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通过对大学英语课堂教学实际情况、学生对交际语言教学与传统语言教学的态度及对语言学习的总体看法等进行调查,发现目前大学英语课堂教学正逐步实现从传统教学模式向交际教学模式的转变;绝大多数学生都赞成以意义为主的英语课堂教学,普遍认为语言教学应该以交际为中心,渴望英语课堂教学应具有更丰富的教学形式和语言交际实践环节;高分组与低分组学生在英语学习观念上存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of teacher educators working within a permeated teaching model in Northern Ireland, and student teachers' attitudes towards special educational needs (SEN) and inclusion. A cohort of 125 student teachers representing eight subject areas responded to a survey exploring attitudes towards issues relating to inclusive education. Interviews conducted with the subject teacher educators examined their beliefs about inclusion, personal efficacy and the extent to which the outworking of a permeated model was an effective method of programme delivery. The findings indicate that while student attitudes towards the philosophy of inclusion were generally positive, those of the teacher educators were not necessarily reflected in the views of their subject group. The research evidenced a lack of uniformity in approach in promoting inclusion and inclusive practices across subjects, suggesting that the use of a permeated model did not always provide equity of student experience when selection of course content was the choice of the individual subject tutor. Teacher educators identified lack of personal knowledge, time restrictions within the pre-service programme and lack of resources as the main barriers to effective practice in supporting student teachers' learning in SEN and inclusion.  相似文献   

In this inquiry, the author inquires into her shifting ‘self’ as a researcher/teacher educator in teacher professional development. The ‘self’ in question is acknowledged as being historically, culturally and locally specific. It is also acknowledged as unfixed or unstable; constructed from and in response to various, and often competing, discourses. As an autoethnographic inquiry, this article presents vignettes of the self/researcher/teacher educator embedded in the messiness and complexity of lived experiences and it represents her attempts to make sense (albeit partial and provisional) of these experiences. Central to the inquiry is an examination of the roles played by serendipity and by writing itself in the processes of sense- and self-making.  相似文献   

邢星 《海外英语》2012,(1):72+79
The main goal of English language teaching is to train the students’ ability to listen,speak,read and write in English,and develop their communicative competence.Traditional English teaching cannot meet the requirements of the learners and society as more and more international opportunities could be accessible.Teachers are no longer the controllers in the classroom;they act as facilitators,assessors,organizers,prompters and participants.This paper,therefore,aims to discuss how Chinese English teachers can create a learner-centered,communicative and intercultural classroom to achieve the best student learning outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper used the data collected from reflective diaries, semi-structured interviews and surveys to identify and examine common themes identified in the roles required and/or perceived for teacher educators by both teachers and teacher educators. Collaboration, discussion and critique enabled personal reflection as teacher educators worked as partners to schools in a state-sponsored teaching and learning skills project. We have termed the collaboration in such an interactive project as one of ‘dancing in the ditches’, often requiring both groups to get out of their comfortable spaces and engage with each other in constantly moving situations. The teacher educators were required to be change agents at the interface of theory and practice and their experiences reflected individual journeys, but their reflections have ongoing implications for clarifying and professionalising the role of teacher educators.  相似文献   

The nature of partnership between schools and higher education institutions is changing in many countries, with experienced teachers taking on more responsibility for teacher education whilst remaining in their school as teachers, rather than entering the higher education sector to become teacher educators. This research considers the perspectives of these school-based teacher educators (SBTEs) in England, exploring the impact that this role has on them, their student-teachers and their schools. Some benefits and challenges that they face in the dual role of teacher and teacher educator are revealed. The research takes an interpretive perspective, listening to the meanings being constructed by the participants through use of a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and a focus group of student-teachers who learned from these SBTEs. Possible impacts on student-teachers’ learning and implications for the development of high-quality teacher education are examined.  相似文献   

浅谈英语口语课堂教学中交际能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从语言功能归纳、语言的得体性、创造语言实践的环境等方面来浅谈英语口语课堂教学对学生交际能力的培养.  相似文献   

This article, based on the analysis of responses given by 27 students in initial teacher education, gives an account of how education theory can be conceived by students as relevant to their teaching practice. Research on teacher education in many countries has revealed that students regard theory and practice to be inconsistent or to belong to different worlds in initial teacher education. This may have a potentially negative effect on the teachers’ opportunities for future professional development, as such development should be based on the ability to view one’s own teaching practice from a critical, theory- and research-based perspective. In the research and development project reported in this article, the PIL-project, the students’ teaching practice was chosen as the pivotal point for all the other activities involved in the teacher education programme. Results indicate that when questions emerge from the students’ own experience, theory is often found useful in discussing and understanding their practical experiences. The results further show that the students’ choice of theory when discussing their teaching practice is eclectic. Students tend to choose theory with direct relevance to their daily tasks in the classrooms. The implication for initial teacher education is that the educational theory taught should more often address the immediate challenges faced by the students doing their teaching practice.  相似文献   

