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The purpose of this article is to discuss the problems that effectively prevent secondary physical education teachers from utilizing the theoretically sound pupil assessment practices that are taught in professional preparation courses. After the need for formal, systematic pupil assessment as demonstrated in the professional literature is identified, six critical issues are discussed: a narrow and negative view of assessment, lack of responsibility for learning, the problem of vague and long-term goals, the problem of lack of record keeping, the need for administrative and collegial support, and professional preparation. Suggestions for teacher education focus on making pupil assessment a priority from the beginning to the end of the preparation period, and on weaving assessment practices directly into the teaching process.  相似文献   

This article presents reflections and guidance concerning assessment literacy in teacher education. Previous inadequacies in teacher training in educational assessment highlight the need for teachers to be assessment literate. Assessment literacy consists of an individual's understanding of the fundamental assessment concepts and procedures deemed likely to influence educational decisions. Due to the current focus on accountability assessments, it is in teachers' best interest, and also the students', that teachers develop a level of understanding in assessment. Assessment, when used appropriately, is also a powerful tool for learning. What is needed to facilitate assessment literacy in teacher education is more than a brief mention of assessment in a course. A course in assessment with an appropriate text is necessary to bring a more complete understanding of assessment to beginning teachers.  相似文献   

This paper describes a teacher educator's self-study of work with her M.Ed. students at a private international university in Pakistan. This systematic inquiry highlights changes and improvements in teaching drawn from experiences of practice based on autobiographies. Analysis shows that improvement in teaching came from the author's learning through self-study. Analysis also reveals implications for teacher educators and teacher education in general.  相似文献   

Teacher trainers/educators (the two terms will be used interchangeably) at the pre‐service level are important agents and influential raw models for their trainee teachers. They can contribute positively to the student teacher's socialization process via the progressive training modes they adopt, the informed decisions they make, the critical reflection and analytical thinking abilities they demonstrate, and the epistemic power and experience they possess and exhibit. In rigidly centralized and hegemonic educational systems, like Oman for instance, educators should be in a position to equip their prospective teachers with theoretical and practical tools to help them become efficient agents of change.  相似文献   

教师的角色冲突与职业倦怠研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
教师的角色冲突是影响教师职业倦怠的重要因素之一。文章在深入探讨教师角色冲突的表现与成因的基础上,归纳并明晰了教师角色冲突与教师职业倦怠的因缘关系,进而从如何降低教师角色冲突的角度探寻缓解教师职业倦怠的对策。  相似文献   

论教育者的资格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育者的资格是一个基本的教育理论问题。在教育认识中,教育者的资格发挥着重要的前提作用,但我们对这一问题很少触及。教育者的资格包括爱智干预的能力、爱智干预的权利和爱智干预的义务三种本质属性。  相似文献   

目前我国中小学教师的学习大都停留在被专家灌输知识或同行低水平交流的状态,如何创设跨界学习情境,引发教师对自己思维和行为习惯的深度反思,形成新的对教育教学的理解和行动,是教师学习的一大难题。鉴于此,有必要从跨界学习的视角,探索教师在跨界课例研究中其学习是如何发生的。基于一个小组合作学习案例,分析了教师如何通过与外来学者合作,根据具体情境对理论进行再工具化,改进教案设计和教学实施,在提高学生学习素养的同时生成了自己新的实践性知识。研究发现,教师跨界学习的意义协商、视角再造、实践重构三个机制,对教师专业学习具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

学习者自主性是外语学习的终极目标。本文通过对语言学习者自主的概念、自主学习的前提条件的分析,探讨了教师作用和学习者自主性之间的关系。指出教师的支持和帮助对促进学习者自主学习起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

教师学习策略结构研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用自行研制的教师学习策略调查问卷,通过对523名中小学教师的调查,对教师学习策略结构维度进行了探讨。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析的结果都表明,教师学习策略是由七个具体的学习行为,即反思实践、专业对话、阅读规划、观摩学习、拜师学艺、记录研思、批判性思维构成的。进一步的研究显示,教师学习策略七因素存在一个二阶的三维结构,即交互学习、探究学习和批判性思维。教师学习策略结构提供了教师培训的内容框架,研究量表可以作为测量中小学教师学习策略的有效工具,并可用于预测教师专业发展水平。  相似文献   

