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故事是孩子们喜闻乐见的一种增长生活知识和了解周围世界的有趣形式.让孩子们通过听故事、讲故事、读故事等各种形式来学习英语语言知识,特别是语法规则,能够激发起孩子们的强烈求知欲和学习兴趣,可以让孩子们快乐地学习英语.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of expertise-based training (XBT) on the quality of digital stories created by early childhood education (ECE) pre-service teachers. The participants of the study were 69 pre-service teachers from the ECE Department. The study was experimental, utilizing a static-group pre-test/post-test design, supported with qualitative data. Data were collected through analysis and evaluation of digital stories, open-ended questionnaire, and journals. During analysis, an independent t-test was conducted and open coding analysis was applied. The results showed that the XBT group teachers earned significantly higher scores on their digital stories than the traditional group. Moreover, the XBT group focused more on the details of digital story creation, such as emphasizing the purpose of the story during each component; choosing an appropriate tone of voice; using pictures, including characters as Pepe, Kayo, and The Smurfs; and defining key words then applying pictures accordingly.  相似文献   

This article presents the developmental continuum of children’s storytelling skills and provides examples at each of five levels: labeling, listing, connecting, sequencing and narrating. The authors connect these developing narrative skills to communication, literacy and cognition. Strategies to facilitate development from one level to another are described.  相似文献   

摘要:在小学英语教材中,阅读能力的培养多以精彩有趣的故事材料为找体,让学生通过阅读故事亨沙则蜘、推理、获取关键信息等阅读技巧策略。程晓堂把阅读教学的过程划分为:Pre-reading While—reading,Post-reading三个环节。本文拟从以上三个环节为切入点,结合小学英语故事语篇实例,探讨英语故事阅读教学的有效性。  相似文献   

张爱玲的创作离不开婚恋和家庭.然而她笔下的家庭总是残缺的,没有父爱和母爱,子女是畸形的;她笔下的恋爱也没有真爱,走进婚姻城堡中的男女都是各有目的.这一切都是她生命缺失体验的结果.于是,残缺的,凄凉的月亮,易碎的、苍凉的玻璃便成了她最爱表现的意象.  相似文献   

本文阐述了反求工程与正向工程的区别,反求工程的基本概念、常用数据采集方法,以及反求工程在快速成型技术中应用的意义。反求工程与快速成型技术的结合应用,可以快速响应市场需求的变化,为快速成型和快速模具技术的发展开辟新的领域。  相似文献   

In a time of mass schooling in most parts of the world, the discourse of the “woman primary teacher” is often the subject of discourse. Yet most stories of these women teachers emerge from other (Western) contexts, with little known about how changing education processes affect the gendered identities of women in other cultural settings. This paper explores how women teachers negotiate their gendered identities in Hong Kong, where modernization has already mingled with the indigenous Chinese culture. It provides the stories of four Chinese women teachers as they engage in ongoing construction and negotiations of gendered identities over their life histories in Hong Kong. All are ethnically Chinese, of different ages and at different stages of their personal and professional lives, and all have grown up in Hong Kong. A framework of post-colonial concepts of hybridity and border crossing helps to suggest how identity resources develop in relation to a range of contemporary practices which are experienced as both pressures and opportunities. These Chinese women teachers' identities are seen to be complex, fluid and multi-faceted, continually under construction in their daily lives, with changes experienced in both work and family settings.  相似文献   

何亚平 《海外英语》2011,(9):183-185
Telephone interviewing is a crucial but not well-documented qualitative research method in sociology.Such aspects as how to conduct a telephone interview and by whom such a method is best used,are illustrated specifically.More importantly,the advantages and disadvantages of telephone interviews are critically exploited.As a relatively cheap,flexible and reliable means of gathering data,telephone interview deserves more attention.Moreover,due to such obstacles as sampling,establishing rapport and recognizing the limitations of data generated,it is best to use telephone interviewing for educational research in conjunction with other data collection methods.  相似文献   

学术界认为:我国院校研究要实现从“初步形成”到“规范发展”的转变,必须从研究方法上有所发展和突破。而大数据时代的到来正在改变着人们的思维方式:从注重定性研究到用大量数据说话,从注重数据的精准到接收数据的纷繁复杂,从注重因果关系到追求相关关系。这种思维方式的转变正好给院校研究提供了发展的思路和方向:无论是大学宏观层面还是微观层面的问题,都可以采用“收集数据、分析数据、发现问题、找到对策”的路径进行研究。  相似文献   

