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In three delayed matching-to-sample experiments, pigeons were given distinctive stimuli that were either correlated or uncorrelated with the scheduled retention intervals. Experiment 1 employed a single-key, go/no-go matching procedure with colors as the sample and test stimuli; lines of differing orientations signaled short or long delays for one group, whereas the lines and the delays were uncorrelated for the other group. The function relating discriminative test performance to delay length was steeper in the correlated group than in the uncorrelated group. In addition, the line orientation stimuli controlled differential rates of sample responding in the correlated group, but not in the uncorrelated group. In Experiment 2, subjects extensively trained with correlated line orientations were exposed to reversed cues on probe trials. Miscuing decreased discriminative test responding at the short delay, but enhanced it at the long delay. As in the correlated group of the first experiment, rates of sample keypecking were higher in the presence of the “short” time tag than in the presence of the ”long” time tag. Experiment 3 used a three-key choice-matching procedure and a within-subjects design, and equated reinforcement rate at the short and long delays. When auditory stimuli were correlated with delay length, the function relating choice accuracy to delay was steeper than when the stimuli and the delays were uncorrelated. The consistent effects of signaled retention intervals on memory performance may be understood in terms of differential attention to the sample stimuli.  相似文献   

Separate groups of pigeons were trained to perform symbolic delayed matching to sample with auditory and visual sample stimuli. For animals in the auditory group, ambient tones that varied in frequency served as sample stimuli; for animals in the visual group, ambient red and green lights served as sample stimuli. In both cases, the sample stimuli were mapped onto the yellow and blue comparison stimuli presented on left and right pecking keys. In Experiments 1 and 2, it was found that visual and auditory delayed matching were affected in the same ways by several temporal variables: delay, length of exposure to the sample stimulus, and intertrial interval. In Experiments 3, 4A, and 4B, a houselight presented during the delay interval strongly interfered with retention in both visual and auditory groups, but white noise presented during the delay had little effect in either group. These results seem to be more in line with a prospective memory model, in which visual and auditory sample stimuli are coded into the same instructional memories, than with a model based on concepts of retrospective memory and modality specificity.  相似文献   

Classical eyeblink conditioning (EBC) has been widely used to probe cerebellar function in humans and nonhuman mammals. Although the neural pathways governing behavior in this task are well understood and fairly discrete, it remains unclear in the human literature how conditioned stimuli (CSs) of different modalities (e.g., visual and auditory) influence the exhibition of conditioned responses (CRs). In the present study, therefore, CRs to a visual CS and an auditory CS were examined with the single-cue delay EBC procedure. An initial experiment (N=61) was conducted to identify visual and auditory stimuli that had equal perceived intensities. Using these perceptually equivalent stimuli, a second group of 25 subjects completed auditory and visual EBC procedures in two testing sessions 5–8 days apart. Whereas the acquisition of CRs was similar between the CS modality conditions, the timing of the CRs differed such that earlier CR onset and peak latencies were associated with the visual CS. In addition, CR timing improved across testing sessions, as indicated by the later CR peak latencies exhibited during the second testing session, as compared with the first.  相似文献   

The nature of visual and auditory coding processes in students with learning disabilities (SLDs) and student controls (SCs) was examined with a letter-matching task on four types of successively presented letter pairs: identical (A,A), visually confusable (P,R), auditorily confusable (F,S), and neither visually nor auditorily confusable (N,T). Two delay intervals (0 and 2 seconds) were used between the presentation of the first and second letters. Analysis of decision latencies on the nonidentical letter pair trials revealed that with initial exposure to the task, the SLDs responded more slowly than SCs, but their general confusability patterns (visual and auditory) were similar. With additional practice, overall decision latencies were comparable for the two groups, while confusability differences emerged: SCs showed maximal visual confusability at a 0-second delay and maximal auditory confusability at a 2-second delay, while SLDs did not. Evidently, SLDs make less extensive use of visual and auditory coding processes compared to SCs.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of visual and auditory modes of input on long-term memory. In Experiment 1, 40 subjects learned a 40-word list presented in a blocked or random fashion. In the blocked conditions learners were presented half the nouns in one modality followed by the remaining 20 words in the other modality (See-Hear or Hear-See). Subjects in random conditions also received half the list in each modality, but the presentation was random (Mixed or Mixed Reverse). Following a 6-min delay, subjects completed an 80-item visual recognition test. Analysis of these data showed significantly (p < .05) greater recognition of words presented visually than those presented auditorily. Experiment 2 was designed to test the hypothesis that learners may visualize a “literal copy” of the stimulus item by controlling for the extent to which the recognition measure offered a visual cue. Two groups of 40 subjects were examined using the same procedure used in Experiment 1, with the exception that one group received a visual recognition test while the other was tested auditorily. These data showed that the lack of a visual cue hindered the recognition of visually presented words, while it had little effect on stimuli presented auditorily. The results of these experiments were interpreted as support for the hypothesis that physical characteristics of a stimulus may persist in memory well beyond immediate memory intervals. Subjects were seen to make modality-specific decisions by testing long-term memory for the presence or absence of a visual memory trace.  相似文献   

