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A developmental approach to the curriculum for young children takes into account the principle that what children should learn, and how they can best learn, changes with their age and the experience that comes with age. Several principles of practice emerge from this basic developmental principle. For example, as children grow older, what they learn changes from horizontal to greater vertical relevance. Similarly, the younger the learner, the more is learned through interactive and active processes rather than through passive and receptive processes. In addition, the younger the learner, the greater the urgency of helping them acquire basic social competence, which is very difficult to acquire later on. These developmental principles of practice imply that a curriculum for young children should include the opportunity to work in small groups on extended investigations of real phenomena in the children's own environments.  相似文献   

The development community has started to question the exclusive focus of social protection programmes on orphans and vulnerable children affected by AIDS in the context of widespread poverty and vulnerability in Africa. This paper, using 2009 Zimbabwe Multiple Indicator Monitoring Survey data and multivariate regression analysis and simulations, shows that the impact of orphan-hood on children's access to education should be not underestimated. Specifically, the probability differential of dropping out of school, when comparing double-orphans and children with both their parents, is almost as large as the gap between a child from the fourth quintile and the poorest quintile.  相似文献   

Counterfactual thinking refers to imaginative thoughts about what might have been (“if only” or “what if”) which are intrinsically linked to self-conscious emotions (regret and guilt) and social judgements (blame). Research in adults suggests that the focus of these thoughts is influenced by order (temporal and causal). Little research has involved children regarding the impact of such thinking on their well-being and learning. This study tests the hypothesis that children will demonstrate order effects. One hundred and twenty-one children answered questions about school-based scenarios and a series of interviews was carried out with pupils and teachers. Order effects were observed but there was some variety in the responses to the questions involving self-conscious emotions and social judgements. Thematic analysis of the interview data indicated that children thought of order but also created their own individual stories, whereas teachers had negative perceptions of how pupils thought about events. Implications for educational psychology practice are considered.  相似文献   

Change and complexity are creating a need for increasing levels of literacy in science and technology. Presently, we are beginning to provide students with clear contexts in which to learn, including clearly written text, visual displays and maps, and more effective instruction. We are also beginning to give students tools that promote their own literacy by helping them to interact with the learning context. These tools include peer-group skills as well as strategies to analyze text and to indicate comprehension by way of text summaries and concept maps. Even with these tools, more appears to be needed. Disparate backgrounds and languages interfere with the comprehension and the sharing of knowledge. To meet this need, two new tools are proposed. The first tool fractures language ontologically, giving all learners who use it a language to talk about what has, and what has not, been uttered in text or talk about the world. The second fractures language epistemologically, giving those involved in working with text or on the world around them a way to talk about what they have done and what remains to be done. Together, these tools operate as a two- tiered knowledge representation of knowledge. This representation promotes both an individual meta-cognitive and a social meta-cognitive approach to what is known and to what is not known, both ontologically and epistemologically. Two hypotheses guide the presentation: If the tools are taught during early childhood, children will be prepared to master science and technology content. If the tools are used by both students and those who design and deliver instruction, the learning of such content will be accelerated.  相似文献   

This article examines the dramatic increase in poverty in the United States of America. An analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau for 2004 reveals the extent of poverty. The official poverty threshold is lower than what is needed for a person or family to provide for the necessities of life. The effects of poverty on women and children are presented. Respect for persons made in the image and likeness of God requires us to make a place at the table of social decision making for all persons. Educating for justice emerges from Christians' concern to make a better place at the table of life for the poor.  相似文献   

This study aims to enhance awareness of what young children want to do outside and their preferences regarding their outdoor environment. Views of children as active participants, the affordance of the environment and the importance of place for children’s learning constitute the theoretical background of the study. The study was part of a research and development project on education for sustainable development in which preschool children and compulsory school children participated in decision-making about how their common school ground should be constructed. Data were gathered through observations and interviews with children and teachers. The findings show that the children wanted to challenge themselves as well as to be secure, explore things, be in contact with others, find or create nests and enjoy beautiful things outdoors. The children highly valued the natural environment and liked diversity in playground equipment.  相似文献   

Links between the development of social understanding and social processes are considered, in the context of data on the development of causal reasoning and argument in conflict, drawn from a longitudinal study of 50 children observed in conversation with their mothers, siblings, and friends at 33 and 47 months of age. Children showed powers of causal reasoning before they were 3 years, capabilities that showed rapid developmental change; their interest in cause was particularly focussed on psychological causality and social action. The contexts of disputes were especially important. Differences were found in children’s arguments with their mothers, siblings, and friends, with more ‘other-oriented’ reasoning shown with friends. It is argued that the data support Vygotskyan ideas on the significance of social interaction in developmental advance, that the pragmatics of what children and their partners are trying to do must be taken into account in considering what children may be learning in interactions, and that ‘social competence’ should not be treated as an individual within-child trait, but that we should move towards a ‘relationships’ approach to the development of social understanding.  相似文献   

