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This paper suggests a conjunction between the learning space of educational edge community (EEC) and the Deleuzeguattarian thought regarding the nature of teachers’ becoming. It attends to the emerging subjectivities of teachers/learners within an EEC, a nomadic, open, and smooth space of learning. It is suggested that autonomous learning processes that are enabled in nomadic spaces provide the freedom that is essential for the immanent growth of complexity that leads to creative becomings.  相似文献   

The rapid and ongoing development of digital technologies continues to create new opportunities for education. Over the last decade this has enabled the establishment of blended learning approaches and online education. More recently, Augmented Reality (AR) has emerged as a unique technology that can transform learning experiences across diverse disciplines. This article outlines the development of an AR prototype, Master of Time, which was created to educate first year students and non‐designers on the foundational principles of landscape architecture. This study examines the learning potential and benefits of AR technology with a focus on creating new practices in digital storytelling across situated experiences. In outlining project outcomes, the authors propose a series of critical design principles, strategies and methodologies for educators to apply when developing AR learning experiences across disciplines. Included within this is a framework for transdisciplinary and co‐design collaboration, which is essential for educators working in the forefront of learning technologies.  相似文献   

唐敏丽 《海外英语》2012,(8):287-288
This paper elaborates the diversity of culture from two aspects,the evolution of culture and different divisions of culture.From the origin,genetics and social learning are the key factors of its diversity;while from its divisions,it can be divided according to regions,history,"power" and individuals.Faced with the diversity of culture,collaboration is necessary for developing different cultures.However,collaboration doesn’t mean giving up the native culture.Maintenance of the native culture is an important way to keep the diversity of culture.  相似文献   

Jason Parsley  Joseph Rusinko 《PRIMUS》2017,27(4-5):442-450

The Collaborative Research Project (CRP)—a mathematics research experience for undergraduates—offers a large-scale collaborative experience in research for undergraduate students. CRP seeks to widen the audience of students who participate in undergraduate research in mathematics. In 2015, the inaugural CRP had 100 undergraduate participants from across the United States; they collaborated on a month-long research effort applying tropical geometry to phylogenetics. CRP is envisioned as an annual event, one that scales to accommodate large numbers of interested students. This article describes the motivation for CRP, its structure, and the results of its inaugural iteration, and closes by assessing its future.  相似文献   

In science, gravity refers to the universal force of attraction acting on and between all matter. No one on earth can escape the force of gravity. In a similar vein, the stringent requirements of publications, research grants, and research output in the academic world can be metaphorically described as “academic gravity,” the force of which pushes university academics to struggle and strive in pursuit of excellence just to survive in the changing landscape of higher education governed by neo-liberalism and managerialism. This article describes the journey of a junior academic staff member in an Asian university as he coped with various difficulties in establishing a collaborative culture in his department (i.e., the Faculty of Education). Working with a senior colleague (Sunshine-mother hereafter) in the same department, Author 1 began to recognize the importance of collegial collaboration in teacher education generally and in his academic life specifically. However, although he tried his utmost to develop a culture of collaboration amongst his colleagues, he struggled to cope with the tension and stress exerted by academic gravity (i.e., publication production and the pursuit of tenure). Drawing on data collected from a teaching development project and adopting a reflective autobiographic approach, this article delineates the collaborative relationship between Author 1 and Sunshine-mother, exemplifying the important roles that coaching and a free rein (i.e., weightlessness) play in the development of junior teacher-educators under the strong pressure of academic gravity.  相似文献   

草原荒漠化的历史反思:发展的文化维度   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在内蒙古草原成为中原农耕民族和北方游牧民族间相互扩张地带的漫长历史中,凡农耕民族主宰时期均导致草原退化,生态受损;凡游牧民族统治时期都保持了草原丰美,局部地区的生态恶化亦受到遏制。农耕民族的大量迁入和游牧民族的农耕化,致使适应草原牧区的游牧化出现长期断裂,造成了垦殖型荒漠化。在实施西部大开发战略时,应重视发展的化维度,确立起适应该地区自然环境并继承游牧化精髓的主导化。  相似文献   

大学与中小学的伙伴协作:动因、经验与反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由社会变革所引起的教育在研究范式、教师教育、学校教育、大学功能诸方面的变革,使得大学与中小学之间的伙伴协作近30年来有了长足的发展。大学与中小学之间的差异成为双方协作的重要基础和资源,大学与中小学的伙伴协作是平等、互惠、互信、共同实践的协作。伙伴协作促进了大学与中小学教师的专业发展、促进了双方学校功能的建设、构建了新型的学习共同体。  相似文献   

音乐人类学理论的一个核心思想,即研究与音乐相关的各种文化现象。作为音乐人类学家的约翰.布莱金,从文化的视角出发,提出了他的有关音乐的文化分析和文化并置的教育观念,认为音乐是不同国家和民族自身文化的体现,它们各具特色、相互平等、多元共存。这种思想对于充实和发展多元文化音乐教育体系,建构当今的实践音乐教育范式有着十分深远的影响和重大的意义。  相似文献   

哲学的建构与现代性的反思——现代性反思的哲学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出与说明了社会科课程中的本国、本土文化的主体性及对这一文化的认同(Identity)的概念。阐述了这一概念在近代国家形成过程中的形态及现代的状态。作为社会科课程的核心概念体现与方法,本文阐明了实现文化认同的客体化、相对化、逻辑统一的方法、为恢复主体性的课题研究学习方法及在文化的交融与冲突中主体文化的再生的方法。  相似文献   

We live in the changeable and dynamic change.The study of intercultural communication is about the world’s change of social relationships and how we must adapt to them.This paper mainly deals with the relationship between culture and communication.And what the influences of culture and communication have on studying ICC.  相似文献   

