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电子商务是通过互联网和WWW使用电子数据传输进行的商务活动,它以信息技术为基础,因此电子商务的实施和发展与信息技术发展是密切相关的。但由于电子商务的全球性特点,不同的国家,在文化和法律结构上都存在很大的差异,即便在同一国家不同的地区,也存在各种文化的差异,所以说电子商务是跨文化的一种商务活动。开展电子商务活动,必须认识到在开展业务的各国家、各地区的文化差异,并采取相应的方法和措施,突破构成文化的语言及习惯等方面的差异造成的障碍,才能顺利地开展商务活动,并取得成功。  相似文献   


Ethical issues involving young children in research are complex and individual to each child, requiring the researcher to be reflexive and aware of the nature of the child’s participation. This paper draws on the experiences of 16 5- to 7-year-old children, transitioning from kindergarten to first grade in Chile as reported by them through visual participatory research. Integral to the ethical principles were the use of a visual participatory design, a listening framework and the child’s rights perspective. In order to be faithful to the research design proposed, different ethical guidelines were revised and followed to ensure protection, anonymity, the right to withdraw and privacy to the children deciding to get involved in the research process. Essential to this work was recognising the child as the most knowledgeable agent in her/his own experiences in order to minimise issues of power and increase children’s awareness during the data collection process. Findings from the study demonstrate different situations in which the researcher’s self-reflexivity can enhance positive outcomes related to ethical issues and young children’s ability to understand the research process, communicate meanings and jointly create new meanings through the tools provided and activities proposed. Ethical challenges and implications for future research with children are discussed.  相似文献   

Educational researchers have a responsibility to ensure that in whatever research paradigm they work, the research that is conducted is done so within an ‘ethic of respect’ to those who participate. This implies a number of responsibilities on the part of the researcher that include ensuring trust, dignity, privacy, confidentiality and anonymity. When research uses the Internet as the medium of investigation, these ethical responsibilities become more complex for the educational researcher. This paper discusses such complexities by examining the ethical dilemmas of using the Internet as a site for qualitative research. It will draw on two educational studies that used email interviewing, and will specifically focus on two ethical challenges the researchers faced when using this method: protecting participants’ privacy and anonymity, and establishing authenticity in online environments, including the way in which ownership of online research conversations and identities are experienced and expressed. In discussing such dilemmas, the paper concludes by questioning whether these issues can be addressed in an effort to construct the unattainable but pursue the utopian: fully ethical educational research.  相似文献   

Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) allows researchers to determine whether a research inventory elicits similar response patterns across samples. If statistical equivalence in responding is found, then scale score comparisons become possible and samples can be said to be from the same population. This paper illustrates the use of MGCFA by examining survey results relating to practising teachers' conceptions of feedback in two very different jurisdictions (Louisiana, USA, n?=?308; New Zealand, n?=?518), highlighting challenges which can occur when conducting this kind of cross-cultural research. As the two contexts had very different policies and practices around educational assessment, it was considered possible that a common research inventory may elicit non-equivalent responding, leading to non-invariance. Independent models for each group and a joint model for all participants were tested for invariance using MGCFA and all were inadmissible for one of the two groups. Inspection of joint model differences in item loadings, scale reliabilities, and scale inter-correlations established the extent of non-invariance. This paper discusses the implications of non-invariance within this particular study and identifies difficulties in using an inventory in cross-cultural settings. It also provides suggestions about how to increase the likelihood that a common factor structure can be recovered.  相似文献   

合同法实行多年来,已经成为公民维护自身权益和司法实践的重要组成部分,从伦理学的角度重新审视合同法,是加强合同法建设的非常必要的工作环节,有利于从更高的理论层面和现实的司法实践的基础之上进一步对合同法实行过程中的目标偏离的个别现象进行及时的纠偏.  相似文献   

随着"消费社会"的兴起,消费主义取代新教伦理成为支配资本运作的价值观基础。消费主义的支配作用使自然、社会、人及人的思想走向了"单向度化",人类的生存和发展面临着一系列伦理困境与危机,思想与现实之间的批判性张力消失殆尽。面对这样的历史与思想语境,需要我们发挥道德哲学的否定性批判功能,在对消费主义的伦理反思与批判中,回归消费的本质,重新确立一种"合理的"消费伦理观,超越消费主义。对西方消费主义的伦理批判与超越,将为当今中国社会消费的和谐发展和新型社会秩序的形成提供富有启迪性的学理资源。  相似文献   

“科学共同体”是“共同体”的一种特殊形式,它既具有“共同体”的一般特点,又具有自身的特殊性。在当今科技异化的现实背景下,科学共同体已日益与伦理相联系,具有伦理的特性和功能。从伦理学的视角来看,科学共同体是一种伦理实体,其伦理性的品质特征是伦理精神,它既包括又超越于作为其成员的科学家个体的道德精神,实现了“单一物与普遍物的统一”,即个体与共体的统一。坚持科学共同体的伦理性对解决当前的科技异化问题具有关键性意义。  相似文献   

Research in the area of children's sexuality is largely based on observational and retrospective studies. Childhood studies literature increasingly calls upon the inclusion of children's voices, yet with sensitive topics ethical positions often close research possibilities in the territories of children's worlds. Children are perceived as a vulnerable group, especially when the investigation focuses on their sexual development and activity – and it is perceived that this research area is too sensitive and potentially harmful to children. Within the context of beginning a qualitative study on children's sexuality in New Zealand (including interviews with children), this paper reviews a number of studies of childhood research. These studies provide a glimpse at how research focusing on children has been conducted, and explores ethical issues arising in such research. The significance of researcher reflexivity is acknowledged for ethical research practice. The paper concludes that in research on children's sexuality a process of ethical review is limited, and that researcher competence in sensitive investigations is required. Among other difficulties for this researcher (with a professional background in child and family therapy) is the vulnerability of being a man choosing to research children.  相似文献   