流动儿童、留守儿童与一般儿童社会适应比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用自尊、生活满意度、孤独感、抑郁、社交焦虑和问题行为问卷对五省2134名农村籍流动儿童、双留守儿童、单留守儿童、曾留守儿童、一般儿童进行调查,以考察留守与流动对农村儿童社会适应的影响。结果发现:(1)在总的社会适应方面,一般儿童最好,明显优于三类留守儿童;流动儿童较好,明显优于双留守儿童;(2)在社会适应各指标上,与一般儿童相比,三类留守儿童的自尊低、孤独感强,双留守、曾留守儿童的抑郁高,单留守儿童的生活满意度高,流动儿童的孤独感强、生活满意度高;与双留守儿童相比,流动儿童的自尊高、抑郁低;(3)上述差异在女生和/或小学生中表现明显。这表明,与一般儿童相比,留守对儿童社会适应有不利影响,流动对儿童社会适应无明显不利影响。  相似文献   

This study discusses some of the paradoxes found in the rhetoric of participatory research. Research-with-children views them as competent and agentic and as social actors, as citizens with opinions that must be listened to and given due weight. This image of the child as a social actor fails to acknowledge the structural, contextual and relational conditions that can afford or restrict opportunities for children’s agentic action. It conceals the multi-faceted, multi-dimensional properties of power that shape children’s (and adults’) contributions and ‘voices’. Our research took place in a primary school and aimed at training Year 6 children to carry out their own research on their chosen topic of interest. The participatory research ‘space’ was informed by the participants’ different intentionalities and agendas. The children were invited to take initiatives and make decisions, to be agentic. However, their agency, or what counts as ‘proper’ agency, was framed and defined in our adult terms. Tensions arose when the children’s agendas conflicted with and threatened ours. As we argue here, this participatory space should rather be seen as a political arena, where different and often competing agendas are at play, where the roles and relationships between children and adults are far from fixed, and where the capacity for agentic action is always socially mediated and shaped by social structure.  相似文献   

The ubiquity of the Harry Potter phenomenon offers an opportunity to examine the different ways educators use popular books to teach reading. This study analyses a number of journal articles that address the Harry Potter novels as tools for the classroom. These articles show a great diversity of approaches. Government testing of discrete, assessable skills can dominate contemporary discussions of literacy, and the Harry Potter books are sometimes used to address these targets. Other educators use Harry Potter to teach children about multimedia technologies. Most often, educators who embrace the Harry Potter novels affirm the value of reading for pleasure. This view often also promotes reading as a route to the critical literacy goal of social inclusion and the psychological development of the child. Taken together, these uses of Harry Potter present a confused picture, with no clear agreement on what good reading is or how it should be taught.  相似文献   

The processes of gaining consent for educational and social research with children and young people have become increasingly complex. A variety of influences contribute to this complexity. In this paper, we use post-structural concepts to focus on the influence of three co-existing and interweaving perspectives: protectionist, participatory and post-structural. Each of these foregrounds different issues in the process of gaining consent for research involving children or young people. We argue for the need to be cognisant of the interplay between the three different perspectives, and what is effected by each. We conclude by proposing a three-overlapping-points-of-entry approach to thinking about research involving children. Our hope is that by sharing the ideas that we have had, we will contribute to those ongoing conversations in which others are trying to re-think consent within the broader framework of why and how do we do research with children and young people.  相似文献   

随着回迁进城务工农民子女数量的增加,回迁进城务工农民子女教育成为重要而紧迫的教育乃至社会问题。环境转换给回迁儿童带来的学习质量下降、心理冲突严重等学习适应问题成为影响回迁儿童学习和生活的关键,造成的原因是:不良情绪诱发学习困难,环境变迁引发学习适应性差,教学的差异性制约回迁儿童的学习。生命关怀是回迁儿童心理教育的新基点,故应构建政府、学校和家庭三位一体的教育模式,政府要完善教育配置及投入,关注回迁儿童的学习;学校要加强教育引导,关爱回迁儿童心理适应;家庭要加强与孩子沟通,认真履行监护职责。  相似文献   

