating this new rationality. Employing Foucault's conceptualization of police, the appropriation of the prostitute's voice within popular newspapers acted as a tactic of police. This is illustrated through a case study of anonymous letters to the editor of the Times of London in February 1858.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(2-3):39-47
The author conducted a telephone survey of a select group of urban public libraries to determine their use of technology, training, and the like. This survey was undertaken as part of a consulting assignment for a major east coast public library. This article summarizes the findings of the telephone survey.  相似文献   

我国信息公开条例只规定了政府信息公开应遵循公正、公平、便民的原则,暂时回避了国际法上公开为原则,不公开为例外的基本原则。为完善我国信息公开制度,本文从政府义务相对方的角度提出并论证了媒介传播公共信息以自由传播为原则,限制传播为例外作为基本原则的理论依据及其基本内涵。确立此原则,能使媒介的发展更符合媒介运作规律和民主化社会的要求,保证信息来源的多样性,有效地促进信息的自由流动和有效整合。  相似文献   

This article sketches a genealogy examining the production of the concept of “the survivor” in contemporary culture and public discourse across five discursive sites in mainly western (particularly Anglo-American) cultures: the Holocaust, psychotherapy, feminist discourses of childhood and sexual abuse, reality TV, and discourses of health and illness. It argues that the survivor has become a meaningfully visible, cultural notion and a desirable role that individuals are encouraged to assume, rendering the categories of victim and the dead false and illegitimate. The article concludes by arguing for the need in contemporary public and highly mediated space to expand the range of explanatory frameworks through which individuals, especially those experiencing suffering, come to think, judge, and act.  相似文献   

书籍是中华民族文化传播的主要媒介,它经历了从金石甲骨、简帛到纸本的物质载体的演变,从刻锲、抄写到印刷的书写形式的演变,从卷束到线装的装帧形式的演变。书籍形式的演变对中国古代文化的传播产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

公共图书馆在公共文化服务体系建设中的创新与发展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
从公共文化服务体系建设入手,论述了公共图书馆创新与发展的必要性,并从观念、服务、机制三个方面对公共图书馆的创新与发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

电视公益传播的困境及其策略探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过透视当下电视媒体的公益传播内容,对电视公益传播三维内容,即节目、广告、活动的困境进行探析,提出其解决策略模式,以期为电视公益传播的良性循环发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

广告传播公信力的缺失与导入   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
舒咏平 《新闻大学》2004,31(3):25-28
广告传播的效果,究其本质是建立在公信力基础上的。所谓公信力,即指公众的信任度。公信力是广告最有价值的内在品质,是广告服务于商品营销以在市场竞争中制胜的关键性因素。但长期以来"公信力"并没有被视作广告、乃至整个传媒业的评价标准,使得公信力缺失已成为一种客观事实。本文在对广告传播公信力缺失问题提出的基础上,对其原因进行深层分析,并对公信力向广告传播导入的对策进行探讨。  相似文献   

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