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Pigeons were trained with one eye covered on each of two types of visual discriminations. They then were tested for interocular transfer with the previously covered eye. Transfer was shown by every pigeon trained on a simultaneous discrimination, while lack of transfer was shown by thesesame pigeons when trained on a spatial conditional (successive) discrimination. As opposed to the pigeon, animals with a larger proportion of ipsilateral (uncrossed) retinal fibers (e.g., cats) do show transfer of both discrimination problems. This difference in the decussation of the optic pathways may be a critical variable in interocular transfer in vertebrates. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate that interocular transfer in the pigeon depends upon the experimental paradigm.  相似文献   

During simultaneous discrimination training, there is evidence that some of the value of the S+ transfers to the S?. When the value of the S+ is altered outside the context of the simultaneous discrimination, two very different predictions are made concerning its effect on its S?, depending on whether one views the S+ as an occasion setter or as a stimulus capable of transferring value. In four experiments, pigeons were trained with two similar simultaneous discriminations, A+B? and C+D?, and two single-stimulus trial types, A and C, (in which A always had greater nominal value than C). According to value transfer theory, on test trials, B should always be preferred over D, because B and D should be affected by the net values of A and C, respectively. According to an occasion setting account, however, D should be preferred over B because the presence of D signals a higher probability of reinforcement for responding to C than when C is alone, and/or the presence of B signals a lower probability of reinforcement for responding to A than when A is alone. In all four experiments, the pigeons preferred B over D, a result consistent with value transfer theory. Thus, an S? can acquire value from an S+ even when that value is conditioned in a “context” different from that of the simultaneous discrimination.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the performance of pigeons on symbolic-matching-to sample in which the relevant sample dimension consisted of duration. Each pigeon was trained on two problems that had the same two sample durations, 2 and 10 sec, but were different with respect to other physical properties of the samples. Durations of light and tone were used in Experiment 1; durations of two different color-location compounds were used in Experiment 2. In each experiment, a unique choice stimulus was associated with each of the four possible combinations of duration and signal type. Test sessions contained probe trials in which the choice stimuli were these appropriate for a long and a short duration of the signal type opposite to that actually presented. Pigeons in both experiments displayed asymmetrical performance deficits. Accuracy on long durations dropped to chance or below, whereas accuracy on short durations remained high. This pattern is similar to the choose-short effect that is obtained when animals are tested with long retention intervals. The implications of these results for duration memory, coding, and transfer of training are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied transposition in pigeons, using multiple-pair discrimination training. Four birds discriminated two pairs of circles: 1+ 2− and 5+ 6− or 1− 2+ and 5− 6+ (digits denote circle diameters and plus and minus signs denote reward and nonreward, respectively). Four other birds discriminated four pairs of circles: 1+2−, 1+3−, 4+6−, and 5+6−or 1−2+, 1−3+, 4−6+, and 5−6+. Finally, 4 birds discriminated only one pair of circles: 1+ 2−, 1+ 2−, 5+ 6−, or 5− 6+. Testing included five new pairs—1/5, 2/3, 2/6, 3/4, and 4/5—that distinguished absolute from relational accounts of transposition. The pigeons’ relational responding rose from one- to two- to four-pair training. The similarity of the testing stimuli to one another also affected relational responding: Transposition increased with highly dissimilar stimuli. Neither Spence’s (1937) theory nor existing relational accounts could predict the obtained pattern of relational responding.  相似文献   

The results from five experiments are considered in relation to two of Spence's (1937, 1938) proposals concerning discrimination learning. In Experiments 1 and 2, we investigated whether his ideas about the interaction between excitatory and inhibitory generalization gradients can be used to understand how animals solve a complex patterning discrimination. The results supported a development of his proposals as put forward by Pearce (1994), provided a modification was made to Pearce's rulefor determining the shape ofthe generalization gradient. In Experiments 3, 4, and 5, we examined whether animals would pay more attention to stimuli that are relevant, rather than irrelevant, to the solution of a discrimination. The results supported this proposal for stimuli comprising visual patterns, but not for those comprising plain colors. The results also indicated that change of attention was a consequence of preliminary receptor-exposure acts, as envisaged by Spence, and not of more central changes in attention.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained in a delayed matching task in which the samples were short (2 sec) and long (10 sec) presentations of either a houselight or a keylight. Transfer trials involved short and long presentations of the nontrained signal as the sample. In the intermittent transfer test, infrequent transfer trials were intermixed with more frequent training trials; in the sustained transfer test, all trials were transfer trials. The intermittent test revealed only weak transfer. The sustained test revealed transfer in Session 1 only in birds that had received pairings of the transfer signal and food prior to testing. However, regardless of whether the transfer signal had been previously paired with food, birds exposed to consistent contingencies between duration and choice across training and testing learned the transfer task more rapidly than did birds exposed to inconsistent contingencies. It was concluded that some training in which the transfer signal serves as the sample is required before the durations of a transfer signal are related to the rules associating duration and responding  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, two groups (n = 10) of pigeons received 17 sessions of TD (true discrimination) or ND (nondifferential) training with line angles. Seventeen sessions of SS (single stimulus) training with a wavelength preceded this training and two followed it. Subsequent wavelength generalization testing in extinction revealed a sharper TD than ND gradient. This slope difference was evident from the very first test stimulus presentation and remained stable throughout testing. As a consequence of substantial overtraining, there was no reduction of response strength and no sharpening of generalization during testing for either group. In Experiment 2, two groups (n = 16) of pigeons received 10 sessions of TD or PD (pseudodiscrimination) training with line angles, followed by four sessions of SS training with a single wavelength. During this training and in subsequent wavelength generalization testing in extinction, brief blackouts separated stimulus presentations. Again, the TD group yielded the sharper gradient. Although responding weakened and the gradients sharpened during the test, these effects were comparable in the two groups. Furthermore, gradients based on the percentage of trials with at least one response showed the same TD-PD slope difference. This finding indicates that differential control over responding by response-produced feedback is inadequate to account for the TD-PD difference in generalization slope. Both experiments indicate that a purported difference in resistance to extinction is also an inadequate explanation.  相似文献   