本研究以云南省瑞丽市D傣寨为例,从空间性的视角探讨边疆民族地区农村教育扶贫的有效路径,强调社会文化的再生产应以主体的在场为前提,具有场域性和空间性。教育作为社会文化再生产的主要方式,在不同的社会形态中均具有特定的空间性特点。本研究中首先以传统的奘寺教育为例,阐明传统教育的实践空间具有地域性特点;其次运用数据分析,呈现瑞丽城乡教育资源分布不均的特点,这种不均在结果上表现为农村傣族青壮年多外出从事体力劳动并且最终返乡。教育赋予了个体实现就业流动的能力,这种赋能体现了以人力资本为基础的劳动力市场的运转逻辑和跨时空联结。学校是现代教育的实践空间,成为将社会行动从地方社会脱离出来的脱域机制,并对传统社会文化空间产生冲击。本研究还对目前教育扶贫中的行政举措和市场力量加以分析,由此强调教育扶贫需遵从场域的逻辑,重视农村社区教育的建设;村落社区公共文化空间的重构是有效增强内生动力的非制度化路径,儿童应成为非制度化路径中教育扶贫的重要对象。这是教育精准扶贫的应有之义。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a qualitative UK study exploring the social practices of schoolchildren visiting an interactive science discovery centre. It is promoted as a place for ‘learning through doing’, but the multi-modal, ethnographic methods adopted suggest that children were primarily engaged in (1) sensory pleasure-taking and (2) playing out shifting relations of affect and sociality. In discussing this, the paper does not ask what children are learning, but rather what they are doing – and how this does or does not relate to the scientific principles presented to them. The paper confirms studies suggesting that discovery centres are highly social spaces in which cognitive processing is only one aspect but goes further in suggesting that the twin dimensions of the social and the sensory are so paramount in governing children's responses to exhibits as to eclipse thoughts of science. The findings suggest that old-style live demonstrations are more effective than technologically interactive exhibits in foregrounding scientific concepts.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated 64 children and their primary caregivers who were living in poverty. The children were administered a stress measure, a social support measure, and a measure of self‐esteem. Caregivers completed a stress measure, a measure of child adjustment, and a demographic questionnaire. Social support was not found to moderate the relationship between stress and child outcome. However, social support was found to be one possible mediator of the child's reported stress on their self‐esteem. According to the mediating model, enhancing children's social support may positively influence their self‐esteem. Greater levels of self‐esteem can affect many aspects of children's lives, such as improving school performance and efforts toward achieving goals. Because of the important role that social support can play on children's self‐esteem, social support should be actively promoted through school and community groups and organizations, especially with children from disadvantaged economic situations. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


Recent social policy discourses in Aotearoa New Zealand focus on vulnerable children’s well-being and the detrimental, long-term and costly impacts of child poverty. The discourse pervading much of the policy labels children and young people as ‘vulnerable’ or ‘at risk’ or ‘in crisis’, a view, which we argue, is both disempowering and marginalising. We propose a shift in focus which views children and young people as agentic, capable and competent. Drawing on several small-scale research projects and reports we demonstrate how, when asked, children and young people can participate effectively in discussions about policy matters that concern them (Article 12, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989 [UNCROC]). We have much to learn from the insights children share with us when asked, but very often existing structures, at both government and community level, do not include adequate processes to hear their voices, let alone act on what has been communicated.  相似文献   

This article addresses how Maslow's hierarchy of basic human needs can be used as a framework for cross-cultural counseling with children in crisis; that is, children of the world who are unable to fulfill adequately their basic human needs because of extreme circumstances such as natural disaster, violence, various forms of child abuse, extreme poverty, lack of school and community resources, and emotional abandonment. Assessment of child needs is discussed and counseling strategies are presented; strategies that include supportive counseling techniques, crisis intervention techniques, program development, delivery of social services and resources, referral to helping agencies, and counselor consultation with parents and other significant adults in the lives of children.  相似文献   

为了更好地了解牡丹江农村留守儿童的心理健康现状及其影响因素,抽样调查了265名中小学生,其中留守儿童81人,对照组184人。结果显示:在学习焦虑,对人焦虑、孤独、过敏、身体症状、冲动及心理健康总分上留守儿童的分数显著高于非留守儿童;在主观支持、对支持的利用度以及社会支持总分上留守儿童显著低于非留守儿童。因此,农村留守儿童的心理健康问题应引起广泛的重视,而提高其社会支持水平是提高其心理健康水平的一个重要手段。  相似文献   

家庭“三生教育”是“三生教育”的重要组成部分。家长对待生命、生存、生活的态度和方式,对儿童和青少年的生命观、生存观、生活观的形成和发展起着潜移默化的作用。在家庭“三生教育”中,要对孩子进行生命的可贵、来源和归属的教育,提升生命质量和价值的教育,以及生存能力和生存本领和社会的责任感的教育,等等。此外,还要加强家庭“三生教育”的管理和指导,帮助家长要树立科学教子的思想,充分发挥家长的榜样示范作用。  相似文献   

Responses of 21 pre‐operational children, aged between 6#lb6 and 7#lb4 years, to an uninterrupted television programme, viewed in small groups, were surveyed by individual post‐viewing questioning. The indications are that the children viewed the programme passively except when something extraordinary or stimulating occurred; they recalled only isolated aspects that interested them or that they liked. They were unable to deduce the producer's intentions and gained only a vague idea of what the programme was about. Children are limited in what they can take from a broadcast by their own experiences and by how those relate to what is viewed, so teachers have a responsibility to assist young children to internalise and interpret what is viewed from educational television. Continuous ‘programmes’ seem unsuitable as learning media; children should view, via a videorecorder, short sequences or ‘modules’ of television material, linked to activities with which they are involved or familiar, to enable a three‐way interaction between children, teacher and television to be established  相似文献   

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