文章讨论了语言态度的定义问题,总结近20年来现有文献中语言态度的研究概况并归纳为5类:少数民族语言态度研究、汉语与外语的态度差异、共同语与方言的态度差异、不同群体语言变体的研究和其他研究,进一步讨论了这5类研究的贡献和不足,探讨了语言态度研究的方法论问题及对未来的展望。  相似文献   

林纾言情小说所阐扬的爱情伦理中,既有一抹现代色彩,如他笔下的部分爱情故事已稍稍涉于自由;又有浓重的传统风致,如主张使父母之命、媒妁之言仪式化,认为女性应慎守矜持、含蓄、温婉的性情之美,强调男女双方都不为苟且之事等。林纾言情小说所阐扬的爱情伦理,折射出民国初年老新党建构现代中国文化的基本方略。  相似文献   

本从生命化的角度,较为深刻地探讨与研究了沈石溪动物小说内在的美学意蕴。本认为,对动物小说内在生命化的美学追求,是沈石溪艺术创作永不枯竭的源泉与灵感。通过“猎狗情结”、“狼王意象”、“红奶羊境界”的美学归纳,把沈石溪的动物小说提升到一个生命哲学的高度。  相似文献   

针对机械设计基础课程内容多、涉及面广,并且教材中的公式、图线、表格多的特点,提出了框图法教学的思想,把学生应该掌握的教学内容经过整理加工,建立起各知识点的联系,用简单的文字和符号以框图的形式表达出来。框图法教学既方便了教师教学,又有利于学生对知识的理解与掌握。  相似文献   

乡镇小说是沙汀乡土小说的重要组成部分。在他的乡镇小说里,“茶馆”是最常见的学场景之一。在作品中它不仅仅是一个故事的发生地点,还在人物的性格塑造,情节的叙述及区域化意蕴的表达上产生了重大的影响,与其它地域场景一起构建起了沙汀作品中的巴蜀化意象。同时对这种区域化的批判也反映出了作家勇于自省的精神。与困守于传统乡土化的作家相比,沙汀作出了属于自己的化性选择。  相似文献   

随着不同时期关于女性角色的认识变化,学界对女主政治的研究也经历了几种范式转移.帝制时代对“大一统”政治理想的推崇促使“女祸论”和历史编纂学偏见的产生.五四父权压迫模式对普通阶层女性的关注导致了对女主研究的整体性淡漠.1970年代以后在“正名”目的驱使下女主政治研究开始兴起.如何运用社会性别的独特视角,从女性自身的经验出发来研究这一政治文化现象,将会成为未来对女主政治进行研究的理论突破点所在.  相似文献   

大学学习课程随着社会文化的发展变得越来越多元化,不同的课程可以满足学生对不同知识需求,学生可以根据自身的兴趣爱好进行选择.大学英语作为当代一门热门课程,为了提高大学英语的教学效果,相关的教育部门作出不同的教育方案改革,使学生在原有的基础上更加深入地了解与学习英语,从根本上提高学生的英语水平.结合当代大学英语的教育状况及教育部门进行的教育改革方案,本文将对大学英语教学课堂教学方法的改革进行简要的分析  相似文献   

叙事以传述事件为主,经验成为传述的内容。叙事作为人类研究生活的基本手段,随着时代发展而不断获得新的功能。并应用于不同领域。在“范式转换”中叙事应用于教育研究领域,形成叙事探究这一新的研究方法。叙事探究将参与者与研究者结合,把生活性质的理论思想引入到教育经验中,促进人们对于教育及其意义的理解。  相似文献   

叙事以传述事件为主,经验成为传述的内容。叙事作为人类研究生活的基本手段,随着时代发展而不断获得新的功能,并应用于不同领域。在“范式转换”中叙事应用于教育研究领域,形成叙事探究这一新的研究方法。叙事探究将参与者与研究者结合,把生活性质的理论思想引入到教育经验中,促进人们对于教育及其意义的理解。  相似文献   

Empathy, the ability to care about others, is a learned process and can be successfully modeled in the elementary classroom. Although there are various methods available for improving empathy and other aspects of moral development, one recommended strategy is the use of moral dilemmas and role-play. This strategy involves (a) the use of formal and informal observations, (b) informal interviews, (c) the choosing of appropriate stories, (d) various presentation methods, (e) large and small group discussions, and (f) closing techniques such as creative writing samples.  相似文献   

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