In three Pavlovian magazine approach experiments, rats received conditioning of auditory and visual stimuli by pairing with a pellet. Then the stimuli received additional conditioning while presented in simultaneous compound and were tested either immediately or after a delay. The compound conditioning resulted in a decrement in responding to the individual stimuli (overexpectation). However, there was recovery of responding with the passage of time. These results suggest that the decrements produced by an overexpectation procedure share some properties with those produced by nonreinforcement.  相似文献   

A bottlenosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) with good underwater and aerial visual acuity was tested in visual matching-to-sample (MTS) paradigms. Attempts to train visual identity MTS directly, using two simple two-dimensional patterns as sample stimuli and as alternatives (comparison stimuli), met with little success, in keeping with previously observed difficulties of this auditory-specialized species for learning complex tasks utilizing simple visual materials. Pairing of each visual sample with a unique sound, to produce a compound auditory-visual sample, while retaining the two visual alternatives, resulted in the dolphin’s learning both auditory-visual symbolic matching and visual-visual identity matching. At 0-sec delay, performance with the auditory element of the sample alone was equivalent (76%) to performance with the visual element alone; performance with the compound was distinctly better (95%–98% correct). Testing with longer delays using the visual element alone resulted in successful matching through to a maximum delay of 34 sec. These results provided the first demonstration of delayed MTS in a dolphin using visual materials, and complemented other data showing the ready capability of this species for delayedauditory MTS. It appeared that the dolphin solved the visual MTS task by forming auditory codes to represent the visual materials, and that these auditory codes were eventually replaced with purely visual codes.  相似文献   

In the present experiment, we compared directly pigeons’ short-term memory of temporal and visual stimuli in a delayed matching-to-sample task. The sample stimuli consisted of red and green lights presented for 5 and 30 sec, followed by a retention interval and blue and yellow comparisons. For subjects in the visual group, duration was irrelevant and the color of the sample was the conditional cue. For animals in the temporal group, color was irrelevant and duration of the sample was the conditional stimulus. The results showed that acquisition of the matching task was faster and accuracy was higher in the visual than in the temporal group. More importantly, memory of either sample generally declined at a similar rate when the duration of the retention interval was increased and when the intertrial interval was reduced. Taken together, the results indicate that with 1–8-sec retention intervals, short-term memory for temporal stimuli is similar to that found with color-visual samples. The findings are discussed in terms of retrospective and prospective processing.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, pigeons were trained to discriminate the duration (2 or 8 sec) of an empty interval separated by two 1325-Hz tone markers by responding to red and green comparison stimuli. During delay testing, a choose-short bias occurred at 1 sec, but a robust choose-long bias occurred at 9 sec. Responding in the absence of tone markers indicated that the pigeons were attending to the markers and not simply timing the total trial duration. The birds were then trained to match short (2-sec) or long (8-sec) empty intervals marked by light to blue/yellow comparisons. For both visual and auditory markers, delay testing produced a choose-short bias at 1 sec and a choose-long bias at 9 sec. In Experiment 2, the pigeons were shifted from a fixed to variable intertrial intervals (ITI) within sessions. On trials with tone markers, the duration of both the empty interval and the preceding ITI affected choice responding. On trials with light markers, only the duration of the empty interval influenced choice responding. Subsequent delay testing in the context of variable ITIs replicated the memory biases previously obtained. In Experiment 3, performance was assessed at various delay intervals on trials in which either the first or the second marker was omitted. The data from these omission tests indicated that the first marker initiated timing but that the second marker sometimes initiated the timing of a new interval. Explanations of these effects in terms of the internal clock model of timing are discussed, and a simple quantitative model of the delay interval data is tested.  相似文献   