论蒙台梭利教师在儿童主动学习中的角色   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒙台梭利教育法强调教师要在儿童的主动学习中扮演引导者和支持者的角色.蒙台梭利教师要为儿童提供适宜主动学习的环境,引导儿童在活动中实现主动学习.在蒙台梭利教学活动中,教师要观察儿童的活动状况,了解儿童的发展需要,诱发儿童的活动欲望,引导儿童专心活动,同时要支持儿童独立活动,消除无关因素的干扰,以提高幼儿园教学质量.  相似文献   

In order to research and improve her practice, a teacher educator examined her life history and its relation to the ethical and moral discourses of society using autobiography as a self-study methodology. This critical reflection provided the basis for contextualizing praxis-oriented teacher education in an urban school. Based on the transformative framework of critical pedagogy coupled with a self-study of teacher education practices, this article explores how a teacher educator engages in research relating to the self, professional practice, and the analysis of the tensions surrounding otherness and oppression. Critical pedagogy provided the means and the methods to facilitate reflection upon her own earned and unearned privilege in society and paved the way for an agency of change in her practice.  相似文献   

合作学习的要素和教师作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近十几年来国外有关合作学习研究的一个重要方面是教师在中小学运用合作学习方式的情况。本文概要介绍了几种合作学习策略所包含的不同要素,并据此概括出合作学习共有的要素,然后阐述了合作学习的意义,结合研究成果揭示了教师在合作学习过程中的干预作用,最后通过实例具体分析了影响教师实施合作学习的外部因素。  相似文献   

教师专业发展:在线学习共同体的作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本描述了信息通信技术在教师专业发展中可以起到的作用。信息通信技术为在场的教师专业发展超越时间和空间的限制提供了两个支点:一是提供资源的任意连接;二是扩展了教师学习共同体的广度和范图。最后,本描述了信息通信技术作为教师专业发展的途径可能存在的问题,提出了可能的解决方案。  相似文献   

The migration of online educational needs to tools like Google applications, coupled with the realization that today's twenty-first-century students are digital natives who have lived their entire lives exposed to current technology, forces educators to find ways to use technology to enhance traditional curriculum. In this article, the author examines how one program, Advanced Placement Language and Composition, incorporates Web 2.0 tools including several Google Applications (Gmail, Docs, notebook, personalized homepage, Web pages, calendar, blogger, and talk) into its high school curriculum. Furthermore, the author addresses the gap between students and teachers that occurs cross-generationally in a discussion of successful technology best practices in teaching and learning as seen by a baby boomer teacher, a Gen X teacher, and the N-Gen students taught daily.  相似文献   

Through self-study I believe I can gain a better understanding of myself, of my students, and of the process of teacher education. Exploring the ways in which I respond in writing to pre-service teachers helps me to better understand my practice and the learning-to-teach experiences of pre-service teachers. This paper reports on my written responses to 160 stories of learning to teach at four different intervals across an 8-month teacher education program. Importantly, writing about my learning through self-study has challenged me to represent the ways in which I plan to apply my newfound knowledge to my practice.  相似文献   

研究性学习作为高中课程中新的课程形态,需要建立新的教学模式,也由此对师生关系提出了新的要求。那么,研究性学习课程中究竟应如何进行教师角色定位?与学科教师的作用相比,研究性学习中教师角色的定位有什么变化?如果教师有所为有所不为的话,那么所为是何,所不为又是何?从研究性学习的实施要求来看,教师怎样才能扮演好应有角色?本文试就这些问题加以探讨。一、角色定位:足球赛场上的教练师生关系是教育活动的表现形式,教师角色就是在师生互动关系中表现出来的。由于教育的社会制约性,师生关系必然会因人类社会的变化而变化,教师角色也就有…  相似文献   

文章对一位正在某教育学院进行汉语学习的维吾尔族女教师汉语学习历程进行跟踪探查,以此探究改革开放三十年来新疆推行双语教育的效果.研究发现,三十年来新疆少数民族教师汉语水平不断提高,尤其是近五年来,中华民族通用语的学习氛围更加浓厚,少数民族教师汉语也不同程度地有了提高.  相似文献   

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