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在教学过程中,教师对引导学生的发展发挥着重要的作用。如果教师负责为多元文化学生创造高效的文化回应式教育体验,那么在教师教育课程中就应该培养教师与多元文化学生和谐共处的能力。随着全球化视域下多元文化教育的凸显,以及美国中小学生种族、族群、文化和语言结构的多元化日益增强,美国中小学教育更需要擅长多元文化教育的教师。针对现实中孤立的多元文化教师教育课程的设置及其低效问题,美国提倡设置基于全球观培养教师跨文化能力的多元文化教师教育课程,使教师具有广泛的多元文化知识基础、态度,形成持续的跨文化教学能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the theoretical structure of what we call multicultural apprenticeships in teacher education. This structure is drawn from decades of scholarship and research in teacher education, in general, and in preparing teachers for diversity, in particular. It is further situated within our own work in an Early Childhood Education Masters in Education program and our commitments to preparing teachers to support diverse populations of children. Three different multicultural apprenticeships are used to provide concrete examples of the characteristics of this approach to preparing teachers for diverse classrooms.  相似文献   

美国多元文化教师教育指美国教师教育领域为了培养职前和在职教师的多元文化教育能力而进行的一系列变革。美国教师教育机构主要采取两大措施开展多元文化教师教育:一是开设专门的课程,同时将多元文化教育理念渗透在整个培养方案中;二是在课程实施中采取自传和反思、基于社区的学习、文化敏感性教学等方式培养教师的多元文化教育知能。这对我国民族地区教师教育的启示是:要重视民族地区教师教育的特殊性,充分挖掘和培育多元文化教师教育资源,为教师提供跨文化体验的机会,强化自主反思与探究。  相似文献   

"多元文化教育"探究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多元文化教育是当今世界的一个教育思潮,目前人们对于多元文化教育的理解逐步从狭义的理解发展到更广义的理解,本文介绍分析了它的内涵、理论基础,以及在西方产生和发展的背景和主要内容等,目的在于对我国实现全民教育和教育全球化能有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

美国多元文化教师教育发展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国多元文化教师教育历经近半个世纪的探索,取得了丰富成果。美国多元文化教师教育的兴起有着特定的背景和发展脉络,即从开始注重课程改革,将多元文化教育课程纳入师范生的必修科目,到20世纪90年代中期注重对教师意识形态、性格等方面的研究与培养。此外,美国多元文化教师教育也显现出一系列鲜明的特征。  相似文献   

This self-study investigated student teachers' perceptions of teacher educators modeling practices within a large lecture class in an initial teacher education program. It also studied factors that affected student teachers' developing ideas and practice. Phase 1 collected data from student teachers through focus group interviews and course and teaching evaluations, as well as data from lecturers. Phase 2 collected further qualitative data from teacher educators to inform questions arising from Phase 1 findings. While student teachers' perceptions of critically reflective processes and teaching models modeled by lecturers were varied, they affirmed the positive value of lecturer modeling. Data highlighted gaps between lecturers' intentions and the student teachers' perceptions. Data confirm that effective modeling is difficult to achieve, particularly in large lectures. Student teachers were challenged by the demands of engaging critically with new content while also being attentive to modeling. Recommendations include explicitly unpacking our teaching practices, using training strategies to support student teachers in developing the ability to reflect critically, and increasing opportunities for student teachers to practice various teaching models and strategies.  相似文献   

多元文化素养是多元文化时代教师所必须具备的重要素质。培养教师的多元文化素养已成为多元文化教育理念下教师教育探讨的核心问题。未来教师必须具备一定的多元文化知识、态度及技能才能胜任其所面对的具有多元文化特征的教育教学工作。文章从知识目标、态度和情感目标、技能目标三个方面审视多元文化教育理念下教师应具备的多元文化素养,以帮助我们更深入地了解其内涵。  相似文献   

This autoethnographic self-study describes my interpretations of multicultural awareness, with special attention to multilingual awareness (MLA), based on my interactions with 52 students in the context of two literacy courses over a period of one year. An autoethnographic self-study provided an avenue to harness my reflections on practice and to study the ways in which my practice reflected awareness of my role as an educator. Findings from my teaching videos, written responses to students, and student evaluations suggested that my communication patterns with students reflected certain elements of multicultural awareness, as displayed by my attention to individual predispositions, cultural practices and personal stereotypes. The findings also appeared to indicate that multicultural and MLA interacted to reflect facilitation and symbiosis. Facilitation seemed apparent in my awareness of differences among students’ cultures and my own as I monitored my linguistic processing. Symbiosis appeared to emanate from the recognition of how my response to individual predispositions facilitated my application of conversational strategies based on feedback. This, in turn, heightened my attention to stereotypical attitudes and behaviors. Implications for multicultural teacher education include the benefits of using autoethnographic self-study to scrutinize educators’ awareness in practice as they determine the impact of this awareness on their instructional roles in multicultural teacher education. By extension, the study suggests that autoethnographic self-study research can provide additional lenses through which to interrogate monolithic perceptions of diversity in multicultural teacher education.  相似文献   

多元文化课程是多元文化教育理论的集中体现。多元文化主义催生了多元文化课程的萌芽,多元文化政策促进了多元文化课程的发展;到了20世纪80年代,多元文化课程理论形成并得以丰富;到了90年代,多元文化课程理论面对种种诘难进行了反思。  相似文献   