A rhesus monkey was tested in an auditory list memory task with blocked and mixed retention delays. Each list of four natural or environmental sounds (from a center speaker) was followed by a retention delay (0, 1, 2, 10, 20, or 30 sec) and then by a recognition test (from two side speakers). The monkey had been tested for 12 years in tasks with blocked delays. An earlier (4 years prior) blocked-delay test was repeated, with virtually identical results. The results from the mixed-delay test were likewise similar. Thus, the peculiarities of blocked-delay testing, such as delay predictability or differences in list spacing, apparently do not alter this monkey’s memory for auditory lists. It is concluded from this and other evidence that the monkey’s serial position functions reflect mnemonic processes that change with changes in retention delay and are not artifacts of the blocked-delay procedure. The nature of the monkey’s auditory memory is discussed.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, short-term memory for lists of visual stimuli was studied in four squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). A delayed-matching procedure was used in which a subject was presented with lists containing one, three, or six stimulus patterns, and memory for serial positions was probed by requiring the subject to choose between a list item and a nonlist item. The rate of item presentation was varied, as was the delay between the final item on a list and the retention test. In Experiment 2, the same procedures were used to compare recognition memory in four monkeys and four humans. Although differences in the levels and shapes of the serial-position curves appeared between species, both monkeys and humans showed primacy and recency effects. The presentation time of stimuli had a negligible effect on performance in both monkeys and humans, whereas delay significantly affected human retention but not monkey retention.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats were trained to leverpress on a variable ratio (VR) 30 schedule with a 500-msec delay between the reinforced response and food delivery. Subjects that experienced a signal during the delay responded faster than did control subjects that received the stimulus un-correlated with reinforcement. Higher response rates were obtained when the stimulus used to signal reinforcement was auditory rather than visual. Experiments 2 and 3 compared the effects of signaling reinforcement with either a localized or a diffuse light on responding maintained by VR schedules of reinforcement. Elevated response rates were observed with the diffuse stimulus, but the localized stimulus failed to produce such potentiation. Experiment 3 also examined the conditioned reinforcing power of localized and diffuse visual stimuli. These results are discussed with reference to (1) theories of selective association and sign tracking and (2) their implications for current theories of signaling reinforcement.  相似文献   

Treatments that interfere with animals’ short-term retention (e.g., in delayed matching-to-sample) were studied using a spatial memory task. Rats performed in an eight-arm radial maze in which choosing each arm without repetition was the optimal behavior. Performances were interrupted between fourth and fifth choices for a delay of 15 sec to 2 min. A variety of events occurring during the delay interval did not disrupt memories for prior choices (as assessed by the accuracy of postdelay choices). The ineffective treatments included variations in visual and auditory environments, removal from the maze, food consumed during the delay, a distinctive odor added to the maze, or combinations of these manipulations. Additionally, performance on another spatial task (a four-arm maze) during the delay between Choices 4 and 5 did not interfere with performance in the eight-arm maze. These findings suggest that rats’ memories for spatial locations are immune to retroactive interference, at least within the range of conditions reported, and that the rat can successfully segregate memories for spatial locations established in different contexts.  相似文献   

Linguistic labels play an important role in young children's conceptual organization: When 2 entities share a label, people expect these entities to share many other properties. Two classes of explanations of the importance of labels seem plausible: a language-specific and a general auditory explanation. The general auditory explanation argues that the importance of labels stems from a privileged processing status of auditory input (as compared with visual input) for young children. This hypothesis was tested and supported in 4 experiments. When auditory and visual stimuli were presented separately, 4-year-olds were likely to process both kinds of stimuli, whereas when auditory and visual stimuli were presented simultaneously, 4-year-olds were more likely to process auditory stimuli than visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Four of 8 monkeys were successfully trained on an identity matching-to-sample task employing two acoustic stimuli. In five subsequent tests with different pairs of auditory stimuli, their performances were at levels that provided strong evidence for concept-mediated transfer. Thus, despite past failures to demonstrate the matching concept in the auditory modality, the present results indicate that the matching concept is not limited in monkeys to the visual modality. On the other hand, the failure of 4 subjects to learn the initial matching task constitutes additional evidence of cognitive asymmetry in monkeys with regard to the visual and auditory modalities.  相似文献   