探索性实践:外语课堂研究新途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探索性实践是一种以实践者为主体的教育研究途径。通过梳理探索性实践的提出、涵义、其原则的演变和发展,分析探索性实践与行动研究的区别,发现探索性实践为外语课堂研究提供了崭新的视角,是实现教师专业化发展、提升教师职业生涯品质的有效途径。  相似文献   

This study examines collaboration between English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teachers and content-area elementary school teachers, and makes the case for conceptualising teacher collaboration as an opportunity for shared teacher learning. Using a sociocultural theoretical lens, this study examines how three pairs of elementary teachers and ESOL specialists used and constructed tools for collaboration, which mediated and made visible teachers’ learning processes. Employing interpretive enquiry and cross-case analysis, we examined data from classroom observations, teacher co-planning sessions and interviews with teachers. Findings demonstrated that collaborating teachers used tools to articulate and reconceptualise teaching goals, co-construct knowledge and ultimately transform teaching practices to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students. This study has implications for teacher education and ongoing professional development, by shedding light on the potential affordances of collaborative tools for teacher learning. Findings suggest that teacher education could harness these opportunities for learning by incorporating collaboration between ESOL specialists and content-area teachers as an integral part of preparing more qualified teachers to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students.  相似文献   

大学英语教师的课堂用语不仅是传递知识的工具,也是维系和调节师生关系的纽带。教师在课堂上使用什么样的语言影响学生参与课堂教学的积极性。文章试图从语用学的角度探讨模糊限制语对大学英语教师课堂用语的启发意义,以期能激发学生参与课堂互动,产生良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

借助国内外相关文献,通过问卷调查,分析柳州师范高等专科学校英语专业新生英语学习的焦虑程度及其对课堂教学的影响,提出了针对性的教学建议。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论对外语教学有积极的影响。改进我国英语课堂教学的途径主要有:建立以学习者为中心的课堂教学;利用多媒体,开展语境化教学;在课程中增加新的实用性内容。  相似文献   

在英语课堂交际模式控制中,教师使用语言的质量往往直接影响和决定教学效果的好坏,因为教师的语言修养在极大程度上决定着学生课堂上的脑力劳动的效率。通过课堂实践,从大量的课堂实录中,并结合相关语言学和教育学理论,认真反思教师在英语课堂交际模式控制中语言的使用情况,文章归纳整理了四个带普遍性的问题,并提出了针对所存在问题应采取的对策。  相似文献   

模糊限制语(hedges)是语用中一个独特的语言现象,具有灵活的语义和丰富的语用功能。英语教师在课堂中恰当地使用模糊限制语,既可以充分体现教师用语的客观性,又可以帮助教师活跃课堂气氛,实现良好的课堂交流、沟通效果。  相似文献   


This article outlines criteria of acceptability for teacher assessments (credibility, dependability, fairness), the major dimensions of teacher assessment (attributes, behaviours, knowledge), details the methods used by the United States National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, and places a major emphasis on assessment schemes based on teacher effects on the students (value-added models, achievement, quality of learning, and normative reference points). Given that the majority of teachers are acceptably proficient, the major argument for teacher assessment should be to identify and promote excellence, to guide professional development programmes, and to demonstrate to the education/school communities that excellence is present, fostered, and esteemed.  相似文献   

句型是根据句子的结构意义和特定的含义而总结出的典型结构。传统的英语句型教学过分强调句型格式和结构,孤立、机械地操练句型,忽视了语言的交际功能。结合“情境式”英语教学法教授英语句型,在英语课堂教学中设置合理有效的媒体、问题、活动、作业等情境,可以使学生在真实的语言环境中,积极主动参与交际活动,并在活动中领悟句型的结构和含义,提高学生的语用能力,并训练学生的英语思维能力。  相似文献   

课堂教学中的变化技能历来为教育家所重视。在英语课堂教学中的巧妙运用变化技能使教师能够合理、有效地运用优化技能,优化英语课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

课堂教学中的变化技能历来为教育家所重视。在英语课堂教学中的巧妙运用变化技能使教师能够合理、有效地运用优化技能。优化英语课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

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