This paper examines incorporating video-stimulated recall (VSR) as a data collection technique in cross-cultural research. With VSR, participants are invited to watch video-recordings of particular events that they are involved in; they then recall their thoughts in relation to their observations of their behaviour in relation to the event. The research draws on a larger Ph.D. project completed at an Australian university that explored Vietnamese lecturers’ beliefs about learner autonomy. In cross-cultural research, using the VSR technique provided significant challenges including time constraints of participants, misunderstandings of the VSR protocol and the possibility of participants’ losing face when reflecting on their teaching episodes. Adaptations to the VSR technique were required to meet the cultural challenges specific to this population, indicating a need for flexibility and awareness of the cultural context for research.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,对青年思想道德素质教育中道德价值教育显得十分重要,在道德价值教育中,导向教育是核心,人生目的和信仰教育是重点,而思辨性、实践性和审美性教育是其基本原则,只有正确把握了道德价值教育的核心、重点和原则,才能使对青年进行的道德价值教育具有实质性的效果。  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of rich data, gathered from interviews with 46 candidates and 38 supervisors from three Australian universities, about experiences of doctoral supervision in cross-cultural situations. Our analysis shows that many of the issues reported by international candidates are the same as those encountered by domestic candidates. However, this study has identified eight intensifiers that make such situations more complicated or difficult for candidates in a cross-cultural context: language; cultural differences in dealing with hierarchy; separation from the familiar; separation from support; other cultural differences; stereotypes; time; and what happens when the candidate returns home. The two intensifiers mentioned by more than 50% of interviewees are separation from the familiar and language. Using intensifiers as a conceptual framework for self-examination may help universities to better understand the real issues, to target resources, to mitigate distress to international candidates and reduce pressure on supervisors.  相似文献   

校园文化的伦理审视   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
校园文化逐渐成为一个泛化的概念,这不利于校园文化的理论研究和实践建设。导致了校园文化伦理精神的失落,表现为教育责任的丧失、校园关系的对立和校园内部的无序。因此需要对其进行伦理的审视,挖掘其深层结构,以提升校园文化建设的水平。校园文化的核心成分和深层结构是校园伦理。  相似文献   

高校未开展学术道德教育是当前社会学术道德水平不高的一个重要原因,这种教育上的失误,使研究人员“先天”不足。为积极推进我国高校,尤其是云南高校实施学术道德教育,提升全社会学术道德水平,需要充分认识学术道德教育的现状。  相似文献   

自从治理的概念被提出起,治理就成为政治学、经济学和社会学关注的关键词,被赋予了工具理性的色彩,从而造成了对治理的误读。事实上,治理不仅具有工具理性的特质,也具有价值理性的特质,但由于缺少伦理学的关注,致使后者被忽视,导致了人们看不到治理的超越力量。而正是这种超越力,可以为改进我国政府行政和社会治理作贡献。  相似文献   

社会转型期“规范真空”、传统“技术主义”羁绊以及现当代“效率至上主义”理念的植入使行政主体逐步游离于伦理规范。伴随我国社会转型与伦理转制的失调,行政主体“公共人”特性和伦理自觉性日益式微乏力衍生了繁多复杂的不虞效应,行政伦理呈现出失范与冲突的困境。设计和建构合乎现代治理理念的行政伦理规范体系并成功输入到现实行政系统中,是现代公共行政走出伦理失范窠臼的实践理路,也是契合行政现代性与价值合理性的进路和期待。  相似文献   

关于伦理守则对企业道德行为影响的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伦理守则的采用和实施可以从以下几方面对企业道德行为产生影响:首先,伦理守则的采用可以提高员工对道德问题的意识程度和重视程度;其次,伦理守则具体内容的制定有利于员工做出符合本企业道德要求的道德判断并且提供可能采用的行为方案;再次,伦理守则的具体实施有利于提高企业决策活动符合道德要求的机率。要使伦理守则真正发挥作用还需要以下一些条件:第一,企业伦理守则与企业价值观的契合度;第二,企业伦理守则意思表述的清晰度;第三,伦理守则沟通传达的效度;第四,伦理守则实施范围的广度;第五,伦理守则具体可操作度;第六,领导者和管理者对企业伦理守则实施的支持力度;第七,企业其他制度对企业伦理守则的保障力度。目前中国企业就伦理守则方面而言,存在以下突出的问题:第一,制定和实施伦理守则的企业凤毛麟角;第二,企业伦理守则和企业经营行为不符;第三,企业领导者在执行伦理守则中没有起到模范作用。  相似文献   


This article discusses ethical issues involved in facilitating the research of young people on controversial issues. This article considers the potential ethical dilemmas of teachers facilitating a particular form of activism – youth participatory action research (YPAR). We consider how teachers foster school-wide conversations on difficult issues and support students who wish to take a critical stand on issues of race, class and gender. The article also discusses how to scaffold the exploration of topics that require emotional maturity and might lead to shifts in beliefs that run counter to the values of one’s family.  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》作为一部世界著名的军事著作,其价值不仅在军事领域,它博大精深的思想还蕴含着丰富的伦理价值,主要表现在与中国传统伦理有密切的关系,在军事伦理、管理伦理上有丰富的思想内容。对其深入挖掘,既有重要的理论意义,又有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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