多元文化理解教育中的教师角色应建构为理解型文化研究者.理解并树立多元文化理解教育理念、认识并塑造教师角色的特殊内涵、实践并提升教育智慧是建构理解型文化研究者的定向、基础和催化剂.  相似文献   

多元文化教育作为一种跨越文化边界的教育,在当今全球化语境下对文化、人性的影响日益扩大,它投射与印证着在世界新格局下人们对教育与文化、人性等的新认识与新追求。多元文化教育理应承担起全球化时代的新使命,在教育领域实现民族性与国际性的统一,推进世界文化的多元发展,促进人性的日益完善。  相似文献   

多元文化教育指平等对待来自不同文化群体的学生之间的差异,使所有学生得到平等教育机会的教育。在我国中小学实施多元文化教育,对中小学教师提出了新挑战,要求中小学教师成为多元文化教师,拥有多元文化知识,对不同文化持积极态度,熟练运用多元教学策略。在我国现行教师教育中,可通过增加多元文化教育课程,增加教学实习机会等途径,使未来教师经过学习、发展以及参与三个阶段,具备实施多元文化教育的能力,成为多元文化教师。  相似文献   

This study investigated preservice teachers’ beliefs and attitudes about teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students when progressing through specially designed courses. Data were collected using the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey and semi-structured interviews. Analyses indicated that preservice teachers who received more multicultural preparation held more positive attitudes and based their attitudes more on academic preparation than on personal experiences. Preservice teachers who completed the multicultural course and English for speakers of other languages field placement had a more in-depth understanding of how to help culturally and linguistically diverse students.  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses some results obtained from the analysis of data collected by the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (NUI) Applications Centre (PDEAC), which was established in 1999 to administer the selection of student teachers for the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) at the education departments of the four NUI (National University of Ireland) colleges centrally. Its main findings are that the number of applications for the PGDE has increased since 1999, that the student teacher cohort remains homogeneous with regard to nationality, that three-quarters of the student teacher body are made up of female students, that the number of mature applicants and entrants to the PGDE programmes has significantly increased, and that the numbers of graduates from Institutes of Technology and of students with business degrees entering teacher training have increased between 1999 and 2005. NUI remains the main provider of applicants to PGDE. The percentage of applicants with honours level primary degrees has increased, and prior teaching experience has become a crucial factor for acceptance.  相似文献   

Smith  Robert W. 《The Urban Review》2000,32(2):155-176
The paper examines the role of preservice teachers' backgrounds in the inclusion of a multicultural education perspective in the teaching of secondary social studies. A case study approach is used involving two social studies preservice teachers with widely different background experiences and beliefs in relation to cultural diversity. Background experiences are viewed as having explanatory value in the preservice teachers' receptiveness to a multicultural teaching perspective.  相似文献   

对西北民族地区6个县级行政区605名义务教育教师进行调查后发现:教师的多元文化素养整体上处于中等水平,还有较大提升空间;教师的多元文化态度水平较高,但多元文化知识和能力有所不足;教师的多元文化素养在城乡、职称、是否担任班主任、所学专业、民族背景等方面均存在一定差异。据分析,民族之间的交往交流交融和教师的教育经历与学习状况是导致上述差异的重要原因。基于此,可采取以下措施提升民族地区教师的多元文化素养:创造民族之间实质性接触机会,促进跨文化互动与交往;在教师教育中体现多元文化素养的培养;深化对不同民族学生学习特点和教学的研究;鼓励教师进行民族文化教育资源和校本课程的开发与利用。  相似文献   

In this study, two middle‐school teachers who participated in a professional development program utilizing the transformative professional development (TPD) model are followed as they embarked upon becoming culturally relevant science teachers of Hispanic students. Using Ladson‐Billings (1994) theory of culturally relevant pedagogy, teacher interviews, focus groups, journals, and field notes are examined to reveal aspects of culturally relevant pedagogy that the participants translate into their daily science instructional practice in this longitudinal case study. Findings revealed TPD enabled participants to transform their practice to focus on culturally relevant science pedagogy resulting in a more effective instructional environment for their Hispanic students. Implications for further research on professional development and other supports for teachers integrating culturally relevant pedagogy are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., J Res Sci Teach 48: 170–198, 2011  相似文献   

多元文化教育:西方民族教育的实践及其启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
多元文化教育作为西方民族教育的一种理念,经历了5个主要阶段,西方学者对此进行了专门研究。通过比较分析西方多元文化教育与我国民族教育的发展历程及异同,可以为我国民族教育的发展提供有益的启迪。  相似文献   

As intercultural competence among young people is one of the educational missions at European schools, teachers should themselves be able to deal constructively with cultural diversity, as well as encouraging and shaping intercultural learning processes in their classes. This article focuses on the intercultural competence of physical education teachers. ‘Intercultural competence’, often used as a ‘container term’, will be theoretically founded in reference to the challenges physical education teachers meet. Based on these theoretical assumptions, a special education course was developed and conducted with physical education teachers to further their intercultural competence. With a mixed-method approach, i.e., a systematic interlocking of qualitative and quantitative data, the efficiency of the course has been empirically proved: knowledge competence and methods competence as sub-competencies of intercultural competence are enhanced while educational beliefs and acculturation attitudes as performance indicators are changed.  相似文献   

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