We studied transposition in pigeons by training them to select the smaller (or the larger) of a pair of circles. In training, different groups of pigeons were given one pair, two pairs, or three pairs of circles along the size dimension. Testing included two stimulus pairs for which, according to theoretical postdiscrimination generalization gradients, transposition should decrease from one-pair to two-pair to three-pair training. On the basis of the results of our earlier study (Lazareva, Wasserman, & Young, 2005) and contrary to these predictions, we expected that transposition should increase from one-pair to two-pair to three-pair training. We found that multiple-pair discrimination training enhanced transposition, which, on average, rose from 47% (one-pair training) to 52% (two-pair training) to 64% (three-pair training). In addition, we found that the overall similarity of the testing pair to the training pair(s) modulated the strength of relational responding. These results demonstrate that encountering multiple instances of a rule leads to stronger relational learning, even when reinforcement history predicts the opposite trend. These results also provide strong evidence against stimulus generalization as the sole determinant of relational responding in transposition.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on two visual discrimination tasks. One task was discrimination between real objects and their photographs. Training stimuli consisted of real food (grains), photographs of food, and nonedible junk objects and their photographs. The other task was discrimination between food and nonfood using the same stimuli as those in the first task. The pigeons learned either task and showed generalization of these classifications to novel stimuli. These results suggest that pigeons can either discriminate or integrate real stimuli and their photographs. Bilateral ectostriatal lesions caused deficits in food versus nonfood discrimination, but not in object versus picture discrimination. This dissociation suggests different brain mechanisms between the two visual discriminations using the same stimuli.  相似文献   

With a three-choice instrumental discrimination procedure, pigeons were taught to distinguish small spherical objects from nonspherical objects. Spherical objects were defined as positive, nonspherical objects as negative. A device allowing an automatic presentation of the stimuli was employed. The subjects actually pecked the objects, and grain rewards were presented directly beside the correct objects. Acquisition was rapid, with the birds reaching a criterion of 80% correct choices within less than 150 trials. There was evidence that more than 200 objects were remembered individually over 3 months. Pigeons transferred the discrimination of spherical/nonspherical objects to novel objects. The criteria by which the birds judged the sphericity of objects seemed to be similar to those applied by humans. They could apply the categorization in a relational manner and generalize it to apply to photographs and drawings of objects. The categorization competence was retained for at least 3 months.  相似文献   

Discrimination performance was investigated with pigeons using feature negative (FN) discrimination procedures which differed in the temporal arrangement of the stimuli on S? trials. In both procedures, a single common element was presented on reinforced (S+) trials. In thesimultaneous FN procedure, a distinguishing element was presented simultaneously with the common element of S? trials. In thesequential FN procedure, the distinguishing element preceded onset of the common element on S? trials. In two experiments, the sequential FN procedure yielded better discrimination performance. In Experiment 1, a summation test designed to separate learning and performance variables indicated that sequential FN subjects had learned the negative relationship between the distinguishing element and reinforcement while simultaneous FN subjects had not. In Experiment 2, summation and acquisition tests indicated that the distinguishing element developed inhibitory properties in the sequential FN procedure but not in the simultaneous FN procedure.  相似文献   

Response key illuminations were followed by food delivery or shock, and keypecks were programmed to prevent the occurrence of whichever stimulus was scheduled. At high shock intensity, pigeons did not peck: at low shock intensity, pigeons pecked in about half of the trials. When different key colors signaled food and shock trials, pigeons pecked on food trials, thus preventing food delivery, but not on shock trials, thus failing to avoid shock delivery. That pecks occurred despite the fact that they avoided food but did not occur when they avoided shock is taken as evidence that the keypeck is frequently governed by biological predispositions, and not by its consequences.  相似文献   

