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教师角色期望的内容不仅仅是教师角色行为,还包括教师的个人特征、职业地位、社会权利以及社会作用等方面内容。教师角色期望的实然维度包括:个人特征、教学过程、知识能力、职业道德、职业地位、人际关系管理、教育目标关注、职业成长、教育管理共九个维度。  相似文献   

教师角色:从"规定"走向"赢得"   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长期以来,教师的角色价值主要是以外在取向为主,教师只是按照社会规定或期望的角色规范进行职业行为,这种规定性的角色严重抑制了教师主动性、创造性的发挥和自我潜能的实现,成为教师专业化发展的羁绊.在教师专业发展和课程改革对教师角色的要求下,教师角色只有从"规定"走向"赢得",即追求一种自我更新的价值取向,教师的职业实践才会具有生命意义.  相似文献   

角色的原意是指演员在戏剧舞台上扮演的某一特定人物。而在教学实践这个内容广阔的舞台上,教师是组织者和指导者,简而言之是角色。其角色技能如何直接决定着能否高效、准确地向学生传授应掌握的知识和提高课堂教学效率。一、对教师的角色期望 角色期望是学生包括学校的教职工及社会上的其他人对教师角色所给予的期望。这种期望总的说来要求角色:知识广博、教学有方、为人师表、亲切热心、公平合理等。从制图教学来说,教师角色从知识能力和人格特征方面要有突出的图文才能、气质、表现。二、教师的角色技能 角色技能是指个人所拥有的能有…  相似文献   

关于教师角色,一直以来人们众议不断。从分析古希腊教师的角色入手,追溯中国教师角色历史选择的实然,分析当下教师角色的必然,揭示目前教师所面临的困惑,提出合理追求教师角色之道——中庸,以实现澄清教师角色疑惑之目的。  相似文献   

教师是谁?--与吴康宁教授的对话   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴康宁教授认为,教师所应且所能扮演的社会角色是“半支配阶层代言人半公共知识分子”。但是这种认定难免会产生以下四种困境:教师社会角色的应然取向与实然状态的混淆与危险,教师社会角色应然取向的暧昧与难为,对教师作为代言人的留恋和幻想,以及教师社会角色的的虚无。基于以上困境.教师的社会角色应当是基于自己的专业知识,从特殊走向普遍的公共知识分子。  相似文献   

随着家校社协同育人的深入推进,个体行为与社会预期不一致加剧了教师的角色焦虑,应然角色与实然角色的错位加重了教师的角色负担,角色边界模糊引发了教师角色泛化。在新时代教育高质量发展的背景下,家校社协同育人要求教师成为联结多元育人主体的沟通者、整合协同育人力量的组织者、规划协同育人方案的领导者。对此,需要教师深化角色认同,促进自身专业发展;明确角色定位,学会自我“减负”。同时,建立以教师为联结的协同育人理念,创设家校社协同育人的支持环境,完善家校社协同育人的制度保障,培育家校社协同育人的教师队伍,为教师角色的调适提供外部支持。  相似文献   

中国教师身份究竟是什么,它有多大的感召力和吸引力?这些问题一直以来在国家统治者、教师群体、社会一般公民之间都存在广泛的争议,不同的群体对教师身份有不同的理解和期望,这些期望反映了教师身份应然与实然之间的差异,也反映了教师身  相似文献   

教研组是中小学普遍存在的组织,它对教师的影响主要通过教研组活动实现。然而,这样实然影响着教师发展的普遍的活动,却往往被忽视。本文从教师个体需要角度出发,将视野对准普通初中教研组,研究教师对教研组活动的具体期望,以期为学校管理工作者提供可靠的资料依据。  相似文献   

中国教师身份的伦理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国教师身份究竟是什么,它有多大的感召力和吸引力?这些问题一直以来在国家统治者、教师群体、社会一般公民之间都存在广泛的争议,不同的群体对教师身份有不同的理解和期望,这些期望反映了教师身份应然与实然之间的差异,也反映了教师身份的矛盾性.  相似文献   

教师在制度型构下的社会代表者角色,在社会期待下的道德模范角色以及在自我反思下的公共知识分子角色在实然和应然的矛盾中遇到了尴尬。在当代新境遇下,教师要有意识去思考自身社会角色并努力重新建构,担负起批判性公共知识分子、教育经纪人和有素养公民的社会角色。  相似文献   

This study introduces a model of novice teachers’ expectations together with supporting empirical evidence. The model is sectorial, distinguishing novice teachers’ expectations according to their reciprocal relations with their partners in the school. The study investigated 237 teachers attending internship programmes at five large teachers training colleges in Israel, using a self‐report questionnaire. The findings revealed that: (1) the expectations of novice teachers are based on a sectorial organisational view of the school, as proposed by role theory; (2) novice teachers have very high expectations of their organisational work environment; and (3) their highest expectations are for public recognition of the importance of teaching, while the lowest expectations are for receiving support and backing from the partners in the educational process. The article discusses novice teachers’ views of their function as organisational people and of the school as an arena for developing and nurturing their organisational selves.  相似文献   


