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拖延:时间管理倾向量表的区分效度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
拖延可能是时间管理不良的一种后果,也可能是与时间管理相伴随的行为。本研究的目的是回答拖延与时间管理倾向之间的关系,检验时间管理倾向量表的区分效度。研究工具包括时间管理倾向量表、拖延量表;研究对象是233名在校大学生;采用相关分析发现,拖延和时间管理倾向之间存在显著的负相关,表明了时间管理倾向量表的区分效度。  相似文献   

Procrastination has been defined in different ways. Two instruments—the Irrational Procrastination Scale (IPS) and the Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS)—focus on a core problem in procrastination—the irrational delay of intended behavior. The present paper examined the psychometric properties of the Norwegian translations of these scales. In five samples with students as well as non-students (aggregated n?=?1045), standard psychometric properties of the instruments were assessed and their factor structures were compared in replication analyses. In addition, correlations between the instruments as well as other instruments (i.e., the Susceptibility to Temptation Scale and the Satisfaction with Life Scale) were examined to determine convergent and divergent validity. Overall, the results indicated that both IPS and PPS are suitable for use as measures of procrastination.  相似文献   

采用一般拖延量表(GPS)和冲动性量表(BIS-11)对大学生被试进行集体施测,旨在了解大学生群体的拖延程度,探究拖延者在冲动性行为上的特点和其具体的冲动性行为表现.结果显示:拖延现象在大学校园中普遍存在,84%的大学生存在不同程度的拖延倾向,16.3%的大学生存在重度拖延现象.大学生的拖延行为表现不存在性别差异,但呈现出年级间和学科间差异:大二和大四学生的拖延程度高,艺术类大学生的拖延程度较低.在冲动性特征表现方面,高拖延者呈现出行为决策受损和行为抑制受损,集中表现在计划性缺乏和注意力缺损,具有较高无计划冲动性、注意力冲动性与运动冲动性.  相似文献   

This study investigated the psychometric characteristics of constructed-response (CR) items referring to choice and non-choice passages administered to students in Grades 3, 5, and 8. The items were scaled using item response theory (IRT) methodology. The results indicated no consistent differences in the difficulty and discrimination of the items referring to the two types of passages. On the average, students' scale scores on the choice and non-choice passages were comparable. Finally, the choice passages differed in terms of overall popularity and in their attractiveness to different gender and ethnic groups  相似文献   

在无休止的评论中,使得哈姆雷特的形象产生裂变,众说纷纭。诸说的焦点是对主人公“延宕”的理解。作者的思想认识及所处的那个时代,是探究这一现象的根据。  相似文献   

拖延研究述评   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
拖延是一种广泛流行的现象,且影响着我们生活的方方面面,但在国内并未引起研究者足够的重视。国外近20年来对拖延的研究表明,拖延具有消极与积极的双重意义,且有多种多样的表现。文章基于精神动力学、行为主义、认知心理学、特质论等观点,对拖延的根源及其影响因素做了分析,进而提出了对消极拖延的丰预措施。  相似文献   

拖延是一个普遍存在且非常复杂的心理问题,本文对拖延心理的研究成果进行小结,对拖延的概念、性质、类型、测量、影响因素及干预测量进行了阐述,并提出了拖延研究存在问题与未来展望。  相似文献   

曾经去国外参加文化交流,花了很多钱买过一件非常漂亮的衣服,因为太喜欢,就舍不得穿,使用率太低,慢慢地就忘记了自己有这样一件衣服。换季的时候,家人帮我整理衣柜时,才想起自己原来有过这样一件衣服,因为躲过了水洗日晒的蹉跎,它依旧崭新笔挺,但是款式却已经过时。讪讪地也是白责地把它小心包好,继续收进柜底,回味起当初对它的喜欢,忍不住感叹那些快乐都成落花流水了。  相似文献   

拖延是个体自愿推迟去做计划好了的事情,即便这种推迟会导致糟糕的结果。国内外近20年来的研究表明,拖延与人格和任务性质有着密切的关系。Steel提出的时间动机理论能够很好地解释拖延产生的原因,是目前综合性较强的理论。本文在综述前人研究的基础上,指出了以往研究的不足,为未来的拖延研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

拖延是日常生活中非常普遍的心理现象,也造成越来越多人的困扰。文章从全新的角度——以荣格的分析心理学为基础,结合临床个案研究结果,着重从消极拖延入手,归纳其一般表现,并尝试揭示其深层无意识原因,以期能为拖延理论研究和治疗提供借鉴。  相似文献   

国外关于拖延与人格的相关研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章主要对近年来国外拖延与人格的相关研究进行了梳理,首先探讨了拖延的概念和研究方法,然后从公正严谨性、神经质等影响拖延的人格特质出发,综述近年来国外关于拖延与人格的一些相关研究,最后对目前的研究现状提出了评述和展望。  相似文献   