Pigeons acquired a successive delayed matching-to-sample task at a delay interval of 4 sec. Instructional stimuli were interpolated in the delay interval signaling the occurrence (R-cue) or nonoccurrence (F-cue) of comparison stimuli, a procedure modeled after the directed forgetting techniques commonly used in human memory studies. Accuracy on probe trials (in which comparison stimuli were presented following F-cues) was reduced relative to performance on standard training trials in which R-cues signaling the occurrence of comparison stimuli appeared in the same temporal location. The extent of the reduction in accuracy depended on the temporal location of the F-cues, the reduction being greater when the cue was more remote from the comparison stimuli. Examination of retention interval keypecking revealed a strong correlation between matching performance and retention interval responding.  相似文献   

Effects of extended training (nine sessions, 50 trials each) on two-way avoidance response latencies were studied. For each rat, auditory and visual warning signals (CS) were presented on separate trials, either according to a Gellermann series or in 25-trial blocks. Intermittent presentation of the two kinds of trials yielded shorter latencies and higher levels of avoidance performance in response to the noise CS than in response to the darkness CS. Presentation of trials in blocks revealed stronger response-eliciting properties of stimuli presented during the second half of the session than of those presented during the first half. A significant decrease of avoidance performance in the early portions of the delay period, an index of inhibition of delay, was obtained on auditory trials presented in the second half of the sessions. Results indicate that strong fear of the warning signal is required for inhibition of delay of avoidance responses.  相似文献   

Young children often have a preference for auditory input, with auditory input often overshadowing visual input. The current research investigated the developmental trajectory and factors underlying these effects with 137 infants, 132 four-year-olds, and 89 adults. Auditory preference reverses with age: Infants demonstrated an auditory preference, 4-year-olds switched between auditory and visual preference, and adults demonstrated a visual preference. Furthermore, younger participants were likely to process stimuli only in the preferred modality, thus exhibiting modality dominance, whereas adults processed stimuli in both modalities. Finally, younger participants ably processed stimuli presented to the nonpreferred modality when presented in isolation, indicating that auditory and visual stimuli may be competing for attention early in development. Underlying factors and broader implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In delayed matching-to-sample with pigeons, brief postsample cues signaled different trial outcomes. The normal comparison stimuli followed the cue to remember (R cue). In the comparison-omission procedure, comparison stimuli and reinforcement were omitted following the cue to forget (F cue). In the comparison-substitution procedure, comparison stimuli were replaced by a single stimulus and reinforcement for a single response following the F cue. Infrequent probe trials revealed that F cues disrupted matching, with the amount of accuracy loss dependent on the length of the cue-comparison delay. These results, however, were found only with the comparison-omission procedure (Experiment 1). Replacing the comparison stimuli with another simultaneous (unconditional) discrimination revealed no accuracy loss in F-cue probes (Experiment 2), even though choice latencies were again lengthened by F cues. These results suggest that, while the F cue interferes with performance at the time of a retention test by slowing choices, it also interferes with sample retention. Alternative models of the cuing effect and its apparent dependence on end-of-trial reward are outlined.  相似文献   

Infants, preschoolers, and adults were tested to determine the shortest time interval at which they would respond to the precedence effect--an auditory phenomenon produced by presenting the same sound through 2 loudspeakers with the input to 1 loudspeaker delayed relative to the other. The delayed sound is not localized at its source until time delays between onsets are lengthened beyond a critical limit, or threshold. Thresholds for the precedence effect were defined as the delay interval below which listeners respond only to the leading loudspeaker and above which they respond to both loudspeakers. Threshold estimates were determined for adults and preschoolers with an ascending and descending series, followed by a method of constant stimuli series. Infants were trained to respond to the delayed sound using a visually reinforced headturning procedure. For clicks, preschoolers' and adults' thresholds were around 12 msec, while 6-month-olds stopped responding to the delayed sound around 25 msec. A similar developmental difference in threshold was expressed between preschoolers and adults for a more complex sound, with younger subjects hearing the precedence effect over a longer time delay.  相似文献   

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