This article, which was delivered as the Thirty-Sixth Annual Dudley Allen Sargent lecture at the 2017 conference of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE), discusses transformational leadership theory as an effective approach to inspiring subordinates and creating a culture that results in a shared vision and common approach to a positive organizational future. Contrasting a transformational versus transactional approach, it uses both published papers and leadership reflections from many of NAKHE’s most successful emerging and experienced professionals to provide suggestions on leadership methods that can be incorporated to facilitate transformative change.  相似文献   

Celebrating Elisabeth Bing’s 100th birthday is an honor and a joy. Elisabeth’s life is an inspiration to all who continue her mission of birth and women’s advocacy. Dr. Mary Jo Podgurski strives to capture the indomitable spirit of the founder of American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics (ASPO)/Lamaze (now Lamaze International) through a personal reflection. Elisabeth Bing lived with valor. She is a role model to women everywhere, the mother of childbirth education, and a woman of great courage and wisdom. Thank you, Elisabeth, for the huge gift of your life.  相似文献   

专业实践教学协同是推动应用型人才培养质量提升的关键要素,物流管理与工程类专业实践教学协同,体现了人才培养的全过程,而不仅仅是在课程方面.通过文献分析,并结合多年专业教学经验,对物流管理与工程类专业实践教学现状进行了深入探究,在创建实践教学协同创新模式研究中,构建了"234"实践教学协同创新模式,同时提出了实践教学协同创...  相似文献   

随着人工智能第三次革命性浪潮的不断推进,创新创业教育作为人工智能领域人才培养的重要基石,存在校内与校外资源缺乏有序互补和深度融合、校内教育主体间缺乏相向而行和合力优势、纵向贯通衔接有隙和时序混沌、横向融合拓展受阻和层级体制固化的现实困境。基于协同理论在内涵逻辑、实践逻辑上与创新创业教育高度契合的启示,构建人工智能领域创新创业教育协同机制,实现教育主体协同和教育资源协同,以不断提升学生的理论素养、创新能力和创业精神。  相似文献   


This article reprises and reflects on 30 years of the author’s work on teacher collaboration. The distinctive nature of this work has not been in making a case for teacher collaboration in terms of its benefits for students, teachers, or educational change. These arguments are widely available elsewhere. Rather it has examined ways of collaborating that are available to teachers, how formal or informal collaboration should be, how collaborative efforts can be misused or misdirected, and what factors must be considered when deliberately designing teacher collaboration so it will have the most beneficial effects. The article discusses the explanatory and strategic power of three concepts in particular—contrived collegiality, professional capital, and collaborative professionalism. Conclusions are drawn about next steps for educational research in terms of establishing clear typologies of teacher collaboration in relation to their impact and appropriateness in different circumstances.  相似文献   

2011计算机支持的协作学习国际会议于2011年7月在香港举行。此次会议的主题是计算机支持协作学习的研究与教育政策和实践的链接,旨在促进CSCL研究对各级正规和非正规教育领域的政策和实践带来新启示。会议集中了全球学习科学、教育技术与协作学习领域的前沿科学家,是一次有关学习科学的盛会。除了在香港的研讨会,本次会议还增设了在广州、上海和北京的连锁会,因此在大陆也吸引了不少学者参与。作为2011CSCL会议的前奏,主办方在香港举行了一个小型的全球教育政策论坛,20位成员之中,一半是前沿的学习科学研究人员,另一半则是各国际机构的教育政策领军人物,他们就教育的微观与宏观研究,做了别开生面的对话。我们相信,有关学习科学的研究,必将成为教育领域的基础研究。  相似文献   

乡村教育与乡村文化研究:回顾与反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对社会变迁,乡村文化与乡村教育问题再次成为研究者关注的热点.根据乡村教育与乡村文化研究成果的集中度,乡村教育与乡村文化之关系研究可以分为两个阶段,其研究内容主要集中在四个方面:新式学校教育在乡村社会建立的起始原因;乡村教育与乡村文化、乡村社会的矛盾关系与原因;乡村教育的城市化取向对乡村文化、乡村社会的影响;乡村教育改...  相似文献   

当前,生物学硕士研究生培养存在培养目标定位不清、课程内容的先进性与前沿性不够突出等方面的不足,制约了研究生创新能力的培养.以重庆师范大学生物学硕士研究生培养为例,创建了基于"生物产业化学院""生物行业企事业单位""生物技术协同创新中心"三方平台的协同育人模式,建立科教结合、产学融合、校企合作的协同育人机制,搭建三方育人...  相似文献   

This is a case study of my reflections on teaching a first-year undergraduate tutorial on Ancient Greek Philosophy in the UK. This study draws upon the notion of reflective practice as an essential feature of teaching, in this case applied to Higher Education. My aim is to show how a critical engagement with my teaching practices and the overall learning experience modified, developed, or strengthened my practices, attitudes, and teaching philosophy during the course of one term. Methods for data collection included a weekly logbook, student questionnaires, teaching observations, reflective exercises, and peer discussions. The findings shed light on the complexities of teaching Greek philosophy to small groups and the challenges of the practitioner's reflective process in this teaching.  相似文献   

文化是经济社会发展的重要支撑。天津市职业教育改革创新示范区成为具有鲜明特色和国际水准的全国技能型人才培养培训基地,不仅需要政策、制度的规约,更需要深层次的文化层面的关照。高等职业教育是推动城市文化发展的重要载体之一,从文化层面审视和推动高职教育的改革发展,是示范区建设的重要内容。  相似文献   

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