This study was designed to investigate the bases of teacher expectations in higher education. The first author interviewed 20 university teachers from an English-as-a-foreign-language course, exploring their expectations for the first-year undergraduates in their classes. The grounded theory method was adopted to analyse the data that had been collected. The results showed that for this sample of 20 teachers, student characteristics were important contributing factors to their expectations in the teachers’ university settings. The factors the teachers considered important included students’ (a) prior academic achievement, (b) motivation, (c) study skills, and (d) academic discipline. Also, teacher characteristics were found to be another major source of these university teachers’ expectations, including teachers’ (a) past teaching and learning experience and (b) teaching self-efficacy. The findings suggested that the bases of teacher expectations in higher education may differ from those at the elementary or secondary school level.  相似文献   

Students’ presentation is a research-based in-class activity to present views, supporting details or research results on a given topic. Undoubtedly, teachers play important roles in presentations and teachers’ roles are quite different from students’ roles in this activity due to the different role expectations between them. However, in most cases, neither teachers nor students are very clear about the differences between teachers’ role expectations and students’ role expectations, which results in problems such as misunderstandings, low efficiency, information asymmetry, etc. This article intends to explore these differences by conducting a questionnaire survey. The research was carried out among 60 postgraduates who major in English and 10 teachers from a normal university. Research results show great differences between teachers’ and students’ role expectations and suggestions for narrowing the gaps are also addressed in the paper.  相似文献   

To advance the understanding about primary school teachers’ allocation process of pupils during the transition to secondary education, this study aims to investigate the influencing teacher expectations of teacher track recommendations. Using a qualitative research design consisting of an inductive approach, interview data were gathered from 15 Flemish sixth-grade teachers. The results indicate that foremost teacher expectations of pupils, more specifically of pupils’ perceived motivation or interests and learning attitude, were considered by teachers as influencing their track recommendations. Although empirical evidence was also found for the impact of expectations held by teachers about pupils’ parents and about themselves as teachers, as well as about teaching, teachers’ awareness of the impact of one’s own expectations was limited.  相似文献   

Teachers are an important source of information for traditionally disadvantaged students. However, little is known about how teachers form expectations and whether they are systematically biased. We investigate whether student–teacher demographic mismatch affects high school teachers’ expectations for students’ educational attainment. Using a student fixed effects strategy that exploits expectations data from two teachers per student, we find that non-black teachers of black students have significantly lower expectations than do black teachers. These effects are larger for black male students and math teachers. Our findings add to a growing literature on the role of limited information in perpetuating educational attainment gaps.  相似文献   

李艳菊  底卫华 《中学教育》2011,8(1):106-110
本研究分别从山西省成立的三所中等幼儿师范学校随机抽取540名学生和117名教师,分别探讨学生对教师非权力影响力的期望与现状,不同发展阶段教师期望差异,以及师生期望差异的比较。结果表明:(1)学生整体对教师非权力影响力的期望与教师现状差异明显;(2)三个年级的学生对教师非权力影响力的期望表现不同,但差异不显著;(3)不同发展阶段教师对其非权力影响力的期望表现出明显差异;(4)稳定形成阶段教师的期望与学生期望最吻合。  相似文献   

教师的疲惫与疲惫的教师:问题与对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
有关调查数据显示,疲惫是今日中小学教师的普遍感受。社会期待的叠加、工作负荷的失据、管理思维的线性及教师心态的失衡导致了教师的疲惫,而疲惫的教师则以“做假帐”或负担转嫁作为回应,并在这样的回应中丢失了创新意识和创新行动。解决这一问题,需要把“分离期待”并“注释期待”、“有组织地舍弃”过度负荷、树立科学的成本观和辩证的闲暇观作为应对教师疲惫的管理策略。同时,也有赖于教师自身心态的调适。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数据统计法等研究方法,就中学体育教师角色期望对莆田市101位教师和962位学生进行调查,结果表明:师生时体育教师角色总体期望趋向一致,依次是职业道德、教学能力、综合素质、师生关系、个人形象.从不同的视角师生在各个具体内容的期望上存在显著性差异.  相似文献   


Over the past 50 years, research has shown that teacher expectations can influence student outcomes. Many studies have examined within-year effects. There is, however, a paucity of research that has investigated the stability of teachers’ expectations across a single year, and there are no studies that have examined stability beyond 1 year. The current study examined the stability of 94 teachers’ expectations within 3 separate years and across 3 years in mathematics and reading. In both subject areas, teachers’ expectations remained relatively stable from beginning to end-of-year for each separate year and also across 3 years. Additionally, teachers who under- or overestimated their students by more than half a standard deviation continued to do so across all periods in the study. This was despite the teachers having different students each year. The study suggests that teachers view students’ capabilities similarly despite having different student cohorts.  相似文献   

This study focuses on similarities and differences in expectations of cooperating teachers and student teachers in the initial stage of the mentor relationship in the context of an Israeli practicum program for pre‐service student teachers. These expectations, particularly when they conflict, can serve as major obstacles to the formation of contexts for learning. A focus group technique was used to bring the expectations of the participants concerning the role of the cooperating teacher to awareness and articulation. The theoretical framework of Calderhead and Shorrock (1987) was used to analyze the participants’ expectations into categories of educational orientations. Expectations of a practical and technical nature were found to be prevalent among members of both groups, whereas the student teacher group held more expectations for a personal relationship than the cooperating teacher group. Suggestions are given for bridging the gap in expectations between cooperating teachers and student teachers in the initial stage of the practicum program.  相似文献   

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