Pigeons trained in a conditional discrimination procedure to respond to a visual array made a left or right choice, depending on which of two numbers of elements (i.e., anchor numerosities) the array contained. They were then tested with novel arrays at these anchor numerosities, as well as at interpolated and extrapolated numerosities. Various control conditions showed that the birds’ discrimination performance was primarily based on stimulus numerosity, and not on other factors, such as brightness or area. Results from a series of tests, spanning a wide range of numerosities, conformed to scalar principles. Psychometric functions showed superposition, indicating that Weber’s law applies to numerosity discrimination. The subjective midpoint between anchor values was at the geometric mean. Variability about this bisection point increased in proportion to the numerical value of the mean.  相似文献   

Response rate (responses per minute) and response duration (time in seconds per press) were recorded in rats shifted from multiple variable-interval variable-interval (mult VI VI) to multiple extinction variable-interval (mult EXT VI). This procedure produced positive contrast (i.e., a decrease in response rate in EXT and an increase in VI) in 11 of 12 rats and, in addition, produced an increase in response duration (i.e., bar holding), which, for the most part, was confined to the EXT component of the mult EXT VI condition. One of the 12 rats showed negative induction (i.e., a decrease in response rate in both the EXT and VI components), and also an increase in response duration in both the EXT and VI components of the mult EXT VI condition. The results indicate that generalization of behavior from the EXT to the VI component can produce negative induction, and that such generalization must be prevented if positive contrast is to occur in the rat.  相似文献   

When pigeons are trained on a discrete-trial simultaneous discrimination, some of the value associated with the positive stimulus appears to transfer to the negative stimulus (Zentall & Sherburne, 1994). Pigeons preferred a negative stimulus that had been discriminated from an always-positive stimulus (S+) over a negative stimulus that had been discriminated from a sometimes-positive stimulus (S±). A very different finding (suggestive of transitivity of preference or contrast) was reported by Belke (1992). On concurrent probe tests of stimuli associated with equal variable interval (VI) schedules but originally trained in alternative concurrent pairs (one with a richer schedule, the other with a poorer schedule—VI 20 sec vs. VI 40 sec and VI 40 sec vs. VI 80 sec), the stimulus originally paired with the poorer schedule was preferred. But Belke’s results may have been obtained because the pigeons had been trained to peck the VI 40 sec paired with the poorer schedule and they had been trained not to peck the VI 40 sec paired with the richer schedule. In the present experiment, we avoided this bias by training pigeons on two concurrent schedules in which the tested stimuli both had been associated with the poorer schedule of the pair [A(VI 20 sec) vs. B(VI 80 sec) and C(VI 40 sec) vs. D(VI 80 sec)]. Evidence for value transfer was demonstrated when on probe trials pigeons preferred B over D.  相似文献   

Eight homing pigeons, trained to fly between two elevated feeders within a flight tunnel, were tested for their ability to discriminate between two magnetic field stimuli and two acoustic stimuli, using a unitary discrete-trials procedure with successive presentation of stimuli. Magnetic stimuli consisted of the ambient magnetic field and a reduced magnetic field in which the vertical component of the field was reduced to 50% of its ambient value. Acoustic stimuli consisted of an ambient white noise and the white noise plus a tone. Stimuli were paired with food reward and either a time penalty (Experiment 1) or electric shock (Experiment 2). Although subjects could discriminate sounds with our procedures, none of the subjects demonstrated discrimination of magnetic fields. The failure of pigeons to discriminate magnetic stimuli is discussed as a consequence of either the failure to provide conditions sufficient for such discrimination or the absence of a magnetic sense in these animals.  相似文献   

A go/no-go procedure was used to train pigeons to discriminate pictures of human faces differing only in shape, with either static images or movies of human faces dynamically rotating in depth. On the basis of experimental findings in humans and some earlier studies on three-dimensional object perception in pigeons, we expected dynamic stimulus presentation to support the pigeon’s perception of the complex morphology of a human face. However, the performance of the subjects presented with movies was either worse than (AVI format movies) or did not differ from (uncompressed dynamic presentation) that of the subjects trained with a single or with multiple static images of the faces. Furthermore, generalization tests to other presentation conditions and to novel static views revealed no promoting effect of dynamic training. Except for the subjects trained on multiple static views, performance dropped to chance level with views outside the training range. These results are in contrast to some prior reports from the literature, since they suggest that pigeons, unlike humans, have difficulty using the additional structural information provided by the dynamic presentation and integrating the multiple views into a three-dimensional object.  相似文献   

In a series of within-subject experiments employing a two-choice delayed conditional discrimination task, pigeons chose correctly more often when kind of correct choice and kind of reinforcer were perfectly correlated than when uncorrelated. Correct choice behavior fell to chance levels when the correlation was reversed or when it was removed by using only one kind of reinforcer. Implications for mediation theories are discussed, with the conclusion being that, although the possibility that instrumental mediators are present in this situation cannot be dismissed, the overall pattern of results indicates that classical mediators are of principal importance in this type of task.  相似文献   

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