学业拖延影响因素研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学业拖延指推迟完成与个人学业相关的任务,不能在规定的时间内完成任务。文章在全面总结国内外近二十多年来相关研究成果的基础上,从人格、动机、情绪、不合理信念、自我、任务特征和环境等方面对学业拖延的影响因素进行了梳理,分析了已有研究存在的不足,并对未来学业拖延影响因素的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

每个个体都存在不同程度的拖延,但并非所有的拖延行为都称之为拖延症,拖延症是那些因为拖延行为已经引起极大的情绪困扰和对现实生活造成实际困扰的深度拖延和消极拖延,它不仅影响个体的心理健康和生活质量,也影响着个体人际关系和他人利益。战胜拖延症势在必行,剖析拖延症的形成原因,揭露它的巨大危害,转变拖延思维,构建合理信念,培养情绪肌肉,提高对不愉快事物的忍耐力,以持之以恒的"立即行动"告别拖延。  相似文献   

学习拖延是指学习者知道自己应该在预定时间内完成学习任务,但却不按时完成学习任务。学习拖延在国内许多高校都普遍存在,但是关于大学生学习拖延的实证类研究还不多,在此对大学生学习拖延的含义、类型、国内已有研究、使用的测量工具进行概述,并对以往研究不足做了阐述。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Few rating scales measure social competence in very young Spanish or Catalan children. We aimed to analyze the psychometric characteristics of the California Preschool Social Competence Scale (CPSCS) when applied to a Spanish- and Catalan-speaking population. Children were rated by their respective teachers within 6 months following their 4th birthday in two population-based birth cohorts in Spain (N = 378). A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to compare the underlying structure of the Spanish–Catalan version with that of the original version. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to determine the internal consistency of each of the confirmed factors. Cohen's kappa formula was used to calculate the test–retest reliability in a small subset of children who were rated again one month later. Five correlated factors (Considerateness, Task Orientation, Extraversion, Verbal Facility, and Response to Unfamiliar) were optimally confirmed as a result of CFA. The first three factors had robust internal consistency. The kappa coefficient was satisfactory in 29 items out of 30. Children's cognitive abilities as assessed by the McCarthy Scales, children's gender, maternal social class and level of education were related to the social competence scores as indicators of criterion-related factors. Practice or Policy: The bilingual version of the CPSCS has good psychometric properties allowing it to be used in further studies in either Spanish or Catalan populations.  相似文献   

In a study of Gustafsson, Wedman and Westerlund (in press), the vocabulary test (WORD) in the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test was found to load both on a general factor (G) and a factor reflecting verbal knowledge (Gc'). Word characteristics were gathered in order to investigate if they can account for the variation in items’ loadings on the G and Gc’ factors. The results indicate that items loading highly on the G‐factor tend to involve words which are of Latin origin, relatively frequent, morphologically varied and abstract. Items loading highly on the Gc'‐factor tend to involve words which are of Swedish origin, relatively frequent and particularly so in fiction, and concrete but not nouns. Knowledge about these relations may be used to construct vocabulary tests which to a smaller or larger extent reflect either G or Gc’. The results, although tentative, may also be useful to shed light on the nature of the dimensions of ability.  相似文献   

在大学生中,学业拖延是一种很普遍的现象。学业拖延既有特质性,也受情境影响。在以往的研究中,人们偏重于分析学业拖延的负面影响。近年来关于学业拖延积极意义的研究,引起了人们的重视。针对学业拖延的不良影响,应该从以下几方面进行治理:心理疏导、加强思想教育、强化管理制度。  相似文献   

大学生学业拖延现象是高校教育者普遍关注的问题。学业拖延是指个体经常或几乎经常延迟学习任务,并且经常或者几乎经常经历与拖延有关的问题性焦虑的倾向。其影响因素不仅有个体内部的认知、情绪、人格,还涉及学习任务、环境等外部因素。拖延干预主要有国外针对大学生拖延行为进行团体治疗和个体治疗模式。  相似文献   

2006年俄罗斯出台了修订版<幼儿园教育与教学大纲>.新版大纲对幼儿教育中的体育、智育、德育、劳动教育、文学教育、艺术审美教育以及游戏等做了详细的说明和具体的规定.同时这次修订也充分考虑了学前教育的价值定向和俄罗斯学前教育内容更新的需要,强调要更加人性化地对待儿童,突出了民族教育和艺术教育的重要性,操作性比较强.  相似文献   

文章以问卷调查为主、文献综合为辅,从医学生的拖延症现状着手,结合国内外对拖延症的研究,分析了医学生拖延症的原因、特点,调查医学生拖延症现状,为改善医学生拖延症提出实用建议。  相似文献   

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